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1、1. More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance. (Subtitle) expect/imagine/believe 在此 , “ more than” 具有否定的含义 。 more than + 主语 + (can/could) more than I realized: beyond my realization 在句中为插入成分, 解释整个句子。 经过艰苦的建设工作 , 这个城市之美无法用语言 来描绘 。 After hard construction work, the beauty of the city is m

2、ore than words can describe. 这个年轻人讲故事供舍友消遣 , 其中有些简直令人难以置 信 。 The young man entertained his roommates with stories, some of which could really more than be believed. to keep ones balance: to keep steady, remain upright 保持平衡,站稳 在迈向成功的漫长道路上,年轻人应该时刻走稳。 Young people should always try to keep their balanc

3、e in the long way to success. 在学习上,你不要偏科 。 You should keep the balance of your study. 我没有意识到,正是父亲帮助我保持 心理平衡。 1. More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance. (Subtitle) 2. He was severely crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people woul

4、d stare. (Line 1) his hand on my arm for balance 是独立主格结构 , 在句子中作伴随状语 。 常见的独立主格形式有: 名词 +现在分词 名词 +过去分词 名词 +介词短语 其功能往往相当于一个状语从句 。 请用独立主格结构改写下面的句子。 Because all the airplanes had been cancelled, we had to go there by train. All the airplanes having been cancelled, we had to go there by train. He was lyin

5、g on the sands leisurely and putting his arms under his head. He was lying on the sands leisurely, his arms under his head. 他跛得很厉害,个子又矮,我们走在一起 时,他的手搭在我的臂上以保持平衡,人 们就会盯着看。 2. He was severely crippled and very short, and when we walked together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. (Line

6、 1) 3. He went to work sick, and despite nasty weather. (Line 8) sick 和 despite nasty weather 相当于 despite sickness and nasty weather sick: adj. 在此作主语的补语 , 强调一种伴随状态。 她无言地凝视了他一会儿,然后离开了办公室。 She gazed at him speechless for a moment and left the office. 所有的人们都既高兴又激动地观看了奥林匹 克运动会的开幕式。 All the people watche

7、d the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games happy and excited. 他生病或气候恶劣时也坚持上班,几乎 从不缺勤。 3. He went to work sick, and despite nasty weather. (Line 8) 4. He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. (Line 26) 否定词 nor 后的句子要主谓倒装。 类似的否定词用法相同 ,

8、 如 :seldom; hardly; scarcely; rarely; never; few; little; etc. 类似的否定词组有: at no time; by no means; under no circumstance; in no way; in vain; on no consideration; no sooner than; not only but also; not until; etc. 用 nor 改写下列句子。 The article is too long, and the style is not easy. The article is too lo

9、ng, nor is the style easy. He had understood nothing, and he didnt try to understand. He had understood nothing, nor did he try to understand. 他什么都没理解 , 也没尝试着去理解。 这篇文章太长 , 文笔也不流畅。 the +形容词: 表示一类人或一类(事)物 With the further monopoly of capital, the rich gets richer. 随着资本的进一步垄断 , 富人更富 。 The true is to be

10、 distinguished from the false. 要辨别真伪 。 他从不说自己可怜,也从不对那些比自己 幸运或健康的人表现出羡慕。 4. He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. (Line 26) 句式: 先行词 which/where/whom to do by which to judge people 相当于定语 从句 by which we should judge people, 作 standar

11、d 的定语 5. Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, even though I still dont know precisely what a “good heart” is. (Line 29) Now that + clause, clause 既然 , 就 now that 和 “ although” 等词一样引导让 步状语从句。 既然我站在这里参加竞选 , 我就有信心获胜 。 Now that I am standing here to particip

12、ate in the campaign, I have confidence to win. He had a little money _ which to finish his college study. with 随着年龄的增长,我相信这正是判断 一个人的恰如其分的标准,尽管我还 没有理解 “善心”的确切含义。 5. Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, even though I still dont know precisely what a “good

13、heart” is. (Line 29) v. depend on someone or something for support and encouragement 依靠 1. lean on (title) lean 不要总是 依赖 别人的帮助。 Dont always lean on others for help. Simply leaning on inviting several senior foreign coaches cannot fundamentally change the current situations of Chinese football. 仅仅 依靠

14、聘用几名国外的高级教练无法从根本上改变 中国足球的现状 。 Such excellent swimmers as Ian Thrope of Australia and Ye Shiwen of China are capable of _ _ very well. 诸如澳大利亚的索普和中国的叶诗文这样的优秀运动员能 够很好地 协调自己在游泳时的动作 。 coordinating their movements in swimming 2. coordinate (Line 5, Para. 2) v. make various things work effectively as a who

15、le 协调 名词形式: coordination Sometimes the UN Secretary General will have to _ _. 有时候联合国秘书长需要 协调一些成员国在某些 敏感问题上的立场 。 In designing special effects for movies like Terminator, _ _. 在为 终结者 这样的电影设计特技效果时 , 声音 必须和画面协调一致 。 coordinate some member countries standpoints on some sensitive issues the sounds have to

16、be coordinated with the pictures 3. adjust (Line 7, Para. 2) vt./vi. change slightly, especially in order to make it more effective or more suitable 调整 Chameleon is able to adjust the colors of its skin to changes of environment. 变色龙能够根据环境的改变 调整 皮肤的颜色 。 尽快使自己 适应 新的环境对于当今的大学生来说非常重 要 。 Adjusting thems

