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1、2023年Toys英语教案设计3篇(完整文档)Toys英语教案设计1教学目标:巩固上节所学的单词学生能够听懂“Whatsyourfavoritetoy?”重点难点:学生通过唱歌和表演等课堂活动形式,熟练掌握9个玩具单词学下面是我为大家整理的Toys英语教案设计3篇(完整文档),供大家参考。Toys英语教案设计1教学目标:巩固上节所学的单词 学生能够听懂“Whats your favorite toy?”重点难点:学生通过唱歌和表演等课堂活动形式,熟练掌握9个玩具单词学生能够听懂“Whats your favorite toy?”教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡片、教学磁带、录音机教学过程:A. Gr

2、eetingsB. 复习所学过的玩具单词a.猜一猜游戏。教师将实物放在讲桌上,然后默想出自己喜欢的一个, 让学生猜一猜是那个。蔡队的学生可得到该玩具活该图片。教师还可以先让某个学生想出一个玩具,然后让全班同学来猜出这个玩具。b.教师让学生拿出自己的玩具或单词卡片,以pair work或group work 形式进行上述猜一猜游戏。 在进行上述活动时,教师除了让学生复习上一课的玩具单词外,还 可以用动物玩具复习动物单词。C. 看图听歌曲。 教师先将组合图玩具火车挂在黑板上,然后播放歌曲,最后让学生 将唱到的玩具图片一个个地贴在车厢上。D. 学生听歌曲表演。 在教室播放几遍录音后,学生进行表演,教

3、师用动作让学生理解歌 词中go, go, go; follow me; come and see的意思E. 教师还可以让学生边唱边玩。 教师让两个学生组成火车头,其他学生戴玩具头饰或手拿玩具图片装扮成各种玩具。教师播放歌曲,学生跟唱,火车头在教室里穿行,唱到某种玩具时,装扮该玩具的学生依次排在火车头后面。F. 歌曲结束后,让学生之间交换头饰或玩具图片;教师重新播放歌曲, 让学生反复进行上述游戏。 在唱歌曲出现错误时,教师及时进行纠正,并领读容易出现错误的单词。G. 在进行B部分活动时,教师提问,学生回答自己最喜欢的玩具。然 后以pair work或group work形式进行活动。还可引入歌曲

4、进行训练。课后小结 Toys英语教案设计3篇扩展阅读 Toys英语教案设计3篇(扩展1)英语教案设计10篇 英语教案设计1教学目标1、能够听说读写句型:what did you do last weekend? i played football.2、能够完成lets try3、能够正确运用重点句型进行对话,完成lets find out活动。教学重点1、教学重点是句型:whatdid you do last weekend? i played football.2、难点是该句型的问句部分并能够在实际情景中运用。教学难点学生初步了解动词过去式的一般疑问句形式。识记help的意思。教具准备1、教

5、师准备若干张图片、每个学生有一张动作的词组卡。2、教师准备该课时的教学挂图。教学过程(一)warm up1、放五年级下册第一单元第七页的歌谣录音。2、师生一起跟录音说唱歌谣,配合歌谣内容边打拍子边做动作。(二)preview师生自由问答。t: what did you do last weekend?s1: i watched tv. how about you?s2: i cleaned my room. how about you? (三)presentationlets try1、教师问:what did chen jie do last weekend ? lets listen to

6、 the tape.学生听录音完成lets try,师生一起检查答案。2、听录音跟读两遍。lets talk1、师说:now we know what chen jie did last weekend. what did you do last weekend? let me guess.教师任选几名学生提问:did you play football last weekend?引导学生回答:yes,i did. / no, i didnt.出示动作图片练习didyou. last weekend? yes,i did. / no, i didnt.2、guessing game:每个同学有

7、一张写有动词短语的纸条,让其他同学猜猜:what did he/ she do last weekend?如果能猜中的话就说:yes. (i did).另一位同学说:youre great!3、教师讲解对话内容,放课文录音,学生跟读两遍。小组内分角色朗读,进行小组比赛。4、引导学生根据本插图的提示进行替换练习,然后让学生在小组内进行练习。5、两人一组朗读对话,鼓励学生根据自己的实际情况改编对话,并上台展示。6、make the chant:last weekend i cleaned the roomwhat did you do? what did you do?last weekend i

8、 visited my grandparentswhat did you do? what did you do? lets find out学生四人一组完成lets find out的活动,请几名学生汇报他们的调查结果。(四)consolidation and extension1、学生完成本课时活动手册的配套练习。2、学生两人合作朗读对话。(五)homework抄写本课时的重点句子。英语教案设计2教学目标:复习巩固玩具单词 学生借助图画和录音再次复习巩固所学玩具单词,并在较真实的情境中学习几组句子。I want this red ball. Me too.I like that car.

