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1、招商银行招聘卡部销售顾问上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.假如老大爷买笔记本用了3 000 元,余下的2 000 元打算一半存两年定期,按月结息,另一半用来应付临时状况存为活期。那么,在三个月后,老大爷能够获得的利息最多为( )元。A.5.7B.16.75C.44.00D.11.00答案:D 本题解析:老大爷获得的利息=10003.25%3/12+1 0001.15%3/12=11(元)。2.李离是春秋时晋文公的狱官。当他发现因自己错听下属的话而判决杀了人以后,就把自己捆起来,请求晋文公判处他死刑。晋文公说官职有高低贵贱之分,处罚也有轻重之别

2、,这件案子是下属官员的错误,不是你的罪过。”李离说我担任官职是最高的,从不让给下属一点权力;享受的俸禄是最多的,从不分给下属一点利益。现在我错误地听信下属而杀了人,却把罪责推卸给下属官员,我还没有听过有这种事。”于是拒绝接受晋文公的命令,用剑自杀而死。这段文字的主题思想是()A.狱官李离恪尽职守,严格要求B.狱官李离不顾安危,以死劝谏C.狱官李离勇于担当,知错能改D.狱官李离执守法,以身作则答案:A 本题解析:本题属于主旨概括题。原文段讲了狱官李离在认识到自己误判杀人后,自杀谢罪的故事,体现了他恪尽职守,严格要求自己的情操。所以选A。3.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解

3、析:此题的解题点是图形的位置。在这两组图中,里面的小长方形依次向右 平移。4.Questions 176177 refer to the following advertisement.CARE YOUR OWN SPACEDo you dream of having a space away from the demands of everyday life-a space where you can create, think, and relax?Marvel Space Planners, a group of architects, designers, and makers of

4、built-in furniture, can turn an unused room or an awkward space into a practical room of your own. Our free, full-colorbrochure presents a sampling of options for individually designed spaces.If you would like to create a customized space, why not call us today at 800-555-7552 to request a copy of t

5、he brochure or to schedule a free initial consultation with our design team.What is offered for free?A.Exercise equipmentB.Some paint samplesC.A consultationD.An architectural plan答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析5.国债属于( )。A.货币市场工具B.资本市场工具C.所有权凭证D.衍生金融工具答案:B 本题解析:资本市场工具是期限在一年以上,代表债权或股权关系的金融工具,包括国债、企业债券、股票等。6.Questions

6、 refer to the following passage. Downtown Artisans Club Art Exhibit Please mark Saturday, October 21, on your calendars so that you can attend the inaugural Downtown Artisans Club Art Exhibit! There will be beautiful works of art and pottery,crafted by the Downtown Artisans Club,available for showin

7、g as well as for sale. The remarkably talented young artists have worked all summer to prepare for this event, which promises to impress and astound. Visitors will have an opportunity to meet these talented artists. All proceeds from this event will be contributed to the continued operations of the

8、Downtown Artisans Club,which provides amazing classes and support for young artists. Tickets are on sale now and are available for $10 (adults) and $5(students and seniors). Children under the age of 12 will be admitted for free. The Downtown Artisans Club looks forward to seeing you there! Please c

9、ontact Jim at(905)4128980 for more information. Downtown Artisans Club Art Exhibit Deadline for your art submission! To all our talented young artistsget ready for our upcoming Art Exhibit!As you all know our Downtown Artisans Club Art Exhibit is coming up exactly one month from today. Paintings,dra

10、wings,sculptures and writing will be neededfor both the show and the sale! Dont forget to have them completed and handed in by next Friday to secure your spot in our show. Remember,there will also be cash awards,judged by our panel of art critics,and the winning pieces will be featured in our Art Bo

11、ok. The artists of the winning pieces will also be invited to attend the 2-week summer art camp in Paris next summer. Have fun and please submit your artwork on time !For whom is the announcement intended?()A.ArtistsB.ResidentsC.JimD.Judges答案:B 本题解析:由文章可知,这是面向普通市民的宣传。7.私人物品与公共物品的主要区别在于( )。A.前者是私人提供的

12、,后者是政府提供的B.前者是私人使用的,后者是政府使用的C.前者具有竞争性和排他性.后者则没有D.前者具有非竞争性和非排他性.后者则没有答案:C 本题解析:公共物品是指由政府部门(公共部门)提供的,用来满足社会公共需要的物品和服务。公共物品的基本特征是非排他性和非竞争性。8.Questions 7 175 refer to the following information.Family caregivers of seniors should be cognizant of stress as it relates to their loved ones. Knowing the signs

