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1、酒店前厅部年终工作总结(优秀范文五篇)导读: 第一篇:酒店前厅部年终工作总结 酒店前厅部年终工作总结 Had gone twoyears,n hisya, pulc hose eatr o se f1000 slanslke flls inth joint ortsf lucuio, mangemetoutstandig acievemhad biggerp 第一篇:酒店前厅部年终工作总结 酒店前厅部年终工作总结 Had gon to yea, in his yr, bi publc hueofon waters o sea of 1000islnds lae all i thejineffo

2、rts of fltutio,anament ostndng achvemnt ha ige prootion Old allunertk upateandbe tasormind,mke thservice projet oftheotelre rfet, lodaboabtogest room of5, 6F a the same tim,satif te reqemt of gestof mor businsafairs All thesebought opotuity suvivalndhpe to the hoel. Of the level of sevic of perfec,e

3、pleef the project of nr, seri fhoe faliierise urter, make m htel hd allerrptatin n hotel idustryThestvagemen hat restoe ev eder and allhotelsar epartmetalteffort of doo eplo is n dvied.Sothe hoteysattntion toth cltural n ologialprogres ofemlye reatively, com thsyar belw the circumance that atechamr

4、iistryhangceaselsl n ersonnl, llepoestllca vecom enerprsngf dificult, soidait, th satfctoryhotl tt finihis achwelc the job, annual wecmd VIP goup inal,te oreceounlss, in wholein receingaress,get of t uteputably, com oneyear antechamrnsr ha doethefollowin work: Oe, strengthen oaioa tranng, raise inis

5、try ofemploye quali tecambero sere astheppeaace f the ote, evr eloyeehulcnfronta vsitor dietly, th wkin mannr o employe ad service quat rport iv thervice eel f a hotelad leelof mngen, becaue this par of oyee he orki ky tht gromin sus, wl mak nthe light f 5 banh ti year roomindetal lan: Beimd at teep

6、honexan, wdetaekillgros rciving auditon ne lanuag; The baggage tha is in i the light of gge is cared nd check service undertes groming; he ereony cutesy of dest clekdsilof cay out oomgro; pecialy al o antchambinistrymploy l undertk the oreign lanuageof monthroms as lg asJulyhiyea,udg check t lay ex

7、ceran founatins forth ta thi year, just ca le loehave oskil f Wu of fessonalknowledge kioo thrughgroming onlyi furer, gif s nicer pie exellnt serve fr h gest.2, ngrat t mpoyee“ boadensouresf incme ad rduce exenditue,ad clse cut downpene ” consiosness, roden srcesf income adredue ependiturf “of conro

8、l god st,add se ut ow exns” sery entrprise nt aow pursui, atecambr department eploye swers hell fthe oel acively,begin mnig, t don expensetivit, conrl ood cosFor anagingchag,antechamerhim mistry uys plasti sket to holdte eyf the ou,reduced he useamunto key ba nd om card, to theel anging chrge (n mat

9、er e a roup,tlcome osso guet, verom ust fill in to te room etsu nd usekey a,after ing om crd and key g through grop oe, costrtly, the om blocks0. yan / pece, keyba 0.1 yua ,evray oup ous 10abve,ayar t the fe withmaing bger busstroe) ; Busines ffas center s usedexpire forms fo repoting statisiswil pr

10、 rtpaper;Supese nd urg th ploeeo accommodtion i maagig with watran elcticty;Corol oo ofice artcle fr e, hausedach eacpieces of apr, en. Pas ese conrol,ahiev fo the hotel lomake the contributio wih atchambrdue minisry. 3,th salecosciousnes that stengthen emloye nd sale skil,ris to lead anechamber nis

11、try basi maket condiion, civel s danced edicna pwd est roomsale, com thisyear hhoelrlled utaseries of pla o guest roo sles promoton f: The sae promoion ativit suc as 10 uan of certicae o anroo,intgral card,aci gold, cad, dest clerk isin hol priileg plic hil mi accrdin tomaket leel tday enter a circs

12、tanc o mster housepie neaty, ome lsedownsge the guet hd aaentaddiio,nerrte riesmewhat, emphasze destcle: “ wants ownstage gues nl, w want th tenettht methdlet ”ofgst akeupons qats, striv fo lve nerig to ead. 4, attenin to tarmoniou jotl between departentldooresmbl ig fmily, the hardoavod in oring be

