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1、浙江浙江民泰商业银行衢州分行2023年招聘上岸历年高频考点试题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第一套一.单项选择题(共50题)1.Mr. Black was in the _, standing there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.A.darkB.duskC.dawnD.dam答案:A 本题解析:句意为布莱克先生不知就里,站在那里目瞪口呆,不知怎么办好。in the dark意为“在黑暗中,不知情,蒙在鼓里”;dusk意为“薄暮,黄昏”;dawn意为“黎明,破晓”;dam意为“大坝”。2.Questions 44-46 refer to the

2、following letter.August 21, 2007LON CHANEY11509 Westmont StreetWest Los Angeles, CA90025, USADear Mr. Chaney,I would like to thank you for meeting with me last Monday. I certainly()the chance to talk aboutA.appreciatingB.appreciatedC.was appreciatedD.will appreciate答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析3.Questions 112-113

3、refer to the following invoice.Telephone Billing Statement - City Phone CellularCity Phone CellularDepartment of Billing Services51 Dublin St., Suite 301Springfield, WIInvoice Date: 08-15-2006Payment Due Date: 09-14-2006Customer InformationName: Desire EberhardtAccount Number: 10003483-FFTAccount In

4、formationCurrent Charges: $61.59Outstanding Balance: $35.08Total Amount Owed: $96.67Pay your bill online at and receive a discount of 3% before taxes are added. If you have questions about this or other City Phone Cellular policies, please contact our customer service department at 1-888-349-5959.Bi

5、lling SummaryAmount OwedCurrent Charges:City Phone Premium Cellular Package$49.95State Taxes$5.65Service Fee $5.99Total Current Charges $61.59Previous Charges:Balance as of Last Month $55.08Payment Received Last Month $20.00Outstanding Balance$35.08Total Amount Owed $96.67How can City Phone Cellular

6、 customers receive a discount?A.By applying for an account onlineB.By paying their balance earlyC.By calling the customer service departmentD.By paying over the Internet答案:D 本题解析:第三段第一句通告说,在网上缴费的话,可以获得税前3%的优惠。如果在网上缴纳费用的话,请一定在网上申请一个银行账号。这个是错误的,请不要把A项和正确答案混淆。4.金穗卡是中国农业银行银行卡产品品牌,其品牌理念是()。A.民之所用,金穗所创B.民

7、之所求,金穗所动C.民心所向,金穗所创D.民心所享。金穗所想答案:D 本题解析:金穗卡是中国农业银行银行卡产品品牌,包含信用卡、借记卡两大产品体系,以先进的电子化手段为依托,实现以城市为中心覆盖全国的服务网络,充分满足不同客户群体消费、支付结算、汇兑、储蓄、代理业务、投资、理财等多种金融需求。品牌理念:民心所享,金穗所想。5.2012年Z省W市实现文化及相关产业增加相比上年增长9.6%,在文化产品制造业中,文化印刷、文化用品制造和工艺美术品制造三大主导行业,2012年分别实现增加值21.82亿元,11. 57亿元和6.62亿元。在文化产品制造业、贸易业和文化服务业三大行业中,W市有几个产业在2

8、012年的增加值超过Z省的一成?()A.0B.1C.2D.3答案:B 本题解析:读数类题目,根据表格数据可知只有文化产品制造业超过一成,所以选择B。6.5名学生参加某学科竞赛,共得150 分,已知每人得分各不相同,且最高分是33分,则最低分最少是( )。A.24B.26C.23D.25答案:A 本题解析:要使最低分尽可能小,则其他人分数尽可能多,做高分33分,其余几人依次为32、31、30,根据总分为150可得最低分最少为24分。7.Questions refer to the following letter. Dear New Haven resident, 1the New Haven

9、Childrens Foundation, I would like to cordially invite you to the 2nd Annual Kids Chorus Concert. The concert offers a chance for children and young people all around the region to sing and perform in front of a large audience Last years inaugural event was extremely successful, raising over 50,000

10、for the foundation. This money was invested in resources for children, including a brand new skateboard park on Harris Street. Over 2,000 patrons watched the first Kids Chorus Concert last year at Verity Hall. Attendance at this years event is2to be even higher, so were moving to a larger venue The

