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1、中国民生银行广州分行2023校园招聘上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.In view of his good manner in admitting mistake, mother finallydecided to (我) his off this time.A.leaveB.letC.putD.Set答案:B 本题解析:A项停止: B项放出,宽恕: C项推迟: D项出发,引起,动身:根据句意,鉴于他在承认错误时的良好态度,母亲最终决定放过他这一次。B项符合句意。2.To: All Griffin Corporation Employees

2、From: Sally Kleinman, Director, Employee RelationsRe: Employee Fitness CenterSent: Thursday, November 1, 9:46 AM.Dear Colleagues:As you know, Griffin Corporation recognizes the importance of having an excellent exercise facility on the premises. Over the past three years, we have worked hard to impr

3、ove the employee fitness center: we have purchased new exercise equipment, renovated the locker rooms, and begun offering Welcome Aboard! , a safety training course.Two months ago, you responded enthusiastically to a survey about this fitness facility. Based on our recommendations, changes are plann

4、ing for the fitness center. They will take effort on December 1. First of all, as requested, the fitness center will stay open three extra hours Monday through Thursday. Also, a new series of classes-most of them suggested by you-will begin. Finally,those of you who have been using the center will b

5、e pleased to hear that popular personal trainer Joseph Santiago will be promoted to manager of the fitness center.We encourage more employees to take advantage of all the fitness center has to offer.Membership will continue to be subsidized and will remain at $15 per month. In addition, and for a li

6、mited time only, we are now offering a special rate for new members, members who sign up before December 1 will only be charged $10 per month for the next six months. Please contact Joseph Santiago to sign up at this new reduced rate.Best Regards,Sally KleinmanGRIFFIN EMPLOYEE FITNESS CENTER:NEW SCH

7、EDULE(as of December 1)Hours of Operation Group ClassesMonday6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.MondayWeight lifting12:00-1:00 P.M.Tuesday6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M. TuesdayAerobic workout 6:00-7:00 P.M.Wednesday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.Wednesday Kickboxing 12:00-1:00 P.M.Thursday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M. ThursdayStep aerobics6:00-7:00

8、P.M.Friday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.Friday Yoga7:00-$:30 AM.Saturday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.SaturdayCross training9:00-1:30 AM.SundayCLOSED ALL DAY Sunday CLOSED ALL DAYReminders1. Please do not use equipment for more than 30 minutes if other members are waiting to use it.2. Members may bring one guest per visi

9、t. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by a member at all times.3. Registration is not required for classes, but class size is limited to 15 participants. Please arrive early to secure a place. Goals and bags should be left in the locker room so that all class participants have plenty of space.4. Ne

10、w members are required to complete aWelcome Aboard class before using anyequipment.5. Members must carry their membership card at all times while in the center.Market research shows that few consumers actually _ prices before selecting theirgroceries in the storeA.RenewB.SubmitC.compareD.collect答案:C

11、 本题解析:句子应表示“比较价格”,故选C项。3.1,1,2,6,()A.21B.22C.23D.24答案:D 本题解析:本题的数列规律是11=1,12=2,23=6,则填入空格的项应该是64=24,所以正确选项是D。4.根据我国法律规定,我国货币政策目标是()。A.保持货币币值稳定,并以此促进经济增长B.调控货币供应量,促进经济社会发展C.提高货币使用效率,改善民众生活D.加强人民币流动管理,促进人民币的国际流通答案:A 本题解析:我国货币政策的目标是保持货币币值稳定,并以此促进经济增长。5.丁妈妈有华华、薇薇和鹏鹏三个孩子,今年丁妈妈的年龄刚好是三个孩子的年龄之和。12年后丁妈妈的年龄为华

12、华和薇薇的年龄之和,再过4年后,丁妈妈的年龄是华华和鹏鹏的年龄之和,又过了2年后,丁妈妈的年龄是薇薇和鹏鹏的年龄之和。那么,今年丁妈妈和鹏鹏的年龄分别是()。A.38岁、12岁B.52岁、18岁C.46岁、12岁D.46岁、16岁答案:C 本题解析:本题考查时间类问题。丁妈妈=华华+薇薇+鹏鹏,丁妈妈+12=华华+12+薇薇+12。联立,可知鹏鹏今年12岁。同理薇薇16岁,华华18岁,丁妈妈12+16+18=46岁。故本题正确答案选C。6.The director decided to delegate some of the work to a subcontractor after his

