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1、交通银行滁州分行(筹)2023校园招聘上岸历年高频考点试题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第一套一.单项选择题(共50题)1.新凯恩斯主义学派的创造性贡献是()。A.提出工资枯性和价格粘性B.反对相机抉择C.提出单一的政策规则D.提出IS-LM分析模型答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析2.大兴安岭在我国地理分界上的作用是( )。既是中温带和暖温带,又是高原和平原之间的分界线既是季风区和非季风区,又是耕作区与畜牧区之间的分界线既是地势第一、二级阶梯,又是内、外流域之间的分界线既是森林和草原,又是半湿润区和半干旱区之间的分界线A.B.C.D.答案:D 本题解析:大兴安岭是我国一条重要地理界线,它是我国第

2、二、三级阶梯的界线,又是东北平原和内蒙古高原的界线。我国中温带、暖温带的分界线是长城一天山一线。排除、,故本题答案选D。3.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:C 本题解析:图形重叠题,图一由图二跟图三重叠而成。4.以依法可以转让的股票出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向证券登记机构办理出质登记。质押合同自()起生效。A.签订之日B.登记之日C.登记之日后一日D.合同中约定之日答案:B 本题解析:担保法第七十八条规定:“以依法可转让的股票出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向证券登记机构办理出质登记。质押合同自登记之日起生效。”故本题答案为B。5.如果政府的主导和介入过

3、强,就容易甚至打破政府与社会组织的职责边界,甚至出现政府_的现象,挤占社会组织自主发展的空间。依次填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()A.淡化颐指气使B.模糊越俎代庖C.筛选鸠占鹊巢D.迷失独断专行答案:B 本题解析:第二空从后面的“挤占空间”排除A、D项,“鸠占鹊巢”意思是强占别人的住屋或位置,越俎代庖指处理超过自己职责范围的事,从前面“打破职责边界”确定B项。6.60 个人里面,他们着白色或黑色上衣,黑色或蓝色裤子,有12 个人着白上衣蓝裤子,有34 个人穿黑色裤子,有29 个人穿黑上衣,求黑裤子黑上衣多少人( )A.13B.14C.20D.15答案:D 本题解析:考查容斥问题。穿黑色(上衣或裤

4、子)的有:60-12=48 人;上下都黑:34+29-48=15人。故选择D 选项。7.由于近年来投身F1赛车比赛的选手数量的增长速度大大超过了F1赛事数量的增长,加之3D模拟比赛系统的应用越来越普及,最近5年每位F1赛车选手实际参加场地F1比赛的平均次数下降了20%,这种趋势如果继续下去的话,F1赛车选手的水平肯定会大幅下降。以上论证基于以下_项假设A.许多F1赛车选手现在将他们的大部分时间花在3D模拟比赛系统上,以便保持状态能够参加场地比赛B.F1赛车选手只有保证每年参加一定数量的场地比赛,水平才能得到保持或提高C.所有的赛车选手,包括F1赛车选手,平时的训练难度与强度比前几年下降了不少D

5、.每一位F1赛车选手的场地比赛水平近年来都有所下降答案:D 本题解析:D项加强了论据和论点的联系,搭桥,是该论证的前提假设。8.2009 年以来,在灾后恢复重建和扩大内需的各项政策措施的作用下,四川交通运输业投资呈现出快速增长的发展势头。1-4 月,全省交通运输业投资255.74 亿元,同比增长131.3%,增速较同期全社会投资快52.4 个百分点,迎来了高速发展时期。进入2009 年后,全省交通运输业投资就一直保持高速增长,2 月完成投资73.25 亿元,增长87.54%;一季度完成投资169.2 亿元,增长130.93%;到4 月投资达255.74 亿元,同比增长131.3%.较2008

6、年全年高出78.1 个百分点。随着总量的提升和增长速度的不断加快,全省交通运输业投资占全社会投资的比重也不断上升,14 月份占全社会投资比重达到8%,创造了新高。2009 年一季度,四川全省交通运输业投资比去年同期增长了( )。A.73.27 亿元B.82.76 亿元C.95.93 亿元D.98.63 亿元答案:C 本题解析:由材料的第二段第二行可知,2009 年第一季度,四川全省交通运输业投资比去年同期增长了9.21人参加乒乓球单打淘汰赛,只取第一名,共比多少场可决出冠军?A.10B.19C.11D.20答案:D 本题解析:由题目可知21人参加单打淘汰赛,只取第一名,即要淘汰20人,每一场比