13、enbrach nd brnc an happe grn, hamnius stnd rfaisafecdiwrking lieunat enral heAnchamber mistryis the centr banch fholeulic houe,t shaving ose workngrelaionhi wi hebranch such asmeal, le, uest oom, e like occrrne poblem, eudetake an actively hrmoy sttlment withts anh,avoi t ggravation,ecaus comm goaf

14、eerybdyis for thehotl, b not sovedd hd hanled thnegative fct wih will b brught ertain to the oel.5, strenghen of allks frs for rporg staistcs to ech decareat ctoms te aagmet of at is downsage the visitotht eters to evryacordin t threguation of pubicseuritybureauudrtakesegisterng, nptcptr,the caeconr

15、nirconnected sysm hat aaof theguesousidethe conditio adpts a hotel is sesnabetontnal ecurity bureau dvisinof discrepanc dition anagementnderke dearg a custom, cary ou the anounmen tat blic secury burea allotsseriously, ve o very the essalableunetks emindfl hek.All orms epori sttiti and dat poin ntha

16、mbe miisty pesonspi ssind for a tskis resnsible, undertake clasifiedfiling tform for epotingstatisticaneer mnths ftaii apears ithenewapr. Guesro comean icmeof toer o gus rom ndertook ontrast02, housing rate increased, but ioe dcaed wever yuan, becau,mairaon i between hotlinusty ligncontn founexected

17、y ring bou vrag room rce toredue, ener ate icraseand income rdct enomnon, ater watc of gues oomoverviw is ade. Ahieemet issasfatry,bu beins nfficinty dpaso consciousneanepiene arve: 1, feibili and initiative are laked on the service;2, th ipment ageing of tlephone ecangecreaes line tfee, cas a gest

18、to coplain cnstanty; 3, ndidua new employ rt inexpeeto own ob;, ageg ofcoyca ofbuiness firs cee, printe, dulicate nd prneesult arba,afted th ncme busineafis cetr diret Madnew sale ndex ad task to business branch ccrdinto hhotl, iis to ear toatechaer mintryiportant ye,finis hejo to ccoopate tosel a m

19、initry, mke a lan of years w jobsspcially:1, continue to srenen g, impove te integrated quality of mploye, mprove seve iy; 2,staleemlye ran,reduce e liuidity of empoyee; 3, ” o softar of“ of ain o “ arwre ” fils, troug improiga sevie qualitymakes up orthe inadeuy eipment gein; 4, tskil of cayt roo h

20、at iree downstg sa, incree mdcnalpoder o theguet nterate, strve finish heljobof htemae know o oer levelsabou to bein oe newea, athamber miistry ulty will povie emost ecellet serve wih Xianginof nw spiital outlook ad l operatin gest,ary ou“ gustcsummat, eve te proe f he it” 第二篇:酒店前厅部工作总结自今年三月接手前厅部并兼职

21、的工作对我是个不小的挑战,在进入工作状态之前,一是对工作环境熟悉及与员工的相互认识,有目的地减少陌生感,迅速把自己融入到九鑫这个大家庭当中。 二是在对酒店的管理模式和客源结构有了基本了解后,适度调整自身状态和管理方式,初步建立与新老员工之间,与部门之间良好的合作关系。 第三是配合老师的培训,强化规划化管理和程序化操作,以期达到服务质量明显提高的要求。 至于前面两点,相信凭多年的酒店从业经验和谦和的个性已迅速进入到了这个圈子里,关键的第三步通过50天的培训,部门员工在礼节礼貌;仪表仪容及岗位技能方面都有了一定的进步,但说到员工优质服务的可塑性;部门工作的高效性上来,又是一个任重而道远的目标。 一

22、 总台工作总结 总台这一年来的工作,从人员上来说来来去去而且新手较多,从开业到现在人员就几乎没有整齐过,虽然工作还算基本开展了下去,但不尽如人意的地方还是很多,表现在对客服务方面有这么几点,一是缺乏主动热情服务意识,没有耐烦心,态度生硬,二是责任感差,比如对于宾客的诉求只是简单的告之责任点,很少去了解和督促事件的结果,往往因怠慢客人而遭到投诉,体现在工作上就是不细心,如对账目的处理就比较粗心大意,因为大意修修改改,三是团结协作不够,尤其在于其他部门的工作配合还不到位,甚至还发生过言词激烈的争执,四是劳动纪律一般,脱岗现象严重。 造成这些问题的出现,客观上看可能因为人手紧,上班时间长,容易疲劳,

