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1、江苏2022苏州银行南京分行招聘(184)号上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.材料:移动互联网调查中国移动互联网市场规模2013年第二季度移动互联网市场规模 241.9亿元,环比增速 21.2%,同比增速 71.4%,市场趋于稳健发展。具体数据见下图(数据来自互联网)。2013年第二季度移动购物市场继续保持高速增长态势,市场占比超越移动增值,成为移动互联网第一大细分行业,具体数据见下图(数据来自互联网)。2013第二季度中国互联网细分行业中,市场规模同比增长幅度最大的是( )。A.移动营销B.移动搜索C.移动增值D.移动购物答案:B 本题解析

2、:暂无解析2.What is the purpose of Ms. Walters letter?A.To ask about the automated billing systemB.To update her contact informationC.To report receiving duplicate billsD.To challenge the companys assertions答案:D 本题解析:回信的第一段第三句中说,燃气公司发布了Walter滞纳费用的通告,他自己支付了费用。3.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:本题考查的是笔画数量变化规律

3、。第一组图中,每个图形的笔画数分别 为4、5、6;第二组图中,前两个图形笔画数分别是1、2,由此可知,下一个图形应该有3画,只有 A项符合。故本题答案为A。4.一般认为,财政政策手段是为了实现财政政策目标而选择的政策工具,其内容不包括()。A.财政收入B.财政支出C.财政赤字D.国家预算答案:C 本题解析:财政赤字,实质上它是一种财政现象,指财政支出大于财政收入,而非为实现某种财政目标所采用的手段或措施,故C项符合题干要求;财政政策的手段主要包括税收、预算、国债、购买性支出和财政转移支付等手段。本题选财政政策手段不包括的。故本题正确答案选C。5.市场营销观念认为,顾客在购买产品时,总是希望把(

4、 )的产品作为优先选购的对象。A.顾客总价值最大B.顾客总成本最小C.顾客让渡价值最大D.顾客让渡价值最小答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析6.飞机保险的责任范围包括:(1)机身险,即飞机在飞行或滑行中以及在地面上发生的造成飞机及其附件的意外损失或破坏:(2)第三者责任险,即由于飞机或从飞机上坠人、坠物造成第三者的人身伤亡或财务损失;(3)旅客法定责任险,即由于乘客在乘坐或上下飞机时发生意外,造成旅客的人身伤亡或所携带和已经交运登记的行李、物件的损失等。通常机票中所含的保险主要是指旅客法定责任保险,是由保险公司赔付给航空公司,再由航空公司赔付给旅客的。它不同于航空意外保险,后者是由旅客直接持保单到保

5、险公司进行索赔。对于每一位旅客来说,是否购买航空意外险是完全自愿的。上述材料无法支持的观点是( )。A.机票中所含保险的责任范围无法涵盖飞机保险的责任范围B.机票中所含的保险和航空意外险是两种不同的保险种类C.如果旅客没有购买航空意外险,则在出现意外时,由航空公司负责对旅客进行赔偿D.购买了航空意外险的旅客在乘坐飞机出行时出现意外后,只能得到保险公司的赔偿答案:D 本题解析:根据题干可知,飞机保险分三种,其中一种是机票中所含的旅客法定责任保险,因此A 项正确:根据“它不同于航空意外保险”可知B 项正确;根据题干,机票中的保险由航空公司赔付,而航空意外险是旅客自愿购买,由保险公司赔付,C 项正确

6、,D 项“只能”不能推出。故答案选D。7.厂长:采用新的工艺流程可以大大减少炼铜车间所产生的二氧化硫。这一新流程的要点是用封闭式熔炉替代原来的开放式熔炉。但是,不仅购置和安装新的设备是笔很大的开支而且运作新流程的成本也高于目前的流程。因此,从总体上说,采用新的工艺流程将大大增加生产成本而使本厂无利可图。总工程师:我有不同意见。事实上,最新的封闭式熔炉的熔炼能力是现有的开放式熔炉无法相比的。在以下哪个问题上,总工程师和厂长最可能有不同意见?()A.采用新的工艺流程是否一定使本厂无利可图B.运作新流程的成本是否一定高于目前的流程C.采用新的工艺流程是否确实可以大大减少炼铜车间所产生的二氧化硫D.最

