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2、能获得小熊赠品答案:C 本题解析:本题属于翻译推理,先翻译题干。小熊店庆当天且甲且乙八折VIP且(甲或乙)乙(5)VIP消费一次且乙。看选项,A项:乙并不代表着是否买了甲,也不知道是不是VIP,因此不构成对的否后,所以不清楚是否享受到了八折优惠,排除;B项:因为根据,一次性购买大于5件乙类商品才可能申请VIP,而现在张丽没有购买乙类商品,属于否前,得不到确定性结论,排除;C项:因为张丽没有购买乙类商品,因此对形成了否后,可以得到否前的结论,即小熊,正确;D项:根据对上个选项的分析我们可以得知张丽是没有得到小熊赠品的,排除。因此,故本题正确答案选C。2.22,24,39,28,(),16A.14

3、B.11C.30D.15答案:D 本题解析:本题的规律是从左到右,每个项的个位数与十位数的比,构成一个自然数数列。即22=1,42=2,93=3,84=4,( )( )=5,61=6根据这个规律,D项的数字符合要求,即51=5,所以正确选项D。3.观察给定的几个图,寻找它们的规律,问号处应该填入的图为()。A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:给出的图形均较为复杂,分析题干图形,发现均由直线和曲线构成,且曲线数均为3,选项中只有B项中含有3条曲线,由此选择B。4. Place them so that air can freely _around the back. A.

4、circulateB.diffuseC.distributeD.disperse答案:A 本题解析:考查词义辨析。句意:把它们放好,这样周围的空气就能够自由流通。circulate循环,流通;diffuse 扩散,传播;distribute 分配,散布;disperse 分散,消散。表示空气流通,应该用circulate。5.就业平等权是指公民不论其民族、种族、性别、宗教信仰、家庭背景等的不同和差异,均享有平等获得就业机会的权利。根据上述定义,下列没有侵犯求职者的就业平等权的是( ) A.女大学生小刘,本科学历,在几次应聘中,都因为是女性而落聘B.某银行招聘时,明确规定本银行员工的亲属比其他应

5、聘者优先录用C.小李的父亲是某银行领导,在该银行公开招聘中,小李未和其他应聘者一样参加考试,就直接被录用了D.某食品加工厂在招聘员工过程中,以食品安全为由,拒绝录用一名乙肝患者答案:D 本题解析:A项小刘因性别问题落聘,其就业平等权被侵犯;B项中的招聘与家庭背景挂钩,C项小李依靠家庭背景不参加考试就直接被录用,B、C两项都侵犯了其他求职者的就业平等权;D项,加工厂出于食品安全的考虑拒绝乙肝患者,不在定义列举的“民族、种族、性别、宗教信仰、家庭背景”的情况中,故没有侵犯求职者的就业平等权。故正确答案为D。6.中国有藏经洞的石窟是( )。A.河南洛阳龙门石窟B.山西大同云冈石窟C.甘肃天水麦积山石

6、窟D.甘肃敦煌莫高窟答案:D 本题解析:题中四个选项是中国著名的四大石窟,藏经洞位于甘肃敦煌莫高窟,内有5 万多件古代文物,由此衍生专门研究藏经洞典籍和敦煌艺术的学科敦煌学。故本题答案选D。7.在其他条件不变的情况下,当包子的价格上升而馒头的价格不变时,包子与馒头的需求数量分别会发生( ) ( )。A.上升,下降B.上升,不变C.下降,上升D.下降,不变E.下降,下降答案:C 本题解析:包子和馒头是替代品,当包子的价格上升而馒头价格不变时,包子的需求数量下降,馒头的数量会上升。所以答案选C。8.下列关于绿色软件的说法正确的是()。A.运行速度快B.只占用很少空间C.耗电量低,很环保D.不需安装

7、即可使用,不用改动注册表,移除后在电脑内不留下痕迹答案:D 本题解析:绿色软件,或称可携式软件(英文称为Portable Application、Portable Software或Green Software),指一类小型软件,多数为免费软件,最大特点是软件无需安装便可使用,可存放于闪存中(因此称为可携式软体),移除后也不会将任何记录(注册表消息等)留在本机上。所以相对一般的软件来说,绿色软件对系统的影响几乎没有,所以是很好的一种软件类型。9.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:从第一个图形开始,所给图形中的小图形在大图形里的位置依次为右、下、左、上、右,即每次顺时针