11、concert will be in the Watford Amphitheater at 530 p.m. on Monday, August 16. Tickets cost just 25 per person. I encourage you to make a big contribution to the local community by showing3support for this event. The children and young people of New Haven will thank you! Kind regards, Ben Hilman Chai

12、rman, New Haven Childrens Foundation3()A.impotentB.offensiveC.enthusiasticD.absent答案:C 本题解析:“表现热情的支持”,C项符合题意。enthusiastic热情的。impotent无力的。offensive冒犯的;攻击的。absent缺席的。8.如果全社会的消费物价指数上升了5,某消费者的收入也增加了5,则可以推断( )。A.消费者生活有所改善B.消费者生活恶化C.消费者生活未发生变化D.无法判断答案:D 本题解析:由于全社会的消费物价指数不能代表所有产品的物价因此从其变动幅度中无法判断消费者的生活水平9.A

13、.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:C 本题解析:本题的规律是黑白小球的个数,每一行中黑球的个数相等,白球的个数递增 ,故问号处应选一个包含一个黑球,两个白球的图,正确答案为C。10.大兴安岭在我国地理分界上的作用是( )。既是中温带和暖温带,又是高原和平原之间的分界线既是季风区和非季风区,又是耕作区与畜牧区之间的分界线既是地势第一、二级阶梯,又是内、外流域之间的分界线既是森林和草原,又是半湿润区和半干旱区之间的分界线A.B.C.D.答案:D 本题解析:大兴安岭是我国一条重要地理界线,它是我国第二、三级阶梯的界线,又是东北平原和内蒙古高原的界线。我国中温带、暖温带的分界线是长城一天山一

14、线。排除、,故本题答案选D。11.文艺心理学是文艺学或美学的一个分支是从心理学的角度来研究文艺创作、文艺作品和文艺接受中的问题根据上述定义,下列陈述中不属于文艺心理学的是()。农行真题A.奥地利心理学家、精神病医生用精神分析学来研究文学活动B.研究艺术创作心理动机C.研究古典诗词中的格律问题D.研究艺术家的艺术的体验答案:C 本题解析:A项中“精神分析学”、B项中“心理动机”、D项中“体验”都是心理学的角度,因此都属于文艺心理学的范畴。C项中“格律”并不是心理学角度,所以不属于文艺心理学。12.1, 2, 3, 35,( )。A.70B.108C.11000D.11024答案:D 本题解析:3

15、=(12)2-1,35=(23)2-1,因此空缺项为(335)2-1 = 11025-1 = 11024。13.一般来说,消费者从何来源获得的信息最多 ( )A.公共来源B.个人来源C.商业来源D.经验来源答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析14.近来,某省对“中国式过马路”现象实行了严管重罚,虽获得一定成效,但也出现多起被罚者抵触甚至打骂交瞀的事件。不仅如此,路权分配、法制素养等根本问题没有解决,加上没有足够的警力,当“运动式”执法过去后,“中国式过马路”现象便卷土重来。这段文字意在说明()A.“中国式过马路”现象成因复杂,一时难以根治B.光靠严管重罚不可能从根本上解决“中国式过马路”问题C.只有变

16、“运动式”的执法为常规执法,才能杜绝“中国式过马路”现象D.要根治“中国式过马路”现象,取得良好的执法效果,应进行综合治理答案:B 本题解析:意图判断题。文段两句话都表述同一含义,即严管重罚的“运动式执法”效果不好,不能从根本上解决中国式过马路问翅。A项易误选,一时难以根治的含义并未在文段中体现,属于推论过度。15.下列各项中,属于商业银行资产的是()。A.再贷款B.吸收存款C.存放中央银行款项D.实收资本答案:C 本题解析:存放中央银行款项是指各金融企业在中央银行开户而存入的用于支付清算、调拨款项、提取及缴存现金、往来资金结算以及按吸收存款的一定比例缴存于中央银行的款项和其他需要缴存的款项。

17、它属于商业银行的资产。16.根据所给资料,回答题。2012-2016年,全年研究与试验发展(R&D)经费的增长速度()。A.稳步上升B.直线下降C.先上升再下降D.先下降再上升答案:D 本题解析:简单读数。通过图中增速的数据和变化趋势,先下降再上升。故本题正确答案选D。17. 关于国际货币基金组织贷款的说法,正确的是()。 A.该贷款通常没有附加政策条件B.该贷款种类单一且固定不变C.减贫与增长贷款是最早设立的一种贷款D.该贷款主要帮助成员国解决国际收支问题答案:D 本题解析:国际货币基金组织贷款的特点包括:主要帮助成员国解决国际收支问题;有政策条件:是临时性的。备用安排又称为普通贷款,是国际

