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1、读书计划/个人陈述 (PERSONAL STATEMENT或STATEMENT OF PURPOSE)读书计划是在申请过程中按照学校的要求来写一篇有关申请人过去背景,目前成就和未来目标的文章,一篇成功的读书计划不但应语言流畅,且文章逻辑严谨,层次分明,能充分显示申请人的才华并抓住审阅人的注意力。要写出这样的文章,既使对于母语为英语的澳大利亚人来说都是十分不易的,更不要说对于母语为非英语的中国学生。但是澳大利亚的学校在读书计划这项材料上并不对中国学生降低要求,他们认为既然申请人被录取后会与澳大利亚学生一起学习,那么就应用同样的标准衡量国际学生,一篇成功优秀的读书计划不仅仅要求文法上没有错误,还要

2、求语言流畅并具有感染力与吸引力,同时要说明自己的整体素质与学术成就,这的确不是一件容易的事。许多学生为了写一篇优秀的读书计划要花上一个月的时间,这并不奇怪。 然而,写好一篇读书计划并非很难,首先我们要明白审阅这篇读书计划的人想要知道什么,审阅人最看重什么,什么样的读书计划才算是出色的。然后我们才可以根据自己的情况写出这篇文章。读书计划可以分为两种不同的类型:一种是总括型读书计划,这种类型的读书计划实质上是一种个人散文(Essay),即用最大的广度、最可能的深度来介绍申请人的情况,无论是背景、现状、还是未来。这种类型的读书计划被广泛应用于医学院、法学院等研究生院中。另一种是专业型读书计划,这类读

3、书计划往往着重介绍申请人在某学业或事业领域上的成就与见解,在一种小范围内尽可能详尽他说明自己的情况,这种类型的读书计划常在商学院的申请人中见到。 无论是采取哪种类型的读书计划,申请者都一定要了解清楚学校需要申请人回答什么样的问题,是单一的对未来学习生活的展望与计划,还是全面的介绍自己各方面情况。 许多学校不要求提供读书计划,或是不规定读书计划的内容与形式,这样的学校也应备一份连同申请材料寄去。如果不规定具体形式,就把文章重点放在有利字自己申请的一个或几个方面上。一所澳大利亚名牌大学的招生办主任对读书计划的看法是:我们仅仅是想让申请人回答一个问题,就是“你认为我们应了解你哪些方面是最重要的”。假

4、如你需要5分钟去面对一位审核官员说明这些,那么你在这5分钟内所说的内容就是读书计划。 从澳大利亚大学对读书计划的看法中我们可以对它有一个概括的认识,知道了读书计划应该写哪些内容,针对具体情况,我们建议在写读书计划之前首先考虑以下几个问题: 在你的经历中,有哪些独特与吸引人的地方,哪些你生活中的细节(家庭、历史、影响你人生的事件)能够使审阅人较好地了解你,并认为你与众不同。 你何时开始对你所学的专业产生兴趣,为什么感兴趣,当时你对它的认识是什么。 如今你对你申请的专业了解有多深,你的奋斗目标是什么。 如果你的成绩(大学成绩、标准考试成绩)不很理想,你是否需要为此解释一下。 你曾经克服过什么困难,

5、有什么样的经历、技能或优点。 你为什么会选择这所大学。 回答以上所有的问题并不容易,但至少有一半的问题对申请是很重要的。许多人并没有经过仔细的回顾,往往一些很相关的方面都被忽略了。审核人阅读一篇读书计划的目的,是为了能够全面地了解申请人,最糟糕的事情是你的读书计划令审阅人感到厌烦,而这却是大多数申请人正在做的事。 考虑完这几个问题之后,就需要真正着手去写了,这时我们应注意的是: 这篇读书计划在为哪所学校而写,这所学校有没有内容上的规定,如果有,规定是哪些你正在准备的是一篇个人读书计划,无论从哪个角度来写都要突出文章的独特性,而不能模棱两可。有选择性地选择材料,详细说明有利于奖学金申请的材料,去

