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1、LOGOUnit OneBusiness Education Objectives1To know something about the business education 2To get familiar with different type of business programs 3To learn new word and expressions To master how to analyze difficult and long sentence4 Click to add Title1Background informationClick to add TitleIntro

2、duction to the text3 Business terms4Words and expressionsNotes to the text12345Text A Business Education in the US vBusiness school is a university-level institution that confers degrees in Business Administration. It teaches topics such as accounting, administration, economics, finance, information

3、 systems, marketing, organizational behavior, public relations, strategy, human resource management, and quantitative methods. 1. Background information 2. Introduction of the textTheme of the textText A sketches out the current situation of business education in the US. Some elements of “new econom

4、y”, such as computer skills and e-commerce management, have supplemented the traditional business education. In addition, there are a variety of business education programs that can address various needs of the students. 本 商 务 语 篇 为 说 明 文 体 ,介 绍 了 美 国 的 商 务 教 育 现 状 。 本 文 语 言 较 为 正 式 , 文 中 出 现 了 一 些

5、缩 略 语 , 如 MBA、 Ph. D和 co-op, 避 免 了 词 汇 的 冗 余 , 使 行 文 更 简 洁 。 本 文 运 用 了 多 种 说 明 方 法 : 1. 定 义 法 ; 2. 数 据 法 ; 3. 对比 法 。 此 外 , 文 中 出 现 了 一 些 修 饰 限 制 性 的 词 语 , 如 “ more than”, “ closely”, “ primarily”, “ solely”等 。 这 些 修 饰 限 制 性 词 语 体 现 了 说 明 文 体 语 言 的 准 确 性。 总 之 , 多 种 说 明 方 法 的 运 用 , 使 得 本 文 言 简 意 赅 、 条

6、理 清 楚 。文 体特 征分 析 2. Introduction of the text v1. Cooperative education Cooperative education, commonly known as a “co-op”, is a structured method of combining classroom-based education with practical work experience. A cooperative education experience, provides academic credit for structured job exp

7、erience. Cooperative education is taking on new importance in helping young people to make the school-to-work transition, service learning, and experiential learning initiatives. 3. Business terms v2. Internship Internships may be part-time or full-time; typically they are part-time during the unive

8、rsity year and full-time in the summer, and they typically last 612 weeks, but can be shorter or longer. Internship positions are available from businesses, government departments, non-profit groups and organizations. Due to strict labour laws, European internships are mostly unpaid. Interships are

9、very popular to gain international exposure on ones resume and for foreign language improvement.3. Business terms ereto include a lot of people or things 包括;包涵 The general art course at the university encompasses a wide variety of subjects. 大学文科包括的科目范围很广。4. Words and expressionsencompass n k mp s v.

10、 ererelating to the most important parts or the basic nature of something 基本的;根本的;重要的The fundamental concern of the company is to solve the financial problems now. 目前,这家公司的首要问题是解决资金问题。 4. Words and expressionsfundamental adj. willing to cooperate; helpful 合作的; 配合的The famous actress was very cooperat

11、ive when we interviewed her. 我们采访这位著名女演员的时候,她很合作。 4. Words and expressionscooperative adj. instill v. to make someone have a particular feeling or belief 逐渐灌输(尤指思想或情感)It is important for a teacher to instill confidence into students. 对老师来说很重要的是,逐渐培养学生的自信。 4. Words and expressions supplement s pl m n

12、t v. to add sth extra in order to improve sth or make it bigger 增补;补充He supplements his income by doing a part-time job. 他做一份兼职以贴补收入。 4. Words and expressions toregister formally as a participant or member 注册;(使)入学The university will enroll approximately five thousand students this year. 这所大学今年大约招收五

13、千名学生。 4. Words and expressions enroll v. specifically sp s f kli adv. for one particular thing or type of thing 特别地;具体地This is a book specifically aimed at working women. 这是一本专门面向职业女性的书。 4. Words and expressions to connect or combine two or more things so that together they form an effective unit or

14、 system 整合;使 . 成整体It is very difficult to integrate into another culture.融入另外一种文化很困难。4. Words and expressionsintegrate nt re t v. ample adj. more than sufficient; abundant足够的;丰裕的The students are exposed to ample opportunities of attending lectures.学生有很多听演讲的机会。There are ample space for parking cars.有

15、很多停车空位。 4. Words and expressions to supply sb with something向某人提供某物He furnished me with the data of the research.他向我提供研究数据。4. Words and expressions supply sth to sb; provide sb/sth with sth 1. Some programs may consist of class work only, while otherssuch as tech-prep and cooperative education progr

16、ams, internships, and school-to-work opportunitiescombine academics with on-the-job training. (Para. 2)5. Note to the text解析 本句中while引导的是对比从句,在对比从句中,others是主语,两个破折号之间的 “such as tech-prep and cooperative education programs, internships, and school-to-work opportunities” 是插入语,combines 是谓语动词,短语combinew