9、Its great.Can I have that doll, please?Sure, here you are. Thank you.学生通过用语言做事,熟练掌握所学的单词和句子。教学重点:I want that car. Its great. 和 I like your panda. Its nice.教学准备:教学挂图、录音磁带、实物玩具、单词卡片,小贴片教学过程:A. Greetings.B. 教师让学生看教学挂图,听录音,理解对话C. 在学生理解了对话的基础上,教师可让他们进行四组对话练习。对不同层次的学生,可作不同的要求。a. 将各种玩具摆放在讲台上,或将玩具图片贴在黑板上,也可

10、以让学生把各自的玩具摆在课桌上。b. 教师手里拿着一个红球说:“I want this red ball.” 然后问一个学生:“What about you?” 同时说出中文意思,学生可以用中文回答。这时老师用英语说:“Me too.” 教师反复示范,待学生听熟后,让学生以pair work形式进行口头练习。c. 在上述活动的基础上,教师手指较远的玩具或者实物,印出“I like that car. Its great.”教师反复示范,待学生听熟后,可让学生自己练习说着个句子。也可以让学生“I want/ Its” 进行口头练习。d. 在教授购物用语时,教师可以让学生到讲台前扮演售货员,自己扮

11、演顾客,引出对话D. 学生扮演售货员和顾客,练习以下对话a: Can I have a ball, please? / Can I have that ball, please?b: Sure. Here you are. a: Thank you.E. 教师可引导学生重复上述表演数次,待学生听熟后,让学生以 pair work 形式进行角色表演。教师还可以根据实际需要,补充以下购物对话。 Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? I want / Id like Can I have, please? Here you are. How much?F.

12、在练习对话的同时教师可告诉学生,在讲英语的国家,如果对方夸奖你或你的东西时,要礼貌地说一声“thank you”。G. 教师组织学生用上述四组对话,进行模拟玩具店表演。最后全班评选出最佳小组和最佳个人奖.课后小结英语教案设计3一、准备导入1、画几幅图来表示天气情况,以次引入一些新单词。2、在图下面写上响应的天气单词,并把单词挂在教室的墙上。3、模仿动作,想向学生讲解表示天气状况的单词,或者说一句话,让学生模仿适当的动作。二、新授(一)活动11、让学生看地图,告诉他们,说出不同城市的名称,他们要在地图上指出来。2、用汉语提问,为什么地图上会有天气图标?他们在哪儿找到这种地图?3、告诉学生,听录音

13、重复句子并指向图中正确的位置。再放录音,每句话后停顿,让学生指向正确的图片。4、学生合上书,放录音,在广播员说出城市名称之前停顿,学生认真听,并说出正确的城市名称。(二)活动21 让学生看书,让他们描述图中发生了什么。2、向学生说明,两人一组,学生A就天气提问,学生 B 需要做出回答,让每组学生读对话示例。3、把以下结构写在黑板上:Will it bein ?Yes,it will.No.it wont。4、和学生做一些示范,指着问题,并说:sunny,启发全班学生提问:will it be sunny in hangzhou?摇头并说:No,it wont.现在问全班:will it be

14、cold in Yinchuan ?引导他们回答:yes,it will.5、和学生做更多的练习,然后让学生两人一组继续练习。(三)学习课堂活动用书。1、 练习一,看图连线并说话。2、 听音,并在地图上画出正确的图标。3、 问答。英语教案设计4活动目的:1、复习巩固已学过的水果单词apple、pear、tomato、banana、grape。2、学会句型“Whatdoyoulike?”和“Ilike”,并会正确地使用。3、在情景游戏中,会使用英语礼貌用语。活动准备:若干盘水果盘(苹果、梨子、西红柿、香蕉、葡萄)、牙签、指导要点:1、以摸一摸,猜一猜的形式复习各种水果单词,。请幼儿摸口袋,猜水果