18、货币基金组织最基本、最早设立的一种贷款。18.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:C 本题解析:题干图形所含的曲线数分别为1、2、3、4 ,接下来应为5,故选 C。19.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:第一组图形和第二组图形的开口方向存在对称关系:第一组第三个图形开口向右,第二组第一个图形开口向左;第一组第二个图形开口向下,第二组第二个图形开口向上;第一组第一个图形开口向上第二组第三个图形开口向下,选项中只有B符合。20.大学学院有65名教师,其中男教师为30人,具有研究生以上学历的教师有45人,有12名男教师具有研究生以上学历,有()名女教师不具有研究生

19、以上学历。A.2B.8C.10D.15答案:A 本题解析:根据题意可知,女教师65-30=35人,女教师具有研究生以上学历的为45-12=33人,则有35-33=2名女教师不具有研究生资格。故本题正确答案选A。21.飞鸟的集体自杀,是大自然的一个难解之谜。当今一个通行的说法是鸟类集体自杀,主 要是地球磁极的移动使他们看不准定向标。以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱上述专家的观点?( )A.空气漂浮的大量毒气云团是飞鸟致死的元凶B.飞鸟的集体死亡一般是大自然的偶然事件C.飞鸟吃了河海里以有毒藻类为食的虾蟹致死D.火山爆发产生大量硫化物造成飞鸟的集体死亡答案:B 本题解析:若飞鸟的集体死亡仅仅是大自然的偶

20、然事件,是个例,由此得出的任何结论都是 缺少研究根据的,因而B项最能削弱题干结论。22.The leaders of Detroits struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before the Senate today, where prospects of 25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.Amid GOP cries of corporate welfare, Senate Majority Leader Reid introduce

21、d a bill yester-day to let the automakers and component suppliers tap into some of the money Congress allotted in the ¥700 billion financial bailout.Reid, launching a lame-duck session, warned of a potential meltdown in the industry with devastating consequences. He said 355,000 people are employed

22、by the industry and 4.5 million more work in related industries. An additional 1 million people, retirees and their relatives, are covered by retirement and medical plants within the industry, he said.The Big Three-General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-have been whipsawed by the faltering economy and c

23、redit crunch.But the odds do not look good for Detroit. At the heart of the debate is whether automakers are deserving as a linchpin of the U.S. economy or not, in the words of one high-profile critic,Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, is an innovation-averse dinosaur.Shelby, appearing on Su

24、nday to meet the Press, said Get rid of the management. Get rid of the boards-the people who brought them to where they are today. This is a dead end. Its a road to nowhere, and its a big burden on the American taxpayer,Republicans attacked the measure on several fronts. Some questioned the rush to

25、judgment,others warned that other industries would soon line up for help. And some charged that the firms brought on their troubles by agreeing to union contracts with wages and benefits costing an average of ¥73 an hour, compared with ¥28 an hour for the average private firm.GOP Sen. Arlen Specter

26、of Pennsylvania said the ¥T00 billion rescue was the No. I issued when he toured the state recently. Candidily, the temperature of my constituents was boiling, 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermometer was broken, he said.Some opponents prefer that the automakers pursue Chapter 11 reorganizations

27、instead of hitting up Uncle Sam.Democrats argue that the 25 billion is only 4 percent of the bigger bailout. Reids spokesman, Jim Manley, said the bill has robust language on corporate oversight, taxpayer protections, and executive compensation limits.A compromise could be struck if Democrats bowed

28、to GOP pressure and, instead of new loans,rewrote the rules for 25 billion in loans granted to automakers to help them retool factories to buildfuel-efficientvehicles. Itsmindboggling,oneRepublicansaidof Democratsintransigence. If I were them, I d want to get this off my plate before Obama becomes p

29、resident.The automotive executives, Alan Mulatly, Fords president and CEO, Robert Nardelli,Chryslers chairman and CEO, and Rick Wagoner, GMs chairman and CEO, are to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Shelby is the top Republican on the panel.The post-election lame-duck session is the last

