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1、福建2022兴业银行龙岩分行校园招聘上岸历年高频考点试题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第一套一.单项选择题(共50题)1.自行车骑行中不倒的原理是( )。A.动量原理B.进动原理C.速度原理D.惯性原理答案:B 本题解析:进动是自转物体之自转轴又绕着另一轴旋转的现象,又可称作旋进。一个滚动的轮子会由于进动而趋向于竖直。耋轮子向一边倾斜时,轮顶的粒子被推向一侧,轮底的粒子被推向另一侧。但是,因为轮子在滚动,这些粒子最终会交换位置,互相抵消。进动或回转仪的效果会影响高速行驶(自行车)的性能。进动同时也是旋转罗盘仪背后的机制。2.竞争优势效应,是指当合作对双方都有利时,人们也往往会优先选择竞争,而

2、不是选择对双方都有利的“合作”。根据上述定义,以下不属于竞争优势效应的是( )。A.螳螂捕蝉.黄雀在后B.战国时范雎以五千金破六国合纵C.两个公司为了占领市场而相继采取了降价措施,最终导致商品价格低于成本D.一对夫妻离异,丈夫为了不让妻子平白无故地得到一大笔财产,贱卖自己的车、房答案:A 本题解析:竞争优势效应的定义要点是:即使合作对双方都有利时也会选择竞争。A项没有涉及竞争,不符合定义;B项六国合纵被破、C项两个公司降价、D项丈夫贱卖车、房均体现了这一效应。故答案选A。3.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:观察题干所给的这组图形,会很明显地发现都是由一个图形经过某种


4、等学历知识阶层B.管理基本知识的掌握与管理水平的真正提高还有相当的差距C.并非所有的管理者的读者都参加了此次答卷活动D.管理基本知识的范围很广。仅凭一次答卷得出结论未免过于草率答案:A 本题解析:题干的逻辑主线是“管理者杂志的读者管理知识水平高一社会群众对于管理知识掌握得好”,要削弱这个论证,就是要说明这两者之间是有差异的,即管理者杂志的读者不是社会群众的代表。如果A项为真,则说明了这一点,最能削弱题于论证;B项与题干结论无关;C、D两项对题干结论构成轻度质疑,但削弱程度不如A项。故答案选A。5.与2008年相比,2012年中国货物进出口总额增长率约为( )A.31%B.42%C.51%D.6

5、2%答案:C 本题解析:增长率计算,(20489+18178 14307 11326)/(14307 + 11326)51%。所以选择C。6. The film_ for half an hour when I got to the cinema. A.beganB.begunC.had begunD.had been on答案:D 本题解析:此句是由when引导的时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”,相当于“at the momentwhen”,从句用一般过去式,主句就要相应地变化为过去完成时;began是个短暂性动词,不能和for连用,故应选D项。7.资料一:根据下列资料,回答问题。2020年1


7、增长0.8%,9月份为下降2.9%。110月份,商品零售282303亿元,同比下降4.0%;餐饮收入29598亿元,下降21.0%。2020年10月乡村消费品零售额同比约增长多少亿元?()A.235B.242C.246D.252答案:C 本题解析:第一步,本题考查增长量计算。第二步,定位第四段材料“10月份,乡村消费品零售额5078亿元,增长5.1%。”。第三步,选项差距小,根据增长量计算公式亿元。故本题正确答案选C。8.在下列哪个时期,我国就巳经测定了立春、春分、立秋、秋分、立夏、夏至、立冬、冬至等节气?( )A.夏朝B.西周C.春秋D.战国答案:D 本题解析:早在春秋战国时代,我国人民中就

8、有了日南至、日北至的概念。到战国后 期成书的吕氏春秋“十二月纪”中,就有了立春、春分、立夏、夏至、立秋、秋分、立冬、冬至等八个节气名称。这八个节气,是二十四个节气中最重要的节气。这八个节气标示出季节的转换, 清楚地划分出一年的四季。后来在淮南子一书中,出现了和现代完全一样的二十四节气的名称。本题选D。9.在计算机网络中,关于“防火墙”的表述错误的是( )。A.防火墙是一种防止非法访问者的技术B.防火墙是一种查杀病毒的技术C.防火墙由计算机软件和硬件设备组合而成D.防火墙是在内部网和外部网之间构造的保护屏障答案:B 本题解析:所谓防火墙指的是一个由软件和硬件设备组合而成、在内部网和外部网之间、专

9、用网与公共网之间界面上构造的保护屏障,是一种获取安全性方法的形象说法,它是一种计算机硬件和软件的结合,使Internet 与Intranet 之间建立起一个安全网关(Security Gateway),从而保护内部网免受非法用户的侵入。查杀病毒是杀毒软件的功能。10.Questions refer to the following notice and billing statement. Estimated Bills Although we try to read your gas meter every month, there are times when we simply cann