15、。2、学习句型“Whatdoyoulike?”和“Ilike”。教师提问“Whatdoyoulike?”,引导幼儿用“Ilike”这个句型来回答,说对的小朋友奖励他吃他所说的水果。3、在情景游戏中,巩固学习句型“Whatdoyoulike?”和“Ilike”。幼儿自由选择角色进行游戏,可分别扮演果贩、顾客、主人、客人在所创设的水果市场和家的环境中游戏,在游戏中巩固学习句型“Whatdoyoulike?”和“Ilike”。英语教案设计5教学目标:巩固上节所学的单词 学生能够听懂“Whats your favorite toy?”重点难点:学生通过唱歌和表演等课堂活动形式,熟练掌握9个玩具单词学生

16、能够听懂“Whats your favorite toy?”教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡片、教学磁带、录音机教学过程:A. GreetingsB. 复习所学过的玩具单词a.猜一猜游戏。教师将实物放在讲桌上,然后默想出自己喜欢的一个, 让学生猜一猜是那个。蔡队的学生可得到该玩具活该图片。教师还可以先让某个学生想出一个玩具,然后让全班同学来猜出这个玩具。b.教师让学生拿出自己的玩具或单词卡片,以pair work或group work 形式进行上述猜一猜游戏。 在进行上述活动时,教师除了让学生复习上一课的玩具单词外,还 可以用动物玩具复习动物单词。C. 看图听歌曲。 教师先将组合图玩具火车挂在黑板上

17、,然后播放歌曲,最后让学生 将唱到的玩具图片一个个地贴在车厢上。D. 学生听歌曲表演。 在教室播放几遍录音后,学生进行表演,教师用动作让学生理解歌 词中go, go, go; follow me; come and see的意思E. 教师还可以让学生边唱边玩。 教师让两个学生组成火车头,其他学生戴玩具头饰或手拿玩具图片装扮成各种玩具。教师播放歌曲,学生跟唱,火车头在教室里穿行,唱到某种玩具时,装扮该玩具的学生依次排在火车头后面。F. 歌曲结束后,让学生之间交换头饰或玩具图片;教师重新播放歌曲, 让学生反复进行上述游戏。 在唱歌曲出现错误时,教师及时进行纠正,并领读容易出现错误的单词。G. 在进

18、行B部分活动时,教师提问,学生回答自己最喜欢的玩具。然 后以pair work或group work形式进行活动。还可引入歌曲进行训练。课后小结英语教案设计6教学重点:询问对方的姓名及回答的用语Whats your name? My name is 的学习,以及另一种表达道别的表达法:See you。教学难点:Whats your name? My name is中name 的发音和欢迎用语Welcome! 的发音,英语教案Unit 1 Hello第四课时。教具准备:1 教师应准备自己的名字卡及本课主要人物的头饰;2 要求学生准备一个面具,并制作一个写有本人姓名的头饰。教学过程:1 热身、复习

19、 (Warmup/Revision)(1) 唱“Hello”歌(2) 师生互相问候Hello! /Hi!(3) 学生将胸卡戴在胸前,分别起立做自我介绍。如:a。 Hello, Im Mary。b。 Hi! Im Peter。2 呈现新课 (Presentation)(1) 老师指着自己的英文名卡说Hello! Im Miss/Mr。 然后用My names。 反复说三到四遍自己的名字,速度由慢到正常。接着教师对一名学生发问Whats your name? (用清晰、缓慢的语调问两遍)边问边指他/她的名卡,并可以用夸张的口型提示他/她回答My names。教师对第一个应答学生应重点表扬,并发给他

20、/他小奖品,以次鼓励学生认真听别人的问答,努力模仿教师说的新句型。用类似的方法在教室里与学生进行问答练习,注意引导学生用My names。回答问题。(2) 跟读、模仿Whats your name? 注意学生对name一词中 a 的发音。(3) 教道别语See you。, 告诉学生其中意思是“再见”或“一会见”。教师同时可介绍一下英语中有许多单词是一词多意,在不同情景中表示的意义不同。Welcome 还有不必表示感谢的意思,当对方说Thank you。 谢谢的时候,通常可以回答 You are welcome。 表示“不用谢”或“不客气”。学生在此简单了解一下即可,教师可在今后多说多用,起到引

