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1、Ernest-HemingwayErnest-HemingwayThe literary characteristics of American modern literature(1)Theme:In general terms,much serious literature written from 1914 onwards attempted to convey a vision of social breakdown and moral decay and the writers task was to develop techniques that could represent a

2、 break with the past.Thus,the defining formal characteristics of the modernistic works are discontinuity and fragmentation.The literary characteristics of American modern literature(2)Technical experimentation:An awareness of the irrational and the workings of the unconscious mind are pervasive in m

3、uch modernistic writing.Technically,modernism was marked by a persistent experimentalism.It rejected the traditional framework of narrative,description,and rational exposition in poetry and prose,in favor of a stream of consciousness presentation of personality,a dependence on the poetic image as th

4、e essential vehicle of aesthetic communication,and upon myth as a characteristic structural principle.The literary characteristics of American modern literatureCompared with earlier writings,modern American writings are notable for what they omit-the explanations,interpretations,connections,and summ

5、aries.There are shifts in perspective,voice,and tone,but the biggest shift is from the external to the internal,from the public to the private,from the chronological to the psychic,from the objective description to the subjective projection.Modern American writers in general emphasize the concrete s

6、ensory images or details as the direct conveyer of experience.They strive for directness,compression,and vividness and are sparing of words.Modern fiction prefer suggestiveness and tend to employ the first person narration or limit the reader to the central consciousness or one characters point of v

7、iew.This limitation accorded with the modernistic vision that truth does not exist objectively but is the product of a personal interaction with reality.As a result,the effect of modern American writings is surprising,unsettling,and shocking.Hemingway:life and writingHemingway was a myth in his own

8、time and his life was colorful.He was born in Oak Park,Illinois.Hemingway loved sports and often went hunting and fishing with his father,which provided him with writing materials.After high school,he worked as a reporter.During World War I he served as an honorable junior officer in the American Re

9、d Cross Ambulance Corps and in 1918 was severely wounded in both legs.After the war,he went to Paris as a foreign reporter.Influenced and guided by Sherwood Anderson,Stephen Crane and Gertrude Stein he became a writer and began to attract attention.Sherwood AndersonGertrude Stein Hemingway was marri

10、ed four times.Hemingway spent time in Key West,Florida,Spain,and Africa after 1927.He was a war correspondent from 1936-1939 during the Spanish Civil War.After the war,Hemingway moved to Havana,Cuba,and in 1958 moved to Idaho.In 1961,Hemingway shot himself with gun in his home.Hemingway believed tha

11、t to write well,you should experience first hand the subject about which you write.He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1953(for Old Man and the Sea)and the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.His major worksHis first book In Our Time(1925)presents a Hemingway hero called Nick Adams.Exposed to and victimized b

12、y violence in various forms,Nick becomes the prototype of the wounded hero who,with all the dignity and courage he could muster,confronts situations which are not of his own choosing yet threaten his destruction.His major worksThe Sun Also Rises(l926),Hemingways first true novel,casts light on The L

13、ost Generation.The young expatriates in this novel are a group of wandering,amusing,but aimless people,who are caught in the war and removed from the path of ordinary life.His major worksHemingways second big success A Farewell to Arms(1929)wrote the epitaph to a decade and to the whole generation i

14、n the 1920s.It tells us about the tragic love story about a wounded American soldier with a British nurse.Frederick Henry represents the experience of a whole nation,who is wounded in war and disillusioned with the insanity and futility of the universe.In this novel,Hemingway not only emphasizes his

15、 belief that man is trapped both physically and mentally,but goes to same lengths to refute the idea of nature as an expression of either Gods design or his beneficence and to suggest that man is doomed to be entrapped.His major worksFor Whom the Bell Tolls concerns a volunteer American guerrilla Ro

16、bert Jordan fighting in the Spanish Civil War.Although fully aware of the doomed failure of his struggle,he keeps on striving because it is a cause of freedom and democracy.In the end,the manner of his dying convinces people that life is worth living and there are causes worth dying for.His major wo

17、rksThe Old Man and the Sea,capping his career and leading to his receipt of the Nobel Prize,is about an old Cuban fisherman Santiago and his losing battle with a giant marlin.In a tragic sense,it is a representation of life as a struggle against unconquerable natural forces in which only a partial v

18、ictory is possible.Nevertheless,there is a feeling of great respect for the struggle and mankind.His major worksHemingways other important works includeMen Without Women(1927),Death in the Afternoon(l932),The Green Hills of Africa(1935),The Snows Of Kilimanjaro(1936)To Have and Have Not(1937).Point