13、 and detecting them early can help seniors learn to recognize stress factors and to take steps to alleviate the effects stress can cause. Activities such as yoga, walking and other physical exercises designed for seniors are great tension relievers. Many seniors enjoy the benefits of tai chi classes

14、 geared to their physical abilities. The Mayo Clinic supports this gentle form of martial arts as a way to relieve stress and help other health-related conditions.Some seniors are unable to participate in physical activities, but there are other ways to reduce stress. Eating a healthy, well-balanced

15、 diet and getting a good nights sleep can keep stress at bay. Joining a non-physical group activities, such as a bridge club or volunteering, offers socialization and a chance to clear the mind of daily responsibilities. There are also local agencies that can help with tasks that might cause undue s

16、tress for seniors. Respite care organizations can help with housework or grocery shopping. Religious organizations often have groups who can assist seniors with yard work or other strenuous tasks around the home.The fact that stress is a part of life does not mean that overwhelming stress is a burde

17、n seniors have to shoulder all alone. With help, seniors can combat stress and its negative effects. Spend time helping seniors determine what burdens they face. Help them plan ways suited to their lifestyles that are not only fun but that can minimize the pressures stress can cause. By doing so, th

18、e quality of life seniors experience can increase, further paving the way for them to lead independent lives within the comfort of their own homes.Which of the following is not mentioned as one way to reduce seniors stress.A.Chatting with the volunteers from religious organizationsB.Joining a bridge

19、 club to clear the mind of daily responsibilitiesC.Eating healthily and sleeping wellD.Seeking help from some organizations to do housework答案:A 本题解析:细节题。题干问的是下列哪一个不是帮助老年人减压的方法。A 选项“与宗教组织的志愿者聊天”,根据religious organization 可以定位到第二段,“Religious organizations often have groups who can assist seniors with g

20、ard work or other strenuous tasks around the home”可知宗教机构人士志愿者是帮助老年人做一些庭院工作或繁重的家务活,而不是和他们聊天,故A 项表述有误,其他选项在原文中都有提到。该题正确答案为A。9.全面推进依法治国是实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的必然要求。下列表述符合法治精神的是( )。A.“天下之事无大小皆决于上”B.“法律是治国之重器,良法是善治之前提”C.“国王创造法律,而非法律创造国王”D.“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析10.产业结构政策:指一定时期内政府为促进本国产业结构的调整、优化和升级所制定的

21、政策。根据以上定义,下列()政策不属于产业结构政策。A.对第三产业采取保护与扶持B.对涉农产品及产品加工,推行公司加农户的形式C.对“五小”工业采取“关、停、并、转”D.对某些工业产品实行3C”认证答案:D 本题解析:A是对第三产业的调整,B是对农业和工业的整合,C是调整工业结构,D 中3C”是“中国强制性认证”的英文简称,主要是对产品质量的要求,不涉及产业结构。故选D。11.2012年某省接待过夜游客总量再次实现突破,达到3001.34万人次,同比增长16.0%。实现旅游收入324.04亿元,同比增长25. 8%。12月份宾馆平均开房率为74.02%,同比增长 0.06%;全年累计宾馆平均开

22、房率为62. 37%,同比增长2.0%。下列2012年111月该省旅游统计数据中,同比增长速度大于全年的是( )。A.接待过夜境内旅游者收入B.宾馆平均开房率C.旅游饭店接待过夜的境内游客人数D.接待过夜人境旅游者人数答案:B 本题解析:2012年111月同比增长速度大于全年,等价于2012年111月同比增速大于 12月,等价于全年同比增速大于12月增速。只有B项满足条件。12.下列关于操作系统基本特征的描述,说法错误的是()。A.并发是操作系统的第一个重要特征B.稳定性是操作系统存在和发展不可或缺的重要特征C.操作系统本质上是资源管理程序,于是共享就成为操作系统的一大重要特征D.操作系统把物

23、理上的一个变成逻辑上的多个,是操作系统的另一个特征:虚拟答案:B 本题解析:操作系统的四大特征:并发、共享、虚拟、异步。A正确,并发:在一段时间内,运行多个程序,执行多个任务。从宏观上来说的。操作系统中引入进程的目的就是为了使程序能并发执行。C正确,共享:资源共享,即系统中的资源可供多个并发执行的进程共同使用。由于资源的属性不同,多个进程对资源的共享方式也不同,可分为:互斥共享方式和同时访问方式。D正确,虚拟:把物理上的一台设备变成逻辑上的多台设备。虚,可以理解为是用户感觉上的。B错误,异步:在多道程序环境下,允许多个程序并发执行。但由于资源有限,进程的执行不是一贯到底,而是走走停停,已不可预

