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1、如何提高英语口语能力We want to make sure we get the laughter quota back where it belongs and are hoping the FUNdation will help people have somedaftfun. If you want to organise the biggest ever street conga, or jump into a pool of jelly, let us know.“我们想把笑声带回我们的生活中,也希望FUNdation基金能帮助人们获得更多乐趣。 如果你想在大街上组织一场规模空前的

2、康茄舞,或者想跳进果冻游泳池,请告诉我们。Britain is one of the most racially tolerant countries on the planet, a survey claims. The global social attitudes study claims that the most raciallyintolerantpopulations are all in the developing world, with Bangladesh, Jordan and India in the top five.最近一项全球社会态度调查说明,英国是全世界种族观

3、念最为淡薄的国家之一;而最无法容忍外来民族的国家全都来自开展中地区,孟加拉国、约旦和印度位列前五位之中。By contrast, the study of 80 countries over three decades found Western countries were most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S., Canada and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.相反,在过去30年对80个国家的调查中,西方国家对其它民族的接受程度最高,其中英国、美国、加拿大和澳

4、大利亚的接受程度远远高于其他国家。The data came from the World Value Survey, which measured the social attitudes of people in different countries, as reported by the Washington Post.The survey asked individuals what types of people they would refuse to live next to, and counted how many chose the option people of a

5、different race as a percentage for each country.据?华盛顿邮报?报道,调查数据来源于世界价值观调查,这是专门调查不同国家地区社会态度的机构组织。该机构询问不同国家的个人“你最不想和什么样的人做邻居?,统计出选择“不同种族 选项的数量,并计算出该国家的种族排斥度。Researchers have suggested that societies where more people do not want neighbours from other races can be considered less racially tolerant. The

6、 country with the highest proportion of intolerant people who wanted neighbours similar to them was Hong Kong, where 71.8 per cent of the population would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.研究者称,如果一个地区有越多的人不愿意和外来民族做邻居,那么说明这个地区的种族接受度越低。最不愿意和外来民族做邻居的地区是香港,种族排斥度极高,有71.8%的香港人都希望自己邻居和他们是“

7、同类。Next were Bangladesh on 71.7 per cent, Jordan on 51.4 per cent and India with 43.5 per cent. Racist views are strikingly rare in the U.S., according to the survey, which claims that only 3.8 per cent of residents are reluctant to have a neighbour of another race.排名第二的是孟加拉国,排斥度为71.7%,约旦和印度以51.4%和4

8、3.5%的排斥度分列三、四位。调查显示,美国的种族意识低得惊人,只有3.8%的人不想有外来种族的邻居。Other English-speaking countries once part of the British Empire shared the same tolerant attitude - fewer than five per cent of Britons, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders showed signs of racism. People in the UK are also tolerant of other d

9、ifferences such as speaking a foreign language or practising an alternative religion - for example, fewer than two per cent of Britons would object to having neighbours of a different faith to them.其余曾经隶属大英帝国的英语国家同样没有强烈的种族意识。在英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰,只有不到5%的人有种族主义倾向。英国人同样接受除种族以外的不同,比方说使用另一国语言或有不同信仰。数据显示,反对邻居

10、信仰不同宗教的英国人低于2%。Similarly, fewer than one in 20 people in most South American countries admitted harbouring prejudice against other races. The Middle East, which is currently dealing with large numbers of low-skilled immigrants from south Asia, seems to be a hotbed of racial tension, however. Europe

11、is remarkably split - the west of the continent is generally more tolerant than the east, but France is a strikingoutlierwith 22.7 per cent of the French rejecting neighbourhood diversity.南美洲的结果同样如此,平均每20人里只有不到1人成认对外来种族的邻居心怀偏见。而中东地区,当前虽然有大量低水平的南亚移民,却在种族问题上剑拔弩张。欧洲大陆的情况也很不一致:总体来说,西部大陆对外来民族的接收情况要高于东部。但

12、法国却是个例外,有22.7%的人排斥民族多样性。Some have pointed out problems in the survey data, claiming that because the polls span a long period of time they are an unreliable guide to current attitudes. However, a more serious flaw could be the fact that in most Western countries racism is so taboo that many people w

13、ill hide their intolerant views and lie to the questioners.有些人指出,这项调查时间跨度过长,不能准确反映出当前的真实情况。而且还有更严重的问题:在大多数西方国家,种族主义是个禁忌,因此许多人会递交与自己真实想法相违背的答案。Max Fisher of the Washington Post suggested that maybe Americans are conditioned by their education and media to keep these sorts of racial preferences privat

14、e, i.e. to lie about them on surveys, in a way that Indians might not be.?华盛顿邮报?记者马克斯费舍尔说,也许“美国人深受教育和媒体影响,从而掩藏自己的种族倾向,在调查中做出不实答复。但印度人那么不会考虑这些。A California teen has attracted the attention of tech giants Google for her potentially revolutionary invention which charges a phone in 20 seconds flat.美国加州的

15、一个少女由于她革命性的潜在创造而吸引了科技巨头谷歌的关注,这项创造有可能会让 在20秒内充满电。The super-fast charging device has beendubbeda supercapacitor by 18-year-old Esha Khare, of Saratoga - as she took home $50,000 from the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, which took place in Phoenix this week.创造这种快速 充电器的是来自美国萨拉托加的18岁少女伊

16、莎-卡瑞,她将其称为超级电容器。本周,她因为此项创造在菲尼克斯获得了由英特尔国际科学工程大奖赛授予的5万美金奖励。The device will make waiting hours for a phone to charge a thing of the past and the gizmo packs more energy into a smaller space than traditional phone batteries and holds the charge for longer.该设备有可能让数小时的 充电成为过去,并且这项创造比传统 电池能够在更小空间存储更多的电量,并使

17、被充电的设备能使用更长时间。So far, Khare has only used her supercapacitor to power a light-emitting diode or LED - but she sees a bright future that one day will see her invention powering cellphones, cars and anygadgetthat requires a rechargeable battery.到目前为止,卡瑞只有她的超级电容器给发光二极管充电尝试过但她的这项创造前景非常光明:有一天这一创造将可以用于 、汽车或任何使用充电式电池的设备。高效的英语学习方法和英语学习资料:介词短语作介词宾语Choose a book from among these. 从这些书中选一本吧。I saw her from across the street. 我从街的对面望见了她。He has known her since before the war. 自战前开始他就认识她。Weve decided to go on foot instead of by bus. 我们决定步行去而不乘车去。

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