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1、浙江2023年兴业银行龙岩分行招聘上岸历年高频考点试题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第一套一.单项选择题(共50题)1.某项射击资格赛后的统计表明,某国四名运动员中,三名运动员的平均环数加上另一运动员的环数,计算后得到的环数分别为92、114、138、160,则此国四名运动员资格赛的平均环数是()环。A.63B.126C.168D.252答案:A 本题解析:设4人的成绩分别为ab、c、d,由“三名运动员的平均环数加上另一运动员的环数”知。2.下列关于浏览器中书签工具的作用说法正确的是()。A.标记网站中的某个人,并向他(她)发送交友请求B.为喜欢的网站投票评分C.将喜欢或常用的网页收藏起来以

2、便以后使用D.自动收集网站上的数据以备以后使用答案:C 本题解析:书签是浏览器中用以储存网址的一个设计,方便使用者无须以纸笔抄写或记住网址即能迅速连结至网站。3.有A和B两个投资方案,A方案固定投资80万元,生产单位产品变动成本为100元,B方案固定投资50万元,生产单位产品变动成本为110元。单位产品售价均为150元。若计划产量为15000个并均能售出,则根据两个方案的保本获利能力,可以得出以下哪个判断?()A.两个方案的获利能力相同B.A方案优于B方案C.两个方案均不可行D.B方案优于A方案答案:B 本题解析:用收益减去总成本,A方案成本低于B方案成本,在收益相同的情况下,显然A方案的优于

3、B方案。4.阅读理解The Norwegian Government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control. A new law limits exploration to an area south of the southern end of the long coastline; production limits have been laid down (though these have already been raised) ; and oil companies have not been allowe

4、d to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers. But the oil industry has a way of getting over such problems, and few people believe that the Government will be able to hold things back for long. As a Norwegian politician said last week: We will soon be changed beyond all recognition. Eve

5、r since the war, the Government has been carrying out a programme of development in the area north of the Arctic Circle. During the past few years this programme has had a great deal of success: Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospital and a healthy industry.

6、 But the oil industry has already started to draw people from the south, and within a few years the whole northern policy could be in ruins.The effects of the oil industry would not be limited to the north, however. With nearly 100 percent employment, everyone can see a situation developing in which

7、 the service industries and the tourist industry will lose more of their workers to the oil industry. Some smaller industries might even disappear altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.The real argument over oil is its threat to the Norwegian way of life. Farmers and fishermen

8、do not make up most of the population, but they are an important part of it, because the Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with pride as essentially Norwegian. And it is the farmers and the fishermen who are most critical of the oil industry because of the damage that it

9、might cause to the countryside and to the sea.16. The Norwegian Government would prefer the oil industry to _.A.provide more jobs for foreign workersB.slow down the rate of its developmentC.sell the oil it is producing abroadD.develop more quickly than at present答案:B 本题解析:通过文章开头The Norwegian Governm

10、ent is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control. A new law limits exploration to可以推出,挪威政府正竭尽全力把石油工业控制起来,制定新法律来限制勘探开采,限制产量等,B项符合题意。5.就业是民生之本,与社会稳定息息相关。促进就业,被纳入防范化解重大风险的( )之中,就是由其( )所决定的。事实上,中央经济工作会议曾经两次提到“实施就业优先政策”,明确要把“稳就业”摆在突出位置。这些表明,抓紧推进优先就业,做好就业工作的政策信号已越来越( )。A.蓝图特殊性强烈B.框架复杂性连贯C.链条全局

11、性清楚D.议题重要性明晰答案:D 本题解析:第一步,此题突破口在第三空。该空搭配“信号”,且照应前文语境“促进就业,被纳入防范化解重大风险事实上,去年年底召开的中央经济工作会议,也两次提到“实施就业优先政策”,明确要把稳就业摆在突出位置。”A项“强烈”指力量很大的,程度很高的,鲜明的,与“信号”搭配恰当,且能照应前文语境。B项“连贯”指连接,贯穿。不符合语境,排除B项。C项“清楚”指明白,有条理,与“信号”搭配不当,排除C项。D项“清晰”指看得很清楚,很逼真。与“信号”搭配恰当,且能照应前文语境。第二步,分析第二空。根据“就业是民生之本,与社会稳定息息相关”可知,就业非常重要。A项“特殊性”指