13、 employees_ help with the project.A.inquiredB.requestedC.askedD.insisted答案:B 本题解析:选项中可以直接接宾语的及物动词为正确答案。7.从1,2,3,30这30个数中,取出若干个数,使其中任意两个数的积都不能被4整除。问最多可取几个数?()A.14个B.15个C.16个D.17个答案:C 本题解析:任意两个数之积不能被4整除,即两个数分别不能被4整除,那么所取数中最多只能有一个偶数,且该偶数不能为4的倍数;共有15个奇数,所以最多可以取15+1=16个数。故正确答案为C。8.Which of the following

14、is true according to the passage? _A.The National Salt Reduction Initiative aims to put pressure on food companiesB.Parents of children don t care much about the calorie information of fast foodC.Parents will order the food that contains more salt for their childrenD.If people eat less salt every da

15、y, they will never suffer from heart disease答案:A 本题解析:由文章第七段最后一句话,“The idea is to put pressure on food companies andrestaurants”。可知A正确。9.When you_a new word while reading, do not always turn to the dictionary.A.come acrossB.come upC.come overD.come through答案:A 本题解析:come across意为“偶然发现,遇到”。此句意为在你阅读遇到生

16、词时,不要一直查字典。故选A。come up“发生”,come ovef“过来,顺便来访”,come through“穿过,康复”,均不符合题意。10.衡量社会生产力发展水平的标志是( )。A.劳动资料B.生产工具C.劳动对象D.生产资料答案:B 本题解析:生产力的构成包括人和物两大因素,物的因素是指生产资料,在生产资料 中起着最重要作用的是生产工具,生产工具的变革是社会生产力发展的主要标志,也是划分经 济发展时期的主要标志。11.某公司在海外的子公司汇回投资利润,这应该记入国际收支平衡表中的( )。A.经常账户B.资本账户C.金融账户D.储备账户答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析12.甲、乙、丙三

17、人沿着环形操场跑步,乙与甲、丙的方向相反。甲每隔19分钟追上丙一次,乙每隔5分钟与丙相遇一次。如果甲与乙的速度比为5:4,那么甲的速度是丙的速度的多少倍?A.1.28B.1.6C.2D.2.5答案:B 本题解析:甲速度为5x乙速度为4x,丙速度为,则甲追上丙一圈距离为l9(5x-y),乙与丙相遇共同走一圈为5(4x+y)19(5xy)=5(4x+y),13.One day a man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for severalhours and watched the butterfly.

18、Suddenly a small opening appeared, and the butterfly made its great effort to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further.So the man decided to help the butterfly. He cut off the re

19、maining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come our easily. But to his surprise, the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of the cocoon. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings wo

20、uld become larger and be able to fly. But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a heavy body and small wings. It was never able to fly. The man was in his kindness, but he did not understand the nature rules. Before the butterfly came out of the

21、 cocoon, fluid (流体) from its body must be forced into its wings, and then it would be ready for flying. It must have a hard struggle (拼搏) to get through the small opening to get its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our

22、 life without any difficulties, it would make us fail. We would not be as strong as we could have been; we could never fly.What is the best title for the story?A.The Love for the CocoonB.The Joy of Helping Each OtherC.The Lesson of the CocoonD.The Expectation for the Butterfly答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析14.Dr. Jo

23、hnson is offering a three-hour workshop during _she will share some perspective on effective time management.A.whoseB.whileC.whateverD.which答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析15.某小区物业征集业主意见,计划从100户业主中抽取20户进行调查。100户业主中有6 户户主年龄超过60岁,a户户主年龄不满35岁,户主年龄在36岁到59岁的有25户。为了使意见更具代表性,物业采取分层抽样的办法,从b户中抽取了4户。则a的值可能是()。A.44B.50C.55D.66答