21、导、表率的作用(4) 听录音,放投影或通过录像、VCD来展示B部分Lets talk的内容。3 趣味操练 (Practice)(1)Pair work: 可让学生戴上头饰,表演书上Lets talk 的对话。(2)Lets play中的游戏,可请几个学生站在门外做迎宾先生或小姐,再请几个同学做嘉宾,小学英语教案英语教案Unit 1 Hello第四课时。每位迎宾者用Hello! Whats your name? 进行发问后,嘉宾须用My names。答出自己的名字,方可入内。教室里的其他同学鼓掌并用Welcome! 向他(她)表示欢迎。教师注意提示学生区分发音的正、误,培养学生练习听力的能力,养

22、成会听的习惯。在纠正发音时要适度,切不可挫伤孩子的积极性。(3)四人或六人为一个小组,先将学生自制的名卡头饰收集在一起,再由每组的“小老师”通过问Whats your name? 其他同学回答My names 的方式练习,答对的同学拿回自己的头饰戴在头上。4 课堂评价 (Assessment)做活动手册本单元第4部分练习。具体教学步骤参考如下:(1) 教师引导学生猜猜图中人物所说的话。(2) 教师讲解题目的意思并指导学生做练习的方法。(3) 学生听录音做练习。(4) 再次播放录音,在教师的指导下让学生一句一句地跟读并互相核对答案,再通过给花朵涂色进行自我评价。5 扩展性活动(Addactivi

23、ties)猜猜我是谁的游戏请一位学生到讲台前边,用手蒙住眼睛。教师用手势指定一男一女两位学生,并告诉他们用(打招呼、自我介绍、询问对方姓名及回答)的句型对话,然后由被蒙住眼睛的学生直接说出说话双方人姓名,此时教师可根据学生情况扩展到 His/Her names 的句型。板书设计:Unit 1 Hello!Whats your name? My names (用学生或本册教材主人公的人名卡表示姓名)教案点评:本课时学习如何用Whats your name?询问对方的姓名并就询问做相应回答。对于刚开始学习英语的学生,彼此了解一下英文名字十分必要,符合学生认知规律。另一种道别表达See you!是生

24、活常用语,同Goodbye 用法相同,且运用广泛。整个语言点简单,且实用性强。教学过程中强调自然流畅,不要明知故问,使学生觉得是为了学习而学习,从而降低学习兴趣。趣味操练部分可以发挥小学生好动好玩的特点,在做迎宾先生或小姐的游戏中进一步操练句型,巩固所学。扩展性活动中猜猜我是谁的游戏将“My names 。”扩展到 His/Her names 的句型, 开拓学生英语思维,帮助学生灵活运用语言。探究活动看图学单词看一看,下面的单词你认识几个?哪些是不认识的?问问老师,再将图片与对应单词连线。看谁做得最快最准。教师和学生一起学习图中的单词。建议教师先把该图片印发给学生。英语教案设计7目标:1.教幼

25、儿学会deskchair的正确发音,学会听懂短语stand u sit down,clapyourhandsds。2.培养幼儿大胆说英语,对英语的浓厚兴趣。准备:桌子、凳子、一些幼儿喜爱的玩具,五角星,剪纸花。过程:1.老师和蔼向幼儿问好,(good monrningboys and grils)。2.老师做寻找东西样,请幼儿猜老师在干什么?幼儿自由回答后,教师出示凳子、桌子,告诉幼儿他们的英文名是desk chair教幼儿先听音看口形发音。注意发准k。3. show me (desk chair)并发音。做法:室内藏有许多小凳子还有桌子,教师指幼儿说,幼儿指教师说练习发dask chair。

