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1、河北2022年中国银行河北审计分部校园招聘上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.提供不同产品以满足不同需求的竞争者属于()。A.愿望竞争者B.品牌竞争者C.属类竞争者D.产品形式竞争者答案:A 本题解析:愿望竞争者指提供不同产品以满足不同需求的竞争者:消费者的需要是多方面的但很难同时满足,在某一时刻可能只能满足其中的一个需要。消费者经过慎重考虑做出购买决策往往是提供不同产品的厂商为争取该消费者成为现实顾客竞相努力的结果。2.Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _ local 5-star

2、hotels charged 6,000Yuan for one night.A.ifB.whenC.whichD.since答案:B 本题解析:句意为由于金融危机,当地五星级酒店一晚收费6000元的日子不复存在了。when引导的从句做days的定语。3.禹贡是我国最早的区域地理著作,伪托为夏朝大禹所著,被收入“五经”之一的尚书之中。由于尚书是儒家最重要的经典之一,所以禹贡的内容被认为是真实存在过的地理现象。但20世纪以来的研究已经证明禹贡是春秋战国时人的作品,是当时人统一意识和地理知识的产物,更确切地说,应该是当时一些思想家的理想构思。如果从政治地理视角看来,禹贡之中存在着两种不同的地理区划

3、:上半篇的“九州制”是一种分块式的政治地理区划,下半篇的“五服制”则是圈层型政治地理区划。这两种区划理念,在秦以后的历代王朝都有实践例证。关于禹贡,文中没有提及:A.编纂者的基本身份特征B.描述自然地理现象的方法C.对中国古代行政区划的影响D.所表达的理想政治地理区划答案:B 本题解析:第一步,分析文段,将选项与文段一一对应。第二步,辨析选项。A项对应文段首句“依托为夏朝大禹所著”及中间提到的“应该是当时一些思想家的理想构思”,正确。C项对应文段尾句“这两种区划理念,在秦以后的历代王朝都有实践例证”,正确。D项对应文段第三、四句“应该是当时一些思想家的理想构思禹贡之中存在着两种不同的地理区划”

4、,正确。B项“描述自然地理现象的方法”在文中并未提及,属于无中生有。因此,选择B选项。4.If you use your commute to catch up on work email, that time should be counted as part of the working day, according to a new study by researchers who analyzed thousands of commutersonline habits. If travel time were to count as work time, there would be

5、many social and economic impacts. said Juhet Jain, one of the academics from the University of the West of England who surveyed several thousand commuters on trains in and out of London.Most respondents expressed how they consider their commute as time to catch up with work, before or after their tr

6、aditional working day, according to a summary of the study.“This transitional time also enabled people to switch roles, for example from being a parent getting the kids ready for 3 school in the morning to a business director during the day The study quotes a working mother named Katheryn saying. It

7、s really important to my sanity that I can get work done on the tram. I am a busy mum and I rely on that time, so I can get things done”Another commuter, Andrew, told the researchers.“Its dead time in a way so what it allows me to do is finish stuff and not work in the evenings. The study notes that

8、 while work rules vary around the world, some commuters in Norway are already able to count travel time as part of their working day”The findings on workers use of smartphones and other devices to stay plugged in highight the importance of providing Wi-Fi to commuters, according to the academics, wh

9、o presented their study at the Royal Geographical Society. To ollet the data, they focused on two train lines that boosted the amount of free Wi-Fi they offered. On the Birmingham to London line, 60 percent of commuters connected to the enhanced network. The results hint at what are likely to be inc

10、reasingly complicated work-life discussions, in which employees and their bosses debate what qualifies as work and where the line between personal and professional time should be drawn. Discussing the results in a news release, Jain said, It may ease commuter pressure on peak hours and allow for mor

11、e comfort and flexibility around working times. However, it may also demand more survillance and accountability for productivity.In addition to potential ramifications for mass transit that the British researchers highlighted,the idea of claiming commuting time on the clock could also appeal to work

12、ers who use other means of travel. Take, for instance, people who rely on ride. share companies to get to their jobs. And the discussion seems certain to widen in the near future, to inc lude a looming wave of self-driving cars that - in theory, at least -promises to free up more travel time for dri

13、vers.As for rail commuters, the researchers said their work shows it s important that trains “ffer a good working environment including tables , power。space and good continuous connectivity for internet and phone callsAccording to Juliet Jain, the work-life discussions between employees and their bo