23、长期会造成情绪上的不稳定,这种情况下为稳定队伍有些制度也没有严格执行。主观上还是存在疏于思想管教,过分袒护其不符合规范的行为,总台服务要求的谦恭;耐心;微笑;周到和迅速的服务标准做的也没有预计的好,所以这一块需要提升的空间还很大。 从总台现有的接待员工作情况看(个人评价省略) 二 运营情况(省略) 三 202X年工作计划 由于九鑫山庄所具有的特殊性,既承担政务接待,又承担主管上级单位的接待,还面对社会游客开放,展望20X年,随着一号楼改造完成,九鑫山庄已经整体向高规格酒店看齐了,为了有与之配套的前台服务队伍,总台的工作要做如下调整, 1;考虑到本酒店的性质,规模和业务量,为保证前台的工作效益以

24、及方便顾客,正确设立前厅部组织机构及人员编制。 2;对酒店服务工作的性质而言,每一项具体的工作都有其具体的特殊技能要求,规范岗位工作细则和服务流程,除了客观衡量员工合格与否,也是指导员工工作是否达到最低要求的依据条文。 3;对客服务是一项整体性和系统性的工作,不是一个人或一个部门就能做到的,为了保证经营与管理的成功,就必须强调整体运作,主管要掌握有效沟通的方法和技巧,做好部门内与外,横与纵的沟通协调,靠整合优化来实现高效的服务。 4;加强内部管理,严格各项工作指标和规章制度,杜绝员工的麻痹思想,加强安全防范意识,节能减排意识,;结合酒店软/硬件更新,加强客户拜访工作以及完善客史档案系统。对酒店

25、可投资性客户做到熟悉,明确反映出来自客人的集中性问题,听取客户意见,密切与客人联系促进感情交流,保证一定的客户群。 ;建立酒店营销公关通讯网,重点之一就是建立完善的客史档案,按签单重点客户,会议接待客户,有发展潜力的客户等进行分类建档,详细记录客户所在单位,联系人姓名,地址,全年消费额等,保持与政府机关团体,各企事业单位,商界人士等重要客户的业务联系,在岁末年终或重大节假日及客户的生日,通过电话,发送信息等平台为客户送去我们的祝福。以及酒店有重大活动时邀请客户参加,7;培训工作的重点除了规范服务程序,更要注重培养爱岗敬业;团结奉献精神以及礼仪姿态等能表现出一个人良好的综合素质这些方面来。 pa

26、的工作总结会难一点,因为我自己就是个新手,刚开始的时候有的人是会有一些抵触,在这种情况下,必须尽快形成一个团队的凝聚力,为了具有个人感召力,我愿意去尝试他们的具体工作,所以一直处在边看边干边学的过程,年纪大的人嘴会比较零碎一点,但只要自己放的下架子,以身作则亲自动手做出表率,是可以树立起一种威信的。 事实证明,以柔克钢的管理手段还是行之有效的。比如在工资标准公布后,由于没有达到大家预期标准,很多人思想波动是很大的,当然为了安抚低落和不满的情绪,我也代大家陈述了想法,作为员工的代言人和上级的执行者,我的两难得到了领导的宽容在此深感欣慰。 经过老师的培训和在许总的指导下,pa的整体工作有条不紊的展

27、开,完善了各项工作要求和建立了操作程序以及管理制度,领导出于对工作严格规范的要求,有时候会直截了当指出工作中的不足,刚开始会使我感到非常难堪,但只要你对工作是真正上了心,你会发现自己犯的错其实是很明显的。 完美是一种理想主义,精益求精才是态度。 四严以律己,改正不足 作为半年多来的工作回顾,希望在今后的工作中,从以下四个方面来改正自己不足之处,以便更好更顺利的开展工作。 一在工作中要善于理解别人,包容别人,保持进取心,注重培养自己多方面的能力素质,争取成为本职工作方面的能手。 二工作上要有高度责任心,建立更加流畅的沟通渠道。 三要经常站在别人的立场上观察自己,实事求是的对待自己,感于寻找自己的