30、chance to sign off on the measure during this Congress. The bill probably can pass the House, but prospects are iffy in the Senate, where Democrats need 60 votes to block an expected filibuster.If nothing passes, it could be taken up in January by the next Congress, which will have a broader Democra

31、tic majority.The passage intends to tell us that ().A.the gloomy prospects of passing Reid s bill on saving the auto industryB.the possibility of a compromise between two parties on bailing out auto industryC.the correlation between sescuing auto industry and two parties stanceD.the great difference

32、 between Democrats and Republics on rescuing in the Big Three答案:B 本题解析:此类题需要通读文章大意,了解文章要表达的意思。23.下列各图是纸盒的表面展开图,其中表示同一个纸盒的是()。A.甲和丁B.乙和丙C.丙和丁D.乙和甲答案:C 本题解析:甲图中笑脸和阴影为相对面,乙、丁图中笑脸和阴影为相邻面,排除A、D;乙图中三角、横线和黑点三者顺时针排列,丙图中三角、横线和黑点三者逆时针排列,排除B;丙、丁可表示同一纸盒;此题选C。24.()A.选项AB.选项BC.选项CD.选项D答案:B 本题解析:第一组图中的重心分别在下、中、上部;

33、第二组也符合这一规律,选项中只有B项的重心在上部,答案为B。25.奥运一百多年的历史始终陷人一 种_,一方面它高扬超越民族的人类精神,另一方面参与竞争的基本单位是民族国家,前者表现为超越功利的尊重和欣赏;后者则是更实在 的、不敢怠慢的国家荣誉和自尊心,金牌多寡成了竞争的_。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.困境准则B.矛盾标志C.争议目的D.悖论核心答案:D 本题解析:根据语句中“超民族的”和“基本单位是民族国家”,二者是互相矛盾的关 系,可以排除A、C两项。“矛盾”指在逻辑上指同一个主体(个人或集体)作出的互相矛盾(不 能同真也不能同假)或互相反对(不能同真但可以同假)的判断。“悖论”指

34、在逻辑上可以推导 出互相矛盾之结论,但表面上又能自圆其说的命题或理论体系。由此可以判断“悖论”更为合 适。故选D。26.(315+111228)(11076+181)-1=( )A.1B.2C.0D.3答案:B 本题解析:利用尾数法,?=(5+8)/(0+1)-1=2,B项正确,A、C、D选项不符合题意,故本题正确答案选择B项。27.Kings ,where you can tour the famous tomb of“King Tut”But best of all,our guide will share their knowledge of these sites with you,h

35、elping you to understand both the history and the modern culture of this amazing countryExpand your mind with Mindful Travel,IncPackage price does not include airfare to or from CairoMindful TravelIncPublic Relations Office11 Derry LaneLondon,EnglandNovember 9,2006Dear MT representative,Having recen

36、tly returned from your companys Treasure of Egypt tour,Im happy to report that I had a wonderful timeI dont think Ive ever had such an enjoyable and educational vacation1 was particular impressed with how much I learned about history of Egypt,as well as what the country is like todayAll of the guide

37、s and other MT employees assisting me during my travels were courteousHelpful,and very knowledgeable about the fascinating historical sites that I visitedPlease extent my thanks especially to MrMokhta Said,who guided me around the Valley of the KingsThat was the highlight of my trip1m going to share

38、 my experiences with friends and family,and l will definitely suggest that they travel with MT the next time they take a vacationThank you again,Leila DornThis hotel_$60 for a single room with bath.A.claimsB.demandsC.pricesD.charges答案:D 本题解析:“charge”意为“要价,收费”,代入句中,意为“这家旅馆的带浴室的单人间的收费是60美元”。因此正确答案为D。其

39、他三项均不符合题意。28.距中央组织部的最新统计,截止2011年底,中国共产党党员总数达( )A.7593.1万名B.8026.9万名C.8260.2万名D.7799.5万名答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析29._her time at the university, Dr. LeFleur built a solid reputation for leadership among both students and faculty.A.aboutB.uponC.duringD.into答案:C 本题解析:在一段时间之内,用“During”。30.下列关于融资的基本程序,排列正确的是()1.选择租