6、掉与主题无关的材料,也不要加入太多的细节,否则会导致评审意见被引入一个误区。 无论在谈及成功还是失败,都需要保持一种乐观的态度与口吻。尽管一些过去的失败与挫折会在一定程度和方面上被认为是不利,但是如果能仍然树立起一种自信和认真,那是很令人欣赏的。 如果你的生活没有太多的与众不同,那么选择一个新颖的角度来写。 第一段就抓住审阅人的注意,适当以与众不同的形式表现,但不要过分。如果你申请了几所不同学校,你是否写了不同的读书计划。审阅人如果感到你的读书计划是完全的空谈,那么会把整个材料否定的。如墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne)招生办主任在谈到读书计划时说:“最令我们失望的是

7、,当我们在阅读一篇读书计划时,我们十分清楚这名申请人对我们学校一无所知,而可以把这篇文章寄到全澳大利亚的各个大学。”以上几点是在写读书计划是应当注意的,如果注意到这些,写一篇优秀的读书计划就并不是那么难了。已经成功的读书计划范例(信息科技) To Whom It May Concern: Re: Application of Student Visa to study in RMIT UniversityIn additional to all my documents provided, I would like to take this opportunity to write a per

8、sonal statement to clarify the main reasons that drive me to study in Australia.I was born in 1981, the starting period of Chinas economy reform designed and implemented under the leadership of Mr. De Xiaoping. I have witnessed the dramatic changes in the continuous infrastructure construction, obse

9、rvable improvement of living standards, greater enrichment of social life, gradual deregulation of policies and strong growth of local economy. All the positive sides make everybody fond of the market economy, especially my parents, both of who are managers of property development companies. My pare

10、nts have great influence on me, so when I was young, I start to learn how to keep abreast of the modern society by learning the new knowledge and skills.The world is already heading toward the new economy, although there are still some turmoil in certain fields and period. The explosive information

11、technology changed the world in such quick and significant manners that many economists cant explain well. Meanwhile, China is joining WTO, the economy at this moment is growing at 8% annually, by further eliminating non-tariff barriers and reduce tariff rates, Chinas market will experience huge str

12、uctural changes and countless opportunities will emerge to make China the hottest spot in the world economy. As a Chinese student, I am living in a new age that China is in shortage of personnel with proficient English skills, overseas education background and capability to merge east and west cultu

13、res. By choosing to study in RMIT University in Melbourne Australia, there are a few advantages that I can achieve my goal: Australia is a multicultural country, and RMIT university is a well-known multicultural university. I can learn how to interact within different cultures to improve my interper

14、sonal skills. I also can build up a network that comprises friends from different countries and areas. Australia enjoys vast land, abundant resources, mild weather and well-managed security, it is the best destination to study. Australia has the world class educational systems, and RMIT university i

15、s well-know for its practical mission and provident objectives. By learning its IT courses, I can become an IT professional recognised in Australia and China and other places as I will have obtained professional IT skills. Australia has good relationship with China and Australia is also changing its

16、 old economy image by actively engaged into cooperation between APEC countries and regions. China is certainly the biggest potential market for Australia. With my multicultual background and Australian experience and skills, when I have completed study in Australia and returns China, I can participa

17、te into the development of business cooperation or any other relationship In short, by choosing to study in RMIT University in Australia, I will benefit greatly from the extraordinary experience for building up my professional career, and I will help to build China, my motherland, into a well-manage

18、d market economy country.I look forward that my application can be assessed and approved at your earliest convenience!Regards! xxxx读书计划的内容应包含下列三项资料:$ & u$ ( s2 V7 w& U1、申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景 5 Jv1 _9 I& pb) r! K6 R2、欲研究的方向 r# z: y Z* k, x1 F2 B! q0 d# b3、未来的职业目标 5 L8 C) ! a# M* m5 r+ 注意事项:9 g* ?5 p. . L+ f

19、( cz+ y3 _9 C/ H详读学校的写作说明并了解问题的重点,不赘言,不遗漏,且在要求的字数内完成。例如学校要求五百字内完成(In 500 words or less discuss .),则全文最好不要超过五百字。如果学校要求以问答方式来 叙述(Responsesto essay questions.,Please limit your response to one page .),即依其要求回答不长过一页。写作时应清楚明确。例如: ! W! s; k* l6 Z/ & Sn2 I$ hnI am interested in English literature 这句话表达不够清楚,