12、不同于一般的,与别的事物不相同的性质,不符合语境,排除A项。D项“重要性”指被认为有很大价值和影响的性质,符合语境。答案锁定D选项。第三步,验证第一空。“促进就业,被纳入防范化解重大风险议题之中”符合语境。因此,选择D选项。6.第57题答案是_A.wiserB.warmerC.betterD.cleverer答案:C 本题解析:beRer表示“心情更舒畅”。未找借口的道歉,即真诚的道歉,对方的感觉一定很好。故选C。7.Question 61-63 refer to the following email.To: Barry Weinstein (bweinstein)From: Andrew

13、Kim (akim)Subject: Next monthDate: August 3Barry,Thanks again for arranging that videoconference last week. I just heard form Maxine Dawson, our account manager for the Johnson Company account, that the next product trial will be September 8 in their production plant in Denver. She has requested tha

14、t I fly D. A presenter at an award ceremony.out there with her. Of course, I still plan to attend the Engineering Society awards dinner in San Francisco on September 9, so Ive booked a flight there after the meeting. Let me know whenyoull be arriving there.Im looking forward to seeing you honored in

15、 San Francisco. You deserve it!Regards,Andrew KimCelgar AssociatesWho is Maxine Dawson?A.An employee at Celgar AssociatesB.A manager at Johnson CompanyC.A travel agent for Mr.KimD.A presenter at an award ceremony答案:B 本题解析:据邮件可知,Maxine Dawson 是Johnson 公司的一个经理。8.94,46,(),10,4,1A.18B.19C.22D.26答案:C 本题解

16、析:前一项减后一项得到48,(24),(12),6,3,C选项正确,A、B、D选项错误,故本题正确答案选C。9.中国农业银行的使命A.面向“三农” 服务城乡 回报股东成就员工B.建设城乡一体化的全能型国际金融企业C.立足本土、全球运作的世界一流商业银行D.核心价值观:诚信立业, 稳健行远答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析10.“尽职而不越位、帮忙而不添乱、切实而不表面”,“协商不代替、监督不对立,为了大目标、同唱一台戏。”概括了政协的主要职能是( )。A.维护国家主权和政治统一B.维护祖国的统一C.领导统一战线D.政治协商、民主监督和参政议政答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析11.为了开拓多样化的营销模式

17、和分销渠道,深入挖掘潜在客户群,发展移动金融业务,电子银行部对移动互联网市场做了相关市场调查。移动互联网正逐渐渗透到人们生活、工作的各个领域,手机支付、手机银行等应用迅猛发展,正在深刻改变信息时代的社会生活,根据这些数据,你能得出哪些信息? 材料:移动互联网调查中国移动互联网市场规模 2013年第二季度移动互联网市场规模241.9亿元,环比增速21.2,同比增速71.4,市场趋于稳健发展。具体数据如图1所示(数据来自互联网)。图1中国移动互联网市场规模 2013年第二季度移动购物市场继续保持高速增长态势,市场占比超越移动增值,成为移动互联网第一大细分行业。具体数据如图2所示(数据来自互联网)。

18、图2中国移动互联网细分行业占比移动购物在移动互联网中占有举足轻重的地位,其市场份额接下来还会继续增加。2013年第二季度移动购物市场规模环比增长了()。A.11.59B.40.7C.73.00D.35.31答案:D 本题解析:2013年第二季度移动互联网市场规模241.9亿元,其中移动购物市场份额为38.5,即241.938.593.13(亿元)。同理,2013年第一季度移动购物市场份额为199.534.568.83(亿元)。因此,2013年第二季度移动购物市场规模环比增长了(93.1368.83)68.8335.3112.2013 年7 月1 日,某企业的资产、负债和所有者权益满足如下关系:

