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1、英语辩论赛话题英语辩论赛话题英语辩论赛话题1Owning a private car should be encouraged:应该鼓励拥有私家车:每个人都有权利追求更高品质的生活。私家车给我们的生活带来了更大程度的舒适性和灵敏性。假如拥有属于自己的车,我们就可以不必上班时去挤拥挤的公交车或者地铁。而且,车可以使我们的周末和假期过得更加愉快。你可以驾车去任何你喜欢的地方,尤其是那些不通公交车和火车的地方。因此,我们的社会应该鼓励拥有私家车。Owniog a private car should not be encouraged:不应鼓励拥有私家车:Nowadays, the number o

2、f private cars is on the rise in our country, which has given rise to many serious problems. First of all, it is self-evident that the automobile contributes much to the air pollution.Secondly, private cars have a direct relationship with traffic jams (阻塞) in cities. Without an effective regulation

3、on private cars , the traffic system will suffer more serious problems. Last but not the least , private cars consume( 消费) a lot of energy , which will be a threat to the sustainable( 可持续的) development of our country.如今,在我国,随着私家车数量的不断增加,各种问题层出不穷。首先,汽车污染空气的事实是不证自明的。其次,私家车与城市的交通堵塞有着直接联络。假如不对私家车进展有效地管制

4、,交通系统将会出现更多更严重的问题。最后一点也很重要,私家车消耗了大量的能,这可能会威胁到国家的可持续开展。英语辩论赛话题2Dressing well is important to ones Iife.着装在人们的生活中作用重大。I think clothes and fashion speak to people about what kind of person you are. They help you form a good first impression. So, dressing well is important and necessary.我认为,从一个人的穿着打扮可以看

5、出他(她)是个怎么样的人。衣服可以帮助你给别人留下一个好印象。所以,合体的衣装打扮是非常重要和必要的。Everyone loves beautiful things. Therefore, if you dress with a bad taste( 品味), you will give others a bad impression. Whats more, dressing well and fashionably can give you great confidenc. In my view, the clothes we wear say much about our persona

6、lity. Just as a saying goes, youre what you wear.每个人都喜欢漂亮的事物。因此,假如你在穿着上的品味太差,一定会给别人留下糟糕的印象。另外,大方合体的穿着还可以增加你的自信。在我看来,着装可以透露出我们的性格,就像一句老话“人如衣装”。The inner qualities are more important than dress.内在品质比外部装扮更重要。At present, more and more people are paying great attention to their dress. But in my view, the

7、 inner qualities( 内在品质) are more important than the way youdress, since your inner qualities decide who you are and who you will be.如今,越来越多的人对其穿着打扮过分关注。但我认为一个人内在的品质要远比其外表穿着更重要,因为内在的品质决定了你如今是并将会是什么样的人。I think pursuing fashion is nothing more than a waste of time and money. Many women squander (浪费,乱花)

8、 vast sum of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn.我认为追求时尚只不过是浪费时间和金钱。许多女人每年都要花费大量的金钱在买新衣服上,但事实上,她们的旧衣服仍然可以穿。Although first impression is important in our daily life, it can be changed by further munication. Therefore, the most importan thing for us to pursue(追求) is inner qua

9、lities rather than fashionable clothes.尽管在我们日常生活中,第一印象非常重要,但这是能通过以后的交流而被改变的。因此,对于我们来说,最重要的是追求内在美,而并非那些时尚的衣物。英语辩论赛话题3Losing weight is a kind of progress.减肥是一种进步。At present, more and more people are concerned about weight. I think this phenomenon is a kind of progress, since people care about their he

10、alth. As we know, putting on weight can increase the chance for us to suffer from some kinds of diseases.目前,越来越多的人开场关注自己的体重。我认为这种现象的出现意味着一种进步,因为人们开场关注自己的安康。众所周知,肥胖会增加人们患某些疾病的风险。I think the increased concern for weight is an improvement of our living standard. When we are poor , the most important th