24、知的速度向前推进,这就是进程的异步性。故答案选B。13.见票后定期付款的商业汇票,持票人应当自出票日向付款人提示承兑的期限为:( )A.10 天内;B.15 天内;C.1 个月内;D.3 个月内;答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析14.商标作为一种大众传播的视觉符号,一定要具有特定含义,并且需要以简洁的形象,鲜明地传达出它所具有的特定信息。所以,只具有形象美而不具有内涵的商标是不能称为“标志”的,充其量只是一种图案或图形。同时,我们也必须明白,每个企业都必然具有多方面的特征,试图用一种形象涵盖所有信息是不可能的,试图在一枚商标中容纳所有特征,也是不可取的。这就需要透过分析和筛选,提炼出对象所具有的独

25、特属性,使其与视觉形象完美结合,从而创造出全新的,具有鲜明指示性的符号标识。这段文字意在说明()。A.商标怎样才能呈现企业的独特属性B.商标应该是形象与内涵的完美统一C.商标的创造过程是对设计师的考验D.丰富的内涵是对商标的最基本要求答案:B 本题解析:文段第一句引出论述话题,第二句说明商标应该具有内涵美,第三句说明一枚商标中容纳所有特征是不可取的,第四句通过对策关联词“需要”提出要将商品的内涵和形象融合。第四句即为文段的主旨句。由主旨句可知,B项是文段在主旨基础上的合理引申,A项企业的独特属性并非文段的重点,文段强调的是商标的内涵与形象融合统一,C项所述亦非文段重点,D项“最基本的要求”在原

26、文没有提及。故本题正确答案选B。15.某本科专业按如下原则选拔特别奖学金的候选人:将本专业的同学按德育情况排列名次,均分为上、中、下三个等级(即三个等级的人数相 等,下同),候选人在德育方面的表现必须为上等;将本专业的同学按学习成绩排列名次, 均分为优、良、中、差四个等级,候选人的学习成绩必须为优;将本专业的同学按身体状况 排列名次,均分为好与差两个等级,候选人的身体状况必须为好。假设该专业共有36名本科学生,则除了以下哪项外,其余都可能是这次选拔的结 果?( )A.恰好有四个学生被选为候选人B.只有两个学生被选为候选人C.没有学生被选为候选人D.候选人数多于本专业学生的1/4答案:D 本题解

27、析:选拔特别奖学金的候选人的标准之一是:将本专业的同学按学习成绩排列名次,均分为优、良、中、差四个等级,候选人的学习成绩必须为优。这说明,候选人数不能多于本专业学生的1/4。D项不可能是上述选拔的结果。其余各项都可能是选拔的结果。16.请从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问题处,使之呈现一定的规律性:A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:每一行三个图形可以看作是一组。每一组第一个图形和第二个图形重合的部分不显示,从而得到最后一个图形,根据这样的规律可以推出正确答案D。17.信用社稽核按范围划分,可分为()稽核和()稽核。A.内部、外部B.全面、专项C.现场、非现场D

28、.定期、不定期答案:B 本题解析:按范围划分可将信用社稽核分为全面稽核和专项稽核。18.把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是( )A.,B.,C.,D.,答案:B 本题解析:驭斟的部分数为l,(教要)的部分数为4。19.企业管理常出现所谓“宏观不粗,微观不细”的情况,即企业的高层管理人员有时会花很多时间去关注解决企业的业务细节问题,而一些中层甚至基层人员则会乐于议论企业的发展大计。当企业经营陷入困难时,这种情况尤为突出。这时人们会花更多的精力去推销自己的观点、见解等,进行所谓的内部营销,对于这种情况,企业应采取必要措施加以改进,以下措施不利于解决上述

