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1、2023英语课全英文的教学设计造就用英语获得信息,与人合作的实力。激发他们学习英语的爱好和热忱,在接近生活常态的交际中乐于效仿,敢于开口,踊跃参与。下面是我整理的20xx英语课全英文教学设计5篇,欢送大家阅读共享借鉴,盼望大家宠爱,也盼望对大家有所帮助。 20xx英语课全英文教学设计1 教学目标 1能够圈出一样的字母,娴熟认读26个英文字母。 2数出文具单词的数量,听说认读AB局部Lets learn的8个文具的单词:crayon,pencil,pen,eraser,ruler,bag,book,pencil-box。 教学重难点 教学重点: 1字母的认读; 2听说认读8个文具的单词:cray

2、on,pencil,eraser,ruler,bag,book,pen,pencil box。 教学难点: 较精确读出各单词,尤其是crayon和eraser两个单词的发音。 教学工具 ppt课件 教学过程 Greetings T: Hello,boysand girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Ren. T: Hello,ImMiss Ren. S: Hello,Im. T: Hello,Whatsyour name? S: My names. Presentation 1 I have somefriends.Lets say hello to them.通过与字母打招呼,复习2

3、6个字母。 2 We have somany new friends. Are you happy? Lets sing together. 师生齐唱字母歌,复习稳固字母。 3 the letter“a”made some new friends.He has a show for us. 通过字母秀的形式引出文具单词,并通过短语Showme your. Open your. Close your. Carryyour.操练单词。 Drill 1 The letter “a”is coming. Lets help the letter find the same friends.老师先做例子

4、,然后学生两人一组圈出一样的字母。 2 The lettersshow is great. Now its your show time.师生TPR活动操练稳固单词。 3 You did a goodjob.I have some gifts for you.老师将树叶形态的单词卡片做成书签的形态,发给学生,操练单词的认读状况。 Consolidation The lettersshow is over. They are tired. We must send them home. 通过送字母回家的活动,稳固所学文具单词。 We should takegood care of your st

5、ationary. 观看视频,引出情感教化。 Homework Draw a pictureof stationary,and introduce them to your parents. 用所学文具画一幅文具图片,并介绍给父母听。 20xx英语课全英文教学设计2 教学目标 1.正确认读26个大小写字母,会背字母表。 2. 能找出一样的字母。 教学重难点 【教学重点】相像字母的区分和变更较大的大写字母的记忆。 【教学难点】有些字母可能难以正确发音。 教学工具 ppt 教学过程 (一)热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.师生做日常口语练习: A: Hi, boys and gi

6、rls, B: Hi, Miss Zhu, 2.Lets sing ;Hello 3.复习文具词汇 , Find and match,看图连线,举手抢答,带着同学们进展操练。 (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 1.课堂导入:以问题起先,如小挚友们以前有没有听说过26个英文字母啊?有没有哪些挚友会读一些字母啊? 2. watch and repeat 观看26个字母的书写发音视频,谨慎听并效仿朗读。 3. Lets learn接下来,老师逐个教学字母边领读边板书,并用课件出示大小写字母(学生一边跟读一边在空中仿写)。 Chant: T: A is for apple S: apple

7、、apple、apple (三)趣味操练(Practice) 1. 开火车按字母表依次认读。 2. 课件单个出示字母,点名认读。 3. 连线:将大小写字母连起来(回答下列问题时要求先大声念出大写字母,再和哪一个小写字母相连)。 4.find out完成课本上在画中找字母任务。 (四)扩展性活动(Add-activities) 1.show time 出示小组找到的生活中的字母 2.Lets sing ABCs song 第一遍先播放音乐学生听 其次遍全体齐唱,可以拍手唱。给与表现好的同学嘉奖。之后老师请一位同学来带着大家唱,课件出示26个字母,包括大小写,可以点唱。 3.回家复习稳固26个字母