14、sses may_A.lead to distance workingB.ease employee pressureC.draw a clear line between work and lifeD.promote productivity答案:B 本题解析:细节题。根绝题目关键词Juliet Jain, work-life discussion定位原文第三段The results hint at what are likely to be increasingly complicated work-life discussions, in which employees and thei

15、r bosses debate what qualifies as work and where the line between personal and professional time should be drawn Discussing the results in a news release, Jain said, It may ease commuter pressure on peak hours and allow for more comfort and flexibility around working times.故选项B正确。D选项与原文意义相反。5.A Boei

16、ng 707 on service from Bogota Colombia crashed while ( ) its destination at New Yorks JFK International Airport.A.to approachB.having approachedC.approachingD.to be approached答案:C 本题解析:考查动词的时态。句意是“波音707在飞往目的地纽约的巡航中突发空难。”这里while连接的是正在途中,表示动作正在发生,故动词要加ing,故排除AD。B项是完成时态,表示动作已经发生,不符合原文语境,排除B;故答案选C。6.在提高

17、农业领域的效率和准确率方面,无人机得到了越来越多的_,本研究是首批利用无人机优化育种实践的研究。迪尔斯指出,该应用对于大型育种企业非常实用,它们每年要测试数十万个_品种。如果利用这项技术,能够让植物育种学家节省时间和精力,新品种就可以被更快地_出来供农民使用,这是一个受欢迎的改进。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.关注实验创造B.认同待定激发C.肯定未知识别D.认可潜在开发答案:D 本题解析:本题属于逻辑填空题目。本题解题的关键是第三空,原文说:新品种就可以被更快地出来,四个选项,一般来说,创造、激发都无法与“品种”搭配,而从原文意思来说,这一空是指通过无人机技术,研制出品种,供农民使用。

18、而仅仅“识别”是不行的,因此,这一空用“开发品种”是最符合题意的。验证前两空,均符合语境。因此,选择D选项。7.The next thing lae saw was smoke _ from behind the house,A.roseB.risingC.to riseD.risen答案:B 本题解析:句意为接下来他就看到烟从房子里冒出来。smoke与rise之间是主谓关系,且在句中作定语部分,故选B。8.与中国南面隔海相望的国家不包括()A.越南B.马来西亚C.文莱D.印度尼西亚答案:A 本题解析:解析:同中国隔海相望的国家有6个。其中南面同中国隔海相望的国家为:马来西亚、文莱、印度尼西亚

19、。9.Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a green labeling study published by Consumers International Friday.Among the reports more outrageous findings-a German fertilizer described itself as earthworm friendly a br

20、and of flour said it was non-polluting and a British toilet paper claimed to be environmentally friendlier.The study was written and researched by Britains National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commi

21、ssion.While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy. said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.The lO-country study surveyed product packaging in Britai

22、n, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the c

23、laims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.Many products had speciall

24、y-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing. said report researcher Philip Page.Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list wi

25、th 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading. he said.The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as environmentally friendly and non-polluting can not be verified. What we are now

26、 pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO. said Page.According to the passage, the NCC found it outrageous that_.A.all the products surveyed claim to meet ISO standardsB.the claims made by products are often unclear or deceivingC.consumers would believe man

27、y of the manufactures claimD.few products actually prove to be environment friendly答案:B 本题解析:此题暂无解析第一段开头所说“Consumers are being confused and misled by”具有总领句的性质,这句话恰好概括出了三个例子的本质问题:一是令消费者困惑(confused),二是误导消费者(misled)。这两点和B所说的unclear和deceivin9恰好一一对应。10.在火炬计划重点支持项目中,平均每个项目获得的支持资金最少的领域是A.孵化器B.技术转移机构C.大学科技园

28、D.产业化示范答案:D 本题解析:根据图2可知,孵化器、技术转移机构、大学科技园和产业化示范的平均每个项目获得的支撑资金为产业化示范获得的平均资金最低。因此,本题答案为D选项。11.One day a man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for severalhours and watched the butterfly. Suddenly a small opening appeared, and the butterfly made its great effort to force its b

29、ody through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further.So the man decided to help the butterfly. He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come our easily. But to his surpris

30、e, the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of the cocoon. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would become larger and be able to fly. But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent

31、the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a heavy body and small wings. It was never able to fly. The man was in his kindness, but he did not understand the nature rules. Before the butterfly came out of the cocoon, fluid (流体) from its body must be forced into its wings, and then it would be rea