7、新的封闭式熔炉的熔炼能力是否确实明显优于现有的开放式熔炉答案:A 本题解析:两人都是对新的工艺流程进行评论。厂长的论点是最后一句。而总工程师不同意这一观点。理由是“最新的封闭式熔炉的熔炼能力是现有的开放式熔炉无法相比的”也就是说在采用新的工艺流程是否会使本厂有利可图的fl题上两人存在对抗性的观点这个问题也即争论的焦点。B、C两项的內容总工程师都没有提到,D项的內容厂长没有提到。所以都不是争论的焦点。故答案选A。8.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:答案为D。观察图形可以发现,图案以中间第三个为对称轴,左右图案相同,故答案为D。9. 将以下6个句子重新排序,语序正确的是

8、()。 尤其需要说明的是,湖北发现的晚期猿人化石郧县猿人和郧西猿人说明湖北是晚期猿人重要的生活区域之一湖北境内目前已经发现的人类化石主要是晚期人类化石因此具有十分重要的时空坐标意义不仅在时间上分别与蓝田猿人和北京猿相当而且在空间上分别位于蓝田猿人和北京猿人的南方A.B.C.D.答案:D 本题解析:句是进一步的递进说明,不能为首旬,排除A、B两项。句介绍湖北境内发现的人类化石的主要类型。句是对句的解释说明,所以应呈排列,排除C。故选D。10.当一国出现国际收支逆差进而导致外汇储备不足时,该国可以采取紧缩性货币政策进行调节。这是因为,紧缩性货币政策可以同时导致(),从而使国际收支逆差减少,乃至恢复

9、均衡。A.有支付能力的进口需求减少,国外资本因利率提高而流人B.有支付能力的进口需求增多,国外资本因利率提高而流入C.有支付能力的进口需求增多,国内资本因利率下降而流出D.有支付能力的进口需求减少,国外资本因利率下降而不再流入答案:A 本题解析:紧缩的货币政策对国际收支的调节作用主要有三个方面:一是产生需求效应,即实施紧缩的货币政策导致有支付能力的进口需求减少;二是产生价格效应,即实施紧缩的货币政策导致价格下跌,从而刺激出口,限制进口;三是产生利率效应,即实施紧缩的货币政策导致利率提高,从而刺激资本流入,阻碍资本流出。11.某银行的欧元对人民币的即期汇率报价为EURI=CNY9.635363。

10、客户按该汇率从该银行买入l00万欧元需要支付( D )万元人民币。A.963.00B.963.53C.963.58D.963.63答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析12.With a sense of crisis mounting and the EU unable to respond, countries will be increasingly inclinedto act unilaterally or even-in the case of Britain-leave the bloc altogether.The refugee crisis is already threatenin

11、g cherished ideas about open borders. In the past couple of days, Germany has reimposed frontier controls with Austria-which, in turn, has imposed controls at its border with Hungary, which itself is working feverishly to complete a barbed-wirefence to protect its frontier with non-EU Serbia. Contro

12、ls have been tightened on the French-Italian borders, while migrants camp miserably in Calais, hoping to cross to England.If the EU somehow gets a grip on the migrant crisis, these measures might be no more than temporary expedients. But if the pressure of would-be refugees heading for Europe remain

13、 intense, then temporary measures could harden into permanent controls.Questions marks over open borders will easily shade into wider issues about access to welfare systems and labor markets. That is because EU countries are realizing thatin a border-free single marketa unilateral change of asylum r

14、ulesby Germany had implications for the immigration policies of all member states. Once migrants get citizenship in one EU country, they have the right to move to any other, to work there and to claim benefits. But if free movement of people and labor come into question, so does the EUs single marke

15、tits central achievement.The refugee issue has for the moment, overshadowed the euro. But the problems of the single currency have not gone away. On the contrary, Greeces decision this summer to knuckleunder and accept yet another austerity package has made the Eurozone look increasingly like a trap

16、.Even Greece, which is profoundly unhappy with life in the Eurozone, cannot risk leaving for fear of provoking a financial and economic crisis. Creditor countries such as Germany and the Netherlands are not much happier, as they fear they are being dragged into a system of permanent fiscal transfers

17、 towards the nations of Europe. Meanwhile, efforts to make the euro work better,by pressing ahead with a banking union, are stuck in Brussels. This does not look like a sustainable situation and the risk of euro break-up will surely return.The refugee and euro crisis bear on whether Britain will vot