17、elves to the new environment as soon as possible is so significant an ability for todays college students. adjust, fit 与 suit adjust 强调调整自身以适应新的环境或新的需要 , 能和 反身代词及介词 to 连用 。 fit (vt./vi.) 和 suit (vt./vi.) 常易混淆 。 fit 指适合某种目的和用途 ; suit 指配合适当 (to match or make appropriate)。 Her skirt fits her. 她的裙子很合身。(

18、指尺码合适,不大不小) Her skirt suits her. 她的裙子很合适 。 ( 指穿着好看 , 款式合 适 ) 试比较: 4. despite (Line 9, Para. 3) prep. in spite of 尽管 尽管 天气不好,我们的假期仍过得很愉快。 Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday. Despite the disappointing performance in the Athens Olympic Games, such veteran athletes as Kong Linghui, Tao Luna

19、and Zhan Xugang still got peoples understanding. 尽管在雅典奥运会上的表现不尽如人意 , 但孔令辉 、 陶 璐娜和占旭刚这样的老运动员还是得到了人们的理解 。 5. ice-free (Line 18, Para. 4) adj. 不会冰冻的;不冻的 The wings of that fighter plane are made of a kind of _. 那种战斗机的机翼是用一种 先进的防冻材料 制成的 。 -free 表示 “ 无 的 、 免除 的 ” 之 义 sugar-free beverage duty-free shop 不含糖

20、饮料 免税商店 advanced ice-free material 6. subject oneself to (Line 24, Para. 5) make someone experience something, especially something unpleasant 使承受 , 使遭受 The girls sudden suffering of leukemia (blood cancer) subjected her parents to great sorrow. 那个女孩突患白血病 让她的父母陷入深深的悲痛中 。 His cheating on the CET-4 ex

21、am subjected himself to a harsh punishment. 在四级考试中作弊 使他遭受严厉的惩罚 。 be subject to: be obedient to; be vulnerable to 易于 Those who often have a close contact with the poultry_. 那些经常与家禽密切接触的人 容易患 禽流感 。 are subject to bird flu 7. engage in (Line 32, Para.8) take part or become involved in an activity 从事 ,

22、参与 He volunteered/was willing to be engaged in helping those migrant workers reclaim their unpaid salary. 他 自愿参与 为民工讨要拖欠的工资。 The singer A Do had engaged in construction before becoming an entertainer. 歌手阿杜在进入娱乐圈之前 曾从事过 建筑行业 。 8. content (Line 38, Para. 9) adj. happy and satisfied 满足的 , 满意的 , 甘愿的 很多白

23、领 并不满足于 为别人打工 。 Quite a few white collars are not content to work for others. 我 很愿意 这样做。 I should be well content to do so. vt. please 使满足;使满意 大学生 切不可满足于 仅有的书本知识。 College students should never content themselves with book knowledge only. 他的老板看来对他的工作 很满意 。 His performance on duty seemed to content hi

24、s boss. 9. frustration (Line 39, Para. 9) n. 沮丧 , 挫折感 她越来越感到 心灰意冷 。 Frustration was built up inside her. When we found our way blocked, the sense of frustration was more than some of us could bear. 当我们发现无路可走时,一种令人难以忍受 的 挫败感 向我们袭来。 动词形式: frustrate block (someone or something) from accomplishing a pur

25、pose 挫败;阻挠;使灰心丧气 I think the fact that hes working with amateurs really frustrates him. 我看和一些外行在一起工作 让他很是气恼 。 He gets frustrated when he cant win. 他赢不了的时候便 垂头丧气 。 10. see (to it) that (Line 45, Para. 11) make sure that 确保 要 保证 你不会再犯同样的错误。 See to it that you will not make the same mistake again. See

26、(to it) that an effective tsunami warning-system should be established in those South and Southeast Asian countries. 要 保证 在南亚及东南亚国家建立一套有效的海啸预警 系统 。 11. reluctance (Line 50, Para. 12) n. unwillingness to do something 不情愿 She said this with great reluctance. 她极为 勉强地 这么说 。 形容词形式: reluctant 12. envious

27、(Line 52, Para. 12) adj. jealous 妒忌的 , 嫉妒的 be envious of: be feeling envy at The managers of many European football clubs _ of Real Madrid. 很多欧洲足球俱乐部的经理都 十分羡慕 皇家马德 里的 超级巨星 。 are very envious of the superstars envy (Line 26, Para. 6) n. 嫉妒;羡慕 很多歌手都 非常羡慕 周杰伦 , 因为他的所有专辑 都能够大卖 。 Many singers felt a lot

28、of envy at/towards Jay Chou because all of his albums were among those best- selling ones. envy与 jealousy envy 主要指 “ 羡慕 ” 别人的好运 , 希望自己也有好运 ; jealousy 语义比 envy强 , 指对别人占有的或自己企图占有的东 西感到不满或者怀有恼恨心理 , 认为应属于自己或自 己应得 。 请填入 envy 或 jealousy。 1. He was filled with _ at his friends success. 他非常羡慕朋友的成功。 2. She was blinded by _ to her fellow workers achievement. 因为嫉妒 , 她对于同事取得的成就视而不见 。 envy jealousy 他瘸得厉害。 恶劣的天气 他几乎从未旷过一天工。 当地上有冰或积雪的时 候 同情的对象 He was severely crippled. nasty weather He almost never missed a day. When snow or ice was on the ground, the object of pity

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