7、赛可淘汰一人,故需要20场比赛。具体可按如下安排:两两对决,第一轮可举行10场比赛,一人轮空,剩11人;第二轮进行5场比赛,一人轮空,剩6人;依此类推,可得比赛场数为10+5+3+1+1=20。10.将以下6 个句子重新排列组合:(1)广告公司和传媒是拜物教的布道者。(2)它们负责阐述和传播“意义”,消费者负责接收“意义”,直至最后为这些虚无缥缈的“意义”买单。(3)快速消费品行业和时尚行业最热衷于塑造logo,前者需要横向的地毯式轰炸营造品牌幻觉,后者需要纵向的高端价值塑造以榨取高附加值。(4)物质丰裕的年代里,拜物教大行其道。(5)各式logo 因而成为最显眼的图腾你不一定能发出它们的标准

8、读音,但在广告的教育下,你一定明白它来自哪个国家,代表哪一类商品,象征的是古典还是现代。(6)你未必每周去读经或者做礼拜,但你必定每天在家里、电梯和公交车上接受广告的洗礼。最合理的组合方式是( )。A.(3)(5)(4)(1)(2)(6)B.(4)(6)(1)(2)(5)(3)C.(3)(6)(5)(4)(1)(2)D.(4)(1)(2)(6)(3)(5)答案:B 本题解析:(6)句引出关于“广告”的话题,与广告相关(1)、(5)两句应在(6)句之后,排除A、D。(3)句谈论关于LOGO 的话趣,应与(5)句相连,与(6)句相连逻辑不通,排除c。故本题答案为B。11.A.见图AB.见图BC.见

9、图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:图形叠加题,第三行的图形是前2个图的对称叠加。12.The need for reform was () . No wonder a large number of people came up with their opinions.A.self-evidentB.seldomC.sentimentalD.sensitive答案:A 本题解析:改革的需要是不证自明的。难怪大多数的人都提出他们的意见。13.With a sense of crisis mounting and the EU unable to respond, countries will b

10、e increasingly inclinedto act unilaterally or even-in the case of Britain-leave the bloc altogether.The refugee crisis is already threatening cherished ideas about open borders. In the past couple of days, Germany has reimposed frontier controls with Austria-which, in turn, has imposed controls at i

11、ts border with Hungary, which itself is working feverishly to complete a barbed-wirefence to protect its frontier with non-EU Serbia. Controls have been tightened on the French-Italian borders, while migrants camp miserably in Calais, hoping to cross to England.If the EU somehow gets a grip on the m

12、igrant crisis, these measures might be no more than temporary expedients. But if the pressure of would-be refugees heading for Europe remain intense, then temporary measures could harden into permanent controls.Questions marks over open borders will easily shade into wider issues about access to wel

13、fare systems and labor markets. That is because EU countries are realizing thatin a border-free single marketa unilateral change of asylum rulesby Germany had implications for the immigration policies of all member states. Once migrants get citizenship in one EU country, they have the right to move

14、to any other, to work there and to claim benefits. But if free movement of people and labor come into question, so does the EUs single marketits central achievement.The refugee issue has for the moment, overshadowed the euro. But the problems of the single currency have not gone away. On the contrar

15、y, Greeces decision this summer to knuckleunder and accept yet another austerity package has made the Eurozone look increasingly like a trap.Even Greece, which is profoundly unhappy with life in the Eurozone, cannot risk leaving for fear of provoking a financial and economic crisis. Creditor countri

16、es such as Germany and the Netherlands are not much happier, as they fear they are being dragged into a system of permanent fiscal transfers towards the nations of Europe. Meanwhile, efforts to make the euro work better,by pressing ahead with a banking union, are stuck in Brussels. This does not loo

17、k like a sustainable situation and the risk of euro break-up will surely return.The refugee and euro crisis bear on whether Britain will vote to stay in the EU, when it holds a referendum in 2016 or 2017. Until recently, the opinion polls looked promising for the pro-EU camp. But the migrant crisis