19、资产150 000 元=负债50000元+所有者权益100 000 元。当月发生如下经济业务:(1)投资者追加投资,投入现金200000 元;(2)向银行借入短期借款50 000 元;(3)用银行存款10 000 元采购原材料,则7 月31 日,该企业三要素之间的关系可以表示为( )。A.资产350000 元=负债50000 元+所有者权益300000 元B.资产200000 元=负债50000 元+所有者权益150000 元C.资产400000 元=负债100000 元+所有者权益300000 元D.资产410000 元=负债110000 元+所有者权益300000 元答案:C 本题解析:投

20、入现金,资产增加200 000,所有者权益增加200 000。进行借款,资产增加50 000,负债增加50 000。购买原材料,资产不变。因此资产为400 000,负债为100 000,所有者权益为300 000。13.以从业人数为标准,C省与其他五省相比,相对较弱的行业是()。A.交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业B.信息传输、计算机服务和软件产业C.金融保险业D.科学技术服务业答案:D 本题解析:C省在选项中四个生产性服务业从业人数的排名分别为第二、第三、第二、第四,所以与其他五省相比,C省相对较弱的行业是科学技术服务业。14.2013年7月29日,交通银行在全国银行间债券市场成功完成( )亿元金

21、融债券的发行工作,所募集的资金将全部专项用于发放小微企业贷款。据悉,交通银行是国有大型商业银行中首家完成小微企业金融债发行的银行。A.90B.100C.150D.200答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析15.If the population of the earth goes on increasing at its present rate, there will eventually not be enough resources left to sustain life on the planet.By the middle of the 21st century,if present tr

22、ends continue, we will have used up all the oil that drives our cars,for example.Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race,the crowded conditions on earth will make it necessary for lus to look for open space somewhere else. But none of the other planets in our solar system are c

23、apable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem, however,has recently been suggested by American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan.Sagan believes that before the earths resources are compleetely exhausted it will be possible to change the atmophere of Venus and so create a n

24、ew world almost as large as earth itself. The difficult is that Venus is much hotter than the earth and there is only a tiny amount of water there.Sagan proposes that algae organisms that can live in extremely hot or cold atmospheres and at the same time produce oxygen,should be bred in condition si

25、milar to those on Venus.As soon as this has been done, the algae will be placed in small rockets. Spaceship will then fly to Venus and fire the rockets into the atmosphere .In a fairly short time, the alge will break down the carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon.When the algae have done theri work,

26、 the atmosphere will become cooler,but befor man can set foot on Venus it will be neccessary for the oxygen to produce rain. The surface of the planet will still be too hot for man to land on it but the rain will eventually fall and in a few years something like earth will be reproduced on Venus.Int

27、e long run, the most insoluble problem caused by population growth on earth will probably be the lack of _.A.foodB.oilC.spaceD.resources答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析16.有一列火车长250米,现在过长为500米的桥,那么火车头从开始进入到完全过完桥需要( )时间(已知火车速度为54千米/小时)。A.30秒B.40秒C.50秒D.60秒答案:C 本题解析:注意火车所走的总路程是750m,另注意时间的换算。17.2011年9月23日,( )首个境外大宗商品融资中心

28、新加坡挂牌。A.中国银行B.中国工商银行C.中国建设银行D.中国农业银行答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析18.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:A有理化后为,C项,故推知即,故选A。19.活期储蓄存款开户起存金额是( )A.1 元B.10 元C.50 元D.100 元答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析20.2,1,4,4,8,9,16,( )A.25B.36C.20D.16答案:D 本题解析:奇数项为等比数列,偶数项为平方数列。21.2013年9月17日,为了更好地服务客户,不断创造独特的用卡体验。交通银行与中国银联合作推出业内领先的可视金融IC卡( )。A.太平洋可视卡B.太

29、平洋薪金卡C.太平洋单位结算卡D.太平洋借记卡答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析22.教室对于( )相当于( )对于生产。 A.黑板 机器B.学生 产品C.教师 工人D.上课 厂房答案:D 本题解析:由第二空后面的“生产”一词,可知第一空应是一个动词,再看选项,D项的“上课”说明的是“教室”的功能,而“生产”刚好说的是“厂房”的功能。故选择D。23.根据以下材料,回答66-70题:2008年16月浙江省城乡居民收支数据表城镇居民收支(元) 16月 同比% 农村居民收支(元) 16月 同比%2008年1-6月,城镇居民8类人均消费性支出占人均消费性总支出的比重超出10%的有:A.2个B.3个C.4个D

