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1、南京市第三中学2010-2011学年度第一学期八年级期末试卷英语学科第一卷 (共55分)(将答案涂在答题卡上)一 听力 (15)A. 根据所听对话和问题,选择正确图片。(听一遍)1Which country does the woman want to visit? A B C 2Whats the weather like tomorrow?6103513 A B C 3What happened to Japan? A B C 4Which birds does the man like best? A B C 5What was the woman doing? A B C B. 听下面

2、两段对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。(听两遍) 听第一段对话,完成6-7小题。6. What day is it today? A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.7. What will Lily have to do tomorrow? A. To go swimming. B. To see her grandparents. C. To look after her little brother.听第二段对话,完成8-10小题。8. What caused the fire? A. Car accident. B. Stoves. C. Lightnin

3、g.9. When did the house caught fire? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.10. What was burnt in the fire? A. Radio. B. Mobile phone. C. Computer.C. 听短文,选择正确答案。(听两遍)11. How many red-crowned cranes alive are there in the world now according to Jimmy? A. Less than 9,000 B. Less tha

4、n 1, 900 C. More than 9,10012. Which country is working with China to help save red-crowned cranes? A. Japan B. America. C. Russia13. How do the cranes dance? A. They dance with partners B. They dance with people C. They dance with other animals14. What do red-crowned cranes stand for(象征) in China?

5、A. Love B. Friendship C. Happiness15. What does Jimmy want to tell us? A. Red-crowned cranes are beautiful B. Red-crowned cranes are special to all people C. Red-crowned cranes are beautiful but endangered birds, and people should protect them二、单项填空(15)16. The dress looks _ on you. A. nicelyB. nice

6、C. beautifully D. well17. The sentence structure of Harry Potter and the Death Hallows is very Interesting is_ A. S+V B. S+V+DO+OC C. S+V+P D. S+V+DO18. The teacher is coming. Please stop _ and keep _ . A. talking, quite B. to talk, quite C. talking, quiet D. to talk, quiet19. Canada is bigger than

7、China, but it has _ people than China A. less B. more C. fewer D. the fewest 20. In the picture on the right, the symbol & means _ A. dollar B. and C. equal D. degree21. Elephants are _ animals because people hunt them for their tusks. A. in danger B. dangerous C. endangered D. endanger22. When I we

8、nt to say goodbye to Anna, she _ the piano. A. is playing B. was playing C. plays D. played23. Father told Millie to stay at home _ her mother was ill in bed. A. because B. so C. because of D. but24. In summer, women like to wear clothes _ silk. They feel _. A. made of, comfortable B. are made of, c

9、omfortable C. made of, comfortably D. are made of, comfortably25. I think skating is_ diving. A. as danger as B. more dangerous than C. more dangerous as D. danger than26. The earthquake killed_ people. A. over nine hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. A and B27. _ animals are in danger and there

10、 will be _ space for them if we dont take action. A. More and more, more and more B. Less and less, less and less C. More and more, less and less D. Less and less, more and more28. We must hurry up, _ well miss the plane. A. or B. and C. but D. so29. What can I do? I thought hard. Suddenly, a good i

11、dea went _my mind. A. over B. in C. about D. through30. It is _ to hunt or fish in the nature reserve. A. correct B. right C. incorrect D. incorrectly三、 完形填空(10)We all know about penguins.They are fat and lovely animals that live in 31 places. They are black and white and it 32 they wear suit.But do

12、 you know that penguins were 33 and brown? And they lived in warm weather? Scientists say penguins from a long time ago were very different 34 they are now. A group of scientists found the fossils(化石)of a penguin. It 35 more than 36 millions years ago.Scientists named the penguin theWater King. They

13、 found it was twice the size of modern penguins. It was red and brown in 36 . It lived between the end of the dinosaurs 37 the beginning of humans. At that time, the Earth was much 38 than it is now. 39 modern penguins, the Water King lived in warm places. But like modern penguins, it was good at 40