18、plays directly into the most potent issue deployed by those campaigning for Britain to leave-which is that membership ofthe EU means that the UK cannot control immigration. More broadly, the British are less likely to stay inside an organization that seems to be failing. If they vote to leave, the s

19、ense of crisiswithin the EU would then mount-raising the possibility of further defections.A partial unravelling and marginalization of the EU still looks more likely than a full-scale collapse. But even if an organization called the European Union continues to exist- running buildings and paying sa

20、laries-it risks becoming increasingly irrelevant.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph“A partial unravelling and marginalizationof the EU still looks more likely than a full-scale collapse.” tells us that _.A.EU might disappear overnightB.If effective measures are taken, EU may escape the fa

21、te of collapseC.EU may disintegrate gradually and be less influentialD.It is highly possible that EU will face a full-scale collapse rather than partial unravelling and marginalization答案:C 本题解析:句意题。画线句子是说对于欧盟来说,相比整个欧盟解体,更有可能只有部分成员国退出及欧盟避渐被边缘化。又根据句子后面说的即便欧盟存在,也会貌合神离,可推知,欧盟会渐渐瓦解,影响力也日渐削弱。14.下列哪一种货币职能可

22、以没有真实货币( )A.贮藏手段B.价值尺度C.支付手段D.流通手段E.世界货币答案:B 本题解析:价值尺度是用来衡量其他商品价值大小的,需要观念上的货币,不需要真是的货币,故B项符合题干要求; ACDE项均需要真实货币,排除。所以答案选B.15.()A.选项AB.选项BC.选项CD.选项D答案:B 本题解析:每组图前两个都是凹多边形,第三个是凸多边形,选择B。16.She married a man () in mechanical engineering.A.sociableB.skillfullC.specializingD.social答案:C 本题解析:她嫁给一位专攻于机械工程的人。

23、17.The sales representative suggested an initial meeting to discuss the proposal as soon as the betaproduct is ready, ( ) that might be.A.no matterB.whichC.wheneverD.what答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析18.要么采取紧缩的财政政策,要么采取扩张的财政政策,由于紧缩的财政政策会导致更多的 人下岗,所以,必须采取扩张的财政政策。以下哪一问题,对评论上述论证最重要?( )A.紧缩的财政是否还有其他不利影响B.既不是紧缩的也不是扩张的财政

24、政策是否存在C.扩张的财政政策能否使就业率有大幅度的提高D.扩张的财政政策是否能导致其他的不利后果答案:D 本题解析:如果采取扩张的财政政策会导致其他不利后果(比如,比采取紧缩的财政 政策导致更多的人下岗要严重得多),那么就不应采取扩张的财政政策;反之如果采取扩张的 财政政策不会导致其他不利后果,那么就应采取扩张的财政政策。因此,D项是有效的评价。 A、B与评价无关。即使扩张的财政政策不能使就业率有大幅度的提高,但只要不使就业率降 低的话,仍应采取扩张的财政政策,因此,C也不是评价。19.商业银行法所称的商业银行是指依照本法和( )设立的吸收公众存款、发放贷款、办理结算等业务的企业法人。A.人

25、民银行法B.中华人民共和国公司法C.行政许可法D.银监法答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析20.When researchers first discovered a link in the late 1990s between childhood adversity and chronic health problem later in life, the real revelation was how common those experiences were across all socioeconomic groups. But the first major study to focus

26、on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) was limited to a single healthcare system in San Diego. A study published in JAMA Pediatrics- the largest nationally representative study to date on ACEs一confirms that these experiences are universal, yet highlights some disparities among socioeconomic groups.

27、The current study finds three out of five adults across the U.S. had at least one adverse experience in their childhood, such as divorce, a parents death, physical or emotional abuse, or a family members incarceration or substance abuse problem. A quarter of adults have at least three such experienc

28、es in childhood, which according to other research- increase their risk for most common chronic diseases, from heart disease and cancer to depression and substance abuse.This is the first study of this kind that alows us to talk about adverse childhood experience as a public health problem in the sa

29、me way we talk about obesity or hypertension or any other highly prevalent population risk factor says Adam Schickedanz, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, who was not involved in the research. Up until now,we havent really had a study that takes a n