10、ot. We may not be able to access it if there is no one at your home to let us in. Weather conditions sometimes make it unsafe for meter readers to do their job And meters do occasionally malfunction, making an accurate reading impossible When your meter is not actually read, you will receive an esti

11、mated bill. The estimate is based on weather trends and how much energy you have used in the past. When we are unable to get an actual meter reading, you will see the word “estimated” printed next to the meter reading on your bill. Estimates can be avoided if you send us a reading that you have take

12、n yourself Here are two ways to help prevent an estimated bill. Call us with your meter reading at 18005551991. The best time to call is one day before your scheduled meterreading day. (Your meterreading date appears on page one of your Newtown Gas Company bill.) Go to our Web site at to send us you

13、r meter readingSend your reading at least one day before your scheduled meterreading day. If you use either of these two methods to provide us with your reading, you will see the words “customer reading” next to the reading on your bill. If your meter readings have been estimated for four straight m

14、onths, you must call us with your meter reading NEWTOWN NATURAL GAS COMPANYSaurabh Khan Monthly statementMay80 Mount Street Account number 5252670Vancouver, Canada UsageMeter 1546774Account Summary Actual readingApril 20133 thermsPayment received April 30145.76 Customer readingMay 1949 thermsTotal a

15、mount due June 7 57.74 Average daily gas use (in therms) Please mail your payment to Newtown Natural Gas Company, P.O. Box 388, Vancouver, Canada Your next meter reading is scheduled for June 18.What did Mr. Khan do in May? ()A.He made an appointment for an actual readingB.He provided Newtown Gas wi

16、th his meter readingC.He stayed at home on the scheduled meterreading dayD.He paid a bill based on an actual reading答案:B 本题解析:账单在“Customer reading”的一项中写着May 19,49 therms。“customer reading”是“客户自行抄表”,所以5月份时,是自行通知天然气公司抄表结果。make an appointment指“约定时间”。pay a bill是“付款”。11.大额支付系统的会计档案按规定要求入档保管。磁介质保管期限为( )A.

17、1 年B.2 年C.5 年D.15 年答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析12.我国倡导的“和谐世界”的新理念,是我国独立自主和平外交政策的集中体现,是对我国外交政策宗旨的继承和升华。我国外交政策的宗旨是()。A.坚持对外开放,加强国际交往B.维护世界和平、促进共同发展C.维护国家的独立、主权和尊严D.加强同发展中国家的团结与合作答案:B 本题解析:我国外交政策的宗旨是维护世界和平、促进共同发展,注意不要与我国外交政策的五个基本点相混淆。13.正确发挥意识能动作用最基本的前提是( )。A.积极性的充分调动B.集体智慧的充分发挥C.对客观规律的正确反映D.对各种保守思想的彻底克服答案:C 本题解析:要想

18、正确发挥意识的能动作用,首先就要正确地认识客观规律,因而正确 答案为c。14.对组织成员施加影响,使组织成员为实现组织目标而努力的活动称为管理的()职能。A.计划B.组织C.控制D.领导答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析15.人类社会在发展过程中,如何合理利用自然条件,一直是人们关注的话题,下列关于人 口与环境污染关系的说法,正确的是( )A.人口素质高低直接影响着人类活动导致的环境后果B.人口压力对环境污染的影响在不同社会技术背景下是一样的C.人口数量增长是导致环境污染最重要的原因D.人口数量增长对环境恶化没有直接影响答案:A 本题解析:本题考査社会常识。人口科学文化素质的高低,直接影响着人类活动


20、这段文字主要说明的是( )。A.图书畅销榜不能反映图书的质量B.读者应根据自己的兴趣选择图书C.以销量排序的图书榜易误导读者D.图书排行榜引导读者的阅读取向答案:C 本题解析:文段在肯定“一些图书榜对引导人们读好书”的积极作用的同时,重点指出了现今大多数图书榜“为商业所绑架”,以销量进行排序的现象,并指出“这样的图书榜,很容易误导读者”接着对此进行了解释。可见,文段主要说明的是以销量排序的图书排行榜容易误导读者,即C。17.64个小球放到18个盒子里,每个里面最多放6个,所有盒子里都有小球问最少几个盒子里的小球数目相同?()2008年招行真题A.2B.3C.4D.5答案:C 本题解析:利用抽屉

21、原理,按题干要求每个盒子里都有小球。最多放6个。可以从1到6构造6个抽屉,则问题转化为至少有几个含小球数目相同的盒子在同一个抽屉里。因为共有18个盒子18+6=3,故假设每个抽屉里有3个盒子的小球数目是相同的,故18个盒子里放的小球最多有3(1+2+3+4+5+6)=6318.某单位组织员工做工间操,员工站成一个实心方阵(正方形队列)时,还多8 人,如果站成一个每边比前面多1 人的实心方阵,则还少17 人。问该单位有员工多少人?( )。A.136 人B.152 人C.159 人D.177 人答案:B 本题解析:设原方阵每边有x 人,则新方阵每边有x+1 人,由题意,2(x+1)-2x=25,解