8、移动90,则下一个图形为小图形在大图形的下方。10.国王要为自己的女儿挑选一个最聪明勇敢的女婿,他像所有的求婚者宣称他已经把公主和两个狮子分别关进了三间房子,然后在三间房子门上分别写了一句话,让求婚者们去打开自己认为可以打开的门。第一间房门上写着“这间房子里有狮子”,第二间房门上写着“公主在第一间房间里”,第三间房门上写着“这间房子里有狮子”。这三句话中只有一句话是真的。据此可以判断( )A.公主在第一间房子里B.公主在第二间房子里C.公主在第三间房子里D.三间房子里装的都是狮子答案:C 本题解析:真假推理型。第一句话和第二句话矛盾,所以第三句话一定为假。故公主在第三个房间。11.The re

9、volution of machinery could _without a new source of both movable and constant power in the new century.A.be bornB.not have been bornC.have been bornD.have born答案:B 本题解析:考查虚拟语气。当从句中出现without/ but for 等词时,主句要用虚拟语气,根据句意,如果没有新能源,机械改革不会诞生,再结合整句话的时态,应该用could not have been born。12.2009年度全国旅行社营业收入为1806. 53

10、亿元,同比增长8.64%;毛利润总额为134.36 亿元,毛利率为7. 44%;净利润总额为11. 48亿元,净利润率为0.64%。2009年度全国旅行社的旅游业务营业收入为1745. 59亿元,同比增长8. 87%;旅游业务毛利润为120.27亿元,旅游业务毛利率为6. 89%;实缴税金为12.69亿元,同比增长12. 37%;外汇结汇10. 51亿美元,同比减少11.24%;全国促销费支出为6. 76亿元,同比增长13. 87%。下列各项中,占当年全国旅行社的旅游业务营业收入比重最大的是( )。A.2009年国内旅游B.2008年国内旅游C.2009年入境旅游D.2008年入境旅游答案:A

11、 本题解析:2009年国内旅游占当年全国旅行社的旅游业务收入比重为,2008年国13.孔子作为儒家的创始人,奠定了儒家理想人格的基本格局。孔子理想人格的基本内容是“礼”和“仁”。“礼”是外在的行为规范,“仁”是内在的精神原则。填入横线上最恰当的是()。A.孔子发展了前人的学说,把礼和仁统一起来了B.孔子认为礼和仁是区分庸人与圣贤的根本标志C.孔子把礼视为立身之本,并用仁来补充规定礼D.孔子的理想人格就是内仁外礼的“仁礼”人格答案:D 本题解析:这一小段话是典型的“总-分-总”式的三段论结构,所以最后一句最好与首句的“理想人格”有所呼应,才能全面阐释孔子“理想人格”的含义。故最佳答案为D。14.

12、为了与电子书抗衡传统出版商不断提升纸质书的整体质量,从内容选择到价值定位,再到装帧设计甚至赠送的礼品,每一项都力求做到尽善尽美。这就使得图书制作整体趋向高端,制作精美、权威性高、兼具收藏价值和学术价值的图书不断涌现。因此,有业内人士提出,_。填入画横线部分最恰当的一句是( )。A.精装纸质书成为出版商对抗电子书的有力武器B.电子书的出现对于纸质书来说既是生存压力也是发展动力C.目前的图书市场读者更加重视图书的收藏和增值功能D.电子书简单的阅读功能已不能满足读者多样化的阅读需求答案:B 本题解析:由“因此”可知,横线处所填内容是对前面所讲内容的总结。而前面的内容主要说明的是为了与电子书抗衡,图书

13、制作整体趋向高端,制作精美、权威性高、兼具收藏价值和学术价值的图书不断涌现。也就是说电子书的出现在给纸质书带来压力的同时,也产生了动力。故本题答案为B。15.根据下列内容,回答211-215题。What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathem

14、atics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a gen- eral satisfactory

15、 standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Y

16、our school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you canuse in your work. You may be good at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can im-prove these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it.If n

17、othing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to geton with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just asimportant, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside ina part-ti

18、me job. Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbswhen you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It isbitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance,may not be too goo

19、d, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not be apologeticabout it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.Which of the following best sums up the first paragraph?_A.The importance of doing well at schoolB.Using school performance to help to ch

20、oose a careerC.The importance of being good at all subjectsD.The indirect value of schoolwork答案:B 本题解析:从第一段的第一、二句可以看出本段在讨论找工作和在学校的表现的关系,而全段都在说那些科目和那些工作,因此可以推断出答案是B。16.出口地银行凭信用证开证行的邀请而买入出Vl商的合格单据,对出tZl商垫付资金,再从开证银行得到偿付的信用证是()。A.延期付款信用证B.承兑信用证C.即期付款信用证D.议付信用证答案:D 本题解析:出口地银行凭信用证开证行的邀请而买入出口商的合格单据,对出口商垫付资