20、而I was conce ntrated on Milton and Shakespeare incollege 就明白的说出了申请人的志趣及专研的范围。5 i a& I) O0 h1 xI received extensive training in physics 这句话不够详细,My training was in the area of particle physics就具体多了。& K& e! t. K: y$ j$ c L. O+ JI was very active as a student representative 最好说明曾经做什麽: 主办演讲、沟通学生与校方之意见等。L

21、) N% H * n4 ?5 bI amattracted to your department by its brilliantfaculty-应说明对於教授的认知是从何而来,如在何处读到某教授之文章而愿受教於他, 或某位教授正在从事一项重要研究,与自己欲攻读的研究领域相同等。表达对所申请之系的课程、教师和特性有些了解,依学校之不同而提及某位任教於该校的教授、新课程或该校的某个学位有兴趣。: U7 M0 $ 7 P8 h不要用语意模糊的句子,如 Your esteemed school-应代以学校的名字。I will return to serve my country-应明确的说出所要从事

22、的到底是什麽工作等。# o d3 a. Y5 c. E9 v5 B e. E3 E避免用深奥的字汇,尽量以简单容易的字来表达。9 A( g- M! t6 Z4 不要离题,谈论一些不相干的事。, L) u3 S) k7 1 ia态度诚恳认真,不卑不亢。不用为自己的弱点道歉,譬如说 :托福成绩不高等;也不要表现得过份自信。重要的是给学校一个专业,认真的印象。# t5 o+ Z: kr& X不要抄袭,改写书上的样本文章。应详读学校的介绍,了解其要求,再对自己的学业背景、计划加以考虑,写出自己的风格。: T: W; L; U% # M6 u$ N检查英文的时态、性别及单多数等方面的错误,美国的学校不会

23、期望外国学生的英文完美无缺,故陈述得清楚明白比十全十美的英文重要。 i1 x7 t1 L$ f, l# C, I7 I范文1: 计算机系毕业生读书计划9 D2 V) q2 5 a/ R. nWhen I was a high school boy, my father undertook a task of rearranging a data processing system with computer equipment for a government office. Which increasing contact, I decided to be a computer engine

24、er to satisfy my curiosity about this incredible machine.7 A3 W8 a! nTo realize the dream of getting into this miraculous world of computer, I studied very hard to pass the College Entrance Examination. According to the result of the Exam, I was admitted to Beijing University of Science and Technolo

25、gy, majoring computer science. A year later. I transferred to Tsinghua University, which is famous for its computer science.( M/ h! ?O. D+ t/ BXDuring my five-year undergraduate study in the university, I had scholarship every semester because of my excellent academic performance. Besides, I tried t

26、o spend every summer working in a computer firm to get practical experience. I have produced a small Pascal compiler and a sample computer storage system for a company. Also I joined the research work the arrangement of computer image for the department.8 M! x: ( - T3 ; : bI believe the future centu

27、ry will be a computer century and the world will greatly depend on it. Therefore it is necessary for us to broad my knowledge on this part. I intend to help the development of my country in this area. emphasizing in the objectives such as office automatism, the build-up of computer network, artifici

28、al brain and CAD / CAM, etc./ 6 s n3 W0 p0 h1 W) QIf I am able to complete my master degree within two years, I plan to continue to pursue a Ph.D. degree thereafter. As soon as I complete my study, I will come back home immediately to contribute what I have learned to my own country.& 0 7 I o2 6 / a

29、! |0 S# gX7 q范文2: 医学工程专业转攻计算机专业读书计划8 W* : v. m/ x0 w4 B, b, DI majored in Biomedical Engineering at Nankai University after graduating from high school. There, I took courses on Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Programming, and Microprocessor. Therefore, I became greatly interested in the