19、of view(influenced by experience in war)(1)He felt that WWI had broken Americas culture and traditions,and separated from its roots.He wrote about men and women isolated from tradition,frightened,sometimes ridiculous,trying to find their own way.point of view(influenced by experience in war)(2)He co

20、ndemned war as purposeless slaughter,but the attitude changed when he took part in Spanish Civil War when he found that fascism was a cause worth fighting for.point of view(influenced by experience in war)(3)He wrote about courage and cowardice in battlefield.He defined courage as“an instinctive mov

21、ement towards or away from the centre of violence with self-preservation and self-respect,the mixed motive”.He also talked about the courage with which to face tragedies of life that can never be remedied.point of view(influenced by experience in war)(4)Hemingway is essentially a negative writer.It

22、is very difficult for him to say“yes”.He holds a black,naturalistic view of the world and sees it as“all a nothing”and“all nada”.Spokesman for the Lost Generation The Lost Generation refers to,in general,the post-WWI generation,but specifically a group of expatriate disillusioned intellectuals and a

23、rtists,who experimented on new modes of thought and expression by rebelling against former ideals and values and replacing them only by despair or a cynical hedonism(享乐主义).The remark of Gertrude Stein,“You are all a lost generation,”addressed to Hemingway,was used as an epigraph(题词,引语)to Hemingways

24、novel The Sun Also Rises,which brilliantly describes those expatriates who had cut themselves off from their past in America in order to create new types of writing.The generation was“lost”in the sense that they were disillusioned with the war-wrecked world and spiritually alienated from a U.S.that

25、seemed to be hopelessly provincial(偏狭的),materialistic,and emotional barren.The term embraces Hemingway,F.Scott Fitzgerald,Ezra Pound,E.E.Cummings,and many other writers who made Paris the center of their literary activities in the 1920s.They were basically expatriates who left America and formed a c

26、ommunity of writers and artists in Paris,involved with other European novelists and poets in their experimentation on new modes of thought and expression.also called expatriate movement,or the second American Renaissance,is the most recognizable literary movement that gave rise to the 20th century A

27、merican literature.Disillusioned and disgusted by the frivolous,greedy,and heedless way of life in America,many young men began to write and they wrote from their own experiences in the war.Among these young writers were the most prominent figures in American literature,especially in modern American

28、 literature.Hemingway Code HeroIt refers to some protagonists in Hemingways works.In the general situation of Hemingways novels,life is full of tension and battles;the world is in chaos and man is always fighting desperately a losing battle.Those who survive and perhaps emerge victorious in the proc

29、ess of seeking to master the code with a set of principles such as honor,courage,endurance,wisdom,discipline and dignity are known as the Hemingway code Hero.To behave well in the lonely,losing battle with life is to show grace under pressure and constitutes in itself a kind of victory,a theme clear

30、ly established in The Old Man and The Sea.Though life is but a losing battle,it is a struggle man can dominate in such a way that loss becomes dignity;man can be physically destroyed but never defeated spiritually.Obviously,Hemingways limited fictional world implies a much broader thematic pattern a

31、nd serious philosophical concern.Hemingway Code Heroes plainly embody Hemingways own values and view of life.Hemingways styleHis style is probably the most widely imitated of any in the 20th century.He is generally known for his mastery of the art of modern narration.Hemingway himself once said,The

32、dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.Typical of this iceberg analogy is Hemingways style.Hemingways styleAccording to Hemingway,good literary writing should be able to make readers feel the emotion of the characters directly and the best way to produce

33、the effect is to set down exactly every particular kind of feeling without any authorial comments,without conventionally emotive language,and with a bare minimum of adjectives and adverbs.Seemingly simple and natural,Hemingways style is actually polished and tightly controlled,but highly suggestive

34、and connotative.Hemingways styleWhile rendering vividly the outward physical events and sensations Hemingway expresses the meaning of the story and conveys the complex emotions of his characters with a considerable range and astonishing intensity of feeling.Hemingways styleBesides,Hemingway develops

35、 the style of colloquialism initiated by Mark Twain.The accents and mannerisms of human speech are so well presented that the characters are full of flesh and blood and the use of short,simple and conventional words and sentences has an effect of clearness,terseness(言简意赅)and great care.This ruthless

36、 economy in his writing stands as a striking application of Mies van der Rohes architectural maxim:Less is more.No wonder Hemingway was highly praised by the Nobel Prize Committee for his powerful,style-forming mastery of the art of modern narration,as most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and t