30、.5个答案:C 本题解析:分别为食品2861/7618*10037.6,衣着848/7618*10011.1,交通和通讯1228/7618*10016.1,娱乐教育文化902/7618*10011.8。24.When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love

31、. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and too serious about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but sh

32、e would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:Lets start with a train whistle today. We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we

33、were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had fe

34、lt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we o

35、ften discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes ina funny way, in the others dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : Yes, I must tell. We have never met.It is such comforting companions I

36、wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.What is the best title for the passage?A.Unforgettable Experiences

37、B.Remarkable ImaginationC.Lifelong FriendshipD.Noble Companions答案:D 本题解析:此题暂无解析考查概括的能力。整篇文章表达的是作者在不同时期的朋友伴随自己成长变化的过程,说明了朋友对自己的影响和崇高的友谊。25.近些年,各种图书排行榜出现在人们的视野中。一些图书榜对引导人们读好书起到了积极作用,但大多数图书榜要么把目光放在销量上,要么一味地青睐新出版的书籍,为商业所绑架。这样的图书榜,很容易误导读者,尤其是年轻的读者。要知道,图书的畅销和品质有时候有关系,更多的时候是毫无关系的。如果按畅销度去读书,会把读者趣味降低了。填入这段文字

38、主要说明的是( )。A.图书畅销榜不能反映图书的质量B.读者应根据自己的兴趣选择图书C.以销量排序的图书榜易误导读者D.图书排行榜引导读者的阅读取向答案:C 本题解析:文段在肯定“一些图书榜对引导人们读好书”的积极作用的同时,重点指出了现今大多数图书榜“为商业所绑架”,以销量进行排序的现象,并指出“这样的图书榜,很容易误导读者”接着对此进行了解释。可见,文段主要说明的是以销量排序的图书排行榜容易误导读者,即C。26.有人认为半导体行业与世界经济的发展密切相关,因此半导体行业增速与全球GDP增速的变动保持高度同步,也有人持反对观点。哪两个连续年份的统计数据对反对方的观点形成最大支持?()A.20

39、012002年B.19951996年C.20092010年D.19921993年答案:B 本题解析:由折线图可看出,1995、1996这两年半导体行业与全球GDP增速的趋势正好相反由此选择B。27.下列各项中,属于资本性支出的是( )。A.聘请法律顾问费B.支付生产工人劳动保险费C.企业支付的营业税D.购置固定资产的费用答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析28.“一门三父子,都是大文豪。诗赋传千古,峨眉共比高。”这首诗中的“三父子”指的是( )。A.曹操、曹丕、曹植B.苏洵、苏轼、苏辙C.班彪、班固、班超D.杜甫、杜牧、杜苟鹤答案:B 本题解析:北宋时期四川的苏洵及其两子苏轼、苏辙合称为“三苏”,均位

40、于唐宋八大家之列。这首诗是朱德写下的,是对三苏父子的高度评价。故本题答案选B。29.从某种程度上说,除了饮食文化、琴棋书画这些传统文化内容,中国今天的文化已不能占领世界市场,“中国元素”也只能是传统文化的元素而不是现代中国的文化元素。而缺乏除饮食文化以外的精神和思想文化影响世界,中国就不可能承担以天下为己任的文化大国的责任;缺乏现代文化创造,中国就不可能参与世界现代进程、在重大世界问题上发出独特的声音从而赢得全球的真正尊敬。这段文字主要说明了( )。A.中国饮食文化具有强大的国际影响力B.中国亟须加强现代文化的创新和建设C.现今的“中国元素”只是传统文化元素D.中国文化大国的地位已经岌岌可危答

41、案:B 本题解析:文段指出中国今天的文化已不能占领世界市场,“中国元素”也只是传统文化的元素,中国要承担文化大国的责任,要赢得全球的真正尊重,就必须发展和创造现代文化。故文段意在说明中国需要大力发展现代文化,提高其国际影响力。8项与此表述一致,当选。A、C、D项都只是文段部分内容,不是重点。故本题答案为8。30.到了托勒密的时代,希腊科学已经发展了?D0年之久,但此后则如花到荼蘼,盛极而衰开始没落。这自然有许多不同的原因,但现在为绝大部分史家所公认的一个主要原因,则是它过分注重猜想与理论,而忽略实际观察,所以走进死胡同,无法有进一步的突破。托勒密秉承柏拉图的构想,以为天体运行轨道必然是圆形的组