8、的认读。 20xx英语课全英文教学设计3 教学目标 1.能听、说、认读单词red、yellow、green、blue并能在实际情境中运用。 2. 通过用Lets do局部“Show me.”的指令练习和运用有关颜色的单词,训练学生的动手实力。 3.通过学习,学生能依据自己宠爱的颜色设计东西,造就其动手的实力。 教学重难点 重点:驾驭颜色单词red、yellow、green、blue。 难点: 会用句型I see.描述自己看到的颜色。 教学工具 PPT课件、人物头饰、单词卡片、图片 教学过程 1、Warm-up (1)T:Hello,boys and girls.Im your newteach

9、er today.My name is ChengGuangRui.So you can call me Mr.Cheng Ss:Hello.Mr.Cheng. T:Today we will learn Unit2 Colours(课件出示Colours单词,老师领读),Doyou know colours? 引导学生也可用汉语答复颜色 T:Letssing a song about colours,the songs name iscolours,Please stand up,clap your hands.(师生齐唱歌曲) 2.Presentation: (1)课件出示学校的平面图和本

10、课中出现的人物图,让生进展操练,为本课的学习做好铺垫。 T:Lets go on,Look,whats this?(课件出示学校图)引导学生说出school,老师领读(留意升降调)At school,we have many friends,Look,they are coming.(老师逐一介绍四个人物的名字) Lets say“hello” tothem. (2)课件出示公园图片,引导学生说出在公园里看到的风光,同时呈现本课的录音视频。 T:Today is a very sunny day.Our friends are going to the park(呈现公园图片) 领读单词par

11、k.Do you want to gothere?Lets go,Listen(课件播放公园里鸟的叫声)What do you see inthe park?(学生也可用汉语答复) T:Yes,its a beautiful park.Do you see the flowers?Do you see thetrees?Do you see the rainbow? Ss: Yes/No. T:What do you see in the park? Lets go,listen carefully(播放课文录音,让学生细致的听) T:What do you see in the park?

12、Do you remember?引导学生利用句型I see.(板书)进展描述。 引导学生分别说出:I see red/yellow/green/blue.(出示四种颜色的图片贴到黑板上) T:How many colours do you see in the park?Do you remember?Lets listenagain,This time pay attention to the words.(再次播放视频让学生跟读) T:How many colours do you see in the park?(课件出示四种颜色的图片,引导学生说出这几种颜色)Theyare red/y

13、ellow/green/blue.(板书四个单词,同时对学生进展书写标准训练) 播放chant伴奏,让学生看黑板跟唱。操练四个颜色单词。 T:OK,Ihave these colours.Look(分别呈现四个单词卡片) 老师领读、齐读、分组读 (3)T:OK,now,listen(再次播放chant伴奏,师生看黑板齐唱) (4)活动:I say,you do T:Here are the colours,(出示四种颜色的彩笔)Look,on your desk, you have the crayons,listen,when I say red,youcan take up the red

14、 crayon quickly,letstry. (5)课件出示四个句子,让学生进展操练。 T:Look here,In the park,we see many colours(课件呈现四个人物说的句子,学生齐读)OK,showme your finger(让生手指四个句子齐读) (6)让生翻开课本自己读,然后呈现chant文本,让生跟唱。 (7)活动:Colour your park T:Now you have a new park,colour your park colourful. 学生起先活动,老师在下面巡察指导。 (8)找学生汇报自己的作品,利用句子I see.进展描述。 六、

15、Homework: 绘制一个公园和你的家人一起共享。 20xx英语课全英文教学设计4 听懂,会说Good morning! This is .并能在实际情景中进展运用。要求效仿正确,语调自然。 教学重难点 教学重点:学生学习早上问候语 Good morning. 及介绍人物用语 This is 。 教学难点:介绍人物用语 This is 一句的发音较难,口型和发音不易到位,老师要适当提示,切不行盲目订正发音,从而挫伤孩子的学习踊跃性。 教学工具 ppt课件 教学过程 1、热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision) (1)老师播放第一单元的歌曲 Hello,师生共唱。 (2)用所学打招呼用