30、field. In my spare time, I attended BASIC Training Class and read lots of related books whenever I was free. Also, I decided to further my study in the field of Computer Science.7 _9 L. 3 , v, FAfter the graduation. I was hired by Tianjin Medical Equipment Co., LTD. to be a Service Engineer taking c

31、harge of the maintenance of X-ray instruments of Phillips and Siemens. Owing to the need of the work. I attained ASSEMBLY and PASCAL Training classes and realized more of the importance of Computer Science.) N, h% U& z8 r C! & y9 zI would like to enter your Graduate School to study Computer Programm

32、ing and System Analysis as computer is definitely going to play an important role in the life of humanbeing. Upon the completion of the study, I will return to China to devote my knowledge to Biomedical Engineering, to manufacture new products to be either marketed or applied to hospital management

33、and help computerizing hospital management.$ F2 7 F1 b% t+ B; G# U范文3: 经济系转计算机系读书计划% : E% a8 X) O3 After my undergraduate study at Hebei University where I majored in Economics. I became a sales representative for Tang Shan Textile Co. I have worked in this position for about three years. In my work

34、, I have witnessed the growing role played by computers in todays business administration and research. This trend became acute after the advent of minicomputers and microcomputers.! e S. ; Y K: Z X8 t2 E. v SThe computer programmers and engineers trained in this country cannot meet the pressing dem

35、and. I wish to devote myself to the application of computers and therefore, I have decided to pursue an M.S. degree in Computer Science. If admitted, I will concentrate my studies on the computer software.& T; P6 T2 W3 / a. JI have some fundamental knowledge regarding the characteristics and capabil

36、ities of computers in a course on the Introduction to Computer Science which I took as an undergraduate, Nevertheless, I am willing to take more prerequisite courses if necessary.* M- Q( 8 _ Upon completing the studies, I will return to my country and seek a position as a programmer.以下则是一位成获得留学加拿大签证

37、的留学生的留学计划书,可参照草拟。 T9 A0 W8 b6 v! jmStudy Plan 3 % x2 H6 s6 R- v/ O2 l) SG2 + U* h3 pI am the applicant Gang huang. In order to have a decent job and survive in severe competition8 Q9 9 B9 p* Nin future China, I plan to study accounting in Canada. I am going to take the 2-year Accounting Program of S

38、eneca College in May 10, 2004 since I believe it is quite suitable for my present qualification and supposed to be effective to my career goal-an accounting professional. 5 w2 O& e2 z, a a T$ O |7 W7 q. g6 WI am an ambitious girl who is always brave in front of challenges. In the past few years I wa

39、s always working hard at improving my education although the experience was a little frustrating.1 R! o5 a1 p! 7 V& L+ kI spent 3 years studying Foreign-Related Economics at vocational high school. After that, I 9 N0 w5 P: j5 4 ; Ffound my first job as a cashier in Beijing 21 Century Hotel. Two year

40、s later, I tried to look. G7 G6 K8 BR9 k9 zfor a better job; unfortunately however, due to my embarrassing education background, the best option for me was just a ticketing salesperson in Beijing Zijin Air Service Co., Ltd. As an ambitious girl, I couldnt be satisfied with a job of a cashier or tick

41、eting staff so I tried/ V- + k& a1 cto pursue my post-secondary education while working. 5 Z# j5 ?! r! 2 i6 b% ?& P! W1 p9 |3 I* g% In China, vocational high school graduates are not allowed to take National University Entrance Examination and therefore, have no chance to study normal university pro

42、grams. I had to take + ?# I& ?4 e; Q$ mt8 qthe extension program of the College of Mechanical Engineering of Beijing Union University. 9 U+ E N2 $ pSince I am so interested in accounting and it is estimated that a great number of qualified accountants are in ready demand, I chose the major in Foreig

43、n Trade Accounting. I worked hard / D D( E: s- x1 Pand completed all the courses in July, 2003. However, it is still quite difficult for me to find a decent and satisfactory job of being an accounting professional in China because of my informal education background, and I couldnt meet the education