14、 and catching fish from the sea.31. A. warm B. hot C. cold D. cool32. A. like B. look like C. likes D. looks like33. A. yellow B. red C. green D. blue34. A. in B. with C. for D. from35. A. is living B. lives C. lived D. live36. A. size B. colour C. type D. length 37. A. and B. to C. for D. with38. A

15、. warm B. cold C. colder D. warmer39. A. Like B. As C. Different D. Unlike40. A. flying B. walking C. jumping D. swimming四、阅读理解(15)APut 2 February in your diary! It is World Wetlands Day! This special day was first celebrated in 1997 and it is celebrated every year.The celebration is a call for acti

16、on. It is a way to show people how important and useful the wetlands are for humans. On World Wetlands Day, people around the world take part in many wetlands activities. Children draw pictures to advertise the day. People get together to clean up their local wetlands. Wetlands help protect nature a

17、nd fresh water. In wetlands, there are many small animals such as lizards, frogs, dragonflies and butterflies. They play an important part in keeping the balance of nature. All plants and animals are part of the food chain (食物链). If the small, wetland animals die, some other animals in the food chai

18、n will have nothing to eat. They will also die. People need the wetland to keep the balance of nature in the world. If we dont protect nature today, it will be gone tomorrow.41. We should write down _ in our diary. It is World Wetlands Day.A. importance B. 2 February C. celebration D. 199742. People

19、 celebrate World Wetlands Day _ .A. at home B. on their own C. all over the world D. at local meetings43. Children in many countries _ on World Wetlands Day.A. make boats to pick up rubbish B. take part in dragon-boat racesC. draw pictures to do advertising D. listing to talks about the wetlands 44.

20、 There will be _ in the future if there are no wetlands.A. less fresh water for people B. no wild animals any moreC. not any humans D. no trees and no plants 45. Small animals in and around wetlands are important because _ .A. they are part of the balance of nature and the food chain B. there may be

21、 no water without them C. they are able to keep wetlands full of lifeD. bigger animals are more dangerousB The leaders (领导人) of 13 countries had a big meeting in St Petersburg, Russia from November 21 to 24, 2010.The meeting was about tigers. They talked about the ways to protect the animals in thei

22、r countries. They agreed to spend more money protecting tigers and they wanted to double the number of tigers in the world before 2022.Tiger is one of the worlds most endangered animals. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) says, there are only about 100,000 wild tigers now. And the number is becoming smal

23、ler and smaller. If nothing happens, tigers will face disasters, said WWF spokeswoman Marie von Zeipel.Nine types of tigers lived 100 years ago, but now at least three of them have died out. If people leave tigers alone and dont kill them, then the number of tigers will double in 10 years, said Jean

24、-Christoph Vie, a French tiger expert (专家).China is one of the 13 countries where tigers live. There are about 50 wild tigers in China now. They are the Bengal tigers in Tibet, Indochinese tigers in Chinas southwest, and Siberian tigers in the northeast. The South China tigers lived in southeast Chi

25、na many years ago but disappeared in the 1970s. Many experts think they have already died out.46. Whats the meeting in St Petersburg mainly about?A. How to help tigers find a better place to live.B. How to protect tigers in their countries.C. How to stop people from hunting the wild animals.D. How t

26、o count the number of tigers in the world.47. Which of the following is TRUE according to the WWF?A. Many tigers have died only because people hunt them.B. About 3,200 tigers have died in the past 100 years.C. There are more and more tigers these years.D. There are about 100,000 wild tigers in the w

27、orld now.48. In Jean-Christoph Vies opinion, the best way to double the number of tigers in 10 years is _.A. to do nothing B. to keep all of them in the zooC. to stop people from killing them D. to build more nature reserves for tigers49. How many types of tigers were there in China 50 years ago?A.