28、弱点和承认工作中的不足。 四加强内部管理,调动员工的积极性,通过大家共同努力,把我们的公共区域变得更加温馨、整洁。 五提高管理者素质 酒店是一个青春职场,酒店服务应该是充满愉悦和朝气的,在工作中能保持一颗快乐的心,这样的状态服务才有质的飞跃,在此基础上既要团结协作,各项工作才能顺利开展;又要有序竞争,服务质量才能提高,为此; 1管理人员要有大局观(眼光不能只放在自己部门上,事不关己高高挂起的思想有碍管理进步)。 2管理人员要有承担责任的勇气(遇到问题首先尽可能的解决问题,而不是先推诿责任,事后再来总结得失) 3管理人员要尽力做到公平;公正和公开(员工才是企业发展的基础,企业的成功首先是员工的成

29、功,受到正确对待的员工发挥的能量更大) 4管理人员要有调动员工积极性的能力(这一点尤为重要,酒店的工作大部分都是枯燥的而繁琐的,加上生活上等其他一些原因,员工难免有情绪低落的时候,如果任由不满甚至悲观的气氛压抑着,即便工作能够完成,那也是提供的不合格产品)俗话说细节决定成败,酒店管理无大事,做好小事,才能成就大事,服务质量的高低取决于细节工作的程度,只有将细节工作做到位客人才能感受到服务的存在,这一点在山庄决策层的管理体系中得到了充分的体会。 六 其他建议 1每月一次部门协调会或大型接待前后的筹备与总结会。 2每周一次管理人员参加的卫生大检查 3每周各部门评1名服务之星,得星最多的月底既为优秀

30、员工, 4定期举行技能比武(比如客房铺床;餐饮摆台)优胜者加评估分 5设员工活动室或开展文体活动 6设店讯栏(报道或通告和酒店有关的事) 7员工因考勤扣除那部分工资返回部门作为活动资金 8设意见箱 9员工生日送小礼物 第三篇:酒店前厅部工作总结酒店前厅部工作总结 Had oe twoyeas, ithi year, bg pblic houseof ope ar fsea of 00 ilads lak fls in h jinffortsflctuaton,mangementoustadi civen ha bggeromotin.Od all ndertookupateand b tran

31、sformiged, mak t srviceprject ofthe hte more pefec,load a broadbd o guestroomof 5F, at e sae tme, satsed the qurement of gus of more bsines afairll hese broght oportuityf uvl an hpe o the htel. O t ev of sevce oferect, emloye ofhrojet fnewer, serice of hoelalitis rse urther, ak y htel hadtler eptaio

32、n htel iustr. Tse active managemet that are storeeel ledr nd ll hotls re depatmental he ffor odr mployee inot ivded.o otl pays atention t te cutrl and idoogical pogss of eploye elatively,com thisyar beow the cicumstae tantchaber intrycane caelely in perl, l emploee l cnvrcome eterpsng odficlt, olida

33、it, th atfatryhot that finish ivs eac elome h b, annuawecomdIPgroup al, th confeence countless,in wo recieving a pcs, get of the gut eualy, ce one year antechamermnisrasdneth ollowng orks:One,rgthen voctionaltrainng, seinsry of employe qality antchamer to re as th pperace he hotel, ee emploe soud co

34、nfrn a visito irely, th wkig anneof mpoyea srvce uiy reort ge the srvce levl ofa hol and level of management, bcase ofhis pair ofemloe the wkin k tat roon isu, imake in thelightof 5brachhis year groom ideta plan: B amed at tlehoneexchange, weunertak kil rooms ecivin audto phn language; The baggage t

35、at is in in the g obaggg scarried nd cek service undertakes romng; The ceremony cots of dest clerk andillof car ou ro rom; seiall all to anechambr mnst emploe wil ere thefreign anguge of month groos sslong a Jul this yea, jdge check toay nxtcertaifoundationsfr the tar tis yer, just a let moyee have

36、onkll of Wu f proesina wledg imonthru gromingnly risefrter,giftisnicer povd excllen service for th ues.2, engraftto mploye “ oansourcs ice an reduc xpendite, ad cloeu downee “ conciusnss, cotrol goodcs “braden sourcesof icme and receenditure,ad close cutownxpns“t is eeryenterpise not arowyrsuit, ant

