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1、Advertising to children Advertising to children is often the subject of debate, relating to the alleged influence on childrens consumption. In most countries, advertising for children is now framed by a mix of legislation and advertising self-regulation. Definition of children 12 is commonly used as

2、 a cut-off point, on the basis of the widespread academic view that by the age of 12 children have developed their behavior as consumers, effectively recognize advertising and are able to adopt critical attitudes towards it. Consumption volume According to the Federal Trade Commission, food and beve

3、rage companies (44 companies reporting to the FTC) in the US spent approximately $1.6 billion in 2006 to promote their products/services to children. viewing电视收视率调查(CVSC-TNS Research,2002),从晚上6点至9点,4至14岁的中国大陆儿童在中央电视台1台的平均收视率为3.5%,相当于8330000名儿童观众。在节假日收看电视的儿童则更多 Regulations In the United Kingdom, Gree

4、ce, Denmark, and Belgium advertising to children is restricted and in Quebec, Sweden and Norway advertising to children under the age of 12 is illegal EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive The EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive, due to replace the Television Without Frontiers Directive in all

5、 member states by the end of 2009, sets out several EU-wide rules on advertising and children: Advertising shall not cause moral or physical detriment to minors, and shall therefore comply with the following criteria for their protection: a. it shall not directly exhort minors to buy a product or a

6、service by exploiting their inexperience or credulity; b. it shall not directly encourage minors to persuade their parents or others to purchase the goods or services being advertised; c. it shall not exploit the special trust minors place in parents, teachers or other persons; d. it shall not unrea

7、sonably show minors in dangerous situations In addition: e. Childrens programs may only be interrupted if the scheduled duration is longer than 30 minutes f. Product placement is not allowed in childrens programs. g. The Member States and the Commission should encourage audiovisual media service pro

8、viders to develop codes of conduct regarding the advertising of certain foods in childrens programs. 一是减少儿童广告的播出时间,如美国联邦传播委员会在儿童电视报告与政策声明中规定:儿童电视节目周末每小时广告数量最多为分钟,每日每小时最多分钟;二是根据儿童的作息规律,限制儿童广告在儿童与大众传媒接触活跃的时段播出,例如在加拿大,针对儿童的广告只能出现在周一到周六的上午。澳大利亚把这类广告限制在上午点至点之间。新西兰允许它们在下午点至点间播放。德国、荷兰、瑞士、新西兰都禁止在星期天和节假日对儿童作

9、广告。三是全面禁止,如比利时、丹麦、挪威、瑞典甚至完全禁止电波媒介播放面向儿童的广告。 controversy 2006年,意大利新的传媒法(Legge Gasparri)则发布了一条禁令:禁止在电视和广播广告中出现14岁以下的儿童。因而成为欧洲第一个颁布禁令、禁止以儿童拍摄新的广播和电视广告的国家。但是,此举在意大利国内,尤其是广告界引起了很大争议。“儿童是家庭的轴心。在意大利,我们当然倾向于在广告中使用儿童来打动父母。这是我们拉丁精神的一部分,” 意大利著名广告公司之一阿尔曼多泰斯塔(Armando Testa)的董事长马尔科泰斯塔(Marco Testa) 的话代表了广告界的声音。为此,

10、意大利广告业是如此解释新法的:它只意味着意大利新制作的广告片不可以播放,而任何在禁令前制作的广告片仍然有效,在国外找外国儿童拍摄的新广告也可以播放。 Response from firms作为全球最大的软饮料和快餐食品生产商之一的百事可乐,自愿推出针对儿童的广告限制措施,公司现已不再向12岁以下儿童宣传它的旗舰产品百事可乐,也不再向8岁以下儿童宣传奇多薯条品牌。以对美国和西欧日益上升的肥胖水平作出反应。 Solutions-Media literacy Media literacy is a relatively new discipline, aimed at teaching indivi

11、duals and children in particular to understand and use the media to their advantage. Media literacy is increasingly recognized by governments and international organizations such as the European Union and the World Health Organization as a key tool to help children understand and deal with todays co

12、mplex media environment. Media literacy programs are based around the need to “make children engage in media rather than solely consume it”. MediaSmart is an established media literacy education program focused on advertising. Launched in November 2002, Media Smart is a non-profit media literacy pro

13、gram for school children aged 6 to 11 years old. Media Smart develops and provides, free of charge and on request, educational materials to primary schools that teach children to think critically about advertising in the context of their daily lives. MediaSmart materials use real examples of advertising to teach core media literacy skills. Media Smart is funded by the advertising business in the UK and is supported by the UK government and EU institutions. Since 2002, Mediasmart has been launched in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Portugal and Hungary.

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