26、4.游戏:九个凳子围成一圈,十个幼儿围成一圈站在凳子边,幼儿听音乐学小动物做动作的行走,音乐停幼儿打个凳子坐下,没抢到凳子的幼儿说deask chair。5.游戏中同时练习发stand up,sit down。6.送礼物给幼儿。做法:桌子、凳子放许多玩具,五角星,剪纸花,幼儿想要什么就去拿什么,只要用deask chair说一句正确的话就行。7、小结:向幼儿用英语再见good by让幼儿拿上deask去户外游戏。英语教案设计8课题:_课时:_课型:_(新授课/复习课/检查课)(一)教学目标1.知识与技能(1)能听、说、认读_等单词,并能在日常生活中使用。(2)能听懂、会说_等句子,并在实际情景



29、写句子。4.课堂延伸(1)听录音,读、背单词、句子。(2)在生活中使用所学单词、句子。(四)板书设计课题:_单词:_重要句子:_英语教案设计91. To learn the story about Abraham Lincoln.2.To learn the writing in time order.3. To learn to retell the passage with their own words.4. To master the useful expressions.Teaching proceduresStep I Revision1. Check up the homewor

30、k exercises.2. Get some students to tell their stories according to the pictures given in the last period.Step II Warming-upShow some pictures and ask the questions1.What do you already know about Abraham Lincoln?2.What do you expect to learn more about Abraham Lincoln from this passage?Step III Lis

31、teningListen to the text carefully and then answer what happened in the following years .1809:In Kentucky, the U.S.A. , on February 12th.1818:_his mother_died_1860:_He became President_1864:_He became president for the second time1865:_He was shot at a theatre_Step V ReadingRead the passage in Lesso

32、n 50 again and then answer the questions.1.What did he use to do when he was a child?2.Where did he work as a young man?3.What did he work for in all his political life?4.What happened after the war ended in 1864?5.Why was Abraham Lincoln killed after the war ended?Answer:1)He used to work hard and

33、help his father on the farm.2)In a store and later in a post office.3) Because the Southern States wanted to set up a country of their own, where they would be free to keep the black slaves.4) Lincoln was killed at a theatre in Washington, D. C.5) Because the slave owners in the South and the rich p

34、eople hated him.Step VI Language pointsExplain the new words and expressions, so that some of the new language items will be familiar to the Ss when they read the passage.1)as a child as/when he was a child2) no more than only3)in all in total, totally4)set up start/found5) break out (war, fire, etc

35、.) appear, start suddenly6) break away from go away from7)consider. . .as regard. . .as/look on. . .asFill in the blank with the following the words1. Lincoln became very interested in _. In all his _ life, he worked hard to build a free state for all the people, (political; politics)2. Lincoln work

36、ed hard against _, because he wanted to free all the _. (slavery; slaves)3. After the _ woman was taken away, all the villagers were in deep sorrow (悲痛) for her _. (dead; death)4. A _ businessman is a man who has made a big _ in his business, (success; successful)5. I think German is the roost _ for

37、 me, because I have a great _ in learning German grammar. (difficult; difficulty)6. Im going to join in the games to _ for medals. Use the words in the box to _ the dialogue. (complete; compete)7. Whats the _ of the meat? The winners will get a good _. (price; prize)8. The _ which was agreed on last

38、 month will be put into operation soon. Childrens _on TV is usually shown at 4 oclock in the afternoons, (programme; project)Step VII Workbook1. Go over the explanations of the words and expressions in this lesson.2. Do Part 2 on Page 119. Complete the passage with the verbs in the right form. Let t

39、he Ss read through the passage and put in the missing words. They may discuss with their partners. Dont refer to the text. Then check the answers with the whole class.Step VIII PractiseComplete the passage with verbs in the right forms.In 1860, Abraham Lincoln _President of the united States. Then h

40、e _still harder for the freedom of the slaves. But the Southern states wanted to _up a state of their own, where they could be free to _black slaves. Lincoln said that it was not right for the South to _away from the Union. Fighting _out between the North and the South. This was the American Civil W

41、ar, which _four years. In the end the North _. Northern and Southern states _up again as one country and the slaves were _free.Key: became, set up, keep, break, broke, lasted, won, joined, setStep Homework1. Retell the story about Abraham Lincoln.2. Write the story of Li Dazhao in their exercise boo




