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1、Part One:1-34:Personal/General Questions1.“Tell me about yourself.”(Or“How would you describe yourself?”)Often described as a“stress”question which either paralyzes job seekers into stunned silence or spurs an attack of the rambles this is actually a splendid invitation to market yourself.You have t

2、he opportunity to showcase your qualifications for the job,and present a condensed history of your professional background.Present a unified pattern in broad brushstrokes which makes a strong case that you are ideal for the job in question in no more than two minutes,tops.The interviewer can always

3、ask you to elaborate more later.This can be a“dream”question but only if youre prepared.It offers the opportunity to tell the most important things about yourself in an open-ended way youd like.In your answer,start with where you are now in your career and give a summary of the qualifications that m

4、ake you perfect for the job in question.For example:“Im a history major with over 4 years of sports broadcasting experience.For KALX,I led a team that developed and delivered a weekly sports show which reached an audience of over 2,000.”Rehearse your two-minute pitch until it falls trippingly off yo

5、ur tongue and sounds convincing and spontaneous,not mechanical.2.“What are your greatest strengths?”Pick a couple of the key personality traits employers desire drive,reliability,determination,or problem-solving skills,for example.But just saying“Im very reliable,”or“I have lots of drive,”wont convi

6、nce anyone.Give examples from your jobs to demonstrate that you indeed have what you say you do.3.“What is your greatest weakness?”Dont place your foot in your mouth and turn confessional here being painfully honest about your faults wont score you any points.The overused no-no is to turn a positive

7、 trait into a weakness(“I am a workaholic”or“I am motivated to the point of being driven”).A better answer:mention a former weakness you have overcome.For example you now possess excellent time management skills since earlier in your career you failed to allot enough time to sales calls and writing

8、up sales reports.Another option:state candidly your analytical skills are weaker than your people skills.4.“What are your most important accomplishments?”Did you help your company make money,save money,save time or become more efficient in any way?Explain how.Be aware that most job accomplishments a

9、re achieved as part of a team or department,so dont make it sound as though you single-handedly turned a situation around or executed a triumph by yourself unless you truly did.Interviewers usually can smell someone who takes credit for others work a mile away.5.“Why did you pick Cal?”86 Interview Q

10、uestions&Answers WAIVThe interviewer is looking for sound reasoning and judgment behind some of your choices,as well as the ability to articulate it.Dont act as though you went wherever the wind blew.6.“Can you handle pressure?”Of course saying“yes”will not convince anyone.Explain how you turned out

11、 a professional work product despite juggling many competing projects,or despite a short deadline,or whatever the specific pressure was.Its also recommended to note that you generally plan and manage your time well to avoid panic deadlines.7.“How do you handle deadlines?”Explain that you plan ahead

12、for the materials and staff you need to handle a project,anticipate when certain steps need to be started and completed,and build in a time cushion to prevent last-minute panic.8.“Why should I hire you?”This offers an excellent opportunity to trumpet your two-minute pitch showing why you are the ide

13、al person for the job.Summarize your qualifications and your positive personality traits matching each point of the interviewers job description with what you offer.Cite an example or two of how you can make a contribution to the job,based on your past job performance.9.“Are you willing to relocate?

14、”If you want the job,the answer is“yes”.However,remember that you never have to make a decision about a job until an offer is made to you and the job and/or the salary may be considerably reshaped by then.10.“Do you think your grades accurately reflect your ability?”If you have high grades,the answe

15、r obviously is yes.If you dont,say no,but describe other things which do demonstrate your ability your part-time or full-time job during,your leadership role in extracurricular activities,your internship at a local radio or TV station,taking care of or financially supporting a sick parent,volunteer

16、work at a local hospital once a week,etc.Do this without being defensive grades matter very little to an employer after that first post-college job,since all he or she really wants is a good employee who will perform the job well and be manageable.11.“What motivates you to put forth your greatest ef