32、dy for flying. It must have a hard struggle (拼搏) to get through the small opening to get its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any difficulties, it would make us fail. We would not be as strong as we co

33、uld have been; we could never fly.What do you think of the man?A.Patient but cruelB.Careful and wiseC.Kind but unwiseD.Brave and funny答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析12.下列各图是纸盒的表面展开图,则其中表示同一个纸盒的是()。A.甲和乙B.乙和丙C.丙和丁D.丁和甲答案:C 本题解析:AD两项,甲图中笑脸和黑方块为相对面,乙、丁图中笑脸和阴影为相邻面;B项,若以三角形为正面,乙图中左右分别为横线笑脸,丙图分别为笑脸横线。13.是保证金触体系健全的哪一种监管?A.

34、资产和业务活动的填制B.准入限制C.存款保险D.利率管制答案:D 本题解析:“Q条例”是对存款利率进行管制的代名词14.某校共有三个兴趣小组,分别为体育、书法和美术。已知参加这三个兴趣小组的学生分别是25人、24人、30人。同时参加体育、书法兴趣小组的有5人,同时参加体育、美术兴趣小组的有2人,同时参加书法、美术兴趣小组的有4人,有1人同时参加这三个兴趣小组, 共有( )人参加兴趣小组。A.74B.72C.70D.69答案:D 本题解析:可得三个兴趣小组的总人数为25 + 24 + 30-(5 + 2 + 4) + 1 = 69(人)。所以答案选D。15.文明要想延续难乎其难,而邪恶毁坏文明则

35、_填入横线部分最恰当的是()A.来之不易B.轻而易举C.寸步难行D.唾手可得答案:B 本题解析:“而”字表转折关系,所以横线处应填一个“难乎其难”的反义词。故排除A、C。“轻而易举”很轻松很容易地举起来。形容办事容易,毫不费力。唾手可得:动手就可以取得。比喻极容易得到。文中是讲“邪恶毁坏文明”这件事的难易,而不是要“得到”什么,故选“轻而易举”更合适。16.根据亚伯拉罕哈罗德马斯洛(Abraham Harold Maslow)的需求层次论,组织需要为自我实现的需要提供()。A.高额奖金B.舒适的工作环境C.与之相应的地位D.挑战性的工作答案:D 本题解析:自我实现的需要是指个人能力发挥的最大化

36、和理想抱负的实现。组织要鼓励组织成员参与管理,要扩大组织成员参与管理的渠道,创造和提供机会让其参与管理,这是调动他们工作积极性、增强归属感、认同感的有效方法,有助于满足组织成员的自尊和自我实现的需要。17.父亲:母亲:歌唱家()。A.儿子:女儿:学生B.种子植物:苔藓植物:蕨类植物C.雪碧:可乐:饮料D.桌子:凳子:木头答案:A 本题解析:第一步,确定题干逻辑关系。“父亲”和“母亲”是并列关系,“父亲”和“歌唱家”是交叉关系,“母亲”和“歌唱家”是交叉关系,都属于外延关系。第二步,辨析选项。A项:“儿子”和“女儿”是并列关系,“儿子”和“学生”是交叉关系,“女儿”和“学生”是交叉关系,符合;B

37、项:“种子植物”,“苔藓植物”和“蕨类植物”是并列关系,排除;C项:“雪碧”和“可乐”是并列关系,“雪碧”和“可乐”都是饮料的一种,排除;D项:“桌子”和“凳子”是并列关系,它们的原材料是“木头”,排除。故本题正确答案选A。18.中国银行的国内一级分行数目是( )。A.35个B.36个C.37个D.38个答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析19.When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I s

38、eek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and too serious about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to l

39、earn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:Lets start with a train whistle today. We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle.

40、Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be s

41、orry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose

42、 imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes ina funny way, in the others dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : Yes,

43、I must tell. We have never met.It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.

