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2、触率为14.3%,比上年增加6.5个百分点;平板电脑阅读接触率为12.8%,比上年增加2.2个百分点。传统纸质媒介中,2017年我国成年国民人均每天阅读纸质图书时长为20.38分钟,人均每天阅读报纸时长为12.00分钟,人均每天阅读期刊时长为6.88分钟。2013年至2017年我国成年国民各类出版物人均阅读量2016年我国成年国民数字化阅读四个方式的接触率按从高到低排列正确的是()。A.网络在线阅读手机阅读电子阅读器阅读平板电脑阅读B.手机阅读网络在线阅读电子阅读器阅读平板电脑阅读C.网络在线阅读手机阅读平板电脑阅读电子阅读器阅读D.手机阅读网络在线阅读平板电脑阅读电子阅读器阅读答案:D 本题


4、误。故本题正确答案选D。2.金穗卡是中国农业银行银行卡产品品牌,其品牌理念是()。A.民之所用,金穗所创B.民之所求,金穗所动C.民心所向,金穗所创D.民心所享。金穗所想答案:D 本题解析:金穗卡是中国农业银行银行卡产品品牌,包含信用卡、借记卡两大产品体系,以先进的电子化手段为依托,实现以城市为中心覆盖全国的服务网络,充分满足不同客户群体消费、支付结算、汇兑、储蓄、代理业务、投资、理财等多种金融需求。品牌理念:民心所享,金穗所想。3.根据下列内容,回答201-205题。When we analyze the salt salinity(盐浓度) of ocean waters, we find

5、 that it varies only slightlyfrom place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basicprocesses that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from theocean by means of evaporation. In this manner, the salinity is increased

6、, since the salt stays be-hind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white salt would be left behind; this, by theway, is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtained.The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to theocean. Here the ocean is

7、 being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas ofhigh rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increasedby the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipi-tation.Normally, in hot r

8、egions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higherthan it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastalregions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.A third process by which salinity

9、may be altered is associated with the formation and melting ofsea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In thismanner, seawaterdirectly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared.Of course, when this ice melts, it will te

10、nd to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water.In the Weddell Sea, the densest water in the ocean is formed as a result of this freezing pro-cess, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeperportion of the oceans of the world.This passage mainly

11、 tells us about_.A.the analysis of the salinity of ocean watersB.the causes of the variation in oceanic salinityC.the importance of the changes in oceanic salinityD.the different forms of salts in ocean waters答案:B 本题解析:本题考查文章大意,根据“There are three basic pmcesses that cause a change in oceanic salinit

12、yOne of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation”,“The opposite of evaporation is precipitation和“A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice”可知,本文主要讲的是引起海水盐度变化的原因。4.下列句子中。没有歧义的一项是()。A.第二天。他们就坐飞机从北京去上海了B.他急匆匆

13、地跑过来,一下子撞倒了王明和李可的自行车。C.老王一走进屋子.看见他女儿十分高兴D.何师傅看见李师傅正在给他的徒弟们讲解车床的实际操作。答案:A 本题解析:B项中撞倒的可以是两个人的自行车,也可以是王明这个人和李可的自行车这个物。C项中“十分高兴”的可以是老王他自己。也可以是他女儿。D项中的“他”指代不明,可以是李师傅,也可以是何师傅。因此本题答案选A。5.联觉,是指各种感觉之间的相互联系和影响,是一种感觉兼有另一种感觉的一12,理现象。联觉最常见的现象是通过温度、形状、气味、声音或味道感知色彩。比如,红、橙、黄,类似于太阳和烈火的颜色,往往引起温暖感,是一种暧色。蓝、青、紫,类似于碧空和寒水