17、fort?”Disabuse the interviewer of the suspicion that generous salary,gigantic title,and corner office are your prime motivators.Explain that,to you,a job well-done is its own best reward since your own work and ethic demand it,but that kind words of appreciation from your boss are always welcome.Add

18、 that you,like everyone,look forward to regular salary reviews.12.“What have you done that shows initiative?”Think of something which demonstrates a take-charge attitude where you came up with an idea and acted on it for the greater good of everyone.The action you took should not have flouted rules

19、and procedures.Perhaps you organized multiple tasks and deadlines for a major project you were working on?Or you can cite the time you started a typing service for your fellow students term papers and employed three students part-time or the time you traveled to Europe for two months alone,made all

20、your own travel arrangements,and funded it through part-time jobs.13.“If you could live your life over again,what would you do differently?”The interviewer is looking less for the“right”answer than for how you think,how you assess yourself,and what makes you tick to see if you are a good fit for the

21、 company.Show maturity,perspective,and sound reasoning in your answer,and mention only one thing or nothing.Perhaps you would have traveled the globe more,experienced different cultures,and met many different types of people.Or perhaps you are content,look forward to everyday with enthusiasm and vig

22、or,have no regrets,and would have changed nothing.14.“What did you learn in your college career?”The interviewer is not as interested in the subject matter you learned as in if you developed some key personality traits necessary in the work world,such as disciplined work habits,reliability,initiativ

23、e,etc.(He or she is hoping for proof you did not spend all your time partying and living off your parents money).15.“Do you have plans to continue your education?”If you do,make clear that it will be done nights or weekends,so it will not interfere with your job.16.“How was your college education fu

24、nded?”Explain the proportion covered by a scholarship,part-time jobs,and loans.If you were responsible for 100%of your education,point it out it never fails to impress.If DOR helped and if you dont want to disclose your disability,leave it out.17.“What are your hobbies?”This sounds like a harmless q

25、uestion,but usually the interviewer is trying to sound out if you will be a good fit for the corporate culture.Solitary pursuits such as reading,running,and biking indicate you prefer to be alone;sports such as baseball,softball,basketball,etc.indicate you feel comfortable being part of a team.18.“C

26、an you take direction?”Yes,you can,and you also welcome constructive criticism without feeling attacked because you understand you have a lot to learn from more experienced people in the company.19.“Describe your ideal job”Describe a job which matches the description of the job given you by the inte

27、rviewer,which enables you to use your qualifications and skills to grow and make a contribution to the company.20.“What was the last book(or movie)you read(or saw)?What did you think of it?”Be sure you mention a book you have read or a movie you have seen,not just the“hot”item of the moment,in case

28、you are asked questions about it.Pick one that stimulated your thinking and taught you something useful in the work world in other words,not the latest action thriller or horror flick.21.“Do you have any questions?”The wrong answer is“no”,or an extended“ummm”.This generally means the interview is at

29、 an end,and so is your final opportunity to score some points.Demonstrate interest,enthusiasm,and knowledge about the company and its product or service one last time.If you can,ask at least one insightful question pegged to something you read in the business press or a trade magazine why the compan

30、y is succeeding with a new strategy or more details about expansion in the division where you are interviewing.Be savvy and encourage the interviewer to talk about a subject he or she is expert on which often means youll be regarded as an excellent conversationalist.Questions about salary,benefits,o

31、r vacation are out of line here.Wait for the job offer without which you have no negotiating chip.22.“What are the reasons for your success?”Offer general reasons,back them up with an example or two from your jobs,and mention the help from colleagues or managers teamwork again to avoid coming across

32、 like an egomaniac.Perhaps you have a great deal of drive,welcome mastering new skills,have indefatigable energy you never leave the office before making one more phone call or writing one more letter,and have been lucky enough to have worked with exceptionally talented managers and staff.23.“What a

33、re some of your pet peeves?”Name some things which bother any hard-working employee colleagues who do their work incompetently,are clock-watchers,are often absent forcing others to do their work,and complain about their lack of promotions or raises.Dont indicate in any way that such peccadilloes cau

