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1、6.方文山给这首歌写的词,周杰伦谱曲的。FangWenshan wrote the words of this song and Jay wrote the tune.7.He tuned his violin before he started playing.演奏前他先将小提琴调音。8.她看向窗外,瞥见一条河。She looked out of the window and had a glimpse of the river.9.他躺在那里一动也不动。He lay there without movement.10.The forest continues for miles.这森林绵延

2、数英里。第1页/共23页11.我获准继续使用该图书馆。I was allowed to continue using the library.12.很显然,我用不着多讲这个工程是多么重要。Obviously,I dont need to say how important this project is.13.Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me.下不下雨对我来说没什么区别。填空:填空:1.pick up 2.picked up 3.pick out 4.pick.up 5.picked up第2页/共23页Lesson 43Ove

3、r the South Pole第3页/共23页New words and expressions:pole n.极南极south pole 北极north pole pole-star 北极星第4页/共23页flight n.飞行fly v.飞Did you have a good flight?乘机旅行愉快吗?固定搭配:in flight 在飞行中explorer n.探险家kspl:rexplore v.探险exploration n.(科研相关)探索,探求,开发第5页/共23页lie v.处于,位于位于 (lie lay lain)日本位于中国的东边。Japan lies to the

4、 east of China.复习:tell a lie 撒谎lie n.谎言;lie v.撒谎(lie,lied,lied)lie&laylie vi.躺躺&lay vt.放置放置(lay,laid,laid)lie in bed 躺在床上lay a book in the bed 把书放在床上把书放在床上lay an egg 下一个蛋第6页/共23页serious adj.严重的;严肃的 sirisThe mistake is not very serious.He was in serious trouble.take sth.seriously 郑重对待郑重对待(NCE3 Lesson

5、 1)point n.地点(一般指从飞机上向下看的点)其他用法:其他用法:You are beside the point.你你离题了。了。Lets get to the point.言归正传I dont see your point.我没明白你的我没明白你的意思。复习:2 points,three point one four,point at第7页/共23页seem v.(看起来)(看起来)似乎,好象重要:seem+adj.seem to be+adj.seem that.你的答案看来似乎是对的。你的答案看来似乎是对的。Your answer seems right.Your answer

6、 seems to be right.It seems that your answer is right.it seems(to me)that.看起来似乎.seem as if 看起来似乎He seems as if he has never lived in England before.第8页/共23页crash v.坠毁crash(从上向下掉)air crash/plane crash 空难Two cars crashed into each other.sack n.袋子paper sack固定搭配:get the sack 被解雇hit the sack 睡觉hold the s

7、ack 背黑锅第9页/共23页clear v.越过over 越过(距离)clear(凌空)越过clear the mountain 飞跃山峰The model plane cleared the trees.固定搭配:clear off 离开clear up 解释、整理、了结They cleared off at the sight of the policeman.I want to clear up a misunderstanding.He cleared up his room and left.Our trouble will clear up very soon.复习:clear

8、adj.Itll be clear tomorrow.Clear?Understand?第10页/共23页aircraft n.飞机endless adj.无尽的endless loveendless night构词法:-less,careless,meaningless,hopeless,uselessplain n.平原a vast plain 大平原adj.普通的She is a plain girl.She wears a plain dress.第11页/共23页Remember these words:poleflightexplorerlieseriouspointseemcra

9、shsackclearaircraftendlessplain第12页/共23页Questions:1.When did the explorer become the first man to fly over the South Pole?2.What trouble did he run into during the flight?3.What did he order his men to do?第13页/共23页passageIn 1929,three years after his flight over the North Pole,the American explorer,

10、R.E.Byrd,successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time.Though,at first,Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below,they soon ran into serious trouble.At one point,it seemed certain that their plane would crash.It could only get over the moun

11、tains if it rose to 10,000 feet.Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks.The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet.Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away,for there were no more mountains in sight.The a

12、ircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty.第14页/共23页1.In 1929,three years after his flight over the Byrd,successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time.after prep.&conj.2 years after his birth,the war began.2 years after he was born,the war began.for the first

13、 time 第一次.1999年的夏天,我第一次遇见了他。五年之后,我第二次见到他。In the summer of 1999,I met him for the first time.Five years later,I saw him for the second time.第15页/共23页2.Though,at first,Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below,they soon ran into serious trouble.be able

14、 to&canI can swim in this swimming pool.I am able to swim.was/were able to 过去得以做成某事(1.发生在过去 2.那件事做成了).the mountains that lay below 定语从句run into 偶遇run/get into trouble第16页/共23页3.At one point,it seemed certain that their plane would crash.It seemed certain that 看起来似乎肯定会.看起来他肯定能赢得比赛。It seemed certain t

15、hat he would win the game.that he would win the game seemed certain.复习:it作形式主语,that引导的从句作真正主语他赢得比赛是不可能的。It is impossible that he would win the game.他拒绝你们的邀请是自然的。It is natural that he refused your invitation.第17页/共23页4.It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet.can onlyif 只有才能;不能.

16、除非.你只有完成作业才能出去。/你不能出去,除非完成作业。You can only go out if you finish your homework.5.Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks.order sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事order n.命令;秩序Its an order.Everything is in good order.第18页/共23页6.The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400

17、 feet.by:相差我比Tom大三岁。I am older than Tom by 3 years.我们以两分之差赢得了比赛。We won the game by 2 points.7.Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away,for there were no more mountains in sight.reach 到达out of reach 够不着第19页/共23页定语从句.the South Pole which was 300 miles awayfo

18、r 因为(比较:because)in sight 看得见(在视线范围里)out of sight 看不见8.The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty.without difficulty 毫无困难的复习:with/withoutHe finished his work with difficulty.第20页/共23页Key structurescan&be able toHe will come if he can.He will come if he is able to.I

19、can see you tomorrow.Ill be able to see you tomorrow.I couldnt understand him.I wasnt able to understand him.He said he could see me next week.He said he would be able to see me next week.第21页/共23页当我们要表明一个动作已经成功地完成的时候,我们必须用was/were able to,不能用could.他昨天去了伦敦,玩的非常高兴。He was able to go to London yesterday and heenjoyed himself very much.他开始不同意我的观点,但我最终说服了他。He didnt agree with me at first but I was able topersuade him.他在战争开始之前得以离开欧洲。He was able to leave Europe before the war began.第22页/共23页感谢您的观看。第23页/共23页

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