29、问题的是( )。A.进行科学系统的工作设计与岗位职责分析B.提高管理人员尤其是高层管理人员的领导技能C.继续授权以便集思广益,增强大家的责任感D.完善沟通信息渠道,增强组织运行的信息透明度答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析20.将以下6个句子重新排列,语序正确的是()。银行真题在丹麦、瑞士等北欧国家发现和出土的大量石斧、石制矛头、箭头和其他石制工具,以及用树干造出的独木舟便是遗证陆地上的积冰融化后,很快就出现了苔藓、地衣和细草,这些冻土原始植物引来了驯鹿等动物又常年受着从西面和西南面刮来的大西洋暖湿气流的影响,很适合生物的生长动物又吸引居住在中欧的猎人在夏天来到北欧狩猎北欧虽说处于高纬度地区但这一带

30、正是北大西洋暖流流经的地方这大约发生在公元前8000年到公元前6000年的中石器时代A.B.C.D.答案:C 本题解析:有指示代词“这”,不能放段首,排除A、D句应该紧跟在句后面,用句中的宾语“动物”作句的主语,形成顶真结构,这样可使前后衔接得更紧密,由此排除B本题正确答案为C。21.72 , 36 , 24 , 18 , ( )A.12B.16C.14.4D.16.4答案:C 本题解析:相邻两项相除,72 36 24 18 / / /2/1 3/2 4/3(分子与分母相差1 且前一项的分子是后一项的分母)接下来貌似该轮到5/4,而18/14.4=5/4. 选C22.下列各项中,属于所有者权益

31、类科目的是()。A.应付股利B.主营业务收入C.长期股权投资D.本年利润答案:D 本题解析:本题考查的考点是会计科目的分类。选项A应付股利属于负债;选项B主营业务收入属于损益类;选项C长期股权投资属于资产类。故选D。23.某公司有甲、乙两个销售团队,共50人,其中女性员工有18人。甲团队男女比例为5:3,乙团队男女比例为2:1,那么,乙团队的男性员工共有()名。A.18B.20C.12D.9答案:C 本题解析:24.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:看外框内有几条直线,第一套图都是:2条直线;第二套图都是:5条直线。25.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:

32、C 本题解析:每相邻的两个图形中有一个小图形是相同的。因此选择C。26.How much did you _ fixing the TV?A.pay offB.pay backC.pay forD.pay down答案:C 本题解析:pay off还清(债务等);pay back偿还(借款),报答,报复;pay for偿还;pay down用现金支付。根据句意应该选C。27.科学家们对孪生子这种“同步信息”现象进行了非常深入的研究,他们认为,在双胞胎或多胞胎中存在的一些疾病和性状的相似性,是因为受精卵分裂时的时间因素在起着作用。当一个受精卵分裂为两个相同的受精卵时,所用的分裂时间越短,那么二者

33、相似的程度就越大。另外,他们之间的生物电接收器和释放器是同步“运行”的。每当一方的生物电作用器开始启动时,另一方会在极短的时间内感受到,并且会释放出相同的生物电,从而就形成了孪生子在思想和行为上的同步现象。 这段文字意在说明( )。A.孪生子同步信息之谜B.孪生子基因的相似性C.生物电的作用过程D.孪生子能心灵相通答案:A 本题解析:这是一道意图判断题。抓住文段的首尾两句:“科学家们对孪生子这种同步信息现象进行了非常深入的研究”到“从而就形成了孪生子在思想和行为上的同步现象”,可以看出文段是在对孪生子同步现象的成因进行解释。因此本题的正确答案为A选项。28.在世界市场上,中国生产的汽车比其他国

34、家生产的汽车要便宜得多,因此,其他国家的汽车工业将失去一部分市场。而这些市场将被中国汽车占据。以下哪一项是上述论述所要假设的?()中国汽车的油耗比其他国家汽车的油耗更低价格是汽车购买者考虑的重要因素中国的汽车和其他国家的汽车的耐用性基本相同汽车购买者具有较高的品牌忠诚度A.和B.、和C.、和D.和答案:D 本题解析:题干从“中国生产的汽车比其他国家生产的汽车要便宜很多”推出“其他国家的汽车工业将失去一部分汽车市场而这些市场将被中国汽车占据”。要使这个推论成立首先要在“价格便宜”与“占据市场”之间建立联系即价格必须是购买者考虑的重要因素,是必须假设的:其次。要排除其他可能影响占据市场的因素,即是

35、必须假设的。即使油耗相等购买者也可能因为价格原因选择中国汽车。所以不是必须假设的。若为真,则不能使题干推论成立。故答案选D。29.Theres been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. Thats Wall Street jargon for loans to busi

36、ness with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).Most of the watchdogs are carceful to sa

37、y a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indeb

38、ted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lot

39、s of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.Yields on the riskicst po