11、ing for us is to increase our food rather than to reduce it. Therefore, I think losing weight is a kind of progress.对体重问题的日益关注也说明了人们生活程度的进步。当生活程度较低时,如何填饱肚子是人们关注的头等大事,而非减少食物的摄入量。因此,我认为减肥是一种进步的表现。Losiog weight should oot be encouraged.不应该提倡减肥。Losing weight should not be encouraged because it can do ha

12、rm to our health. Now-adays , in order to be slim( 苗条的), many young girls have a fancy for losing weight. They eat1ittle every day, as a result, they can not get enough vitamins and minerals.减肥对人们的安康有害因此不应该被鼓励。如今,为了拥有苗条的身材,许多女孩迷恋上了减肥。她们每天节食导致身体不能摄入足够的维生素和矿物质。The fancy for losing weight is mis leadin

13、g to our understanding of beauty. Many people take weight as an important factor to measure if one is beautiful enough. Thus more and more girls are on diet crazily, or even turning to medicine and operations for help.人们对减肥的盲目迷误导了群众的审美观。如今人们已把体重看作衡量一个人是否美丽的重要因素之一。这使得很多女孩疯狂节食,甚至借助药物和手术的途径以到达减肥的目的。In

14、my view, losing weight should not be encouraged.依我看来,减肥这种行为不应当被鼓励。英语辩论赛话题4Cosmetics are a good way to maintain our beauty.化装品是维持美丽的一种有效方法。Whether we admit it or not, beauty does affect the success of an individuals life. Whats more, one will feel more confident about herself with a good apperance (

15、外表). Also, nobody wants to be pale(苍白的), unhealthy and dull. 1n this sense, I think using cosmetics is an effective way maintain(保持) our youth and beauty.不管我们成认与否,美丽的外表确实能使个人在生活中拥有一定优势。而且,姣好的外表也可以使人更加自信。没有人希望自己面色枯黄,相貌丑陋。因此,使用化装品是维持年轻美丽的一种非常有效的方法。Beauty es from the inner spirits.美丽自于内在的气质。At present,

16、 more and more young girls like to wear dense make-ups, just in order to look beautiful. However, in my opinion, beauty es from the inner spirits. Healthy diet, including healthy fats , sufficient protein( 蛋白质), and lots of fruits and vegetables are essential to keep us healthy and beautiful.如今,为了变漂

17、亮,越来越多的年轻女孩们涂抹上了厚厚的化装品。但是,在我看来,美丽自于内在的气质。安康的饮食才是保持安康美丽的根本,它主要包括摄入适当的脂肪,充足的蛋白质,以及大量的水果和蔬菜。I think the beauty maintained by cosmetics is just temporary( 暂时的). Whats more, the chemical materials will do harm to our health. Therefore, we should pay more attention to our body and health rather than diffe

18、rent kinds of cosmetics.我认为化装品给人带来的美丽只是暂时的。而且,其包含的化学成分还会给我们的安康带来危害。因此,我们应该更加关注自己的身体安康,而不是那些乱七八糟的化装品。英语辩论赛话题5Cosmetic surgery should be understood by society.整容手术应当得到社会的理解。I think if cosmetic surgery can make you feel more confident and better, why not take it. After all, all of us are pursuing a hap

19、py 1ife.假如整形手术可以让你变得更加美丽和自信,为什么不尝试一下呢?毕竟,每个人都在追求幸福人生。Its no doubt that a beautiful appearance is more appreciated(被赏识的) in our society. With a good appearance, one can do something more easily, such as hunting for a job. So cosmetic surgery can provide us with a parative edge in social parative with

20、 a parative edge in social petition.毋庸置疑,在这个社会里,拥有美丽的脸蛋会更加易被赏识。姣好的外貌可以让你更容易成功,找工作就是一例。所以,在这个竞争社会,整形手术可以为我们创造相对的优势。Everyone has the right to pursue beauty. If one believes that having a cosmetic surgery can change his or her appearance, and bring more choices in future life, he or she should be allow

21、ed to have such kind of surgery.人人都有追求美丽的权利。假如一个人坚信整形手术能改变自己的容貌,从而为自己的将来带来更多的时机,那么他(她)就应该被允许去做这样的手术。Cosmetic surgery should be banned.整容手术应当被制止。More and more peop1e be1ieve that cosmetic surgery can provide them with confidence. However, beauty fades ( 消失), the confidence you get from a cosmetic sur