21、金,再从开证银行得到偿付的信用证是议付信用证。17.If you use your commute to catch up on work email, that time should be counted as part of the working day, according to a new study by researchers who analyzed thousands of commutersonline habits. If travel time were to count as work time, there would be many social and eco

22、nomic impacts. said Juhet Jain, one of the academics from the University of the West of England who surveyed several thousand commuters on trains in and out of London.Most respondents expressed how they consider their commute as time to catch up with work, before or after their traditional working d

23、ay, according to a summary of the study.“This transitional time also enabled people to switch roles, for example from being a parent getting the kids ready for 3 school in the morning to a business director during the day The study quotes a working mother named Katheryn saying. Its really important

24、to my sanity that I can get work done on the tram. I am a busy mum and I rely on that time, so I can get things done”Another commuter, Andrew, told the researchers.“Its dead time in a way so what it allows me to do is finish stuff and not work in the evenings. The study notes that while work rules v

25、ary around the world, some commuters in Norway are already able to count travel time as part of their working day”The findings on workers use of smartphones and other devices to stay plugged in highight the importance of providing Wi-Fi to commuters, according to the academics, who presented their s

26、tudy at the Royal Geographical Society. To ollet the data, they focused on two train lines that boosted the amount of free Wi-Fi they offered. On the Birmingham to London line, 60 percent of commuters connected to the enhanced network. The results hint at what are likely to be increasingly complicat

27、ed work-life discussions, in which employees and their bosses debate what qualifies as work and where the line between personal and professional time should be drawn. Discussing the results in a news release, Jain said, It may ease commuter pressure on peak hours and allow for more comfort and flexi

28、bility around working times. However, it may also demand more survillance and accountability for productivity.In addition to potential ramifications for mass transit that the British researchers highlighted,the idea of claiming commuting time on the clock could also appeal to workers who use other m

29、eans of travel. Take, for instance, people who rely on ride. share companies to get to their jobs. And the discussion seems certain to widen in the near future, to inc lude a looming wave of self-driving cars that - in theory, at least -promises to free up more travel time for drivers.As for rail co

30、mmuters, the researchers said their work shows it s important that trains “ffer a good working environment including tables , power。space and good continuous connectivity for internet and phone callsAccording to Juliet Jain, the work-life discussions between employees and their bosses may_A.lead to

31、distance workingB.ease employee pressureC.draw a clear line between work and lifeD.promote productivity答案:B 本题解析:细节题。根绝题目关键词Juliet Jain, work-life discussion定位原文第三段The results hint at what are likely to be increasingly complicated work-life discussions, in which employees and their bosses debate wha

32、t qualifies as work and where the line between personal and professional time should be drawn Discussing the results in a news release, Jain said, It may ease commuter pressure on peak hours and allow for more comfort and flexibility around working times.故选项B正确。D选项与原文意义相反。18.银行及其他金融机构属于()。A.第一产业B.第二

33、产业C.第三产业D.第四产业答案:C 本题解析:本题考查国家产业划分。银行业属于服务业,即第三产业。19.离合词:指形式上或人们的感觉上像词,但在结构的组合性和意义的搭配上接近词组的可 以插入某些成分的语汇单位。下列属于离合词的是( )。A.放假B.修辞C.改善D.得罪答案:A 本题解析:A项“放假”常作为一个词使用,即两个字挨着出现(这是所谓的“合”),但也可以拆开不紧挨着出现(这是所谓的“离”),比如说“放了一个长假”。而B、C、D就很难拆开来用。20.事物的发展,内因是根据,外因是条件,内因和外因同时具备才能使事物发生质的飞跃。因此下列不正确的是( )。A.石头是不可能孵出小鸡的B.好人

34、是不可能变坏的C.学生在学习中,老师的教学是外因,自己的学习是内因D.有鸡蛋还必须保证有适当的温度才能孵出小鸡答案:B 本题解析:本题是对马克思主义唯物辩证法的实际运用。A项,石头和小鸡有着本质的不同;B项表述错误,人是同时受外因和内因影响的;C项,学生是内因,起决定作用;D项,温度是孵化过程中的外部因素,起重要作用。21.Albert Einstein, the author of the Theory of Relativity, made a () contribution to physics in the twentieth century. .A.separatedB.separa

