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1、中信银行精英实习生挑战赛上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.A.20.4B.18.6C.11.6D.8.6答案:B 本题解析:从每行来看,(第三个数一第二个数)2=第一个数。(186)一131x2=ll,(22525)x2=40,(129-34)x2=19。2.1,1,3,6,2,8,13,104,(),()银行真题A.13,169B.11,176C.9,81D.7,48答案:B 本题解析:1=11,6=32,8=24,104=138,(176)=(11)16。jin3.For the past 3, 000 years, when pcopl

2、e thought of money they thought of cash. From buying food to settling bar tabs, day-to-day dealings involved creased paper or clinking bits of metal.Over the past decade,however ,digital payments have taken off- tapping your plastic on a terminal or swiping a smartphone has become normal. Now this r

3、evolution is about to turn eash into an endangered specics in some rich cconomics. That will make the cconomy more efieicnt - -but it also poscs new problems that could hold the transition hostage.Countries are eliminating ceash at varying speeds. But the direction of travel is clear, and in some ca

4、ses the joumey is nearly complete. In Sweden the number of retail cash transactions per person has fallen by 80% in the past ten years. Cash accounts for just 6% of purchases by value in Norway. Britain is probably four or six years behind the Nordic countries. America is perhaps a deeade behind. Ou

5、tside the rich world, cash is still king. But even there its dominance is being croded. In China digital payments rose from 4% of all payments in 2012 to 34% in 2017.Cash is dying out beause of two forees. One is demand- younger consumers want payment systems that plug scamlessly into their digital

6、lives. But equally important is that supplirs such as banks and tech firms (in developed markets) and telccoms companics (in emerging oncs) are developing fast, easy-to-use payment technologics from which they can pull data and pocket fees.There is a high cost to running the infrastructure behind th

7、e cash economy- ATMs, vans carrying notes, tellers who acept coins. Most financial firms are keen to abandonit, or deter old-fashioned customers with hefly fees.In the main,the prospect of a cashless economy is excellent news. Cash is inefficient. In rich countries, minting, sorting, storing and dis

8、tributing it is cstimated to cost about 0.5% of GDP. But that does not begin to capture the gains. When payments dematerialize, people and shops are less vulnerable to theft. Govermments can keep closer tabs on fraud or tax evasion.Digitalisation vastly expands the playground of small businesses and

9、 sole traders by enabling them to sell beyond their borders. It also creates a credit history, helping consumers borrow.Yet set against these benefts are a bundle of worries. Eleotronic payment systems may be vulnerable to technical failures power blackouts and cyber- atacks- this weck Capital One,a

10、n American bank, became the latest fim to be hacked. In a cashless economy the poor, the elderly and country folk may be left behind. And eradicating cash, an anonymous payment method, for a digital system could let govemments snoop on peoples shopping habits and private titans exploit their persona

11、l data.These problems have three remedies. First, govermments need to ensure that central banks monopoly over coins and notes is not replaced by private monopolies over digital money. Rather than ltting a few credil-card firms have a stranglehold on the eleetronic pipes for digital payments, as Amer

12、ica may yet allow; gov emments must ensure the payments plumbing is open to a range of digital firms which can build services on top of it. They should urge banks to offer cheap,instant,bank-to-bank digital transfers between deposit accounts ,as in Sweden and the Netherlands. Competition should keep

13、 priccs low so that the poor can afford most services, and it should also mean that if one firm stumbles others can step in,. making the system resilient. Sccond, govemments should maintain banks obligation to keep customcr information private, so that the plumbing remains anonymous. Digital firms t

14、hat use this plumbing to offer services should be free to monetise transaction data, through, for example, advertising, so long as their business model is made explicit to uscrs. Some customers will favour free services that track their purchases; others will want to pay to be left alonc.Last, the p

15、hasc-out of cash should be gradual. For a period of ten years, banks should be obliged to accept and distribute cash in populated areas. This will buy govermments time to help the poor open bank accounts, educate the elderly and beef up internet access in rural areas. The rush towards digital money

16、is the result of spontaneous demand and innovation. To pocket all the rewards, govemments need to prepare for the day when erumpled bank noles change hands for the last time.According to Paragraph 2, which of the fllowing staterments is FALSE? ( )A.America has been left behind perthaps a decade comp

17、aring to Britain regarding the number of retail cash transactionB.The speeds of eliminating cash in several countries are differentC.The dominance of cash is being croded even in the non-rich areasD.There is a rise of numbers of digital payments in China form 2012 to 2017答案:A 本题解析:细节理解题。由第二段中“Britai