18、e to stay in the EU, when it holds a referendum in 2016 or 2017. Until recently, the opinion polls looked promising for the pro-EU camp. But the migrant crisis plays directly into the most potent issue deployed by those campaigning for Britain to leave-which is that membership ofthe EU means that th

19、e UK cannot control immigration. More broadly, the British are less likely to stay inside an organization that seems to be failing. If they vote to leave, the sense of crisiswithin the EU would then mount-raising the possibility of further defections.A partial unravelling and marginalization of the

20、EU still looks more likely than a full-scale collapse. But even if an organization called the European Union continues to exist- running buildings and paying salaries-it risks becoming increasingly irrelevant.Which one of the following statements is true?A.Greece did not want to take austerity measu

21、res but they have no choiceB.Border controls imposed by some countries will be permanentC.If a migrant is given citizenship by Italian government, he can move freely to Germany or SerbiaD.Euro, as the single currency of EU, is unscathed with the crisis答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析13.A growing number of countries w

22、ant to phase out coal entirely, a transition eased by cheap natural gas and cost of wind and solar power. That is good news. Coal has been the largest engine of change to date, accounting for nearly a third of the rise in average temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. Any pressure on it there

23、fore counts as progress.Asia accounts for 75% of the worlds coal demand. The Chinese goverment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables. Yet coal consumption there rose in 2018, as it did the year before. In India coal demand grew by 9% last year. In Vietnam it swelld by altmost a q

24、uarter.To keep the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.59C relative to pre-industrial times, climatologists insist that almost all coal plants must shut by 2050, which mcans starting to act now.Todays trends would keep the last coal plant open until 2079, cstimates UBS, a bank. Asias coal-

25、fired power regiment has a sprightly avcrage age of 15, compared with a creaky 40 years in America, close to retirement.There are several reasons for this, but one stand out govemment I support. In India state-owned companies invest more than $6bn in coal mining and coal-fired power each year,stateb

26、acked banks provide some $10.6bn in financing. Indoncsia doles out more than S2bn annually for consumption of coalfired power. Japan and South Korca finance coal projccts outside their borders.Govermment support is hardly surprising. State-backed coal firms make money and create jobs. W ind turbines

27、 and solar panels provide power only intermittently; for now, dirtier power plants are needed as back up. Gas is pumelling coal in America, but remains a bit-player in India and much of South-East Asia, since it has to be imported and is relatively expensive.Neverheless, govermments betting on coal

28、face three big risks. One is environmental.Emissions from coal plants that are already built- -let alone new ones- will ensure that the world exceeds the level of carbon-dioside emissions likely to push global temperatures up by more tham 1.5%C.There is an cconomio risk, too. Public-sector zeal for

29、coal is matched only by private-sector distaste. Banks, including Asian ones, have increasingly said they will stop funding new coal plants. Wind and solar farms make coal look increasingly expensive. A study has found that private banks provided thre-quarters of loans to Indian renewables projects

30、last year, state-backed banks doled out two-thirds of those for coal.And then there is politics. Voters do not like breathing soot. More of them are concemed about elimnate change, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, foods and droughts.Govemment supporing coal may face three risks excep

31、t ()A.Cultural risksB.Environmental risksC.Economic risksD.Risks of politics答案:A 本题解析:由第五段第一句话“Nevertheless, goverments betting on coal face three big risks. One is environmental.可知B项正确。由第六段第一句“There is an economie risk, too.可知C项正确。由第七段第一句“And then there is politics.”可知D项正确。故只有A选项不符合,所以答案选A。14.Quest

32、ions refer to the following letter. Dear New Haven resident, 1the New Haven Childrens Foundation, I would like to cordially invite you to the 2nd Annual Kids Chorus Concert. The concert offers a chance for children and young people all around the region to sing and perform in front of a large audien

33、ce Last years inaugural event was extremely successful, raising over 50,000 for the foundation. This money was invested in resources for children, including a brand new skateboard park on Harris Street. Over 2,000 patrons watched the first Kids Chorus Concert last year at Verity Hall. Attendance at

34、this years event is2to be even higher, so were moving to a larger venue The concert will be in the Watford Amphitheater at 530 p.m. on Monday, August 16. Tickets cost just 25 per person. I encourage you to make a big contribution to the local community by showing3support for this event. The children