37、echamber deartmet eploe nwers tealof tehtl atvely, gin anaging,cutdow epnse actviy, conto good os. For managngchrge, ntecmber him inisty buslastic baet to holhe ke o the ru, duced the use amun fke bag andoomr, t the hotl mag charge (n matr be a rup,still comloose es,eve ro mst fil i to theroom getst

38、ca use k ag, afer sig roo rdanke bag though gouphouse,sed cos reaty, the o bocs 018uan / iece, ey bag 0.1uan , everydy group huse 100 bove, a yabut thefe h mning biger brustrke) ; uiness afair cene s exir om or reporig staitics will prn draft papr; uperse and urge heemployee ofaccomodatio ismanaing

39、witwater and elctriiy; otrol goodoffic ticlfouse, hd se ah eac pic o pape, pen. Pashe cntrl, acee orthhe lsemath conibuton with nteambe e mnst. , e sale onscines hatstrengthesmploye and sal kill, rs toled antchambriistryassmarketcoition, atively is dan meicinal derguest ro sale, com hisea the htelro

40、ledot eri of lan of us oom ses prmotionif: Tesals prootonactvituch 00ua o crtificate of fan oo,intgraar,actggod, card, esclrk s in hol plge licy whl ix crdingtomarket l thatday ter a circumstance tomaster house price neaty,coe los donstg te uet had arent addition, enterrae is somewha, emphasze est c

41、erk: “t dwnstage guestol, we watmhodls guest take up es quatr “ teet, srive ormoe lintein ead 第四篇:酒店前厅部工作总结1HoteQian ffce Departmet ummi up te08 is Hoel doe ot inary ayeas, rom Hotlrforlai Qian Office Deprtent ctelyomindimarketindeprtmnt recpon has various iferet typeandcale of eeting, most sinifcnt

42、y a ing Rver Sre f eeting recon, eeting o ues reepionge asJing Rier Str leadsip of onsisent regnizd, y ttal hasreu employees of arsweat entually for to hssuccess of ets, hoeve fomeetng recption t although mad has mt ofrecpioexperiene, alo st iufficie, rvi of pssie sxl, Al ddnot at thework ocomplete

43、beforehe guets, also see ur shortcmings.I vieof ths situatn in te ftur work fthe eception w il um u the awalt exerene, lea fromc ther, fuueor de bete and m tandard, d reate yur o brn. Saso o prinis yar, Mri hors i he be tie of t day o wrk, acordgtte oel idustrhage,rooms Divisi in theow seas o housin

44、 compee, introducedseeralprmotopart fom inprieShaof fers utside, etrned t us ree resentd fruit, ts emie is i prie 50 un above of ive gut,secn ull 10 Yua usricesLive 8 times aoveof gusts, i nxttimeadmitteSi wilee pesnted,preseis wtha ocumnts, purpoei pll mor f epeat customers, et gueagain peence, he

45、ofes activites, gt hs guest o consisnt recognied, hile alsoaes Htel et has mut ecnoic enits,do ha poularity o nabaed. Qian Ofice earments is hotlof saes indw, nhourice ofmarketing Shng especally receptin Mbr mster must of ses klls,owt to e ofseie produe sas o, th llweofreeptin Membe in mareting Shan

46、g mstr mst f sklls, in pric Shang in ccdanceith te fr igh to lo o order fo,bt oftenwe thisaspects also islaks,cosiuns weak, reazdawrk f mportac, gess has jstahinery sexal t desibs, ld, ts s enou of,even nsoftre ervi Shng aso i ot is flxblis acive, Le eceptioist lerntoarke isaopriri, oththey et pdct

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48、employeeso reltively well n is uture workAs a ront ofic postinccordae wih the standrs oftraning don smiin,oite, aand tougfuwth a hgh sense of rspnsbiliy, togain mrerept busins tes in hina frequetlyeplace, ways have fesh bood upplementcame in fro im o tme,rptiont added personelmre this year,busines n

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50、作总结_0酒店前厅部工作总结 ad goneso year, in this yar, xx igpublic house manaeext avng o cay d X company jinty in Xx ggercane, the capital with two deoted and many patnr udetok dae an be rasfoinged t falitieofhotelart failties, dragle and od 3buildigs do bsinethrouh dcorating, tose wh mad upfor otrcratio proec

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