28、3 B. 4 C. 13 D. 5050. The Chinese meaning of die out in the 3rd paragraph is _.A. 死亡 B. 灭绝 C. 变弱 D. 死于 CThe match was over. The winner took off his shirt. Then, he pulled off his shoes and threw them into the crowd. Finally, he ran back to the badminton court and saluted (敬礼) the audience. This is h

29、ow Chinese badminton player Lin Dan celebrated. On November 21, 2010 Lin Dan got the first place in the badminton mens singles final at the Asian Games in Guangzhou. Known as Super Dan, the 27-year-old Lin Dan is said to be one of the greatest players in the world. He won nine top titles between 200

30、2 and 2004. In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he won a gold medal. He also won several gold medals from the 2006 and 2007 World Championships. Lin Dan is a left-handed player and can cover the court quickly. On the court, Lin plays with a confident (自信的) and showy style. Some people say he is arrogant (

31、傲慢的). Some people also say he has hot temper. When he was playing in South Korea in 2008, he stopped the match and threw his racket (球拍) to the ground for the wrong line calls. He once said, Since I started to play badminton at the age of 6, Ive been playing with great confidence. This is what I am

32、like.51. On November 21, 2010, Lin Dan won the gold medal at _.A. Olympic Games B. the Asian Games in GuangzhouC. World Championships D. none of them52. How many golds did Lin Dan get between 2002 and 2004?A. 9 B. 10 C. 12 D.1353. What does “hot temper”mean in the fourth paragraph?A. 体温高 B. 热情 C. 火爆

33、脾气 D.容易热54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Lin Dan is a right-handed player.B. Lin Dan is said to be one of the greatest players in the world.C. Lin Dan is good-tempered.D. Lin Dan seems to be quiet and gentle.55. The word “ ”can best describe Lin Dan.A. arrogant B. confi

34、dent C. lucky D. hot-tempered 第二卷 (共45分)(将答案写在答卷纸上)五、填空(15)A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词。56. The Chinese government always _(鼓励,劝告) farmers to leave the giant panda reserves.57. Bad weather sometimes causes_(自然) disasters58. When the pandas are born, they look like white _ (鼠).59. Dont (摇晃) the tree. Its too yo

35、ung. 60. We must help this boy. He doesnt know the_(重要性) of study B) 根据句子意思,选择括号中所给词语的适当形式填空。61. She (mop) the floor when the pet cat fell asleep62. At the very _ (begin), he found it interesting to study English.63. It was very clear that he was very angry because he looked at me (angry). 64. He al

36、ways tells lies to me. I think he is a _ (honest) boy, so I cant believe him. 65. Lindas mother (come) back if she finishes her work this week.C) 选择适当的单词或词组填空。(continued; broke down; was trapped; in a hurry; slowly )My mother had an accident last Thursday. She 66 in her car for 20 minutes!It was a c

37、old day. And the snow was heavy. She was driving home from work at nine p.m. As there was snow on the road, she drove very 67 . But unluckily, the car 68 suddenly. She couldnt start it. And what was worse, she couldnt open the door. She felt very helpless and didnt know what to do. So she telephoned

38、 my father using her mobile phone. But my father happened to be in another city. There were few people on the road and the snow 69 to fall around her car. She had to call 110 for help. Two policemen arrived 70 . They tried many ways to open the door. And my mother came back home in their police car

39、in the end. She gave us a surprise! 六 阅读短文, 根据所读内容, 填上适当的词语, 每空一词。(10)Some things happen that we can not stop. We can not stop the power of the nature. For example, a flood comes when there is too much water on the land. Sometimes, it can come after a big storm when too much rain falls on the land.

40、Sometimes, it can come after a big rainstorm out at sea where too much sea water comes onto the land. Fast moving flood water can hurt us. They can also hurt our homes. We cannot stop a flood from coming, but we can try to stop the water from coming into our homes. We can try to stop the water by ma

41、king a wall with sandbags. Sometimes, the sandbags help stop the water. Sometimes, they dont.An earthquake happens where the land moves. The land goes up and down and all around. The land shakes. We can get hurt by things that fall down in an earthquake. Falling things can start fires. We can not st

42、op an earthquake from coming. We can try to make our houses strong so that they will not fall down in an earthquake.A tornado is fast air that goes around and around over the land. A tornado can pick up everything. It can break anything that is in the way. A Typhoon is a big storm with fast moving w