35、 and young people of New Haven will thank you! Kind regards, Ben Hilman Chairman, New Haven Childrens Foundation1()A.As toB.On behalf ofC.According toD.Instead of答案:B 本题解析:根据下文,此处表示“代表”,所以选择B项。on behalf of代表。according to按照;根据。as to就而论。instead of代替;而不是。15.下列表述正确的是( ) 。A.对于富有弹性(需求价格弹性大于1)的商品,升高价格会增加厂商

36、的销售收入B.对于缺乏弹性(需求价格弹性小子1)的商品,降低价格会增加厂商的销售收入C.对于单位弹性需求价格弹性等于1)的商品,降低或升高价格对均衡产出没有影响D.对于无弹性(需求价格弹性等于0)的商品,厂商销售收入会同比例于价格的上升而增加答案:C 本题解析:对于单位弹性(需求价格弹性等于1)的商品,降价或涨价都不会影响厂商的销售收入,因此降低或升高价格对均衡产出没有影响,故C项正确:对于富有弹性(需求价格弹性大于1)的商品,厂商收益TR与价格P成反方向变动,升高价格会减少厂商的销售收入,故A项错误;对于缺乏弹性(需求价格弹性小于1)的商品,厂商收益TR与价格P成同方向变动,降低价格会减少厂

37、商的销售收入,故B项错误:对于无弹性(需求价格弹性等于0)的商品,需求量不随价格的变动而变动,既定价格下,收益可以无限增加,因此厂商不会降价:相反,提高价格会使收益减少为零,故D项错误。所以答案选C。16.Questions 1922 refer to the following memoGlenford Manufacturing, Inc.Official CommunicationFrom: Sean Carmichael, Operations DepartmentTo:Inna Tucker, Sales Department ManagerThe monthly sales sta

38、ff meeting has been relocated from auditorium 3 to room 402. Auditorium 3 will be undergoing repairs from April 8-15, which is why it will be unavailable for your usual meeting on the 10th.Room 402 contains the same audiovisual capabilities as auditorium 3, but its seating capacity is smaller. It ca

39、n only fit 65 people comfortably, whereas the auditorium can do over 100.If this change is unacceptable, there are two alternatives. First, auditorium 2 is available on the afternoon of the 10th. It holds as many people as auditorium 3, but it has really outdated electronic equipment compared to aud

40、itorium 3. And second, if the meeting is rescheduled for after the 15th, the newly refurbished auditorium 3 will be available to you.Please contact me or another member of the operations department if you wish to change your current room reservation.Thank you and have a nice day.Which of these optio

41、ns is NOT available for the sales staff meeting?A.Auditorium 3 on April 15B.Auditorium 2 on April 10C.Room 402 on April 10D.Auditorium 3 on April 20答案:A 本题解析:第一段第二句指出,4 月8 日至15 日期间将对三号会堂进h 保修,因此不能使用。17.256 ,269 ,286 ,302 ,( )A.254B.307C.294D.316答案:B 本题解析:2+5+6=13 256+13=269 2+6+9=17 269+17=286 2+8+6

42、=16 286+16=302 ?=302+3+2=30718.旅馆老板甲发现住店客人乙携款较多,于是半夜将乙杀死,窃取其所携款2万余元。甲的 行为构成( )。A.故意杀人罪B.盗窃罪C.故意杀人罪和盗窃罪D.抢劫罪答案:D 本题解析:根据刑法的相关规定,抢劫罪是以非法占有为目的,对财物的所有人或 者保管人当场使用暴力、胁迫或其他方法,强行将公私财物抢走的行为。在抢劫过程中,使用 暴力或其他方法致人死亡的,不按故意杀人罪论处,也不以抢劫罪和故意杀人罪合并论处,应 以抢劫罪定罪处刑。所以曱的行为构成抢劫罪。答案为D。19.Questions 76-79 refer to the following

43、 advertisement.BONDHAM INTERNATIONALBondham International, one of the leading real estate firm in the world, has been in business for over 50 years. We began our business by specializing in residential sales, primarily in Australia. Over time, our business has grown to include property rental and ma

44、nagement services in locations throughout the world. We now sell, and manage over 15000 commercial and residential properties, and our global network includes employees in Australia, Canada, England, Kenya, and Mexico. We have won numerous industry awards, and our firm has been named one of the top