42、合,就是这偏见的最佳说明。l400年后哥自尼也仍然未能破除这偏见,直到开普勒,才由于丹麦天文学家第谷极其精密的天文观测“被迫”打破这种桎梏,发现天体运行轨道其实是椭圆形而非圆形组合文段意在说明的是()。A.希腊科学从托勒密的时代之后开始步入没落阶段B.丹麦天文学家第谷打破了希腊科学注重猜想与理论的桎梏C.过分注重猜想与理论而忽略实际观察是希腊科学没落的主因之一D.希腊科学开始没落缘于多种因素的影响答案:C 本题解析:文段提出希腊科学自托勒密的时代开始没落,其中最为史家所公认的一个主因,即它过分注重猜想与理论,而忽略实际观察。然后用一系列事实进行例证说明。故C项为文段意在说明的内容。A项只是一个

43、事实而非重点;B项本身说法错误;D项只在文段中稍有提及,而非重点。故本题选C。31.Mr. Carter got ( ) in trouble by failing to acknowledge his secretarys birthday.A.heB.himselfC.himD.his答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析32.在中国古代,为瓷器上釉最初的用途是()。A.提升硬度B.放火烧C.防渗水D.关观答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析33.Building a house costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you plan to build a house. Y

44、our first step will be to find a right piece of land. Your choice will depend on many different things. You will probably try to find a sunny place, with pleasant surroundings near shops and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work.Next you will find a good builder, and

45、together with the builder you will work out a plan. The builder will draw the plan. It will show the number of rooms, their position and size, and other parts, which must be noticed, such as windows, doors, and electric outlets. The builder will work out how much money is needed to build your house.

46、 He will work out the cost of the wood, bricks, the glass, and everything else that must be used in building the house. Later on, when he starts to build, this estimate must be corrected and revised. His estimate is based on existing prices, but prices of such things may change, and many other thing

47、s may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house.When the builder gives his estimate, you may wish to change your plan. (You may also wish to change your builder, if his estimate is too high! ) You may find that the house you wanted at first costs too mu

48、ch, or that you can spend a little more and add something to your plan. The builders estimate depends on the plan, but the final plan depends on the builders estimate.When the builder starts to build a house, his estimate will have to be corrected and revised because _.A.it is wrongly worked out by

49、a workmanB.the future owner of the house thinks the estimate is so high that he cannot afford the buildingC.the prices of building materials and the expenses of labor may be different from the original prices and expensesD.estimates are usually mistaken in the beginning答案:C 本题解析:本题属细节考查题。考查的是在盖房的施工中

50、,最初的预算必须更正与修改的原因。短文第二段的倒数一、二句就有相对应的部分;随后,当他开始施工时,此预算必须更改与修正。他的预算的根据是当时的价格,而建筑材料与其他东西的价格在制定预算和开始施工这一阶段很可能会有变化。A项说的是“预算经常被施工者算错”,在短文中找不到依据;B项的“未来的房主认为预算太高他支付不起”在短文中也没有体现,D项的“在开始时预算往往是错的”与A项的错误一致34.造成通货膨胀的直接原因是()。A.财政赤字规模过大B.信贷供给过度C.定期存款余额过大D.国际收支长期保持顺差答案:B 本题解析:通货膨胀是指发行的货币数量超过了流通所需要的货币数量,即信贷供给过度,从而导致货

51、币贬值,物价飞涨。故正确答案为B。35.1,3,2,4,5,16,( )A.28B.75C.78D.80答案:B 本题解析:1X31=2,3X22=4,2X43=5,4X54=16,5X165=75。36.根据以下资料回答6-10题:2007年高科技产业各行业中大型企业增加值最小的是()。A.医药制造业B.航空航天器制造业C.电子计算机及办公设备制造业D.医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业答案:D 本题解析:由材料可知,2007年医药制造业大型企业增加值为2287200200002=400亿元。航空航天器制造业大型企业增加值为29266425006=150亿元,电子计算机及办公设备制造业大型企业增加值为