40、赁公司,提出委托申请;2.签订租赁合同;3.选择租赁设备,探询设备价格;4.投保;5.缴付租金;6.交货验收;7.结算货款;8.签订购货协议;9.合同期满处理设备A.138267459B.123467859C.318267459D.138276549答案:A 本题解析:融资租赁的程序比较复杂,其主要过程如下:(1)选择租赁公司,提出委托申请。(2)选择租赁设备,探询设备价格。(3)签订购货协议。(4)签订租赁合同。(5)交货验收。(6)结算货款。(7)投保。(8)交付租金。(9)合同期满处理设备。31.下列哪一战役不是我国历史上以少胜多的战役?( ) A.官渡之战B.桂陵之战C.淝水之战D.赤

41、壁之战答案:B 本题解析:A项官渡之战,曹操2万兵马与袁绍10余万大军交战,曹军歼敌7万余人;C项淝水之战,发生于前秦出兵伐晋,于淝水(现今安徽省寿县的东南方)交战,最终东晋仅以八万军力大胜八十余万前秦军;D项赤壁之战是周瑜5万大军力挫曹操20万大军。故本题选B。桂陵之战是战国前期,齐军在桂陵(今河南长垣北)对魏军的一次著名截击战,中国军事史上著名的“围魏救赵”战法就是讲的该战役。32.时代的场景变化太大了,要让年轻一代真正记住历史,不能停留在概念式的说教上。真正完整有效的历史教育,是应当融会在生活之中的。它不应当仅仅是在纪念馆里才能看到,只是在书本中才能读到,它还应当以丰富、适当的形式渗透到

42、我们居住的街区和生活的种种场景之中,这样才能在耳濡目染中化为整个民族的“集体记忆”。对这段话的准确概括是:( )A.历史教育的重要意义 B.历史教育的形式应当生活化C.历史教育随时随地都可以获得 D.历史存在于民族的集体记忆中答案:B 本题解析:本文的主旨是第二句话“真正完整有效的历史教育,是应当融汇在生活之中的。”所以答案为B。33.境内机构经常项目外汇账户限额统一采用核定币种是( A)。A.美元B.人民币C.可自由兑换的任何外币D.我国银行开办了外币存款业务的九种外币中的任何一种答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析34.中国老百姓无论怎样穷,怎样苦,也往往要从牙缝里挤出钱来,供孩子上学念书。他们很

43、清楚只有这样才可能从根本上改变命运,才可能拥有未来。运用到国家政策层面,毫无疑问,教育只应该是公益事业,是烧钱的事业。这句话中“烧钱的事业”可以理解为()A.教育是一项非常费钱的事业B.对教育应该投资而不应从中谋利C.对教育的投资可能无法收回成本D.国家应该增加教育投资力度答案:B 本题解析:既然把教育定为公益事业,那从公益事业的含义不难理解教育应属于非赢利事业。所以答案为B。35.从A市到B市的航班每周一、二、三、五各发一班,某年2月最后一天是星期三,问当年从A市到B市的最后一次航班是星期几出发?A。星期一 B。星期二 C。星期三 D。星期五A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A

44、本题解析:本题给出某年的2月最后一天是星期三,那么可以知道3月1号必然是星期四。而3月1号到12月31号还有365-31-28(或366-31-29)=306天。3067=435,因此该年的12月31号是星期一,恰好是最后一次航班出发的日期。36.He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes_the strong sunlightA.ofB.offC.fromD.away答案:C 本题解析:protectfrom意为“保护以免受伤”。此句意为他戴着太阳镜来挡住强烈的阳光,以保护他的双眼。故选C。37.To: All Griffin Corporati

45、on EmployeesFrom: Sally Kleinman, Director, Employee RelationsRe: Employee Fitness CenterSent: Thursday, November 1, 9:46 AM.Dear Colleagues:As you know, Griffin Corporation recognizes the importance of having an excellent exercise facility on the premises. Over the past three years, we have worked

46、hard to improve the employee fitness center: we have purchased new exercise equipment, renovated the locker rooms, and begun offering Welcome Aboard! , a safety training course.Two months ago, you responded enthusiastically to a survey about this fitness facility. Based on our recommendations, chang

47、es are planning for the fitness center. They will take effort on December 1. First of all, as requested, the fitness center will stay open three extra hours Monday through Thursday. Also, a new series of classes-most of them suggested by you-will begin. Finally,those of you who have been using the c