22、gery will not last for a long time. Whats more, if you pay too much attentiono your personal appearance, it will result in distraction in your work or study which is the basic resource for you to gain confidence. And people who have undergone cosmetic surgery have no idea about the potential risks o

23、f such kind of surgery. Therefore, cosmetic surgery should be banned.越来越多的人相信借助整形手术便能重塑自信。然而,美丽终会消失,因整形而获得的自信并不会持续太久。假如过分崇尚外表,这会分散你在工作和学习上的注意力,而后两者才是获得信心最根本的泉。而且,做过整形手术的人其实并不清楚这种手术蕴藏着很大的风险。因此,整形手术应当被制止。英语辩论赛话题6Group 1, For Side: Advertisements should be controlled.Group 1, Against Side: Advertisemen

24、ts should be encouraged.Group 2, For Side: Junior students should go in for beauty contests.Group 2, Against Side: Junior students should not take part in beauty contests.Group 3, For Side: Mobile phones are necessary for middle school students.Group 3, Against Side: Mobile phones are not necessary

25、for middle school students.Group 4, For Side: Middle school students should go abroad to study.Group 4, Against Side: Middle school students should not go abroad to study.Group 5, For Side: Interest is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 5, Against Side: Progress is the best teacher f

26、or pupils to learn English.Group 6, For Side: People and nature are in harmony.Group 6, Against Side: People and nature are not in harmony.Group 7, For Side: More money means more happiness.Group 7, Against Side: More money means more sadness.Group 8, For Side: Inter alienates the relationship among

27、 people.Group 8, Against Side: Inter doesnt alienate the relationship among people.Group 9, For Side: Quality is more important for students.Group 9, Against Side: Scores are more important for students.Group 10, For Side: Students should wear their school uniforms.Group 10, Against Side: Students s

28、hould be allowed to choose their own clothes.Group 11, For Side: Students should learn more from books and their teachers.Group 11, Against Side: Students should learn more from their experience and daily life.Group 12, For Side: puters are good for studying.Group 12, Against Side: puters are not go

29、od for studying.Group 13, For Side: Opportunity is more important for success.Group 13, Against Side: Hard work is more important for success.高中组Group 1, For Side: Olympic Games are purely mercial operations.Group 1, Against Side: Olympic Games are not purely mercial operations.Group 2, For Side: Go

30、ver_ent should control the rising price of houses.Group 2, Against Side: Gover_ent should not control the rising price of houses.Group 3, For Side: Reading and writing are more important than listening and speaking in the English study.Group 3, Against Side: Listening and speaking are more important

31、 than reading and writing in the English study.Group 4, For Side: Its more crucial for students to earn knowledge.Group 4, Against Side: Its more crucial for students to mould character.Group 5, For Side: Blogging has more advantages than disadvantages.Group 5, Against Side: Blogging has more disadv

32、antages than advantages.Group 6, For Side: Money is the source of happiness.Group 6, Against Side: Money is the root of all evil.Group 7, For Side: Shopping online is good.Group 7, Against Side: Shopping online is not good.Group 8, For Side: Going to college is the best future for students.Group 8,

33、Against Side: Going to college is not the best future for students.Group 9, For Side: Students should do as many mock tests as possible.Group 9, Against Side: Students should not do so many mock tests.Group 10, For Side: Modesty is never out of date.Group 10, Against Side: Modesty is out of date now

34、.Group 11, For Side: Senior students should take part in after-school activities.Group 11, Against Side: Senior students should not take part in after-school activities.Group 12, For Side: Fighting against terrorism brings peace to the world.Group 12, Against Side: Fighting against terrorism causes

35、more disasters to the world.Group 13, For Side: Paper reading will be replaced by E-reading.Group 13, Against Side: Paper reading will not be replaced by E-reading.Group 14, For Side: “Golden-Weeks” should be canceled.Group 14, Against Side: “Golden-Weeks” should not be canceled.Group 15, For Side: Pressure is a motivation for students.Group 15, Against Side: Pressure is a killer for students第 16 页 共 16 页

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