43、ind and rain. It begins out at sea and can come onto the land. Its fast winds can hurt us and our homes. We cannot stop the power of the nature, but we can go to places where we will feel safe. The power of the natureDisasterCauseResultActionFloodA. Too much rain falls on the land.B. Too much rain f

44、alls at 71_.Hurt us and our 72_.Make a 73_with sandbags.74_The land moves.Hurt people and start 75_.Make our homes 76_enough.TornadoFast 77_ goes around and around.78_up and break anything in the way.Go to 80_ places.TyphoonA big storm with fast moving wind and 79_.Break our homes.七根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所

45、缺的单词。(10)There was a big earthquake under the India Ocean Area o 81 December 26th 2004 and it c 82 a large tsunami. Tsunamis are great sea waves produced especially by an earthquake.That morning my classmates and I went to the seaside and had breakfast when we h 83 a loud noise like bombs. People in

46、 the sea ran w 84 to the bank and s 85 , Water is coming! Someone told us to run to a higher place. We ran as q 86 as we could. Since we did not know what happened, we were very f 87 . We looked back and saw a t 88 picture. The water waves were so strong that cars were made to fall upside down and t

47、he flood w 89 away everything on the seaside .We were safe but the n 90 of victims was over 140,000. People call the day Black Sunday.八书面表达(10)假如你是Amy, 你想申请加入保护动物俱乐部,根据下面的提示,完成80100词的申请信。(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) self-introduction; why I want to join the club; what I can do for the club; my telephone numb

48、er and e-mail addressDear ChairpersonI read the advertisement for the Wild Animal Club in the newspaper. I would like to become a member of your club._YoursAmy2010-2011学年第一学期初二英语期末检测听力原稿及答案听力A 根据所听对话和问题,选择正确图片。(听一遍)1M: Which foreign country do you want to visit? W: I want to visit the USA2M: Whats t

49、he weather like tomorrow?W: The weather report says itll be foggy tomorrow. The temperature will be around 4 degrees centigrade.3M: Is there anything important in todays newspaper? W: Yes. It says there was an earthquake in Japan and many people died4M: Which birds do you like best? W: Er, they have

50、 white feathers and long neck. They are very beautiful5M: What were you doing at 4 oclock yesterday? W: I was helping the cleaners clean the street.B. 听下面两段对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。(听两遍)听第一段对话,完成6-7小题。M: Hi, Lily. Tomorrow is Saturday. Were going swimming. Will you join us?W: Id love to, but my parents has g

51、one to visit my grandparents. So I have to look after my little brother. Why not call another person?M: Good idea! I will call Andy to come. Hes suitable. Thanks!听第二段对话,完成8-10小题。M: Mrs Green. I am sorry to hear your house caught fire three days ago.W: It was terrible. We were sleeping when the light

52、ning hit the house. It was about 2 oclock in the morning.M: How terrible! Did the firemen come to help?W: Yes. I called 119 and they arrived in five minutes. They put out the fire quickly.M: Was anybody hurt?W: Luckily nobody was hurt. My family were safe but my computer and TV set were burnt.C. 听短文

53、,选择正确答案。(听两遍)Im Jimmy White. I want to introduce red-crowned cranes to you. Red-crowned cranes are white, with black neck and legs, and red heads. There is a little bit of black on their wings. They are very special, endangered birds. There are less than 1,900 alive. They live in northern China, Rus

54、sia and Japan. China is working with Russia to help save the cranes. Japan has a special feeding area for the birds. People go there to watch the cranes dance. They dance with partners. It is very beautiful. Cranes are special to Chinese people. They stand for love because two cranes stay together for their whole lives.一、听力 15 ACCCA 610 ACCAC 1115 BCAAC二、单项选择 1620 BCCCB 2125 CBAAB 2630 DCADC三、完形填空 3135 CDBDC 3640 BADDD四、阅读理解 A)4145 BCCAA B)4650 BDCBB C)5155 BACBB 9

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