14、的颜色,常常引起寒冷感是一种冷色。根据上述定义,下列诗文中,不含联觉现象的一项是( )。A.微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。B.歌台暖向,春光融融;舞殿冷袖,风雨凄凄。C.恨君却似江楼月,暂满还亏。暂满还亏,待得团圆是几何D.清香落在人的心灵上比秋雨还要阴冷。答案:C 本题解析:联觉的定义要点是:一种感觉兼有另一种感觉。C项,“月”只是意象,没有各种感觉之间的相互联系和影响。A项由嗅觉的“清香”联想到听觉的“歌声”,B项由听觉的“歌”联想到触觉的“暖”、由视觉的“舞袖”联想到触觉的“冷”,D项由嗅觉的“清香”联想到触觉的“阴冷”,均属于联觉。故本题答案为C。6.下列选项中

15、,不属于数据库管理系统的是_。A.ExcelB.FoxProC.AccessD.SQL-Server答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析7.据某项调查显示,目前大学生在就业时会关注薪酬、培训发展、企业发展前景等因素。对于企业来说,传统观点总是把金钱看成最好的激励手段,但在很多企业中,增加同样的奖金并没有起到同等的激励作用,这说明( )。A.组织应当为员工提供较低的福利待遇B.组织必须考虑所有员工的自我实现需要C.组织用来满足员工低层次需要的投入是效益递减的D.组织可以忽略员工的低层次需要答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析8.变通银行的发展战略目标是“走( )、( )道路,建设以( )为特色的一流公众持股银行

16、集团”。A.国际化、零售化、个人理财B.人才化、集约化、员工管理C.本土化、综合化、公司业务D.国际化、综合化、财富管理答案:D 本题解析:交通银行的发展战略目标是“走国际化、综合化道路,建设以财富管理为特色的一流公众持股银行集团”。故本题答案选D。9.What will happen at the fitness center on December 17A.New exercise equipment will be deliveredB.Each Griffin Corporation employee will have a fitness evaluationC.New exerci

17、se classes will beginD.Membership fees will increase答案:C 本题解析:文中指出,新的一系列的课程将要开始,因此,C符合。10.A growing number of countries want to phase out coal entirely, a transition eased by cheap natural gas and cost of wind and solar power. That is good news. Coal has been the largest engine of change to date, ac

18、counting for nearly a third of the rise in average temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. Any pressure on it therefore counts as progress.Asia accounts for 75% of the worlds coal demand. The Chinese goverment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables. Yet coal consumption ther

19、e rose in 2018, as it did the year before. In India coal demand grew by 9% last year. In Vietnam it swelld by altmost a quarter.To keep the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.59C relative to pre-industrial times, climatologists insist that almost all coal plants must shut by 2050, which m

20、cans starting to act now.Todays trends would keep the last coal plant open until 2079, cstimates UBS, a bank. Asias coal-fired power regiment has a sprightly avcrage age of 15, compared with a creaky 40 years in America, close to retirement.There are several reasons for this, but one stand out govem

21、ment I support. In India state-owned companies invest more than $6bn in coal mining and coal-fired power each year,statebacked banks provide some $10.6bn in financing. Indoncsia doles out more than S2bn annually for consumption of coalfired power. Japan and South Korca finance coal projccts outside

22、their borders.Govermment support is hardly surprising. State-backed coal firms make money and create jobs. W ind turbines and solar panels provide power only intermittently; for now, dirtier power plants are needed as back up. Gas is pumelling coal in America, but remains a bit-player in India and m

23、uch of South-East Asia, since it has to be imported and is relatively expensive.Neverheless, govermments betting on coal face three big risks. One is environmental.Emissions from coal plants that are already built- -let alone new ones- will ensure that the world exceeds the level of carbon-dioside e

24、missions likely to push global temperatures up by more tham 1.5%C.There is an cconomio risk, too. Public-sector zeal for coal is matched only by private-sector distaste. Banks, including Asian ones, have increasingly said they will stop funding new coal plants. Wind and solar farms make coal look in

