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1、Lesson 12 Visiting the Summer PalaceSpoken English of Foreign Affairs Objectives Know what you should do and cannot do when taking foreign guests sightseeing; Be very familiar with the route to show the guests around in the Summer Palace. Learn how to introduce the cultural information in English of

2、 the Summer Palace, including the general information, the living quarter and the scenic part of it. Part I: on the way to the summer palace Puzzled: confused, not understanding Generally: popularly, widely Hectare: 1 hectare equals to 10,000 square meters Important points in part 1 1 What does the

3、name “yiheyuan” mean in English? 2 why is it usually called “the summer palace”? 3 where is it and how large is it? 4 How much of it is water? Part 2: at the living quarter East Palace Gate Qilin Rocks from TaihuPig monkeylongevity Good fortune: good luck Mythology: myths or tales concerning with hi

4、story or ancestors Grand: large and impressive Serenity: tranquility Hall of Benevolence and Longevity意为施仁政可以长寿 Benevolence: an inclination to perform kind, charitable acts Longevity: long life Dowager: A widow who holds a title or property derived from her deceased husband Envoy: A representative o

5、f a government who is sent on a special diplomatic mission Phoenix and dragon before the hall仁寿殿前两对龙两对凤,但凤居中 Hall of Happiness and Longevity 慈禧与外国公使夫人在乐寿堂合影 Garden of Moral Harmony Deheyuan Stage, The Grand Theater Building 戏楼有三层,且互相贯通,可以创造仙人从天而降,鬼神从地狱出来的气氛 Wax figure: 蜡像 Imitation: Something copied

6、 from an original. Hall of Jade Billows 光绪的妻子隆裕皇后的寝宫 Billow: A large wave or swell of water. Interior: inside Inhabitant: one that lives in a place, especially a permanent resident Part 3: At the Scenic Part The Long Corridor Corridor: A narrow hallway, passageway, or gallery Garden landscape: 园林 Se

7、ction: part beam: a horizontal support in construction. Literary classic: a literary work of art of recognized and established value, eg, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, “Journey to the West” Restore: rebuilt, reestablish Retouch: Improve or repair by small alterations or fresh touches Longevity Hill

8、 Tower of Buddhist Incense Statue of Guanyin in the tower Enjoyable: pleasing, interesting Navy: a nations entire military organization for sea warfare and defense Arch: vault, upward curve Carved: to cut into a desired shape Posture: A position of the body or of body parts Rainbow: sth appeared in

9、the sky after raining, consists of seven colors The Temple of Heaven and the 17-Arch Bridge The Dragon King 17-Arch Bridge Dock: a place where people can board the ship Dispel: To drive away or off civil and military officials: 文武官员 On display: presented or held up to view Minister: A high officer o

10、f state appointed to head an administrative department of government 部长, 大臣 Hall of Dispelling Clouds Hall of Dispelling Clouds Hall of Dispelling Clouds The Marble Boat Superstructure:the part of a building or other structure above the foundation Anglo-French forces: 英法联军 Originate : To bring into being; create Forefather: An ancestor 祖先 Blame: To find fault with; censure.指责 Drainage: The action or a method of draining.排水 Assignment:Make a performance in which you guide three or four foreigners to see the Summer Palace.

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