18、n is probably four or six years behind theNordic countries. America is perhaps a decade behind.”可知美国是相比于北欧国家或许落后了十年,不是比英国落后十年,所以答案选A.4.抗日神剧中,武工队员以20 米/秒的速度骑马前行,以追赶一辆14 米/秒的日军小火车,在刚与车尾平齐时举枪射击,击毙一名日军士兵,该士兵随机倒在最后一节车厢和倒数第二节车厢结合处,进至与火车中部平齐时,又开第二枪,但并未击中第二名士兵,于是减速为10 米/秒,经过和刚才同样多的时间,从第一名士兵倒地处跳上火车,则火车车厢有( )

19、节。A.6B.7C.9D.8答案:A 本题解析:行程问题,本题看起来复杂,其实把行程过程搞明白是很简单的。开始追击的速度差=20-14=6 米/秒,后面减速的速度差=14-10=4 米/秒,由于这两个经过相同的时间,那么路程比为3:2,路程差额为1 节火车的长度,则火车一半为3 节车厢,总长度为6 节车厢,故答案为A。5.If society has the right to pass judgment, has it also the right to use the weapon of the law to _it?A.enforceB.practiceC.materializeD.exe

20、rcise答案:A 本题解析:考查动词辨析。句意为“如果社会有通过法案的权利,那它是不是也有运用法律武器来使它执行的权利?”enforce 强迫人服从(法律等),使某事物生效;practice 实践;materialize成为现实;exercise 练习。根据句意,enforce 最吻合,故A 为正确答案。6.2012年长江三角洲部分城市外贸情况2012年镇江市外商直接投资实际到位金额比上年同期增加多少亿美元?A.4.O7B.4.35C.4.76D.5.O2答案:A 本题解析:由表格第十行可知,2012年镇江市外商直接投资实际到位金额为2214亿美元,同比增7.为降低企业劳动力成本,使H厂的产

21、品在市场上更具有竞争优势,H厂长建议裁减一部分员工。经厂董事会讨论决定,率先裁减的是那些工作效率较为低下的员工,而不是像有些企业那样。根据工龄长短进行裁员。H厂的这个决定最应具备下列哪一项前提?()A.每一个员工,尤其是那些技术工人,都会有自己的一技之长B.有能够测评员工工作效率高低的可行方法C.工作效率低下的员工就不是好员工D.每个员工的工作效率是不同的答案:B 本题解析:题干要裁减效率低下的员工,则首先要测评哪些员工是工作效率低下的,否则方法不具有可行性,即有能够测评员工工作效率高低的可行方法。故答案选B。8.the architect _designed the Mori Music C

22、enter plans to retire this spring.A.whoB.someC.heD.also答案:A 本题解析:四个选项里面只有who 能够引导定语从句。句意为“设计了莫里音乐中心的建筑师计划今年春天退休”。9.夕阳产业是指随着新技术革命的进展和社会需求变化,在开发创造新产品,开辟新市场的竞争中处于衰亡的产业部门,是对趋向衰落的传统工艺部门的一种形象称呼根据上述定义,下列选项涉及夕阳产业的是( )。A.高速铁路发展迅速,正逐步代替传统的“绿皮革”B.中国正在进入老年社会,养老保健业,老年旅游业正逐渐成为热门行业C.以另一种新的生产方式取代高耗能,高污染坏境和破坏生态的传统造纸

23、生产方式D.生产周期长,劳动力密集的传统手工产品,引入现代工艺之后,以其艺术审美价值又重新收到人们的青睐答案:C 本题解析:本题属于单定义题目。根据题干所述,夕阳产业是对趋向衰落的传统工艺部门的一种称呼。A项,高铁、“绿皮革”或者火车均不属于传统工艺部门,可排除;BD两项所提到的产业都不满足衰落这个条件,排除;C项,“高耗能,高污染坏境和破坏生态的传统造纸生产方式”属于传统工艺部门,当选。因此,选择C选项。10.阿富汗在历史上_外族的侵略,又处于十分复杂的地缘政治_之中。塔利班政权倒台后,阿富汗国内各派政治力量为了国家的未来必须进行必要的妥协与和解,从而找到使他们相互_乃至_在一起的政治解决办

24、法。否则,阿富汗势必重新陷入水深火热之中,成为欧亚大陆最具威胁的“火药桶”。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A.承受 格局 协同 凝结B.备受 局势 协同 凝结C.备受 格局 协调 凝聚D.承受 局势 协调 凝聚答案:C 本题解析:“备受”指受尽了;“承受”指接受、禁得起。“格局”指结构和格式;“局势”指情势、情况。“协同”指协助和配合;“协调”指配合适当。“凝结”指由气体变成液体或由液体变成固体;“凝聚”指聚集,积聚。故选C。11.给下列句子排序,恰当的一项是()。疾病是人类必须面对的最残酷、最强大和最无情的敌人它从人刚刚诞生的那一刻起,就像影子一样追随着人们的脚步如果没有各种各样的疾病,人