48、enter will be pleased to hear that popular personal trainer Joseph Santiago will be promoted to manager of the fitness center.We encourage more employees to take advantage of all the fitness center has to offer.Membership will continue to be subsidized and will remain at $15 per month. In addition,

49、and for a limited time only, we are now offering a special rate for new members, members who sign up before December 1 will only be charged $10 per month for the next six months. Please contact Joseph Santiago to sign up at this new reduced rate.Best Regards,Sally KleinmanGRIFFIN EMPLOYEE FITNESS CE

50、NTER:NEW SCHEDULE(as of December 1)Hours of Operation Group ClassesMonday6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.MondayWeight lifting12:00-1:00 P.M.Tuesday6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M. TuesdayAerobic workout 6:00-7:00 P.M.Wednesday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.Wednesday Kickboxing 12:00-1:00 P.M.Thursday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M. ThursdayStep aerobi

51、cs6:00-7:00 P.M.Friday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.Friday Yoga7:00-$:30 AM.Saturday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.SaturdayCross training9:00-1:30 AM.SundayCLOSED ALL DAY Sunday CLOSED ALL DAYReminders1. Please do not use equipment for more than 30 minutes if other members are waiting to use it.2. Members may bring one gu

52、est per visit. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by a member at all times.3. Registration is not required for classes, but class size is limited to 15 participants. Please arrive early to secure a place. Goals and bags should be left in the locker room so that all class participants have plenty of

53、 space.4. New members are required to complete aWelcome Aboard class before using anyequipment.5. Members must carry their membership card at all times while in the center. Kovac Industries annual meeting _shareholders will be held on Wednesday, April 23. A.fromB.forC.toD.into答案:B 本题解析:介词“for”表对象,句意

54、为“Kovac Industries的年度股东大会将在4月23日(星期三)召开”。故选B项。38.就需求决策的问题,征求选定专家的意见,然后将意见整理成若干不同观点后匿名反馈给专家,通过几轮反复,根据专家趋向一致的意见做出决策的方法叫做( )。A.头脑风暴法B.专家会议法C.期望收益法D.德菲尔法答案:D 本题解析:本题考查德尔菲法的概念。39.在工作中防止“过”或“不及”的关键在于( )。A.抓住事物的主要矛盾B.认识事物的量C.确定事物的质D.把握事物的度答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析40.口袋里有三种颜色的筷子各10根,请问,至少要取多少根筷子才能保证一定取到2种不同颜色的筷子各2双?()

55、A.4B.10C.11D.17答案:D 本题解析:本题应该考虑最差的情形,先取到其中一种颜色的筷子10根,可以取得其中一种颜色的筷子2双,然后再取剩余的两种颜色的筷子各3根,最后剩下的任取1根,都能取得剩下的颜色的筷子2双,因此只要取10+32+1=17根,就能保证一定取到2种不同颜色的筷子各2双。41.在垄断存在的情况下,卖主操纵价格,赚取垄断利润,由此形成的物价上涨为哪一类型的通胀?A.结构型B.体制型C.需求拉动型D.成本推进型答案:D 本题解析:成本推动的通货膨胀包括工资推动的通货膨胀和利润推动的通货膨胀。工资推动通货膨胀是指在不完全竞争的劳动市场所造成的过高工资导致的一般价格水平的上

56、涨。利润推动通货膨胀是指垄断企业和寡头企业利用市场势力谋取过高利润所导致的一-般价格水平的.上涨。故D项正确:需求拉动通货膨胀又称超额需求通货膨胀,是指总需求超过总供给所引起的一般价格水平的持续显著的上涨。成本推动通货膨胀又称供给通货膨胀,是指在没有超额需求的情况下由于供给方面成本的提高所引起的一般价格水平持续和显著的上涨。故C项不符合题意;结构性通货膨胀是指在没有需求拉动和成本推动的情况下,只是由于经济结构因素的变动,也会出现一般价格水平的持续上涨。这种价格水平的上涨叫做结构性通货膨胀。故A项不符合题意:没有体制型通胀,故B项错误。所以答案选D。42.Building a house costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you plan to build a house. Your first step will be to find a right piece of land. Your choice will depend on many different things. You will probably try to find a sunny place, with pleasant surroundings nea

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