25、creasingly expensive. A study has found that private banks provided thre-quarters of loans to Indian renewables projects last year, state-backed banks doled out two-thirds of those for coal.And then there is politics. Voters do not like breathing soot. More of them are concemed about elimnate change

26、, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, foods and droughts. The second paragraph tells us that( )。 A.China has taken measures to curb carbon omissionsB.India is home to the largest increase of coal demandC.All the coal plants will be closed in 2050D.Asias coal- fired power plants are clos

27、e to retirement答案:A 本题解析:由第二段第二句话The Chincse govermment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables.可知A项表述正确,所以答案选A.11.In the late l960smany people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems,and new steel-and-glass skyscraper,5 were widely criticizedEcologists po

28、inted out that acluster of tall buildings in a city often overburdens public transportation and parking lot capacitiesSkyscrapers are also lavish consumers,and wasters,of electric powerIn one recent yearThe addition of l7 million square feet of skyscraper omce space in New York City raised the peak

29、daib demand for electricity by l20,000 kilowatts-enough tO supply the entire city of Albany,New York,for a dayGlasswalled skyscrapers can be especially wastefulThe heat loss(or gain)through a wall of half-inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical masonry wall filled with insulat

30、ion boardTo lessen the strain on heating and air conditioning equipment,builders of skyscrapers have begun to use double glazed panels of glass,and reflective glasses coated with siNer or goldmirror films that reduce glare aS well as heat gainHowever,mirror-walled skyscrapers raise the temperature o

31、f the surrounding air and affect neighboring buildingsSkyscrapers put a severe strain on a cityS sanitation facilities,t00If fully occupied,the two World Trade Center towers in New York City would alone generate 225 million gallons of raw sewage each year-as much as a city the size of Stamford, Conn

32、ecticut, which has a population ofmore than 109,000Skyscrapers also interfere with television reception, block bird flyways, and obstruct air trafficIn Boston in the late 1960s, some people even feared that shadows from skyscrapers would kill the grass on Boston CommonStill, people continue to build

33、 skyscrapers for all the reasons that they have always built them-personal ambition, civic pride, and the desire of owners to have the largest possible amount of rentable spaceWhich of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( )A.Skyscrapers provide more usable space than other buildings

34、B.The skyscrapers first appeared in the late 1960sC.Where there are skyscrapers, television reception is poorD.The two World Trade Center towers are skyscrapers答案:B 本题解析:是非判断题。8项的内容与文章不符,本文虽未直接提到摩天大楼是什么时候出现的,但间接否认摩天大楼是在20世纪60年代末期首先出现的“and new steelandglass skyscrapers were widely criticized这一个“新”字是说

35、这种钢材玻璃型摩天大楼是在20世纪60年代末期出现的而不是说摩天大楼是在这一时期出现的。12.美国哈佛大学教授戴维麦克利兰把人的高级需要分为三类,即()。A.心理、独立和发展需要B.生理、安全和社交需要C.权力、交往和成就需要D.生存、交际和实现需要答案:C 本题解析:麦克利兰成就需要理论把人的高级需求归纳为对成就、权力和交往(友谊)的需要,故ABD错误,所以答案选C。13.It rained heavily in Shaanxi in September, 2011, _serious flooding in several areas.A.causedB.to causeC.causing

36、D.having caused答案:C 本题解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为“在2011 年9 月份,陕西省下了场暴雨,这场暴雨导致了严重洪灾”。此处表示主动,故应该用现在分词causing,相当于which caused,故正确答案为C。14.There has been strong competition;(), the new company has made great profits.A.insteadB.nonethelessC.thenD.despite答案:B 本题解析:连接两个句子,需要填入连词,故排除AD两项。根据句意可知,此处需要填入的是表示转折的词,故C项也不正确。15.