44、According to paragraph 4, the author and her friend_.A.call each other regularlyB.have similar personalitiesC.enjoy writing to each otherD.dream of meeting each other答案:C 本题解析:此题暂无解析考查细节推断的能力。从第四段可以看出,他们经常相互写信,从来没有见过面。20.浙江媒体曾以“乞丐王子”爆红网络,忧郁的眼神秒杀网友“乞丐王子”,我很想找个人来爱他为题,报道了“犀利哥”爆红网络的事,“犀利哥”牵动了很多网友的神经,也激发

45、了大 家的爱心,包括宁波市救助站、热心网友等许多单位和个人都开始行动,希望为“犀利哥”提供帮 助。面对突如其来的热心人,面对连日来外界环境的改变,“犀利哥”显然是有些害怕,甚至拒绝 别人的帮助。随后,许多网友在论坛上发帖,反思如此大张旗鼓地救助“犀利哥”到底是对是错。下列能准确概括上面文字内容的一句话是()A.“犀利哥”爆红网络,但对过于热心的帮助无所适从B.大张旗鼓地救助“犀利哥”到底是对是错C.由于媒体的大肆宣传,“犀利哥”成为社会红人D.“犀利哥”虽然爆红网络,但他不愿意接收别人的帮助答案:B 本题解析:属于主旨概括题。文段从各个角度列举了社会对于“犀利哥”的救助,并在文末借用某网帖点题

46、“如此大张旗鼓地救助犀利哥,到底是对是错“,所以选B。21.某代表团有756名成员,现要对A、B两议案分别进行表决,且他们只能投赞成票或反对 票。已知赞成A议案的有476人,赞成B议案的有294人,对A、B两议案都反对的有 169人。则赞成A议案且反对B议案的有( )。A.293 人B.297 人C.302 人D.306 人答案:A 本题解析:赞成B议案的有294人,那么反对B的人有462人(756 294)。又因为 对A、B两议案都反对的有169人,那么赞成A而反对B的人有293人(462169)。22.Bruce McLaren is different from most of the

47、drivers in that_.A.he himself designs chassisB.he has an engineering degreeC.he manufactures chassisD.he is a gifted mechanic答案:B 本题解析:由第三段括号里的内容“an exception is New Zealand,s Bmce McLarenwho has an engineering degree”可知,different from所表达的意思与an exception相同,Bruce McLaren与其他赛车手的不同之处在于他有工程师学位。故选B。23.下列

48、项目中可称为可变成本的是()。A.厂房的租金B.原料和燃料的支出C.机器设备的折旧D.高层管理者的薪资答案:B 本题解析:原料和燃料的支出随着产量的增加而增加,属于可变成本。故本题正确答案选B。24.已经获得专用权而且受到法律保护的品牌被称作( )。A.品牌名称B.品牌标志C.商标D.深度品牌答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析25.第56题答案是_A.adviseB.forgiveC.warnD.blame答案:B 本题解析:经常找借口,那么也就会不留余地地给别人来“原谅”自己。故选B。26.2017年我国成年国民图书阅读率为59.1%,比上年增加0.3个百分点;报纸阅读率为37.6%,比上年降低2


50、各类出版物人均阅读量2013年至2017年我国成年国民人均期刊阅读量超过这五年平均水平的年份有()。A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个答案:B 本题解析:根据平均数总数/总个数,对数据进行截位处理,则五年平均水平约为=4.74。超过这五年平均水平的年份有2013年(5.51份)、2014年(6.07份)、2015年(4.91份),共计3年。B选项正确,A、C、D选项错误。故本题正确答案选B。27.自行车对于( )相当于( )对于电风扇A.轮胎 电流B.摩托车 蒲扇C.旅程 消暑D.交通工具 家具答案:B 本题解析:A、C、D三个选项调语顺序均颠倒,B项,摩托车与自行车都是交通工具,自行车的动力是

51、人力,摩托车的动力非人力,蒲扇和电风扇有同样的特点。故选B。28.A.120B.121C.122D.123答案:D 本题解析:原式29.通货紧缩是指( )。A.价格总水平持续上涨B.价格总水平持续下降C.货币流通速度减慢D.经济增长速度下降答案:B 本题解析:个经济体的总体物价水平经常发生变动。通货膨胀被用来描述总体物价水平持续上升的情况,通货紧缩被用来描述总体物价水平持续下降的情况。通货膨胀(紧缩)的程度用通货膨胀率来衡量。30.第42题答案是_A.IncludedB.IncludeC.InclusionD.Including答案:A 本题解析:句子结构本来为“A four-storey1,

52、200 vehicles+are included in the plans”,在这里“include”被置于句首构成倒装句。31.以下属于财产性收入的是( )A.工资薪金收入B.劳动者年终奖金所得C.劳动者兼职所得D.银行存款利息所得答案:D 本题解析:财产性收入就是指通过资本、技术和管理等要素与社会生产和生活活动所产生的收人,是指家庭拥有的动产(如银行存款、有价证券)和不动产(如房屋、车辆、收藏品等)所获得的收人,包括出让财产使用权获得的利息、租金、专利收入;财产营运所获得的红利收入,财产增值收益等。故选D项。32.在基础设施建设的过程中,政府可采取多种方式对基进行支持,其中体现公共财政非