35、teC.significantD.severe答案:C 本题解析:爱因斯坦一一相对论的作者,对二十世纪的物理学有极重大的买献22.同类群体影响力是指人们对他人(尤其是类似群体)的行为总会做出某种反应:类似程度越高影响力就越大。比如对某种良好行为规范大力宣传。往往会成为所谓的“磁心”。吸引人们仿效。下列做法中不会带来同类群体影响力的是()。A.老师在墙报上贴小红花,表扬那些完成作业好、守纪律的小学生B.酒店在房间内放置标语.提醒客人大多数客人都不是每天要更换手巾C.某森林公园设置告示牌。告知偷盗林木者将受到高出林木价钱10倍的罚款D.某地节水办告知那些用水量高的用户.他们的用水量明显高出了周围的

36、邻居答案:C 本题解析:首先分析同类群体影响力的定义:响力就越大。比如对某种良好行为规范大力宣传,往往会成为所谓的“磁心”,吸引人们仿效。对选项进行分析,A、B、D三项都可以使人们对他人的行为进行效仿符合定义。只有C项人们没有受到他人行为的影响,因此不会做出反应不符合定义。故答案选C。23.小明和小强参加同一次考试,如果小明答对的题目占题目总数的3/4,小强答对了27 题,他们两人都答对的题目占题目总数的2/3,那么两人都没答对的题目共有( )A.3 道B.4 道C.5 道D.6 道答案:D 本题解析:小强答对了27 题,不少于总数的2/3,不多于总题数。两人都答对的题目占题目总数的2/3,小

37、明答对的题目占题目总数的3/4,所以总数既是3 的倍数又是4 的倍数,所以是12 的倍数。12 的倍数不小于27,有36,48 等,27 题不少于总数的2/3,总数只能是36,两人都没答对的题目有6 道。24.一个行业的发展可以重创一个国家的经济_社会危机,这不是奇迹,而是房地产经常干的事情。比如曾经在美国。在日本,在阿根廷,在西班牙_或许还有不久之后的中国。画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.畸形 引爆B.不良 衍生C.反常 滋生D.歪曲 引诱答案:A 本题解析:先看第二空,“引诱”与“社会危机”不搭配,排除D。再看第一空“反常与。发展搭配不当“反常”通常与“现象”“行为”搭配排除C。对应“

38、重创”“奇迹”,可知第一空填程度比较重的“畸形”比“不良”更恰当:同理,第二空填程度较重的“引爆”也比“衍生”更契合句意因此本题选Aa=25.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:题干的四个图形都能够一笔画成,选项中只有A符合条件。因此选A。26. When Jack called the couple elderly, they became _. A.nervousB.satisfiedC.unhappyD.excited答案:C 本题解析:根据第二段中的“As soon as I said that,her face showed great displeasure

39、”可知他们听到Jack称他们为老者时,一点也不高兴。27.自行车对于( )相当于( )对于电风扇A.轮胎 电流B.摩托车 蒲扇C.旅程 消暑D.交通工具 家具答案:B 本题解析:A、C、D三个选项调语顺序均颠倒,B项,摩托车与自行车都是交通工具,自行车的动力是人力,摩托车的动力非人力,蒲扇和电风扇有同样的特点。故选B。28.关于Word打印操作的说法正确的是( )。A.打印格式由Word自己控制,用户无法调整B.在Word开始打印前可以进行打印预览C.Word的打印过程一旦开始,在中途无法停止打印D.Word每次只能打印一份文稿答案:B 本题解析:在Word 2003中,提供了打印预览功能,使

40、得用户在打印之前就可通过屏幕看到文档实际打印后的效果。29.If you use your commute to catch up on work email, that time should be counted as part of the working day, according to a new study by researchers who analyzed thousands of commutersonline habits. If travel time were to count as work time, there would be many social and

41、 economic impacts. said Juhet Jain, one of the academics from the University of the West of England who surveyed several thousand commuters on trains in and out of London.Most respondents expressed how they consider their commute as time to catch up with work, before or after their traditional worki

42、ng day, according to a summary of the study.“This transitional time also enabled people to switch roles, for example from being a parent getting the kids ready for 3 school in the morning to a business director during the day The study quotes a working mother named Katheryn saying. Its really import

43、ant to my sanity that I can get work done on the tram. I am a busy mum and I rely on that time, so I can get things done”Another commuter, Andrew, told the researchers.“Its dead time in a way so what it allows me to do is finish stuff and not work in the evenings. The study notes that while work rul

44、es vary around the world, some commuters in Norway are already able to count travel time as part of their working day”The findings on workers use of smartphones and other devices to stay plugged in highight the importance of providing Wi-Fi to commuters, according to the academics, who presented the

45、ir study at the Royal Geographical Society. To ollet the data, they focused on two train lines that boosted the amount of free Wi-Fi they offered. On the Birmingham to London line, 60 percent of commuters connected to the enhanced network. The results hint at what are likely to be increasingly compl