17、ith意为“将与结合;兼有,兼备”,例如:The well-decorated hotel combines comfort with convenience. 这家装修很好的旅馆既舒适又方便。 2.Cooperative education (co-op) is a program which offers students a combination of college courses and work experience related to their majors. (Para. 4)5. Note to the text 解析 which引导的定语从句,修饰本句的宾语“a pr

18、ogram”。“related to their majors” 作为后置定语修饰前面的 “a combination of college courses and work experience”。值得注意的是,动词relate及其名词relation都是与介词to搭配:be related to sth; have relation to sth. 3. The main difference, however, is that those who participate in internship programs are not paid, as internships are des

19、igned specifically to provide participants with work experience. ( Para. 5) 5. Note to the text 解析 本句是由that引导的表语从句。在从句中,who引导的定语从句修饰主语those,as internships are designed specifically to provide participants with work experience是由 as引导的原因状语从句。Provide意为“提供,供给”,例如:We should provide the public with the be

20、st service. 我们应该给公众最好的服务。其他短语搭配还有:provide against预防,防备;provide for sth为.做好准备。 4. In addition to these schools, there are also privately operated business schools that grant certificates to students who complete their programs. (Para. 6) 5. Note to the text 本句有两个定语从句。第一个定语从句由that引导,修饰前面的“privately op

21、erated business schools”, 第二个定语从句由who引导,修饰students。“grant certificate to” 意为“向颁发证书”。 动词grant意为“同意,允许;给予”,例如:I grant she is a clever woman, but I dont want to be her friend. 我承认她很精明,但我不想跟她做朋友。/He takes everything for granted. 他把一切当做理所当然。 5. All of these types of business education programs provide pa

22、rticipants with career paths for high-skill technical and professional occupations by formally linking secondary and postsecondary education, and by integrating academic and occupational learning. (Para. 7)5. Note to the text 解析 本句为简单句。其中,两个介词by引导了两个方式状语,为避免用词重复,作者使用了两个意思相近的动词link和integrate。动词link 意

23、为“to connect sth with sth连接,联系”,例如:The railway links the city with another. 这条铁路将这座城市和另一个城市连接起来。 6. Students who complete such programs gain an advantage over people who concentrate solely on the academic part of business education. (Para. 7) 5. Note to the text 解析 本句中who complete such programs和who

24、concentrate solely on the academic part of business education分别是定语从句修饰先行词students和people。gain an advantage over是本句的谓语动词短语,意为“比有优势”,例如:He is very tall, due to which he can gain over other plays. 他个子很高,正因如此,他比其他运动员有优势。 Click to add Title1Background informationClick to add TitleIntroduction to the text

25、3 Business terms4Words and expressionsNotes to the text12345Text B Why Study an MBA? vHistory of the MBA The MBA degree made its first appearance in the United States during the early 20th century. At the time, the United States was the only country that offered such programs. The Wharton Business S

26、chool, established in 1881, was the first business school in the country. However, the Tuck School of Business, which was the first management school in the country, was the first to begin awarding masters degrees in the commercial sciences (the predecessor of the MBA that we know today). Soon, othe

27、r colleges began to offer these programs. Currently, there are hundreds of universities the world over that offer MBA degree courses.1. Background information 2. Introduction of the textTheme of the textText B analyzes why the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) is so popular, as well as what a

28、re the career prospects of MBA students. The MBA programs, due to its diversity and flexibility, are appealing to more and more students. 本文属于商务广告,介绍了MBA受欢迎的原因,攻读MBA的必要性,MBA课程的特点,及拥有MBA学位的就业前景。 文中出现了很多褒义形容词和副词,例如:popular, vigorously,highly, good, comfortable, diverse.;有的褒义修饰词还以比较级或者最高级形式出现,如:more、be

29、tter,best,等等。这些褒义词都体现了广告文体引导性、劝说性的特点。 本文还运用了一些比喻修辞法,例如:第二段“brick and mortar operation”、“the cornerstone for such success”,第五段“like a magnet”,第七段中的并列句“Mighty forces have converged, and the stars have aligned in your favour”也用了比喻修辞。这些非正式表达方式的运用使得本文的表达 更生动形象,从而更有感染力 。文 体特 征分 析 2. Introduction of the te

30、xt vThe Master of Business Administration (MBA) 工商管理硕士 The Master of Business Administration (MBA)is a college degree program that is a compulsory requirement for many business-related careers and has been proven to enhance skills and qualifications in others. 3. Business terms ereclearly seen or un

31、derstood; obvious 清楚易见或懂;明显;显然Then, for no apparent reason, the car suddenly stopped. 接着,不知什么原因,火车突然停了下来。 4. Words and expressionsapparent / p r nt adj. erehappening or done at the same time as something else 同时发生地;同步地: The program will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio. 节目将同时在电视和广播中进行转播。