30、ational look .The study researchers, led by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researcher Melissa T. Merrick, analyzed data from 214, 157 adults in 23 states recently. The participants answered 11 questions about whether theyd experienced what have now become well recognized as ACEs: parenta

31、l separation or divorce, child abuse (physical, emotional and sexual ), domestic violence and living with someone who has been incarcerated or has a mental ilness or a substance use disorder.Nearly 62 percent of respondents had at least one ACE and a quarter reported three or more. The remaining res

32、pondents had at least two ACES, including 16 percent with four or more such experiences .Those identifying as black or Latino and those with less than a high school education or an annual income below $15,000 were more likely to have more ACES. Women, younger adults,unemployed people and those unabl

33、e to work also tended to have more ACES. But Schickedant cautions that, while the disparities are real, its important to recognize how common these experiences are among all people, including white and middle class families.”This study shows that ACEs affect people from all walks of life everywhere,

34、 he says.This new study suggests that a need to target prevention resources where they can help most,says Jack Shonkoff, a professor of child health and development at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. This requires identifying what makes some people more susceptible than others to the

35、 effects of adversity,“Nobody is immune to adverse experiences in childhood but for some population groups, theyre a larger burden of childhood adversity than others. he says.What is found by the first major study on adverse childhood experience(ACEs)?A.ACEs are common across all socioeconomic group

36、sB.There are some disparities for some population groupsC.ACEs are not directly related to chronic health problemsD.Children are more vulnerable to adverse experiences than adults答案:A 本题解析:根据第一段A study published in JAM4 Pediatrics- the largest nationallyrepresentative study to date on ACEs confirms

37、that these experiences are universal, yet highlights some disparities among socioeconomic groups.可知,A对,B错,错在“some population groups”指代模糊。C和D不是根据the first major study得出来的,故排除。本题选A.21.That he brought the company big profits wouldnt_putting the companys money into hisown pockets.A.justifyB.clarifyC.tes

38、tifyD.amplify答案:A 本题解析:关键词:putting the Companys money into his own pockets(把公司的钱放进自己的口袋)。根据这个意思,那么空格处填入的词语应该是“正当与不正当,合法与不合法”之类意思的法律词语,与之匹配的选项是A。justify“证明合法(just 公正的,正直的)”;clarify“澄清”;Testify“证明”;Amplify“扩大,放大”。22.个总额为100万的项目分给甲、乙、丙、丁四个公司共同来完成,甲、乙、丙、丁分到项目额的比例为请问甲分到的项目额为多少万?()A.35万B.40万C.45万D.50万答案:B

39、 本题解析:23.PM2.5是指大气中直径在2.5微米以下(不到头发丝的1/20)的微小颗粒,它们的尺寸使其能深人到人体的肺部,对人的呼吸系统健康造成严重伤害。近年,我国中东部地区多次出现大范围和长时间的雾霾天气,多地PM2.5指数直线上升。对此,某城市推出了车辆单双号限行等措施以应对大气污染。但该市有专家不赞成这种车辆限行的措施,认为这种做法对本市PM2.5指数的下降影响不大,无法从根本上改变该市大气污染的状况。以下哪项如果为真,最能支持上述专家的观点?()A.车辆尾气是造成本市大气污染的重要原因之一B.相对于工业污染来说,车辆尾气对大气污染的影响是少量的C.本市PM2.5指数升髙主要是由其

40、他区域大气污染的影响造成的D.该市市民强烈呼吁政府要加强对雾霾天气的治理答案:B 本题解析:加强论证。专家的观点为:单双号限行对PM2.5的影响不大,无法改变大气污染。B项加强专家论点,尾气的影响小。A项削弱。C项为无关选项,和降低PM2.5指数没有直接联系。D项无关,容易排除。24. 我国在刑法的时间效力上,采取的原则是( )。 A.从旧兼从轻B.从新兼从重C.从旧兼从重D.从新兼从轻答案:A 本题解析:刑法第12条第1款规定:“中华人民共和国成立以后本法施行以前的行为,如果当时的法律不认为是犯罪的,适用当时的法律;如果当时的法律认为是犯罪的,依照本法总则第四章第八节的规定应当追诉的,按照当