37、公平正义不仅是一个主观认知的问题,也是一个客观的可选择性问题,不仅是一个静态的 问题,也是一个动态的过程,在认知问题上,我们需要通过媒体、舆论构建一个基本的社会 认同,从客观的角度看,社会体制应该在某个时间和空间中尽可能满足绝大多数人的需 求,即使当人们在这个时空结构中暂时满足,难以达成公平正义时,理想的社会体制也应 该可以给他创造条件,让他看到希望,能在后续的某个时空结构中享受公共产品的阳光。 这段文字意在阐述( )。A.公平正义的本质属性B.公平正义的实现途径C.公平正义是可以被建构的D.公平正义实现的重要途径答案:B 本题解析:文段是从“认知问题上”和“客观的角度”这两个方面,即从主观和

38、客观上 讲述了如何实现公平正义,也就是实现公平正义的途径。故选B。16.恐惧症是指病人对某种特定的客体或处境或与人交往时而发生强烈的恐惧,并主动采取回避的方式来解除这种焦虑不安。下列属于恐惧症的是( )。A.小江从小就怕虫子,一见到虫子就躲到父母身后,现在小江已经20岁了,仍然怕虫子, 一见到都会尖叫跳起B.建筑工人小张一次从高的围栏上摔下,造成骨折。好了之后他一直害怕到高的地方并因此换了工作,并将家搬到一楼,就连看电视也不敢看有关高空作业的节目C.于艳特别怕黑,快到天黑,她就得赶紧回家,除非到灯光较多的夜市区。如果需要在黑 的地方,必须有人陪着她,她才敢去D.刘远是个非常内向的人,一见生人就

39、脸红,要是异性就更严重,连话都说不出来,所以 他特别害怕到交际的场合,每逢单位组织活动他都紧张得不得了,急出一身汗来答案:B 本题解析:此题的关键处在于定义中的主体是“病人”,另外“主动采取回避的方式来 解除这种焦虑不安”也是关键,A、C、D都不符合以上条件,只有B项符合。故选B。17.以下关于银行理财产品要素所包含的信息中,一般不包括( )。A.产品开发主体信息B.产品目标客户信息C.产品环境信息D.产品特征信息答案:C 本题解析:银行理财产品要素所包含的信息可以分为三大类:产品开发主体信息、产品目标客户信息和产品特征信息。18.Mail carriers are encouraged to

40、()comfortable shoes while on duty.A.woreB.wearingC.wornD.wear答案:D 本题解析:encourage sb to do sth意为“鼓励某人做某事”,后接动词原形,因此选D项。19.On which of the following would the author most probably agree? ().A.Foreign investors should move their manufacturing capability closer to the consumerB.Chinas wage inflation wil

41、l wreak a pohtical havoc in the futureC.Foreign investors should flee to neighboring countries, such as VietnamD.Theres plenty of room to improve efficiency at Chinese plants答案:D 本题解析:根据作者的理解可以推测,在中国仍有很大的空间去提高自身的效率。20.21,17,22,21,31,37,()A.48B.53C.56D.61答案:C 本题解析:间隔组合数列。第三项减去第一项,以下以此类推,22-21=1,21-17

42、=4,3122=9,3721=16,(56)-31=25。所得差为平方数列。二.多项选择题(共20题)1.法国总统奥朗德2015年1月23日在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛年会上呼吁全球行动起来,共同反对恐怖主义。应从( )三方面进行管控。A.武器B.财源C.网络D.法律答案:A、B、C 本题解析:暂无解析2.下列经济业务中,因经营活动而引起的现金流入有( )。A.收到咨询收入B.销售商品取得货款C.收到出口退税D.收到银行借款答案:A、B、C 本题解析:收到银行借款属于筹资活动。3.职能制组织形式的缺点包括()。A.适应性差B.横向协调差C.稳定性差D.领导负担重答案:A、B、D 本题解析:本