24、案:C 本题解析:100 : 20 = 5 : 1,故6=4X5 = 20,则 a = 100 -25-20 = 55。16.在近代中国的历史上,各种思想呈现一种“你方唱罢我登场”的流动局面,似乎没有什么思想观念可以_。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()A.脱颖而出B.以贯之C.不绝如缕D.鹤立鸡群答案:B 本题解析:本题考査成语的应用。观察题干,空白处需填一个与“你方唱罢我登场”正反相呼应的成语,“一以贯之”,指用一个根本性的亊理贯通亊情的始末,体现“思想”的连续性,符合语境。故选B。17.主要作用在于对货币供应量进行总量调控, 对整个经济产生影响的是 ( ) 的货币政策工具。A.一般性B.选择

25、性C.直接信用控制D.间接信用控制答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析18.Questions 46-48 refer to the following letter.Theater Digest125 Lake AveChicago, IL, 606i6Dear Subscriber,Your subscription to Theater Digest will end in two months. Please dont let that happen. Take time to renew your subscription today. By doing so, you will conti

26、nue to receive every month theway latest in theater reviews, information on actors and directors, and up-to-date reports on newdramas and musical for the next year.Ive attached an invoice for your renewal order. You will receive 12 issues for special lowprice of $35. Please send your payment in the

27、reply envelop provided. Make any corrections to yourname or address right on the back of the invoice. Then visit our website at to read about contests for readers. You could win tickets to great show.Sincerely.Matthew ChambersCustomer Service RepresentativeWhat is the purpose of this letter?A.To adv

28、ertise a new publicationB.To encourage subscription renewalC.To correct a billing errorD.To request a donation答案:B 本题解析:细节题。根据第一段第三局“今天抓紧时间更新一下您的订购”可知,这封信是Theater Digest 刊物的工作人员写给订阅者,目的是让订阅者更新他们的订阅信息,预订本刊物。19.I met several people there, two of _ being foreigners.A.whomB.themC.whoD.which答案:B 本题解析:此句中

29、的being不是谓语,而是一个非谓语动词(现在分词),所以逗号后面不是一个完整的定语从句,而是一个独立结构,即用现在分词表示一个伴随性的状语。所以这里不填引导定语从句的关系代词,而填代词的宾格形式,故选B。20.通常情况下,生产者通过提高某产品单位销售价格而增加其销售收入的前提条件是该产品的()。A.需求价格弹性大于1B.需求收入弹性大于1C.需求收入弹性小于1D.需求价格弹性小于1答案:D 本题解析:需求价格弹性是指需求量的变动相对于价格变动的反应程度。需求价格弹性大于1,则销售收入与价格变动反方向变动;需求价格弹性小于1,则销售收入与价格变动同方向变动。故正确答案为D。21.Questio

30、ns refer to the following article Federal regulators Wednesday approved a plan to create a nationwide emergence alert(警报)system using text messages delivered to cell phones Text messages have exploded in popularity in recent years,particularly among young peopleThe wireless industrys trade associati

31、on,CTIA,estimates(估计)more than 48 billion text messages are sent each month The plan comes from the Warning Alert and Response Network Act,a 2006 federal law that requires improvements to the nations emergency alert systemThe act tasked the Federal Communications Commission(FCC)with coming up with n

32、ew ways to alert the public about emergencies “The ability to deliver accurate and timely warnings and alerts through cell phones and other mobile services is an important next step in our efforts to help ensure that the American public has the information they need to take action to protect themsel

33、ves and their families before,and during,disasters and other emergencies,FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said following approval of the plan Participation in the alert system by carrierstelecommunications companies is voluntary, but it has received solid support from the wireless industry The program woul

34、d be optional for cell phone usersThey also may not be charged for receiving alerrs There would be three different types of messages,according to the rules The first would be a national alert from the president,likely involving a terrorist attack or natural disasterThe second would involve“approachi

35、ng threats”which could include natural disasters like hurricanes or storms or even university shootingsThe third would be reserved for child abduction(绑架)emergencies,or socalled Amber AlensThe improvement to the present system is in the charge of()A.CTIAB.the Warning Alert and Response NetworkC.FCCD

36、.federal regulators答案:C 本题解析:细节理解题。由第三段最后一句话“The act tasked the Federal Communications Commission(FCC)with coming up with new ways to alert the public about emergencies”可知FCC负责找到新的方法来提醒人们注意警报。22. 第59题答案是_ A.unlessB.ifC.becauseD.as答案:B 本题解析:if引导条件状语从句。would not have done sthif意为“如果就不会”,故选B。23.一种营养口服液