25、类一大半“正常死亡”都可以避免疾病是人类与生俱来的敌人与这样的敌人战斗,人类自身的意志、毅力和高贵性才得以展现A.B.C.D.答案:C 本题解析:这是一组说明病痛与人类的关系的句子,按照一般的说明顺序,先要提出说明对象,然后按特点进行说明。由此看来,句应是首句,且句紧承其后,反面假设的句,紧承句之后,句中的“这样的敌人”与句句尾呼应。故此题答案为C。12.有一个数值31 1 与十六进制数C9 相等,则该数值是( )数。A.二进制B.八进制C.五进制D.十六进制答案:B 本题解析:先把C9 写成二进制形式是11001001,在首位补个0 正好是八进制的311,故本题正确答案是B。13.小张因为太

26、久没有登录某网站了,故忘记了该网站登录密码的最后两位数字,只记得其中有一位是4,则他最多要试()次才能保证把密码输入正确。A.16B.17C.19D.21答案:C 本题解析:当4为倒数第二位时,有10种情况,当4为倒数第一位的时候,有10种情况,44重复一次,所以是19种情况。当输入19次,可保证能正确。故本题正确答案选C。14.一个品牌由不知名到知名,并且经久不衰,关键还是要持续保持和增强自已的市场竞争力。名牌是一代创、代代保,没有名牌要立志创名牌,有了名牌也只能作为竞争的起点。这意味着( )。A.有了一个名牌后即可以在竞争中永远立于不败之地B.只要投入大量资金做广告,就可以创立并保持名牌C

27、.要树名牌必须不断地炒作D.名牌没有“终身制”答案:D 本题解析:由“名牌是一代创,代代保”,可知A不正确;由“关键是要保持和增强自己的市场竞争力”,可知B、C不正确。只有D符合题意。15.一处房为老王所有,他离家十年期间,被侄子小王占有并出租出去,十年间得到租金5万元,修缮房屋花费2万元。老王回家后,面临这种情况,可以( )。A.收回房屋,并取得3万租金B.只能收回房屋C.收回房屋,并取得5万租金D.收回房屋,但要支付2万元的修费用答案:A 本题解析:不当得利返还原物和孳息。16.What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow , oran

28、ge ,red? If you do ,you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer greys and blues? Then you are probably quiet,shy, and you would rather follow than leaD. You tend to be a pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they sh

29、ould know,because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colours preference, as well as the effect that colours have on human beings. They tells us, among other facts,that we do not choose our favourite clour as we grow up-we are born with our preference.If you happen to love brown, you di

30、d so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.Colours do influence our moods-there is no doubt about it .A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.

31、 On the other hand ,black is depressing. A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area -until it was repainter green.The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply ;perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bri

32、dge had been done in pink or baby blue.Light and bright colours make people not only hppier but more active. It is an established fact that factory workers work better,harder ,and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.Those who committed suicide prefer

33、red the bridge over the Thames River near london to others because of _.A.its shapeB.its structureC.its colourD.its building materials答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析17.在Excel中,选定单元格后,按退格键或Del键删除_。 A.当前单元格B.当前单元格中的内容C.当前单元格及其中的全部信息D.前一单元格及其中的全部信息答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析18.建行推出“商会贷”服务,为微小企业提供了融资新模式。主要是为商会、行业协会会员单位的控股股东、实际控制人、主要

34、负责人、主要出资人等发放的,用于其经营实体生产经营用途的个人助业贷款,贷款人可以采取抵押、质押、信用、保证方式(含个人担保、法人担保)及组合担保方式,贷款额度最高达到( )万元。A.500B.400C.300D.200答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析19.账户分为借贷两方,在哪一方登记增加数,哪一方登记减少数,取决于()。A.账户性质B.记账方法C.会计科目D.记账项目答案:A 本题解析:借贷记账法下借贷记增减的情况取决于账户的性质和内容。故本题正确答案为A。20.校对一份书稿,编辑甲每天的工作效率等于编辑乙、丙每天工作效率之和,丙的工作效率相当于甲、乙每天工作效率之和的1/5。如果三人一起校对只

35、需6天就可完成。现在如果让乙一人单独校对这份书稿,则需要( )天才能完成。 A.20B.16C.24D.18答案:D 本题解析:21.The passage intends to tell us that ().A.the gloomy prospects of passing Reids bill on saving the auto industryB.the possibility of a compromise between two parties on bailing out auto industryC.the correlation between sescuing auto