41、时的法律追究刑事责任,但是如果本法不认为是犯罪或者处刑较轻的,适用本法。”将这一规定进行归纳,即从旧兼从轻原则。本题答案为A。25.史学经世的方式,不是简单的按照统治者的需要炮制御用文章,不是为了迎合流俗的偏见_地歪曲和裁剪历史,而是坚信“学问乃千秋事”,本着对历史负责、对时代负责、对未来负责的精神,直言无讳,_,通过对历代盛衰成败的理性思考,对历史资料的发掘、整理和分析,鉴往思来,对解决现实问题提出有价值的建议或方案。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.肆无忌惮抛砖引玉B.空穴来风见仁见智C.别有用心独抒己见D.随波逐流集思广益答案:C 本题解析:本题属于逻辑填空题目。第一空,B项,“空穴


43、见仁见智”指对同一问题各有各的见解。都体现的是针对某个问题,怎么对待自己的意见和别人的意见,而原文是说,对于史学经世,自己应该怎么做,坚持什么原则,未提及他人,故排除D。因此,选择C选项。26.1,3,7,15,31,()。A.61B.62C.63D.64答案:C 本题解析:该数列相邻两数的差为2 的n次方(n=1,2,3),分别为21,22,23,24因此,空缺项应为312563。故选C。27.某市2005年就该市城镇居民和农民参加体育锻炼及其影响因素,开展了一项调查。调查结束后按城乡、性别分别进行了统计,统计结果如下两张表所示。根据表2,在被调查的全体人群中,选择“缺乏组织”的人占全体人群

44、的比例可能是( )A.5.2B.6.2C.7.1D.8.2答案:C 本题解析:由于选择“缺乏组织”的男性比例为7.0,而女性比例为7.4,因此全体人群中选择“缺乏组织”的人口比例一定介于这两个数之间,只有C选项符合这个条件。28.Few laws are so effective that you can see results just days after they take effect. But in the nine days since the federal cigarette tax more than doubled-to $1.01 per pack-smokers hav

45、e jammed telephone quit lines across the country seeking to kick the habit.This is not a surprise to public health advocates. Theyve studied the effect of state tax increases for years, finding that smokers, especially teens, are price sensitive. Nor is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fig

46、hts every tax increase.The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of

47、taxation varies widely.In Manhattan, for instance, which has the highest tax in the nation, a pack of Marlboro Light Kings cost $10.06 at one drug store Wednesday. Charleston, S.C, where the 7-cent-a-pack tax is the lowest in the nation. The price was $4.78.The influence is obvious.In New York, high

48、 school smoking hit a new low in the latest surveys-13.8%, far below the national average. By comparison,26% of high school students smoke in Kentucky, Other low-tax states have similarly depressing teen-smoking records.Hal Rogers, Representative from Kentucky, like those who are against high tobacc

49、o taxes, argues that the burden of the tax falls on low-income Americans who choose to smoke.Thats true. But there is more reason in keeping future generations of low-income workers from getting hooked in the first place, as for todays adults, if the new tax drives them to quit, they will have more

50、to spend on their families, cut their risk of cancer and heart disease and feel better.The underlined word deter in paragraph 3 most probably means_.A.discardingB.removeC.benefitD.free答案:A 本题解析:猜测词意题。由上下文可知,they指的是tobaccotaxes,所以在这deter这个词的意思应为“阻止,制止”29. 下列关于有限责任公司的监事会的表述,不正确的是( ) A.公司的董事长总经理可以兼任监事B

51、.监事会应当包括股东代表和适当比例的职工代表C.监事须忠实履行义务,维护公司利益,不得利用职权谋取私利D.股东人数较少或规模较小的有限责任公司可设一至两名监事,不设监事会。答案:A 本题解析:公司法第五十二条有限责任公司设监事会,其成员不得少于三人。股东人数较少或者规模较小的有限责任公司,可以设一至二名监事,不设监事会。 监事会应当包括股东代表和适当比例的公司职工代表,其中职工代表的比例不得低于三分之一,具体比例由公司章程规定。监事会中的职工代表由公司职工通过职工代表大会、职工大会或者其他形式民主选举产生。 监事会设主席一人,由全体监事过半数选举产生。监事会主席召集和主持监事会会议;监事会主席