46、icated work-life discussions, in which employees and their bosses debate what qualifies as work and where the line between personal and professional time should be drawn. Discussing the results in a news release, Jain said, It may ease commuter pressure on peak hours and allow for more comfort and f

47、lexibility around working times. However, it may also demand more survillance and accountability for productivity.In addition to potential ramifications for mass transit that the British researchers highlighted,the idea of claiming commuting time on the clock could also appeal to workers who use oth

48、er means of travel. Take, for instance, people who rely on ride. share companies to get to their jobs. And the discussion seems certain to widen in the near future, to inc lude a looming wave of self-driving cars that - in theory, at least -promises to free up more travel time for drivers.As for rai

49、l commuters, the researchers said their work shows it s important that trains “ffer a good working environment including tables , power。space and good continuous connectivity for internet and phone calls How do most respondents think of the transitional time. in their commutes? A.It is a waste of ti

50、meB.It is worthy time periodC.It depends on the distanceD.It needs to be paid答案:B 本题解析:细节题。题目关键词transitional time,定位文章第二段“This transitional time also enabled people to switch roles, ”“Its really important to my sanity that I can get work done on the tram. I am a busy mum and I rely on that time, so

51、I can get things done”可以确定选项B正确。其它选项均不符合文章大意。30.The Top Five longest-running outdoor theatrical productionsProduction Name Opening Date Location1. Abigail 1928 Landsdale, CA2. The New Dream 1934 Los Angeles, CA3. Born to Shine 1947 Saratoga, NY4. Now until Forever 1951 Peterson, KY 5. Vern in the Hi

52、lls 1956 Bradley, MO”Vern in the Hills” 50th Anniversary Celebration, Bradley, MO”Vern in the Hills” is celebrating its 50th year in production. A light-hearted production staged by the City Theater in Bradley, MO, ”Vern in the Hills” has been performed at the Thompson Outdoor Theater eachsummer sin

53、ce it first opened on May 28, 1956. Few theaters in such small cities are able to sustain aproduction over a course of so many years.”Somehow weve become a classic, and part of the fabric of the community,” says artistic director DavidFrey, ”Going to ”Vern in the Hills” on a summer evening is just p

54、art of life here.” Mr. Frey is only the third director the production has seen in its fifty-year history. A fact that, Mr. Frey says contributes to the plays success.”Vern in the Hills” does seem to be part of the fabric of the community. We loved the production. We observed several families with th

55、ree generations having picnics and watching the play. It was clear that most people had seen it before. If you ever have the chance to see ”Vern in the Hills,” you will quickly understand how it became a classic.Where is “The New Dream” playing?A.Peterson, KYB.Saratoga, NYC.Landsdale, CAD.LosAngeles

56、, CA答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析31.第53题答案是_A.two timesB.twiceC.onceD.again once答案:B 本题解析:此处twice意为“两遍”,此句话意为他再一次浏览了一遍试卷。故选B。32.以依法可以转让的股票出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向证券登记机构办理出质登记。质押合同自()起生效。A.签订之日B.登记之日C.登记之日后一日D.合同中约定之日答案:B 本题解析:担保法第七十八条规定:“以依法可转让的股票出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向证券登记机构办理出质登记。质押合同自登记之日起生效。”故本题答案为B。33.2014年北京地区外


58、速高出5个百分点,占同期北京地区出口总值的627%;高新技术产品出口1893亿美元,同比增长45%,占317%。2014年,北京地区与前l0大贸易伙伴中的5个进出口整体实现同比正增长。从具体贸易伙伴方面看,2014年北京地区与美国双边贸易规模首次突破300亿美元,达到3413亿美元,同比增长245%,美国成为北京地区第二大贸易伙伴,较2013年提升1位;与欧盟双边贸易4153亿美元,同比下降46%;与沙特阿拉伯进出口3148美元,同比下降46%。此外,受日本“购岛”闹剧等因素影响,2014年北京地区与日本双边贸易规模为1856亿美元,同比下降165%。2014年全国文化产品进口额为( )亿美元。A.18.4B.15.3C.14.7D.23.4答案:C 本题解析:根据第二段可知,2014年北京地区文化产品进口45亿美元,占同期全国文化产品进口34.2015年,某省工业企业全年实现主营业务收入37864亿元、税金1680亿元、利润2080亿元,分别增长19.1、19.4、26.4,分别高出全国7.9、8.4、14.2个百分点。该省工业企业主营业务收入占全国工业的3.7,比上年提高0.3个百分点。百户重点企业主营业务收入、税金、利润分别增长10.2、11.1、20.8,分别占全省工业的29.5、51、27.6。 2015年,汽车

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