36、industry and two parties stanceD.the great difference between Democrats and Republics on rescuing in the Big Three答案:B 本题解析:此类题需要通读文章大意,了解文章要表达的意思。22.Natasha GoldenMcIntyre and BaranowskiSuite 11431 Echo Lake AvenueMahtomedi, Minnesota 55115Dear Ms. Golden,Ive enclosed an employee reimbursement form

37、 along with the receipts from my business trip to Orlando. As I was able to use the company card to book my flight and hotel reservation, those expenses are not accounted for on the list.Please advise on the time it takes to be reimbursed. It usually takes one month, however, it took three months to

38、 be reimbursed for my last business trip to New York.Thank you for your help in this matter.Sincerely,Bob YuenglingMcIntyre & BaranowskiEmployee Reimbursement FormEmployee Name: Bob YuenglingEmployee ID Number: 002938Reason for Expenses IncurreD. Business trip to meet with clientAccount of Expenses:

39、Dinner- Lunas Restaurant $16.34 Tuesday May 20Transportation to clients office- Taxi $13 Wednesday May 21Dinner with client- The Kitchen Cafe $107.03 Wednesday May 21Transportation back to hotel- Taxi $13 Wednesday May 21Dinner- Tres Amigos Grill $23.03 Wednesday May 21Employee Signature: Bob Yuengl

40、ingHow long does it ordinarily take to get a reimbursement?A.One monthB.Two monthsC.Three monthsD.Four months答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析23.登顶的路上设置的种种困难,寒冷、缺氧、大风等恶劣的自然因素也同样考验你的心智,每一个挑战者都要接受严格的筛选,要走完这8844米绝非_,在这段时间里必须把握住瞬间的机会,否则会和登顶的机会_。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.一日之功 失之交臂B.一蹴而就 谬以千里C.一气呵成 结不解缘D.一步登天 有缘无分答案:A 本题解析:“一日之功”指

41、成功做某事并不是一日的功力,强调时间和力量的积累。 “一蹴而就”指踏一步就成功,比喻事情轻而易举,一下子就成功。“一气呵成”指一口气做成, 形容文章紧凑、连贯,也比喻做事紧凑、不间断。“一步登天”比喻一下达到很高的境界、程度, 也比喻人一下子爬上高位,多含贬义。第一空可以排除C、D两项。“失之交臂”指当面错过机会。“谬以千里”指错误荒谬到了极点。文中的意思即为没把握住瞬间的机会,就会失去登顶的时机,排除B项。正确答案为A。24.Thomas Jefferson, _ a director of accounting department, became a vice president of

42、our firm last month.A.pastB.previousC.onceD.now答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析25.According to the passage, cooling an organism_.A.speeds up the bodys metabolismB.slows disintegration of body tissuesC.prevents damage to organsD.revives damaged organs答案:B 本题解析:根据第二段“By slowing down the bodys metabolism,cooling delays

43、the processes leadingto biological death”以及第一段可知。生物死亡是指机体的变化导致了重要细胞和组织的瓦解,冷冻减慢了机体新陈代谢的过程,因此也就延缓了通往生物死亡的过程,即延缓了机体组织瓦解的过程,因此答案为B。26.Passage 3For the first time in decades, some of the fundamental achievements and tenets of the EU are under threat. These include the single currency, open borders, free

44、movement of labor and the notion that membership is forever.Rather than rising to these challenges, the EU is creaking under the strain. Its 28 members are arguing bitterly and seem incapable of framing effective responses to their common problems.These arguments are also taking place against anomin

45、ous backdrop. Large parts of the EU remain sunk in a semi-depression with high unemployment and unsustainable public finances. The problems of an imploding Middle East are crowding in on Europe, in the form of hundreds of thousands of refugees. And the political fringes are on the rise-with the late

46、st evidence being the election of a far-left Eurosceptic candidates to lead Britains Labor party.With a sense of crisis mounting and the EU unable to respond, countries will be increasingly inclinedto act unilaterally or even-in the case of Britain-leave the bloc altogether.The refugee crisis is alr

47、eady threatening cherished ideas about open borders. In the past couple of days, Germany has reimposed frontier controls with Austria-which, in turn, has imposed controls at its border with Hungary, which itself is working feverishly to complete a barbed-wirefence to protect its frontier with non-EU

48、 Serbia. Controls have been tightened on the French-Italian borders, while migrants camp miserably in Calais, hoping to cross to England.If the EU somehow gets a grip on the migrant crisis, these measures might be no more than temporary expedients. But if the pressure of would-be refugees heading fo