37、,其原售价为12.9 元,现将在限定日期内降价0.9 元,在扣除营销费用之前,厂商要获得每盒5 元的毛利。预计在这次减价中能销售100 万盒。假设管理成本将花费10 万元,为了使这次促销活动保本,公司在这段期间内就必须比不减价时多售出( )万盒口服液。A.10B.30C.40D.20答案:B 本题解析:减价销量减价=比不减价少的,即100=90 万,加上10 万管理费。90+10=100 万,100/5=20 万盒。24.he government issued a warning to local companies that all waste must be disposed of_ o

38、r they will face heavy fines.A.correctsB.correctingC.correctionD.correctly答案:D 本题解析:政府向当地企业发出警告:所有废弃物必须妥善处理,否则企业将被处以大量罚金。allwaste must be disposed of语法结构完整,横线处应填人修饰be disposed of的副词,故D为正确答案。25.蒸馏水:加热A.钢板:锻造B.模具:使用C.大衣:化纤D.工业:电力答案:A 本题解析:在制蒸馏水的过程中需要加热;钢板的制作过程需要锻造。26.依可兑换的程度, 货币可兑换分为 ( ) 。A.完全可兑换和部分可兑

39、换B.经常项目可兑换和资本项目可兑换C.部分可兑换和经常项目可兑换D.对内可兑换和对外可兑换答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析27.在电子商务中有“三流”和“四流”说,四流是在三流的基础上增加了( )。A.商流B.资金流C.信息流D.物流答案:A 本题解析:在电子商务中,“三流”指信息流、物流和资金流,“四流”是在“三流”的基础上增加了商流。28.Questions 5255 refer to the following information,NOTICE TO ALDER PARK RESIDENTS:New City Recycling ProgramOn August 1, a new la

40、w will take effect in Alder Park that will require residents to recycle products made of paper, glass, and aluminum. Those recyclables should be placed in green plastic bins provided by the city, which will be delivered during the week of July 15. The city will pick up those recyclables during the f

41、irst and third weeks of each month on garbage pick-up days.Please follow the guidelines provided above. Garbage pick-up will continue on a weekly basis, according to the regular schedule.If you have any questions, please contact the city refuse program at 555-1067, extension Who will supply green co

42、ntainers? A.City employeesB.Bottling company staffC.Recycling center volunteersD.Alder Park residents答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析29.中国人民银行印发金融科技(FInTech) 发展规划(2019-2021年8,其中提出2020年交通银行考题解析化国科技发展的 ( ) , 进一步增强金融科技应用能力,实现金融与科技深度融合、协调发展,明显提升群众对数字化、网络化、暂能化金融产品和服务的满意度,使我国金融科技发展居于国际领先水平。A.5G融合B.五位一体C.新常态D.四梁八柱答案:D 本题解析:

43、央行印发金融科技发展规划,规划提出,到2021年,建立健全我国金融科技发展的“四梁八柱”,进一步增强金融科技应用能力。30.2013 年前三季度16 家上市银行主要财务指标建设银行1 0 月27 日公布了201 3 年前三季度经营业绩,截至2013 年9 月30 日,建设银行归属股东的净利润为1 764.82 亿元,较上年同期增长11.56%。10 月24 日,中国移动公布的2013 年前三季度业绩报告显示,前三季度中国移动净利润915 亿元,同比下滑1.9%。2013 年前三季度,建设银行利息净收入2 865.10 亿元,较上年同期增长9.76%;手续费及佣金净收入较上年同期增长116.45

44、 亿元;其中,造价咨询、房改金融等传统优势产品继续保持较快增长,电子银行、信用卡、债券承销等新兴类亦表现良好。收入结构不断优化的同时,建设银行的成本收入比较上年同期下降0.21 个百分点至25.53%。财报显示,2013 年以来,建设银行合理把握信贷投放总量,继续深入推动信贷结构调整,支持实体经济发展;巩固传统优势领域,优化增量信贷资金投放,加大对小企业及个人信贷需求的支持力度;优化客户结构,产能过剩行业贷款余额持续下降,截止2013 年9 月30 日,建设银行客户贷款和垫款总额83 772.10亿元,较上年末增长11.51%。其中,境内公司类贷款52 794.73 亿元,个人贷款23 671