53、盈利性特点的方式是( )。A.询价招标B.提供贷款C.引进外资D.提供贴息答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析33.研究人员发现美国人口的老龄化或将有助于减缓全球变暖。一名人口统计学家使用了一种新的计算机模型来研究年龄与二氧化碳排放量之间的关系,显示美国人在退休之后对全球变暖的“贡献”就会减少。如果以下各项为真,最能支持研究人员观点的是( )。A.研究发现随着年龄增长,美国人二氧化碳的排放量逐渐增大,这种趋势会在65岁前后达到顶峰,然后骤然回落B.研究报告认为,与美国有着类似的老龄化人口结构和消费模式的国家也许会发现它们的二氧化碳排放量将减少C.有研究表明,65岁及以上的美国人捐献给关注全球变暖的绿色

54、环保基金的慈善款金额高于其他年龄段的美国人D.研究显示,美国二战后“婴儿潮”一代在退休之后的二氧化碳排放量在2030年后将逐渐减少,减幅十分显著答案:A 本题解析:A项说明美国人在65岁之后二氧化碳的排放量骤然回落,加强了论点。B、C两项与题干观点无关;D项是未来的情况,不能直接支持题干观点。34.市场营销组合因素通常都是由市场营销人员来决定的,所以它们也常被称作()。A.宏观环境变量B.微观环境变量C.可控变量D.不可控变量答案:C 本题解析:市场营销组合因素对企业来说是“可控因素”。企业根据目标市场的需要,可以决定自己的产品结构,包括制定产品价格,选择分销渠道(地点)和促销方法等。35.第

55、43题答案是_A.was makingB.will have madeC.madeD.will make答案:D 本题解析:文中意为“Proteus Sat”将尽力及时解决所有的投诉以达到双方满意的效果。36.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:观察左图,可知其折叠之后应有两个相对小长方形是黑的。B、C、D项中能看到的相邻的小三角形或者全为黑,或者全为白,都不能使小长方形有两个相对的是黑色,故答案为A。37.2013年,风险管理团队监控的 110个贷款项目中,存在高风险项目数占比超过 50%。所有项目中,属于东部地区的有 87个,属于西部地区的有 23个。由此推断出一下

56、结论,其中错误的一项是( )。A.东部地区的高风险项目数占比不一定低于西部地区B.西部地区的高风险项目数占比不一定低于东部地区C.东部地区的高风险项目数不一定高于西部地区D.西部地区的高风险项目数不一定高于东部地区答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析38.虽有秋风秋霜,白菜却茂盛生长。深秋里的成片新绿并不多见。此时,田野百花凋零, 白菜仍旧水灵。叶柄宽而肥厚,瓷勺状的叶瓣弯弯的往上翘,在阳光下欢喜地仰着脸,叫人生出 希望。白菜的白和南瓜的黄、辣椒的红一样,都是美的极点。最能概括这段文字的话是( )A.霜降对植物是一种历练B.家常白菜生成美的极点C.霜打过的白菜有回味的甘甜D.白菜溢出了生活本真的气息答

57、案:D 本题解析:这段文宇推绘了深秋里白菜生机勃勃的景象。第一句总说秋天里白菜茂座生长。第二、三、四句用白菜与其他作物对比,突出白菜的生机。末句更进一步把白菜的白、南瓜的黄、辣椒的红赞作美的极点。A项说“霜降”、“植物”,都不是文段主要阐述的内容,排除。B项断聿取义,文中虽有“美的极点”的表述,但说的是“白菜的白”,是从白菜的“生机”的角度来阐述的,而不是真的说它的外形,排除,C项说白菜的味道,文中没有提及,排除.39.The team manager charged Michelle Palamides with the task of_the epartment sdwebpage for the companys new intranet.A.designB.DesigningC.to designD.designed答案:B 本题解析:空格处为介词0f的宾语的位置,名词A和动名词8可能为正确答案。但是能够以名词短语the departments webpage为宾语的只有动名词,故选8。40.一天,某老年服务中心管理人员给老年人安排活动:上午,在服务中心养老的男性老年人练

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