52、不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上监事共同推举一名监事召集和主持监事会会议。 董事、高级管理人员不得兼任监事。30.甲、乙两人共储蓄1000元,甲取出240元,乙又存入80元,这时甲的储蓄正好是乙的3倍,原来甲比乙多储蓄多少元?( )A.620B.740C.700D.660答案:B 本题解析:因甲取出240元,乙存入80元,所以现在银行里还剩840元,而此时甲的储蓄是乙的3倍,所以840元里有是乙的即210元,则原来储蓄时乙存21080 = 130元,甲存1000130 = 870元,所以甲比乙多存870130 = 740元,故选B项。31.城市进攻作战,是海军陆战队全域作战能力的重要一

53、环。他们( )训练基地丰富的训练资源组织进攻示范观摩,让官兵( )了解城市进攻作战与抢滩登陆的差异;对不同建筑物进行结构分析,组织各级指挥员研究探讨进攻战法和人员编组,穿插红蓝对抗进行( ),实现“要素精确到点、任务具体到人、时限具体到分”。A.借助直接核实B.依托直观验证C.利用实际确认D.凭借亲自实证答案:B 本题解析:本题属于逻辑填空题目。第一空,“借助”指凭借别人或事物的帮助以达到目的。文段并非是借助外力,而是单位训练基地的资源,A项不符,排除;第二空,文段是说是组织进行“观摩”,“观摩”的效果应该是直观了解。B项符合,但观摩无法“实际”或者“亲自”了解,排除C、D两项。第三空,验证B

54、项。因此,选择B选项。32.2,24,108,320,()招行真题A.750B.640C.642D.600答案:A 本题解析:第一个乘数为连续自然数:第二个数字依次为,、。33.1/4+3/8+7/16+15/32+31/64+63/128+127/256+255/512+511/1024=()A.3+513/1024B.3+1023/1024C.4+1/1024D.4+511/1024答案:C 本题解析:原式=1/21/4+1/21/8+1/21/1024=4+1/1024。34.( )对于荔枝相当于鲜嫩对于( )A.蜜蜂小草B.春天花朵C.甘甜鲍鱼D.鲜艳枝叶答案:C 本题解析:描述关系。

55、荔枝甘甜,鲍鱼鲜嫩。35.某银行有一新网点共有小赵、小钱、小孙、小李、小周、小吴、小郑七个职工,每名员工每周都只有一个休息日,而且每天只能安排一名员工休息。已知小赵的休息El比小孙的晚一天,小李的休息日比小周的晚两天,小钱的休息日比小郑的早三天,小吴的休息日是星期四,而且恰好处于小钱和小孙休息日的中间。根据以上陈述可以得出( )。A.小孙的休息日是星期日B.小赵休息日是星期三C.小钱的休息日是星期一D.小郑的休息日是星期五答案:D 本题解析:由题干可得,由小赵的休息日比小孙的晚一天可得小孙不可能在周天休息,排除A项;小吴的休息日是星期四,小钱的休息日比小郑的早三天,则小钱不可能在周一休息,排除

56、C项;且小钱不可能在周五、六、日休息所以小钱只能在周二或周三休息若小赵在周三休息,则小孙需在周二休息,与题干冲突,排 除B项。合理的安排如下图:图则只有D项符合。36.IS-LM曲线的交点表示产品市场和货币市场都达到了均衡。那么交点上方的区域表示的状态是()。A.IS,LMB.IMC.IS,LMD.IS,LM答案:D 本题解析:交点上方区域意味着产品市场和货币市场同时出现供给大于需求的情况。产品市场供大于求,则IS,货币市场供大于求,则LM。37.YU HUI, a boisterous four- year-old hiving in Shanghai s what marketing pe

57、ople call a digitalnative. Over a year ago, she started communicating with her parents using WeChat, a Chinese mobile-messaging service. She is too young to carry around a mobile phone. Instead she uses a Mon Mon, an internet-connected device that inks through the cloud to the WeChat app. The cuddly

58、 critter s rotund belly disguiscs a microphone, which YU Hui uscs to send rambling updatesand songs to her parents ,it lights up when she gets an incoming message back.Like most professionals on the mainland her mother uses what rather than e-mail to conduct much of her business. The app offers everything from free video calls and instant group chats to news updates and easy sharing of large multimedia files. It ha

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