16、语,师生相互问候。 2、 呈现新课、操练 (Presentation/ Practice) A(1)老师出示自己的照片:Its me .Im MR Ma . Now I show another photo to you .Look who is he? Yeah he is Ma Yun , he is MR Ma too .We are all man . Man 引出 MR 。 Who can read it? Rise your hands please ! (2)Teacher:I have a beautiful girls photo,look ,she is Yang Mi.

17、Your can call her Miss Yang . Look ,who is she ? Yeach she is FanBingbing . Miss Fan . They are all girls . 引出Miss . Who can read it? Rise your hands please ! Can you inteoduce yourself with MR or Miss ? Im B(1) T:Whats this? 引导学生用已经学过的:This is a pencil ./This is aruler 展示Miss Green 的照片 引出:This is M

18、iss Green . This is Miss White . This is Mr Jones . (2)Practice: 练习用 图片呈现 进一步练习this is 。介绍某人 (同时练习运用MR MISS) (3)用所学学问 this is Mr/Miss 介绍同桌。 C:morning (1)、出示一个时钟,从6点到十二点都伴随着morning这个词,帮助学生理解morning这个词的时间段。 (2)、教读操练 morning. 老师向学生打招呼:T: Good morning.引出Good morning. 学生操练Good morning. D:FLASH来展示Lets tal

19、k局部的对话时 学生跟读并效仿Lets talk 局部的内容. 学生分小组,扮演对话中的人物或其他人物,进展实际沟通。 学生展示练习状况。 3、活动、操练 (Activities/ Practice) 介绍好挚友给你的同桌: Good morning, this is. Draw and Say:画一画,说一说。画画你相识的人介绍给大家。 4、 课外活动(Add-activities) 广文博见。熟人见面问候语:Hello!你好! 上午见面问候语:Good morning!早上好! 下午见面问候语:Good afternoon!下午好! 晚上见面问候语:Good evening!晚上好! 20

20、xx英语课全英文教学设计5 教学目标 1.认知目标:能听懂,会说Look at me! This is my face;nose; mouth; ear; eye; 2.实力目标:通过见面打招呼,描述自己等情景,让学生在效仿、学习、表演的根底上逐步到达自然与真实运用的目的。 3.情感目标:造就学生乐于助人的优良品质,帮助残疾人,并且疼惜眼睛预防近视 教学重难点 1.重点:驾驭句子Look at me! This is my face 2.难点:区分a和an的发音以及S复数用法。 能娴熟地运用问候语和介绍语来进展交际。 教学工具 ppt课件 教学过程 Step I Warming up 1、Gr

21、eetings . Good morning ,boys and girls! Im Miss Fan.Im very happy today,.How are you ? 2、Are you ready for class? Lets do and sing, “Hello ,Hello ,How are you ?” Have Ss do actions with another.(设计意图:轻松欢快的歌曲伴动作 作为开场白,同时复习旧知,带着学生轻松进入课堂主题,音乐、图像使抽象的语言变得更加直观。) Step Presentation 1、Show a toy Mickey. T: T

22、his is my new friend ,Mickey, I think its beautiful. Teacher acts the Mickey :”Hello! Look at me! This is my face .” Write on the blackboard . 2、T: Who wants to touch ?Touch.touch! Have Ss touch Mickeys face . Show word card-face.(设计意图:用卡通玩偶米奇导入face单词,并鼓舞学生touch,学生乐于承受,同时导入了两个新词汇并为活泼轻松的课堂气氛打下根底。) St

23、ep Practice 1、 Show the screen, Have Ss read together “Look at me ! This is my face!” 2、 Give students some people face card(such as Mike,Chen Jie,John,etc.) , Have students say”Look at me!This is my face!” and pass the card one by one. T: OK!This group is great! Clap your hands. Stick a letter card