45、ten international real estate firms by the World Association of Property Management.In our effort to provide the highest quality service available, we have made significant investments in staff training. As a result, our sales agents offer a wealth of real estate expertise that our clients can alway

46、s rely on. In addition, through market research and customer satisfaction surveys, we have been able to fulfill client expectations by consistently delivering the highest quality of service.Whether you have interested in selling a home,purchasing a commercial property, or simply obtaining expert rea

47、l estate advice, Bondham International can respond effectively to your needs. Learn more about our firm by visiting our Website, www.bondhaminternational.co.au.What is NOT one of Bondham International main activities?A.Offering expert adviceB.Conducting researchC.Managing propertyD.Building private

48、homes答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析20.银行演讲比赛后,四位组长在讨论自己是否入围前三强。一组组长:二组组长肯定入围了。二组组长:演讲不是我的强项,如果我入围了,那么你们三个人都入围了。三组组长:我们四个都入围了。四组组长:我没有。主办方听到后告诉:他们的话中只有一个人说错了,那么说错的是()。A.一组组长B.二组组长C.三组组长D.四组组长答案:D 本题解析:本题考查真假推理。三组组长和一组组长的话的关系为:所有组都入围二组入围,题干指出只有一人错了,根据“一假后真”可知,一组组长所说正确;二组组长的意思为:二组入围所有都入围,根据鲁滨逊定理可知等价于:非二组入围或所有都入围。则三组组长

49、和二组组长的话的关系为:所有都入围非二入围或所有都入围,题干指出只有一人错了,根据“一假后真”可知,二组组长所说正确;根据一组组长和二组组长都正确,可以进一步推出所有人都算入围了。可见四组组长说错了,D项当选;ABC项错误,排除。故本题正确答案选D。21.虚拟博物馆兴起于上世纪90年代,相比实体博物馆,虚拟傅物馆可以展示所有的藏品,观众无需与藏品保持距离,只需轻点鼠标就可以从不同方位看到作品,并实现人机交互,因此不少人担心实体博物馆会逐渐失去魅力。而事实恰恰是,通过数字化的复制,人们了解到那些原作,便更想走进实体博物馆接触它们。这段文字意在强调( ) A.虚拟博物馆与实体博物馆并不存在冲突B.

50、虚拟博物馆使艺术传播的途径更加简单C.复制作品不能取代原作给人的心灵震撼D.博物馆虚拟化能极大实现艺术教育功能答案:A 本题解析:题干最后指出了虚拟博物馆促使观众更想去实体博物馆了解实物,意在表明二者并不存在冲突。22.在证券投资组合中,为分散利率风险应选择()。A.不同部门或行业的证券搭配B.不同公司的证券搭配C.不同到期日的债券搭配D.不同种类的证券搭配答案:C 本题解析:利率风险是指市场利率变动的不确定性给商业银行造成损失的可能性。规避利率风险应该打时间战役。故选择C项。23.在一项课题研究中,数据搜集方式有问卷调研、当面访谈与电话访谈三种。参加问卷调研的有27人,参加电话访谈的有21人

51、。参加了三种数据搜集方式的有5人,既参加问卷调研又参加当面访谈的有9人,既参加问卷调研又参加电话访谈的有12人,既参加当面访谈又参加电话访谈的有7人。已知只参加当面访谈的人数占数据搜集人员总数的20%,则数据搜集人员共有多少人?()A.45B.50C.55D.60答案:A 本题解析:设参加数据搜集人员共有x人,则只参加当面访谈的人数为0.2x人。则2721-120.2xx,解得x45。A选项正确,B、C、D选项错误。故本题正确答案选A。24.You_buy a gift, but you can if you want to.A.mustB.mustntC.have toD.dont have

52、 to答案:D 本题解析:根据句意你不一定(dont have to)要买礼物,但是如果你想,你可以买。B项是禁止,易混淆,但不符合语境,故排除。25.货币的本质体现在它的职能上,其职能有很多种,其中基本职能是价值尺度和( ) A.世界货币B.贮藏手段C.流通手段D.支付手段答案:C 本题解析:马克思主义经济学认为,货币的职能包括价值尺度、流通手段、贮藏手段、支付手段、世界货币,其中价值尺度和流通手段是基本职能。26.3,6,2,18,12,36,216,()银行真题A.432B.444C.356D.378答案:A 本题解析:积数列变式,36=18(第四项),62=12(第五项),218:36