43、题考查职能制结构的缺点。包括:狭隘的职能观念;横向协调差;适应性差;企业领导负担重;不利于培养具有全面素质、能够经营整个企业的管理人才。4.有一篇微博是这样写的,“如果有一天当他们站也站不稳,走也走不动的时候;请你紧紧握住他们的手,陪他们慢慢走;就像,当年他们牵着你一样。”请问这段话对我们有什么启示?A.启示我们尊老爱老助老要坚持法治与德治相结合B.启示我们应该传承尊老爱幼的家庭美德C.启示我们对老人应该多一点关心,多一点耐心D.孝敬父母是做人的本分,是中华民族的传统没得答案:B、C、D 本题解析:暂无解析5.财政资本性支出的补偿方式一般包括( )。A.集资B.贷款C.税收D.国债答案:C、D

44、 本题解析:资本性支出的补偿方式一般有两种,一是税收,二是国债。6.合同法规定,导致合同无效的情形包括()。A.恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益B.以合法形式掩盖非法目的C.损害社会公共利益D.违反行政法规的强制性规定答案:A、B、C、D 本题解析:根据合同法第五十二条规定,有下列情形之一的,合同无效:一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段订立合同,损害国家利益;恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益;以合法形式掩盖非法目的;损害社会公共利益;违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定。7.下列实现公共财政职能的手段中,属于实现收入分配职能的手段有( )。A.征收企业所得税B.征收遗产税C.开征资源税调节自然资源形

45、成的级差收入D.征收个人所得税E.优化财政支出结构答案:A、B、C、D 本题解析:暂无解析8.密西根模式中描述领导行为的维度包括()。A.关系取向B.绩效取向C.员工取向D.生产取向答案:C、D 本题解析:密西根模式认为领导行为有两个维度:员工取向、生产取向。9.被称为拉动我国经济发展的“三驾马车”是指()。A.消费B.金融C.投资D.出口答案:A、C、D 本题解析:总支出主要为以下几个方面的支出:消费、投资、政府购买、出口。其中,消费、投资和出口被称为拉动我国经济发展的“三驾马车”。10.中国银行2013年所获得的荣誉有()。A.贸易金融杂志“中国最佳贸易融资银行”B.中国银行业协会“年度贸

46、易金融”大奖C.亚洲银行家“中国最佳网络银行产品奖”D.董事会杂志“金圆桌”优秀董事会奖答案:A、C、D 本题解析:暂无解析11.在下列有关品牌归属的描述中,正确的包括( )。A.中间商可以通过自有品牌控制部分制造商B.中间商品牌在与制造商品牌的竞争中没有优势C.中间商树立自己的品牌要进行大量投资D.中小型制造商使用中间商品牌,可以扩大销售E.在制造商和中间商的品牌竞争中,制造商占据了有限的零售营业面积和货架陈列资源答案:A、C、D 本题解析:暂无解析12.Anne Whitney, a sophomore at Colorado State University, first had a p

47、roblem taking tests when she began college I was always well prepared for my tests Sometimes I studied for weeks before a test Yet I would go in to take the test, ouly to find I could not answer the questions correctly I would blank out because of nervousness and fear I couldnt think of the answer M

48、y low grades on the tests did not show what I knew to the teacher Another student in biology had similar experiences He said: My first chemistry test was very difficult Than, on the second test, I sat down to take it, and I was so nervous that I was shaking My hands were moving up and down so quickl

49、y that it was hard to hold my pencil I knew the material and I knew the answers Yet I couldnt even write them down! These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety Because a student worries and is uneasy about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does

50、The student cannot write or think clearly because of the extreme tension and nervousness Although poor grades are often a result of poor study habits, somethnes test anxiety causes the low gradesRecently, test anxiety has been recognized as a real problem, not just an excuse or a false explanation o

51、f lazy studentsSpecial university advising courses try to help students In these courses, advisors try to help students by teaching them how to manage test anxiety At some universities, students take tests to measure their anxiety If the tests show their anxiety is high, the students can take short