22、得x=12。所以共有144+8=152 人。19.实验室有足够量的浓度为20%和50%的硫酸溶液,现需要30%的硫酸300毫升,需如何进行配置?()A.甲乙两种溶液各取150毫升B.甲溶液取300毫升,乙溶液取150毫升C.甲溶液取200毫升,乙溶液取100毫升D.甲溶液取100毫升,乙溶液取200毫升答案:C 本题解析:设甲乙各取X、Y,根据溶质质量可列出方程20%X+50%Y=30%300,化简得:2X+5Y=900,只有C满足。A、B、D错误,所以选C。20.在实践中 , 大部分国家采取的货币政策类型是 ( )A.扩张型货币政策B.紧缩型货币政策C.非调节型货币政策D.调节型货币政策答案

23、:D 本题解析:暂无解析21.Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a green labeling study published by Consumers International Friday.Among the reports more outrageous findings-a German fertilizer described itself as earthworm f

24、riendly a brand of flour said it was non-polluting and a British toilet paper claimed to be environmentally friendlier.The study was written and researched by Britains National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the Eu

25、ropean Commission.While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy. said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.The lO-country study surveyed product packagi

26、ng in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did no

27、t test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.Many products

28、had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing. said report researcher Philip Page.Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on

29、 our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading. he said.The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as environmentally friendly and non-polluting can not be verified. Wha

30、t we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO. said Page.What is one of the consequences caused by the many claims of household products?A.They are likely to lead to serious environmental problemsB.Consumers find it difficult to tell the true from t

31、he falseC.They could arouse widespread anger among consumersD.Consumers will be tempted to buy products they dont need答案:B 本题解析:此题暂无解析由倒数第二段的“The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers tosort the true from the misleadin9”,大意是环保说明如此之多。以至消费者很难去伪存真。这句话的意思和B的表述一致,所以选择8。22.2016年,全国

32、平均每家特、一级施工总承包企业建筑业产值与上年相比增加了:A.不到1000万元B.10005000万元之间C.5000万元1亿元之间D.1亿元以上答案:C 本题解析:第一步,本题考查平均数增长量计算。第二步,定位材料可知“20152016年全国12个类别5607家全国特、一级施工总承包企业,2016年建筑业总产值为105590亿元,2015年为100396亿元”。第三步,根据增长量=现期量基期量,与平均数=总数总个数,选项为范围类,且出现单位不一致的情况,故截位时考虑分子分母整体舍相同,且关注单位。则有(亿元/家)=9300(万元/家)。因此,选择C选项。23.When it comes to

33、 friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.When I was in the eighth grade, I had a

34、 friend. We were shy and too serious about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:Lets start with a train w

35、histle today. We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend,

36、 he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs dis

37、appeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes ina funny way, in the others dreams. She and I agree t

38、hat, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : Yes, I must tell. We have never met.It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will

39、only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.In the eighth grade, what the author did before developing proper social behavior was to_.A.become serious about her studyB.go to her friends house regularlyC.learn from her classmates a

40、t schoolD.share poems and stories with her friend答案:D 本题解析:考查细节推断的能力。从第二段倒数第三行文字可以看出,他们同学在一起写诗和文章,然后诵读。在学期结束时,他们才形成适当的社交行为。与此同时,他们也停止了写诗和文章的活动了。24.把下面六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是()。A.,B.,C.,D.,答案:A 本题解析:第一步,观察特征。图形中均有两个黑点,考虑功能信息。第二步,分组分类,根据规律进行分组。图中两个黑点不可连通,即两个黑点被隔开,图中两个黑点可连通,即两个黑点运动时可相遇,运动时


42、化,最早发端于10000年以前D.存在于8000年以前的亚洲和北美洲文化,显示出极大的类似性答案:B 本题解析:要否定前者,肯定后者就必须找出能够同时削弱前者并加强后者论据论证能力的条件,B项符合这个要求。因为连接处陆地气候寒冷,所以食物资源匮乏,从陆地上进入北美的可能就比较小,而相比之下海洋则有丰富的食物,可以维持亚洲人在迁徙过程中的能量需求。26.the lack of service you experienced is unusual and not the standard of our motel, there is no excuse for a lackadaisical at

43、titude on the part of any of our employees. We are sorry for the inconvenience and annoyance this incident caused.Thank you again for your comments. We hope that you will give us () chance to serve you.A.otherB.other thanC.anotherD.all答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析27.The leaders of Detroits struggling Big Three aut