40、rtions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that arent regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.The risk taking could get worse: With dema

41、nd by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for fina

42、ncial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks dont have much risk or arent expo

43、sed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, Banks are exposed to it.Just beeause banks are safer doesnt necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and the

44、ir problems could create shock waves. Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they re looking only at the banking system for systemic risk, she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.What does the undcrlined word myopie mean in the last paragraph?( )A.optimisticB.pessimisticC.short-sig

45、htedD.sarcastic答案:C 本题解析:当银行监管机构只考虑银行的系统性风险时,就有些“近视”了,由only我们可知,这里想说的是目光短浅,所以答案选B.30.当初我说这些话时,原自犹豫未有决断,到现在我还是犹豫未有决断,不过当初疑其或是,现在疑其或非罢了。从前疑其或是,现在疑其或非,这自有所值有所悔,而我兹所痛切悔悟的实在当时不应该以未能自信的话来发表;或者发表,也要作疑词,不应该作决定语。以决定语来发表未能自信的见解,这全出于强撑门面之意,欺弄不学的人。这段话的主要意思可以概括为A.实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非B.朝闻道,夕死可矣C.往者不可谏,来者犹可追D.亦余心之所善兮,虽九死

46、其尤未悔答案:A 本题解析:文段的含义可以概括为:我是在自己都处在疑惑中,不能判定是否正确的情况下就将前文提到的言论发表了,现在觉得自己这种做法欺弄了他人,有所痛悟,所以决定取消之前的言论。A项指实在是误入迷途还不算太远,已经觉悟到现在是对的而之前是不对的,与文意相符,因此正确。B项“朝闻道,夕死可矣”指在一个国家里,如果一个人早上能达成了一直坚持的理想,实施了自己的政治主张(仁政),那么他就算晚上死去那也是值得的,形容对真理或某种信仰追求的迫切,与文意不符,排除。C项“往者不可谏来者犹可追”指已往的事情不可挽回,未来的事物还来得及,没有文段中改正错误的含义,因此不正确。D项“亦余心之所善兮,

47、虽九死其犹未悔。”指这些都是我内心之所珍爱,叫我死多少次我也绝不改悔!强调的是对美好理想执着追求的精神,与文意不符,排除。31.4,一2,一8, 10,-44,()。A.220B.132C.118D.162答案:C 本题解析:两两做差后得到公比为一3的等比数列,则下一项为一54 X ( 3)+ ( 44) = 118,故本 答案为C。32.遗传学对研究地球上的生命起源、医学、农业、动植物和微生物育种,以至人类学和社会 学等方面都有重要的指导意义。它是在动植物育种的基础上发展起来的,必然又可以反过来指 导动植物育种的实践。抗菌素工业的兴起促进了微生物遗传学的发展,微生物遗传学的发展又 推动抗菌素

48、工业及其他发酵工业的进步,就是明显的例证。这段文字主要介绍了( )A.遗传学各个分支的演变过程B.生命科学对社会科学的作用方式C.遗传学的学科基础及指导意义D.遗传学广阔的应用前景答案:C 本题解析:首先通读文段可知本段讲述的是遗传学,故先排除B项。再仔细分析,文章首先介绍了遗传学的学科发展基础,而后介绍遗传学反过来对各相关学科的指导意义。故正确答案为C。33.Theres been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the

49、threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. Thats Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The l

50、oans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to wh

51、ere the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of

52、 the housing crisis.With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that pac

53、kage them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that arent

54、regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to

55、Wells Fargo rescarch.But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those secur

56、ities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks dont have much risk or arent exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, Banks are exposed to it.Just beeause banks are safer doesnt necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Fe

57、deral Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they re looking only at the banking system for systemic risk, she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thoma

58、s Beardsworth.12. Which one is false about the leveraged loans?(。)A.they are loans provided to companies already holding a considenble amount of debtB.It is easier for companies to get leveraged loansC.most of the leveraged loans are held by nonbanksD.the Federal Reserve is quite sure about the risks of leveraged loans答案:D 本题解析:文章中明确提到杠杆贷款由85%的非银行机构持有,这种借款通常提供给信誉欠佳的公司,并且变得越来越容易获得,ABC三项在文章均有体现,然而D并未有提到。所以答案选D。34.1,1,2,6,()A.21B.22C.23D.24答案:D 本题解析:本题的数列规律是11=1,12=2,23=6,则填入空格的项应该是64=24,所以正确选项是D。35.

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