44、al requirements of CPA (certified professional accountant) certificate examination. The CPA qualification is the prerequisite to anyone that makes an accountant his life-long career 2 g& N$ Z$ p/ ! m9 i, 4 b$ + 3 z4 dI am interested in accounting and I believe that accountants must be one of the mos

45、t prosperous professions. With economic development and globalization, more and more enterprises in China go into international markets, and meanwhile,even more foreign enterprises come into China. Therefore, a large number of accounting professionals who grasp western financial systems and excellen

46、t English utilization ability, and who are comfortable with working in inter-cultural circumstances must be greatly needed. If I want to find such kind of job with decent income and social respect and keep myself competitive in future China labor market, I must go on study abroad for more advanced k

47、nowledge in accounting, especially in western accounting system. I q# d- _8 a: B3 Z$ L; 6 shave learned at college in China such courses as Economic Mathematics, Accounting principle, Management Principle, Financial Management, Western Economics, Financial Accounting, International Finance, etc., wh

48、ich has laid a solid foundation for my overseas study in Accounting Program of Seneca College! ; A; U- ) G; D/ M4 Q# e( j0 U4 W$ J) s2 c& k6 e7 M$ ?+ / Y: X1 D9 I have thought over my study plan in Canada before making decision, and I believe this is a 5 , d2 |, p0 h) e/ _% iwise decision. First, Ca

49、nadian educational institutions are very well-known for advanced & M% j9 P$ Z: _2 Rteaching faculties and creative educational systems. A diploma of a Canadian college must be 7 ! _6 9 Y- f! n4 f z5 umore valued in business circle in China. Secondly, Canada is a developed industrial country s9 r; )

50、f+ / O( Lwith long commercial history. Its accounting system is the most mutual and developed so its education in western modern accounting is also the most useful and effective. Thirdly, English* s$ W0 f. e, V- i5 o/ jis the first working language in international business, and it is one of the off

51、icial languages in Canada. I can improve my English quickly and efficiently, which will benefit me a great deal b9 T* ( pG . r8 Rwhen I look for job in joint ventures in China in the future. In on word, my study in Canada & ) t3 A p) D$ Kwill bring me much more than what I will invest. 9 q7 h6 s/ Z

52、h% S- M9 R. t; r未完待续 5 o- ; s0 J& G! O! q; EMy Study StatementMy name is XX, a Chinese male. I was born on 19XX. From 199X to 199X I studied XX in XX University , and graduated from this university in XX.This institute is an international cooperative school running by China and Canada, all of the co

53、urses are taught in English. The school focuses on training students practical ability. During that period of time, I learned a lot and improved a lot, not only about English, but also the knowledge of management. In October. 2004, I take the IELTS exam confidently and got 6.0.I want to study more a

54、bout business, business management and the real English. At last I choose Britain as the place to continue my study, I think it is one of the best study places for me.In Britain I can learn real English, know more things about the Westerns: their life, their work, their study, etc. The advanced teac

55、hing method, the beautiful teaching environment, the friendly people, the good teachers. All of these attracted me deeply.One happy thing is I have been received the acceptance letter of XX College. It is one of the famous universities in Britain. They prepare students thoroughly, maximize the poten

56、tial of every one of the students, helping them to achieve a place at the kind of university which would be out of reach through less rigorous preparation. I am very happy to be a student of this university.This school can offer me the education that suit me well. The courses are taught in English,

57、it is a challenge to me but I dont think it will take me a long time. After all it is a part of daily life. Further more, I can get more exercise, for there are not so many students in every class. And there are more dedicated and excellent teachers who get along well with students. Also the courses

58、 I take will pay more attention to actively applying.School offers me an opportunity to communicate with each other and also improve us to develop other abilities. At last, to study with students from different countries make me quite excited. These abilities will help me in my future work and life.

59、One more thing I want to say is that my parents can cover all my expenses in Britain. You can see the details in Financial Support Letter from my parents and the Certificate of income and work of my parents. Therefore, I dont need to worry about the money, I dont want to do spare-time job after class, and I will do my best in study courses. One day, after I finish my study, I will go back to China, contribute myself to my motherland.Thank you for your approval on my application. I wish you can offer me an opportunity to study abroad.

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