44、omakers are appearing before the Senate today, where prospects of 25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.Amid GOP cries of corporate welfare, Senate Majority Leader Reid introduced a bill yester-day to let the automakers and component suppliers tap into some of the money

45、 Congress allotted in the ¥700 billion financial bailout.Reid, launching a lame-duck session, warned of a potential meltdown in the industry with devastating consequences. He said 355,000 people are employed by the industry and 4.5 million more work in related industries. An additional 1 million peo

46、ple, retirees and their relatives, are covered by retirement and medical plants within the industry, he said.The Big Three-General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-have been whipsawed by the faltering economy and credit crunch.But the odds do not look good for Detroit. At the heart of the debate is whethe

47、r automakers are deserving as a linchpin of the U.S. economy or not, in the words of one high-profile critic,Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, is an innovation-averse dinosaur.Shelby, appearing on Sunday to meet the Press, said Get rid of the management. Get rid of the boards-the people who

48、 brought them to where they are today. This is a dead end. Its a road to nowhere, and its a big burden on the American taxpayer,Republicans attacked the measure on several fronts. Some questioned the rush to judgment,others warned that other industries would soon line up for help. And some charged t

49、hat the firms brought on their troubles by agreeing to union contracts with wages and benefits costing an average of ¥73 an hour, compared with ¥28 an hour for the average private firm.GOP Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said the ¥T00 billion rescue was the No. I issued when he toured the state r

50、ecently. Candidily, the temperature of my constituents was boiling, 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermometer was broken, he said.Some opponents prefer that the automakers pursue Chapter 11 reorganizations instead of hitting up Uncle Sam.Democrats argue that the 25 billion is only 4 percent of the

51、 bigger bailout. Reids spokesman, Jim Manley, said the bill has robust language on corporate oversight, taxpayer protections, and executive compensation limits.A compromise could be struck if Democrats bowed to GOP pressure and, instead of new loans,rewrote the rules for 25 billion in loans granted

52、to automakers to help them retool factories to buildfuel-efficientvehicles. Itsmindboggling,oneRepublicansaidof Democratsintransigence. If I were them, I d want to get this off my plate before Obama becomes president.The automotive executives, Alan Mulatly, Fords president and CEO, Robert Nardelli,C

53、hryslers chairman and CEO, and Rick Wagoner, GMs chairman and CEO, are to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Shelby is the top Republican on the panel.The post-election lame-duck session is the last chance to sign off on the measure during this Congress. The bill probably can pass the House

54、, but prospects are iffy in the Senate, where Democrats need 60 votes to block an expected filibuster.If nothing passes, it could be taken up in January by the next Congress, which will have a broader Democratic majority.We may infer from the third paragraph that ().A.the Big Three partly led to the

55、 bad economy and credit crunchB.people doubted the auto industry as the backbone of the economyC.the automakers lacked the spirit of innovation in the pastD.Richard Shelby, a high-profile critic, dislikes big animals like dinosaurs答案:B 本题解析:根据文章中暗含的意思,B选项可以从文中得知,其他不符合原文意思。28. Which of the following

56、is TRUE? A.The more Jack explained, the angrier the couple gotB.Jack wanted to show his feelings through words after his experienceC.The manager went back to the table and apologized to the coupleD.From this experience, Jack learned more about American culture答案:D 本题解析:根据第二段最后一句“After the couple hea

57、rd my reason,they understood that the problemwas caused by cultural differences,so they laughed and were no longer angry”可知A选项不对;根据文章最后一句“but now I dont show my feelings through words”可知B选项不对;根据第二段中的“I tIlen waked back to thetable and apologized to the wife”可知C选项也不对,故正确答案为D。29.小记者们果然_,从冯根生嘴里挖出不少“与青春

58、宝有关的事儿”。填人横线部分最恰当的是( )A.不负众望B.不孚众望C.义无反顾D.殚精竭虑答案:A 本题解析:由词义可知,“义无反顾”和“弹精竭虑”用在这里显然是不恰当的。要认真辨清 “不负众望”与“不孚众望”的区别,前者是指没辜负大家的期望,后者是指未符合大家的期望。根据“果然”和“挖出不少”来判断,这里是说小记者们没有辜负大家的期望,所以应该用“不负众望”。30.Today ,as in every other day of the year ,more than 3000 U.S. adlescents will smoke their first cigarette on their

59、 way to becoming regular smokers as adults. During their lifetime,it can be expected that of these 3000 about 23 will be murdered,30 will die in traffic accidents, and nearly 750 will be killed by a smoking-related disease. The number of deaths attributed to cigarette smoking outweithts all other factors, whether voluntary or involuntary, as a cause of death.Since the late 1970s, when daily smoking among high school seniors reached 30 precent , smoking rates among youth have

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