52、courses to help them deal with their tensions These courses teach students how to relax their bodies, Students are trained to become calm in very tense situations By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work at ease Learned informatian then comes out without difficulty on a testAn

53、 expert at the University of California explains: With almost all stttderltS, relaxation and less stress are felt after taking our program Most of them experience better control during their tests Almost all have some improvement With some, the improvement is very greatTo deal with this problem, stu

54、dents say they want to _A.ake a short course on anxietyB.read about anxietyC.be able to manage or understand their anxietyD.take tests to prove they are not anxious答案:A 本题解析:由第三段可知,学生先参加一个考试焦虑度的测试,如果焦虑度高的话,则会参加短期课程来减缓焦虑。因此答案为A。13. 影响我国货币需求的因素有()。 A.价格B.收入C.利率D.货币流通速度E.金融资产收益率答案:A、B、C、D、E 本题解析:影响我国货币

55、需求的因素有:收入;价格;利率;货币流通速度;金融资产的收益率;企业与个人对利率与价格的预期;财政收支状况;其他因素,如信用的发展状况、金融机构技术手段的先进和服务质量的优劣、国家的政治形势对货币需求的影响等。14.根据麦克里兰提出的三重需要理论,人的核心需要包括()。A.成就需要B.权力需要C.亲和需要D.成长需要答案:A、B、C 本题解析:麦克里兰提出的三重需要理论,认为人有三种核心需要,即成就需要、权力需要和亲和需要。15.证券公司的主要业务包括 ( ) 。A.推销政府债券和股票B.买卖已流通的各类有价证券C.代理银行放款D.充当企业财务顾问答案:A、B、D 本题解析:暂无解析16.中国

56、的银行资金运用包括( )。A.各项存款B.各项贷款C.金银库存占款D.外汇库存占款答案:B、C、D 本题解析:中国的银行资金运用包括各项贷款、金银库存占款、外汇库存占款,以及在国际金融机构的资产和财政借款。17.关于管理方格理论的说法,正确的有( )。A.管理方格理论把领导风格描绘成一个二维坐标方格B.管理方格图的纵坐标是“关心人”,横坐标是“关心任务”C.“关心人”和“关心任务”均低的领导风格称为“无为而治”式的领导D.高“关心任务”、低“关心人”的领导风格称为“乡村俱乐部”式的领导答案:A、B、C 本题解析:高“关心任务”、低“关心人”的领导风格称为“任务”领导风格。低“关心任务”、高“关

57、心人”的领导风格称为“乡村俱乐部”式的领导。选项D错误。18.以下关于住房需求的描述中,属于经济学意义上的有效需求的有( )。A.小李夫妇均属于高端收入阶层,但是由于工作经常要变动,两人均打算先租房,等两人工作稳定在一个地方后再买房B.某对小情侣打算买房结婚,两人经过几年打拼,已经攒够首付C.老王夫妇打算用毕生的积蓄给儿子买婚房,可是看中的楼盘还没有动工D.小钱打算购买一套两居室住房,把爸妈接过来一起住,虽然还没有攒够首付,但是他工作非常努力E.家住温州的王女士孩子要上小学了,王女士打算将股市的资金以及平时理财的资金取出,用于购买学区房的首付支付答案:B、C、E 本题解析:有效需求指既有购买生力又有购买欲望的需求。A 选项,小李夫妇有购买能力,但现在没有购买意愿。BCE 选项,属于有效需求。D 选项,小钱只有购买欲望,但无购买能力。19.在市场经济制度下,货币均衡主要取决于A.稳定的物价水平B.大量的国际储备C.健全的利率机制D.发达的金融市场E.有效的中央银行调控机制答案:C、D、E 本题解析:市场经济条件下货币均衡的实现有赖于三个条件,即健全的利率机制、发达的金融市场以及有效的中央银行调控机制。20.治理通货膨胀的对策包括()。A.宏观扩张政策B.宏观紧缩政策C.增加有效供给

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