37、he Sea,and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style For his powerful,style-forming mastery of the art of modern narration,as most recently evinced in The Old Man and the Sea.For his powerful,style-forming mastery of the art of modern narration,as most recently evinced in The Old M

38、an and the Sea.Hemingway is the fifth American to win the literary honor.The others were in chronological order:Sinclair Lewis,Eugene ONeill,Pearl S.Buck and William Faulkner.Ernest HemingwayThe Nobel Prize in Literature 1954 Banquet SpeechNo writer who knows the great writers who did not receive th

39、e Prize can accept it other than with _1_.There is no need to list these writers.Everyone here may make his own list according to his knowledge and his _2_.It would be impossible for me to ask the Ambassador of my country to read a speech in which a writer said all of the things which are in his hea

40、rt.Things may not be immediately discernible in what a man writes,and in this sometimes he is fortunate;but _3_ they are quite clear and by these and the degree of alchemy(炼金术)that he _4_ he will endure or be forgotten.Writing,at its best,is a lonely life.Organizations for writers palliate(减轻)the wr

41、iters loneliness but I doubt if they _5_ his writing.He grows in public _6_ as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates.For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face _7_,or the lack of it,each day.For a true writer each book should be a new beginning where

42、he tries again for something that is beyond _8_.He should always try for something that has never been done or that others have tried and failed.Then sometimes,with great luck,he will succeed.How simple the writing of _9_ would be if it were only necessary to write in another way what has been well

43、written.It is because we have had such great writers in the past that a writer is driven far out past where he can go,out to where no one can help him.I have spoken too long for a writer.A writer should write what he has to say and not speak it.Again I thank you.A Clean,Well-Lighted PlaceEarnest Hem

44、ingways short story A Clean,Well-Lighted Place written in 1933 is a story of despair and loneliness.Unlike so many of his other stories when his characters are reflected as heroes,this story is perhaps written on a more personal level that might give us some insight to the man that Hemingway really

45、was.This story is about a lonely,but dignified older gentleman who basically has insomnia and cant sleep.He is not like other men who go to bodegas and bars.He does not go to party or to meet women.He goes to escape the darkness,and to have a drink.It is also mentioned in the story that he tried to

46、kill himself,but was saved by his niece.A Clean,Well-lighted PlaceIn this story,Hemingway creates a classic opposition between light and darkness:the light in the caf offers a temporary respite from the darkness outside.Both symbolically and physically,the old man takes refuge in drinking brandy in

47、this pleasant atmosphere.The younger waiter has no real conception of the psychological or spiritual dimension of the customers activity;hence,all he does is complain about not getting to go home on time.But the older waiter can relate.He has more patience because he,like the old man,has stared into

48、 the Great Nada.Hemingway enables us to focus absolutely on the storys meaning that is,in a world characterized by nothingness,what possible action could take place?Likewise,that no character has a name and that there is no characterization emphasize the sterility of this world.Theme of this storyNo

49、thing,or nothingness.This is exactly what the story is about:nothingness and the steps we take against it.When confronting a world that is meaningless,how is someone who has rejected all of the old values,someone who is now completely alone how is that person supposed to face this barren world?How i

50、s that person able to avoid the darkness of nada,or nothingness?Hemingways real subject matter is the feeling of mans condition of nothingness and not the nothingness itself.Neither of the old men is a passive victim.The old man has his dignity.And the old man does leave with dignity.This is not muc

51、h this aged scrap of human dignity in the face of the human condition of nothingness,but,Hemingway is saying,sometimes it is all that we have.SymbolThe young waiter wants the old man to go to one of the all-night cafes,but the old waiter objects because he believes in the importance of cleanliness a

52、nd light.Here,in this well-lighted cafe,the light is a manmade symbol of mans attempt to hold off the darkness not permanently,but as late as possible.The old mans essential loneliness is less intolerable in light,where there is dignity.The danger of being alone,in darkness,in nothingness,is suicide

53、.Young waiterimpetuous and has a wife that he loves,a warm bed to go to,and has time on his sideCould not understand that an old,rich man tries to commit suicide over the despair of confronting nothingnessOlder waiterunhurried because he has no one waiting for himhas no place to go except to his emp

54、ty room.wiser,more tolerant,and more sensitiveknows all about despair and fearIt is all nothing that he knew too well.It was all nothing and a man was nothing.It was only that and light.and a certain cleanness and order.In order to hold nothingness,darkness,nada at bay,we must have light,cleanliness

55、,order(or discipline),and dignity.If everything else has failed,man must have something to resort to or else the only option is suicide and that is the ultimate end of everything.进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用



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