34、se you to lose your temper,and dont give examples of previous coworkers or supervisors!22.“Are you a risk taker?”The interviewer wants to know if you take prudent risks backed by knowledge,good judgment and consultation with your boss or if you are the type who flies off the handle and is apt to mak

35、e a fool out of yourself and the company.Before you answer,ask what sort of risk the interviewer has in mind.This way,you have a better idea of how to frame your answer to describe how you evaluate a risk.23.“Which of your skills can stand improvement at this time?”This is a clever way to get you in

36、to admitting your weaknesses.Say instead,that from the interviewers description you seem to have all the necessary skills and qualifications for the job,but that since one or two areas are crucial,you believe in constantly updating and polishing your skills to do the best possible job.Youre trying t

37、o make a diamond shine brighter,not confess to only being a rhinestone.24.“What was the hardest decision you ever had to make,and how did you handle it?”A major decision,such as radically reshaping strategy to help an ailing project(which,of course,succeeded),your rationale,and how you carried it ou

38、t is needed here.No need to confess any agonizing choiceswhile they may have been your most difficult decisions,avoid the trap some job-seekers fall into when faced with a friendly,you-can-tell-me tone from an interviewer.25.“Who(or what)has been a major influence on your life?”Who or what is less i

39、mportant than a sound rationale backing up why this made you into what you are today a holder of key personality traits,such as integrity,determination,initiative,that are valuable to employers.Think carefully about your formative influences parent,teacher,coach,minister and offer self-assessment wh

40、ich is on target.26.“What do you worry about?”Dont open a window into your psyche and reveal what you truly worry about at 3:00 a.m.Stick to things that are job-related and expected of a hard-working employee what the competition is doing,deadlines,team members who are not pulling their weight,winni

41、ng that new piece of business youve been eyeing but note you aim to solve the situation,not just stew about it.27.“Why do you want to switch from the public to the private sector?”While you have learned a great deal working for the government specify what you welcome the opportunity to work in an at

42、mosphere where attention is paid to the bottom line,and where individual effort and decision-making is both expected and rewarded.28.“Are you a self-starter?”If you say“yes”and stop dead,you arent.Use this question as an opportunity to sell yourself and youre proactive to your jobs.You know what to

43、do,and you go ahead and do it,without relying on constant direction and feedback from your manager.Offer the same examples as for“What have you done that shows initiative?”29.“How have you benefited from your disappointments?”No need to site specific disappointments which saddened or demoralized you

44、,unless you are asked just give a general list of how you are a better person as a result.You analyzed these events to uncover the kernel which caused them,you know now how you would act differently at various points if the same situation arose,and you remember the lessons learned so they can be app

45、lied to new situations.30.“How do you plan your time?”Show an organized,prioritized approach the interviewer dislikes visions of people who jump in an unfocused manner from one task to another,often missing out on major priorities.For example,perhaps you only return phone calls from mid-afternoon on

46、,saving the rest of the day for client meetings,staff contact,thinking,and writing.You read correspondence and trade magazines after 5:00 P.M.,and never leave before writing a“do list”for tomorrow.This way,youre ready to hit the ground running each morning.31.“Can we check your references?”If you wa

47、nt a job offer,the answer is“yes”.But if you are currently working,protect yourself say you will be happy to provide references from current and former employers at the time a job offer is extended.Add that you want these references to be checked after you have accepted a written job offer and resig

48、ned from your current company.You want to avoid the horror of having your current employer,who is not even aware you are job-hunting,being called for a reference,then failing to receive a job-offer and perhaps being terminated by your irate employer.(It happens.)32.“How do you handle rejection?”For

49、jobs in sales,public relations,and similar fields,rejection is a part of life.Answer that you do not take it personally and let it get you down;you forge ahead and make more phone calls or customer sales calls,since you realize the field is a numbers game with a high ratio of failures to successes.P

50、art Two:35-41:Work History33.“What dont you like about your current(previous)employer?”You like everything about your current or previous employer.Dont let words like personality conflict,outmoded business practices,unfair promotion systems,and other forms of criticism escape your lips.Interviewers