45、.10 亿元,票据贴现1 264.89 亿元,海外和子公司贷款6 041.38 亿元。面对复杂的国内外经济金融形势,建设银行继续加强信贷资产风险管理,加快风险处置化解,加大重点地区、重点领域风险防控力度,保持信贷资产质量稳定。建设银行前三季度业绩报告显示,按照贷款五级分类划分建设银行不良贷款余额为820.87 亿元,不良贷款率0.98%,较上年末下降0.01 个百分点,资产质量在国内商业银行中持续保持领先水平。下述银行,2013 年前三季度净利润与营业收人比值最大的是( )。A.民生银行B.工商银行C.建设银行D.北京银行答案:D 本题解析:根据表格数据,2013 年前三季度民生银行净利润与营

46、业收入的比值为333.14/859.7547%,故最大是北京银行。31.Item Number 21169Versatile Sports CoatMade from lightweight wool, this versatile coat can be dressed up with a dress shirt and pair of slacks, or dressed down with a t-shirt and jeans. It is impeccably tailored with a perfect drape. Small shoulder pads, full polye

47、ster lining, and inside pocket, make this a durable and great looking coat. Other details include:two-button front, lined chest pocket, and reinforced hip pockets. Dry clean only.Available in espresso, pine, and midnightPrice: $179, now on sale for $139!Available in S, M, L, XLWhich feature does the

48、 Versatile Sports Coat have?A.Wrist cuffsB.A lined collarC.Reinforced seamsD.An inside pockete答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析32.2013年4月末,外币贷款余额是存款余额的()倍。A.1.73B.1.72C.1.81D.1.82答案:A 本题解析:33.2013 年全年国家安排了3 543 项科技支撑计划课题,2118 项“863”计划课题。累计建设国家工程研究中心132 个。国家工程实验室143 个,国家认定企业技术中心达到1 002 家。全年国家新兴产业创投计划累计支持设立141 家专业投资企业,资

49、金总规模近390 亿元,投资了创业企业422 家。全年受理境内外专利申请237.7 万件,其中境内申请221.0 万件,占93.09%。受理境内外发明专利申请82.5 万件,其中境内申请69.3 万件,占84%。全年授予专利权131.3 万件,其中境内授权121.0 万件,占92.2%,授予发明专利权20.1万件,其中境内授权13.8 万件,占66.6%。截至年底,有效专利419.5 万件,其中境内有效专利352.5 万件,占84.0%,有效发明专利103.4 万件,其中境内有效发明专利4.5 万件,占52.7%,全年共签订技术合同29.5 万项,技术合同成交金额7 469.0 亿元,比上年增

50、长16.0%。全年成功发射卫星14 次,神州十号载人飞船与天宫一号目标飞行器成功实施首次绕飞交会试验,嫦娥三号探测器顺利实现首次在地外天体软着陆和巡视勘察。“蛟龙号”载人潜水器实现从深潜海试到科学应用的跨越。2013 年末全国共有检测实验室30 098 个,其中国家检测中心556 个。全国现有产品质量、体系认证机构174 个,已累计完成对110 949 个企业的产品认证。全年制定、修订国家标准1 870 项,其中新制定1161项。全国共有地震台站1 687 个,区域地震台网32 个,全国共有海洋观测站79 个,测绘地理信息部门公开出版地图158 种。2013 末全国文化系统共有艺术表演团体2

51、055 个,博物馆2 638 个。全国共有公共图书馆3 073 个,文化馆3 298 个。有线电视用户2.24 亿户,有线数字电视机用户1.69 亿户。年末广播节目综合人口覆盖率为97.8%;电视节目综合人口覆盖率为98.4%,全午生产电视剧441 部,15 783 集,电视动画片199 132 分钟。全年生产故事影片638 部,科教、记录、动画和特种影片185 部。出版各类报纸478 亿份,各类期刊34 亿册,图书83 亿册(张)。年末全国共有档案馆4 122 个以开放各类档案12 059 万卷(件)。2013 年全年我国运动员在22 个运动大项中获得124 个世界冠军,共创13 项世界纪录