52、22736522000051000亿元医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业大型企业增加值为96113537.The prize will go to the writer _ story shows the most imagination.A.thatB.whichC.whoseD.what答案:C 本题解析:句意为奖品会发给故事写得最富有想象力的作家。thewriter为先行词,在从句中作story的定语,故选C项。38.What will Ms. Singh and Mr. Weinstein probably do?A.Stay in Valbonne for a weekB.Meet with

53、John Reynolds in ValbonneC.Propose new chocolate products to sell in FranceD.Suggest ways to correct the flavor of the chocolate答案:D 本题解析:邮件中说,从生产设备和生产过程的检测中,都没什么问题,但是味道仍然很苦。由此可知,他们两个将会提出一些改变巧克力味道的建议。39.下列关于伤寒的叙述,错误的是( )。A.伤寒是由伤寒杆菌引起的肠道传染病B.好发于春秋季节,以老年和儿童多见C.其传播途径为粪口传播D.传染源为伤寒患者答案:B 本题解析:伤寒的病原体为伤寒杆菌

54、,其传染源为伤寒患者或带菌者,传播途径是粪口传播。伤寒的好发季节为夏季和秋季,好发人群为儿童和青壮年。所以答案为B。40.人生就是找寻爱的过程。首先会遇到你最爱的人,然后才能体会到爱的感觉;因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现最爱你的人,发现了最爱你的人,才能感受到被爱的感觉,当你经历过爱人与被爱,才能学会真正的爱,学会真正的爱,才会知道什么是你需要的,也才会找到最适合你、能够相处一辈子的人。如果以上资料为真,那么下列哪项也一定为真?( )A.如果你能遇到你最爱的人,你就会发现最爱你的人B.除非学会了真正的爱.否则你找不到能与你共度一生的人C.除非你遇不到你最爱的人,否则你就不会发现最爱你的人D.

55、即使发现不了最爱你的人,你也能找到与你共度一生的人答案:B 本题解析:题干是一个必要条件假言命题:遇到你最爱的人+-体会到爱的感觉卜发现最爱你的人感受到被爱的感觉学会真正的爱知道你需要的找到适合你能够相处一辈子的人。A项肯定前件不能得到肯定的后件,错误;B项等价于学会了真正的爱找到与你共度一生的人,正确;C项等价于遇不到你最爱的人会发现最爱你的人肯定后件应肯定前件,错误;D项否定前件必然推出否定的后件,错误。此题选B。41.2011年,我国货物进出口总额达到36421亿美元,比2002年增长49倍,年均增长217。在出口总额中,机电产品占比由2002年的482提高到2011年的572;高新技术

56、产品由208提高到289。2011年,机电产品进口7533亿美元,比2002年增长38倍;高新技术产品进口4630亿美元增长46倍2002-2011年我国货物进出口贸易顺差下列说法正确的是( )。A.2002-2011年我国货物进出口总额年均增长3221亿美元B.2011年我国机电产品进出口实现逆差3327亿美元C.2009年以来.我国货物进出l5贸易不平衡状况逐步改善D.与2002年相比,2011年我国对日本进出口额有所下降答案:C 本题解析:大致浏览选项,A、B均需要计算,先跳过。C项,根据柱状图,可知从2009年开始,顺差额逐年减少,货物进出口贸易不平衡状况逐步改善,C正确,可直接选C。

57、 验证其余选项:A项,20022011年我国货物进出口总额年均增长30421+9=3380亿美元A错误 。B项,根据文字可知,机电产品出口占比为57.20k,由前面题目可知,2011年我国货物出口额为189862亿美元,所以2011年机电产品出口额为18986。 25721800005=9000亿美元,而进口额为7533亿美元,出口大于进口,实现顺差B错误。D项,根据表格,2002年对日本的占比为l642011年占比为94,2011年占比大于2002年的一半,且2011年进出口总额为2002年的59倍所以2011年对日本的进出El额比2002年多D错误。42.The reception was attended by _ members of the local community.

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