51、assume,rightly or wrongly,that if you badmouth one employer,you will badmouth the next.A company does not willingly hire someone who is a potential troublemaker.Save your job horror stories for friends and relatives.At your interview,say you learned a tremendous amount from your last employer and th

52、e experience was indispensable for your career.You highly respect the professionalism and judgment of your boss,and so on.34.“How long have you been looking for a job?”Not to worry if you already hold a job.Your answer:You are now seeking a job that will challenge you at this stage of your career an

53、d a company that will provide opportunities for career growth.If,however,you are unemployed,be very careful how you answer.A flat“year and a half”or“two years”will not exactly draw job offers in droves.If you have been doing constructive activities in the meantime such as helping out in your sons bu

54、siness,learning a new skill,studying for your brokers license,consulting,or chairing the fundraising committee of your favorite charity by all means say so.Subtract this time from the time you have been unemployed,so that the time you have been actively looking for a job full-time is much shorter.Av

55、oid sounding defensive or chastened if you are unemployed.Interviewers want people who are“hot commodities,”so act like the desirable candidate you are.Note that you have weighed other job offers in the meantime,but that you are being particular about the job and environment you choose so you can be

56、 challenged.Remember,how you answer an interview question is often as important as the content of what you say.35.“What do you know about our company?”Sound informed about the companys products or services,growth areas,future plans,etc.in other words,the sort of information you learned when you rese

57、arched the company,as discussed in Chapter 1.Positives only,please dont remind the interviewer of the failure of the introduction of Product X or how much stock prices have fallen since the recent government investigation.You have no business being in a job interview if you have not prepared yoursel

58、f to discuss the company and its prospects.36.“Which jobs(or duties)have you enjoyed most?”Your answer should be jobs or duties which enabled you to showcase some of the key personality traits employers desire and which,ideally,resemble the job you are presently interviewing for.37.“Which jobs(or du

59、ties)have you enjoyed least?”It doesnt speak well for you to admit to holding jobs that were dead-end or stultifyingly dull.The interviewer will wonder why you stayed.Try to find something the job taught you,or how it helped you develop one of the key personality traits employers desire.38.“How do y

60、ou get along with your current(former)boss?”You get along fine with your current or former boss,and you respect his or her ability,judgment,and professionalism.Take the high road on this.Your boss may be an ogre who rules with an iron hand,but intimations of this should never pass your lips.39.“How

61、do you deal with people with different backgrounds and value systems from your own?”You try to cooperate and get along with everyone to achieve the goals of the department and company as a whole.You enjoy working with different types of people as you learn new things and believe“variety is the spice

62、 of life.”Part Three:41-47:Salary40.“What salary are you looking for(or what is your salary requirement)?”Try to buy time,and throw the question back into the interviewers court.Its foolish to name a figure,and either cause the interviewer to chuckle inwardly at the absurdly cheap hire you are,or th

63、row yourself out of the ring by asking for too much money.This is a game where whoever names a figure first,loses.First,list all the duties of the job according to the description you have been given to make sure you and the interviewer are on the same wavelength.Then,ask what salary range he or she

64、 is allowed to offer for the job,or what salary range your skills are worth.Hopefully,you will hear a range straight from the interviewers lips,from which you can negotiate.If all else fails his or her lips are sealed counter with a range,not a fixed figure,you are comfortable with.41.“Thats a littl

65、e high for us.Can you come down a little?”Dont give in yet!throw the ball back.Ask the interviewer what he or she envisions as the salary range,and negotiate with that range in mind.You instantly weaken your negotiating position if you cave in after five seconds and lower your figure.42.“How much mo

66、ney are you worth?”Similar to asking the salary you want,this also demands you offer proof to back it up.Demonstrate an awareness of the market rate for the job based upon your skills and experience,and a confidence that your qualifications match the job requirements point by point when you name a range you are comfortable with.43.“What salary are you making now?”Since employers display a distressing propensity to take your current salary into consideration when making a salary offer generally o

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