24、 for your group on the blackboard. (设计意图:评价是一节活泼而有序的课堂必不行少的措施,也大大提高了40分钟的课堂效率) 3、 Point to Teachers nose , T: Look at me !This is my face .This is my nose . Ask one student to stand up .teacher point to him/her nose .T: This is your nose . Show word card ,Teach students “nose”.Read the word one by o

25、ne .Give the best one a winner picture. 4、 Take out a bears face , T: look! Zoom is coming! Use the same way to teach others words . Stick them on the blackboard(word cards and Zooms face) . 5、 Have students point to the word .as soon as possible. T: Look at me! This is my mouth/nose/ear/eye. Ask tw

26、o students come to the front and point tothe correct word . 6、 Show the screen , Ask one student to read the dialogs .”Look at me !This is my eye /ear /mouth/nose.” 7、 Play a game,throw a die , Ask some students come to the front and touch the whiteboard . Read the sentence and fill in the blanks”Th

27、is is my _.” 8、 Guessing game . Have students guess ,There are six number pictures on the screen ,Ask student to touch and guess ,what picture is under the number.Have them pay attention to “an eye,an ear”and “eyes” 9、 Show CAI. Ask students ,“Do you remember colours ? Review colours. Show some pict

28、ures with different eyes. Have Ss fill in the blanks “look at me!This is my_ “red eyes” or “black eyes”. 10、 Show different pictures who has long nose(elephant) , big mouth(crocodile), long ears(rabbit) , big eyes(owl) , Have Ss fill in theblanks. It has a long_. It has a big_. It has two long_. It

29、has two big_. Have Ss pay attention to “two ears ,twoeyes.”(设计意图:利用多媒体,设置大量的任务型活动,让孩子在愉悦的主动地气氛下学习新知和稳固新知,全方位的增加学生学习英语的自信念。 11、 Tell students(情感教化)PPT : Boys and girls,we have two bright eyes.But if you dont be careful,you will not have beautiful eyes.Maybe you have to wear glasses just like me .So y

30、oushould protect your eyes carefully. 12、 Teacher takes out a babys picture. T :Look !This baby is so lovely ,This is the beautiful eye, nose ,mouth and so on .Who wants to have a try ?Touch,touch! Close your eyes . Touch,touch! Can you touch the eyes?Ask studentscome to the front. 13、 Play the vide

31、o. Lets do .Have students stand up and do together , Say the dialog loudly. “close your eyes.open your mouth.touch your nose.touch your ear.touch your face.” Step Wrap-up 1、 Draw,stick and talk , Draw a face,a nose ,a mouth ,two eyes,two ears,then stick them. Talk about them with your partner. Hello

32、!My names _.Look at me ! This is my _,thisis my_,this is my_,this is my_,this is Ask some students show their cards and talk about them.设计意图:情境表演的输出是可以检验课堂教学成功的程度,它的设置是学生对于本课学问驾驭与否的呈现,也是生生合作学习的一个简洁而有效的模式。 2、 T: I want to draw a baby now ! I draw a face.I draw two eyes.I draw two ears.I draw a nose.I

33、 draw a mouth. OK! Teacher draws a baby on the whiteboard.Baby says: Haha! Look at me! This is my face.This is my eye.This is my ear.Thisis my nose.This is my mouth. 3、 Tell students(情感教化PPT) : Boys and girls,we have a nose, a mouth , two bright eyes, two sensitive ears. But not everyone has them,so

34、 we should cherish them and help others. Suchas crossing the street,writing, reading and so on Step Homework 1,Listen and read new words 20 minutes after school.Talk about them with your friends. 2,Do exercise book. 板书 UNIT 3 Look at me! Group 1 2 Look at me! This is my face. This is my nose. This is my eye. This is my ear. This is my mouth. 20xx英语课全英文教学设计

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