49、r Europe remain intense, then temporary measures could harden into permanent controls.Questions marks over open borders will easily shade into wider issues about access to welfare systems and labor markets. That is because EU countries are realizing thatin a border-free single marketa unilateral cha

50、nge of asylum rulesby Germany had implications for the immigration policies of all member states. Once migrants get citizenship in one EU country, they have the right to move to any other, to work there and to claim benefits. But if free movement of people and labor come into question, so does the E

51、Us single marketits central achievement.The refugee issue has for the moment, overshadowed the euro. But the problems of the single currency have not gone away. On the contrary, Greeces decision this summer to knuckleunder and accept yet another austerity package has made the Eurozone look increasin

52、gly like a trap.Even Greece, which is profoundly unhappy with life in the Eurozone, cannot risk leaving for fear of provoking a financial and economic crisis. Creditor countries such as Germany and the Netherlands are not much happier, as they fear they are being dragged into a system of permanent f

53、iscal transfers towards the nations of Europe. Meanwhile, efforts to make the euro work better,by pressing ahead with a banking union, are stuck in Brussels. This does not look like a sustainable situation and the risk of euro break-up will surely return.The refugee and euro crisis bear on whether B

54、ritain will vote to stay in the EU, when it holds a referendum in 2016 or 2017. Until recently, the opinion polls looked promising for the pro-EU camp. But the migrant crisis plays directly into the most potent issue deployed by those campaigning for Britain to leave-which is that membership ofthe E

55、U means that the UK cannot control immigration. More broadly, the British are less likely to stay inside an organization that seems to be failing. If they vote to leave, the sense of crisiswithin the EU would then mount-raising the possibility of further defections.A partial unravelling and marginal

56、ization of the EU still looks more likely than a full-scale collapse. But even if an organization called the European Union continues to exist- running buildings and paying salaries-it risks becoming increasingly irrelevant.What is the best title for this passage?A.The impact of Refugee Crisis in EU

57、B.The Crisis that Threaten to Unravel the EUC.UK, to Leave or to StayD.EU Sees the Light at the End of the Tunnel答案:B 本题解析:本文讲的是难民危机、希腊危机以及欧元危机弥漫欧洲,将威胁着欧盟,使其解散。其他几项文中都有提及,但不是全文主旨。故选B。27.他们单位办公室主任王某向来说话严谨,让人找不 到_。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.南北B.破绽C.头绪D.弊病答案:B 本题解析:空格处填入的词语应与前文所说的“说话严谨”意思相对或相同,注意到 空格前有“找不到”这个否

58、定词,因此填入的词语应与“严谨”相对。破绽原指衣被靴帽等的裂 缝,比喻事情或说话的漏洞。“南北”原指南方和北方,引申为方向。“头绪”指端绪线索,纷乱 复杂的事情中的条理。“弊端”指弊害的所在,由于制度上或工作上的漏洞而发生的损害公益 的事情。28.2015年中央一号文件首次提出农村法治建设以下不属于加强农村法治建设措施的是( )。A.创新和完善乡村治理机制B.依法保障农村改革发展C.健全农村产权保护法律制度D.提高农村基层法治水平答案:A 本题解析:2015年中央一号文件指出,围绕做好“三农”工作,加强农村法治建设:(1)健全农村产权保护法律制度。(2)健全农业市场规范运行法律制度。(3)健全

59、“三农”支持保护法律制度。(4)依法保障农村改革发展。(5)提高农村基层法治水平。故本题答案选A。29.根据以下数字的规律,空缺处应填入的是( )。2/3,1/6,5/6,1/30,( )A.14/15B.29/30C.9/10D.1答案:B 本题解析:观察数列发现,数列中后一项的分母为前一项分子、分母的乘积,分子为前一项的分母-分子,所求项为29/30。B项正确,A、C、D选项不符合题意,故本题正确答案选择B项。30.以下信贷资金的供应方式,属于间接贷放方式的是( )。A.银行对企业单位经营过程中的合理资金需要直接发放贷款B.由本国银行向本国出口商提供的贷款C.银行通过办理票据贴现业务向企业融通资金D.本国银行向国外进口商或进口国银行提供的贷款答案:C 本题解析:目前我国信贷资金的供应方式可分为三种,即直接贷放、间接贷放以及买卖方贷款。直接贷放是银行对企业单位经营过程中的合理资金需要直接发放贷款;间接贷放是银行通过办理票据贴现业务向企业融通资金;买卖方贷款主要是指卖方信贷和买方信贷。故本题答案选C。

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