45、,本组的学生可以补充;其他组的成员可以找错。通过小组竞赛的方式,激起每一位学生的关注。这样就保证了所有的学生都积极参与到活动中;同时也让学生感受集体荣誉感,增强他们的集体主义精神。Toys英语教案设计3篇(扩展2)全英小学英语教案设计3篇全英小学英语教案设计1Hello dear teachers and judges, today Im going to talk about how to teach some words and sentences using clothes as an example .Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material

46、I. STATUS AND FUNCTIONFrom this lesson, the students will learn how to describe others clothes. The useful expression_rs and words can be used to describe others more freely and vividly. Therefore this lesson is an important portion of the teaching material.Such a topic is related to daily life, so

47、it is helpful to raise the learning interests of students and it will also help to improve their spoken English.II .ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTSThe Ss in Grade four have learned English for several years, but they still lack some learning strategies and their vocabularies are limited.III.TEACHING AIMS A

48、ND DEMANDSThe teaching aim is established according to the New Curriculum of Primary School English.Knowledge objects(1) To enable the students to understand and speak five new words and two sentence patterns: wear, shirt, T-shirt, dress, skirt. Hes wearing a? Shes wearing a?(2) To be able to descri

49、be someone else more freely.(3) To enlarge the Ss vocabulary.2. Ability objects(1) To develop the Ss speaking strategy.(2)To develop the Ss vocabulary strategy. (word guessing etc.)(3) To encourage the students cooperation amongst in their studies.3.Moral objectsTo arouse the students interest of le

50、arning English and to have them participate actively inlanguage communication. To stimulate the students creativity .IV.TEACHING KEY AND DIFFICULT POINTSThe teaching key and difficult points are based on the aims and demands.TEACHING KEY POINTS :To grasp the five new words and two sentencepatterns.T

51、EACHING DIFFICULTIES1.Improve Sss speaking ability to describe others more freely2. Develop their lateral thinking through games . V.TEACHING *A Com*rPART 2 Teaching Methods1. Student-centered teaching2. Task-based learning3.Communication through learningPART 3 Studying WaysActivity-based learning(i

52、ndividual work; pair work; group work; class work)Problem AnalysisTeaching which appeals to learners needs can facilitate learning . It is necessary to investigate why the students were showing less and less interested , and devoting less and less effort. So interviews were held and questionnaires w

53、ere issued. It is found that:a. Those poor learners report that , due to their lack of practice. They cant complete sentences.b. Some students report that they are afraid of being laughed at by other students.c. Quite a number of students report that they are afraid of being criticized and thus with

54、draw from classroom activities.d. Some students arent interested in practicing speaking .Possible SolutionsTaking the above factors into consideration, the following solutions were proposed:a. Employing interesting role work to help the students understand and learn new knowledge.b. Organizing inter

55、esting activities to motivate the students to speak more English in the oral lesson. Make the students have to speak so that they would be interested in speaking English .d. Encouraging the students to speak.4. Project objectivePart Four Teaching ProcedureStep 1 warm upto arouse Ss interest ,play a

56、“colour song” on the com*r, let the students become familiar with the phrase “ Whos wearing?”Step 2 Lead-inTo introduce the new words and sentences ,I create a situation here, Sam and Amy are Australian children , they decide to buy some summer clothes because its getting hotter in their county. Wha

57、t will they buy?(purpose: To present the new words and increase students geographical knowledge at the same time)Step 3 practiceAfter presentating the new words, the students need some activities to practice them. Students greatly welcome games. They can create a cheerful andlight-hearted environmen

58、t and arouse studentsinterest in learning English. Games are considered one of the most effective ways to improve efficiency in language learning. So in this part, I will use a power point I prepared to play some games with the students:1. Let them try to memorize how many models are wearing a T- sh

59、irt/ shirt/ dress/skirt? 22. How many models they can introduce by using the sentence in a limit time: Hes wearing a ?/Shes wearing a?3. And the third game is to try to answer some questions according to the shadow pictures.4. Step 4 extension(to develop their creativity and speaking ability) Organi

60、ze Ss into groups of four and discuss “ how can you help them to find “the missing person(situation: a little child is lost in a shopping mall and he/she is trying to find his parent)Step 8 HomeworkDesign a T-shirt , or some other clothes that you like.Blackboard DesignTopic sentences and key words are written to help Ss know the main content of this class.篇二:全英小学英语教案设计Good afternoon , Ladies and Ge

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