52、。全年我国残疾运动员,在28 项国际赛事中获得306 个世界冠军。2013 年,下列各类专利件数,由多到少排列正确的是( )。A.境内专利权,授予发明专利权,境内发明专利申请B.全年授予专利权,境内专利权,境内发明专利权C.境内发明专利申请,授予发明专利权,境内专利权D.境内专利申请,授予发明专利权,境内发明专利申请答案:B 本题解析:全年授予专利权,境内专利权,境内发明专利权件数分别为131.3 万件、121.0万件、13.8 万件,故B 项正确。34.下列四个选项中,哪个可以折出左边指定的图形?()。A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:左边给定的立体图形中,带阴影的

53、两个面相对。折成立方体后,A、C、D三项的两个阴影面相邻,所以是错误的;B项折成后带阴影的面相对,因此,应选择B项。35.What does Ms. Dorn say she will do?A.Become a guide for tours of EgyptB.Send a more detailed report of her journeyC.Contact the MT employees personallyD.Recommend the company to her acquaintances答案:D 本题解析:第三段提到她将和朋友,家人分享自己的旅行经历,建议他们度假时使用Mi

54、ndful旅行社,故选D。36.电声系统中除有用信号以外,将音响设备噪声和放音环境噪声两部分统称为( )。A.环境噪声B.本底噪声C.前景噪声D.合成噪声答案:B 本题解析:本底噪声,也称为背景噪声,指电声系统中除有用信号以外的总噪声,包括音响设备噪声和放音环境噪声两部分。故本题选B。37.某大学考场在8个时间内共安排了10场考试,除了中间某个时间段(非头尾时间段)不安排考试外,其它每个时间段安排1场或2场考试。那么,该考场有多少种考试安排方式(不考虑考试科目的不同)?()A.210B.270C.280D.300答案:A 本题解析:中间某个时间段(非头尾时间段)不安排考试,那么先选择不安排考试

55、的时段,有=6种情况;第二步,有7个时段安排考试,又每个时间段安排1场或2场考试,因此7个时段中有3个时段要安排两场考试,有=35种情况。所以该考场有多少种考试安排方式有:635=210种。A选项正确,B、C、D选项错误。故本题正确答案选A。38.某道路两旁需要植树,现有 100 棵树需要种植,由 A 工人植树每棵树耗时 0.6 小时,由 B工人植树每棵树耗时 0.5 小时, 且每人每天只工作 8 小时, 那么两人同时开始植树需要工作 ( )天。A.2B.3C.4D.5答案:C 本题解析:根据效率列式子,100(80.6+80.5)=300/883。即共同干3 天干不完,所以总天数=3+1=4

56、 天。39.菲尔丁说:“不好的书也像不好的朋友一样,可能会把你戕害。”这话没错。但也不必为此走向极端,夸大书籍对人的品格的影响。更多的情况是:。填入横线上最恰当的是()。A.好人读了坏书受害至深,坏人读了好书受益甚微B.好人读了好书取其精华,坏人读了坏书取其糟粕C.好人读了好书好上加好,坏人读了坏书不可救药D.好人读了坏书仍是好人,坏人读了好书仍是坏人答案:D 本题解析:由题意可以看出原句前后两层意思相悖,前一句说书能对人产生决定性的影响,后句“但”字语意逆转。所以答案为D项。40.截止到2013年年末,交通银行的境外机构有( )个。A.10B.11C.12D.13答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析

57、41.植物学家对阿尔卑斯山脉的植被考察之后,发现了一个奇怪现象,最近100年来,许多高山上的植物品种正在增加,许多山底牧场上开放的花已经开到了海拔2000米的雪带上,而原先雪带上的植物则超过雪带向更高处攀登,植物学家研究了有关科学文献发现,造成这种情况的主要原因是阿尔卑斯山地区的气温逐渐升高,这些适宜在低气温环境里生长的植物为了寻找适宜的温度,不得不向更高的山上“攀登”。植物学家还发现,它们的生命力要比以前还强得多。这段文字意在说明:( )A.许多植物自身都有对自然界灵敏的反应,并且不断调整自身的生存状态B.阿尔卑斯山地区的气温正在逐渐升高,导致植物发生变化C.高山上的植物品种正在增加,而且生命力强盛D.阿尔卑斯山脉的植被出现奇怪现象答案:B 本题解析:由文段中“植物学家对阿尔卑斯山脉的植被考察之后,发现了一个奇怪现象”可知,后面阐述的是现象的具体内容。文段意在说明的是阿尔卑斯山地

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