53、(第六项),1812216(第七项),1236=(432)(第八项)。27.某单位举行趣味体育比赛,共组织了甲、乙、丙、丁4个队。比赛共5项,每项第一名得3分,第二名得2分。第三名得1分,第四名不得分。已知甲队获得了3次第一名,乙队获得了3次第二名。那么得分最少的队的分数不可能超过()分。A.5B.6C.7D.8答案:C 本题解析:总分为(321)530(分),已知甲至少得339(分),因为四队平均积分是3047.5(分),所以甲肯定不是得分最少的队。其余三队得分至多为30921(分),没说各队得分不同,则得分最少的队至多为2137(分)。28.甲项目投入一定金额后,预计在未来3年里可能产生的

54、现金流如下:第一年年末110万元、第二年年末363万元、第三年年末266万元,假设必要的投资回报率为10,则3笔现金流在当前的现值大约为()万元。A.750B.670C.300D.600答案:D 本题解析:现值计算公式为PVCF/(1r)i。题中3笔现金流在当前的现值为110(110)363(110)2266(110)3600(万元)。29.2011年第4季度。我国网上银行市场交易金额为20991万亿,环比增长52。2011年,网上银行市场全年交易金额为78094万亿,同比增长421。截至2011年年底,我国个人网上银行用户数达到434亿。 根据给定资料,以下说法中正确的是( )。 A.201

55、0年.网上银行市场交易额比2011年低42.1B.2011年。个人网上银行l830岁的用户数占总用户数的比重不足2/5C.2011年,网上银行用户硕士学历用户数不到3000万人D.2011年,个人网上银行博士及以上用户数最少,而l824岁用户最多答案:C 本题解析:项,由材料知,2011年网上银行市场交易额比2010年高421,但不等价于2010年网上银行市场交易额比2011年低421。错误;C项,2011年个人网上银行硕士学历用户数为434x61综上,答案选C。30.根据以下图形规律,问号处应填入的是( )。A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:本题考查图形的旋转。题中

56、图形按顺时针方向依次旋转 90 度。31.地理老师画了亚洲、欧洲、美洲、非洲和大洋洲的图形,并给每个图形编了代号,然后请五个同学上来并要求每人认出两个洲。同学们的回答都不一样,甲:3是欧洲,2是美洲;乙:4是亚洲,2是大洋洲;丙:1是亚洲,5是非洲;丁:4是非洲,3是大洋洲;戊:2是欧洲,5是美洲。地理老师说:“你们每人对了一半。”根据上述条件,下列判断中正确的是()。A.1是亚洲,2是欧洲B.2是大洋洲.3是非洲C.3是欧洲,4是非洲D.4是美洲。5是非洲答案:C 本题解析:甲和戊的话都是对欧洲和美洲的判断。且戊的前半句话与甲的两个判断都不能同时为真,根据“每人对了一半”可知,戊的前半句话一

57、定为假,则后半句话为真。由戊的后半句话为真可知,5是美洲;甲的后半句话为假,前半句话为真,3是欧洲;丁的后半句话为假,前半句话为真,4是非洲;丙的后半句话为假,前半句话为真。则l是亚洲;乙的前半句话为假,后半句话为真,2是大洋洲。故答案选C。32.Rowling first came up with the idea about Harry Potter_.A.at the age of 6B.on a train journeyC.after her mothers deathD.in her secondary school答案:B 本题解析:根据文章中的第四段“As she recall

58、s,it was on a long train journey from London toManchester that“the idea of Harry Potter simply fell into my head”可知罗琳是在火车上产生了写哈利-波特的想法。33.某工厂原来每天生产100个零件,现在工厂要在12天内生产一批零件,只有每天多生产10%才能按时完成工作,第一天和第二天由于部分工人缺勤,每天只生产了100个,那么以后10天平均每天要多生产()才能按时完成工作。A.12%B.13%C.14%D.15%答案:A 本题解析:由题干可知,每天生产100个,多生产10%则每天生产100(1+10%)=110(个),这批零 34.下表所示是某个种植园某几年的收成,请根据表中信息回答第题。这三年总的粮食产量的年均增长率约是多少?( )A.9%B.10%C.21%D.22%答案:B 本题解析:35.抵押物价值的变动趋势分析一般不包括( )。A.实体性贬值B.经济性贬值

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