32、4. Words and expressions ere Robbery is a rare occurrence in the small village. 在这个小村庄, 抢劫事件鲜有发生。 4. Words and expressions erethe powerful effect that something has on sb/sth 巨大影响;强大作用 The speech of the professor made a profound impact on everyone. 教授的演讲对每个人都有深远的影响。 4. Words and expressions erean ob

33、ject with a magnetic surface that you can stick onto a metal surface 磁体;磁性物质The beach is a magnet for the young people. 这个海边吸引了很多年轻人。 4. Words and expressions eremaking you feel less worried or uncertain about something 令人感到宽慰的;令人放心的 My father gave me an assuring pat on my back before I went into th

34、e classroom to take the exam. 我进教室参加考试前,父亲轻轻拍我的背,给我鼓励。 4. Words and expressions eremore than is necessary; large 丰富的;充足的 On behalf of the school, Id like to show our gratitude for your generous donation. 我代表学校,向您的慷慨捐赠表示感谢。4. Words and expressions ereto emphasize or show that something is important o

35、r true 强调;突显 The accident underscores the need for better safety standards. 这次事故突出了制定更高的安全标准的必要。 4. Words and expressions ereto move towards a place from different directions and meet to form a large crowd 汇集;聚集;集中 Enthusiasts from around the world converge on Shanghai for the expo. 热心的观众从世界各地涌到上海参观

36、世博会。 4. Words and expressions ereto change something slightly so that it is in the correct relationship to something else 使一致 Due to different opinions on politics, they refused to align themselves with another party. 由于政见不同,他们拒绝与另外一个党联合。4. Words and expressions a possibility that something will hap

37、pen 有根据的希望;期望The prospect of meeting her favorite writer exhilarated her very much. 可能会见到自己最喜欢的作家,这让她很兴奋。 4. Words and expressions to make use of something使用;利用;运用As a writer, he has to draw on/upon his own imagination and experience. 作为一名作家,他必须依赖自己的想象力和生活经历来创作。 4. Words and expressions 1. What is e

38、qually true is that for the first time, the world economy is truly global, where what happens in one part of the world is not only known almost simultaneously to the occurrence of the event, but the impact can be felt as well.(Para. 2)5. Note to the text本句为that引导的表语从句。本句的主语由主语从句what is equally true充

39、当。在表语部分,where引导的从句为状语从句修饰the world economy, 在这个定语从句中,what happens in one part of the world为主语部分,谓语部分是is not onlybut also。This is a world in which we can be informed of the latest events, and besides, at the same time we can feel the influence of those events; so the world economy is global for the f

40、irst time. 2. In an age where the modern employee is very transitory, often changing jobs every three to five years, todays employers, instead of investing in expensive in-house training for employees who may not stay, have also turned to the ranks of MBA programs to find the best talent available.

41、(Para. 3)5. Note to the text本句的主干成分为Todays employers have also turned to the ranks of MBA programs to find the best talent available. In an age where the modern employee is very transitory, often changing jobs every three to five years为状语部分,其中where the modern employee is very transitory是定语从句修饰先行词age

42、。instead of investing in expensive in-house training for employees who may not stay为插入语,其中who may not stay为定语 从句修饰先行词employees。 3. MBA programs have worked vigorously to make certain that the make up of their student bodies are as diverse as the global economy in which the MBA graduate must work.(Pa

43、ra. 4)5. Note to the text本句中to make certain that the make up of their student bodies are as diverse as the global economy in which the MBA graduate must work为目的状语。其中,in which the MBA graduate must work为定语从句修饰先行词economy。“make up”意为“组成, 构成(成分)”。不同语境中,make up 还可意为“化妆”、“性格”等,例如:To my surprise, she does

44、not wear make up today. 她今天没化妆。/ Jealousy is not part of her make up. 嫉妒不是她的本性。 As the students will work in a diverse global economy after graduation, MBA programs have tried their best to enroll students from different backgrounds to create such an diverse environment. 4. Finally, MBA programs hav

45、e done much to make certain that the case studies that comprise a great portion of the classroom pedagogical experience, reflects what is happening in the marketplace.(Para. 4)5. Note to the text 本句中make certain 之后的that引导的是宾语从句。在该宾语从句中:主语是the case studies,其后的that引导的是定语从句,谓语是 “reflects what is happen

46、ing in the marketplace”。动词reflect本意为 “反射,照出(如水中或镜中的)影像”,例如:I can see my image reflected on the mirror. 我在镜子中看到自己的样子。在本句中,reflect意为“反映(某种情况或感情)”,例如:The book reflects the current situation of the unemployed. 这本书反映了当前失业人员的状况。 5. Such networking is not limited to fellow students, but includes internship

47、 opportunities, drawing upon a highly qualified faculty, and connecting to the schools vast alumni ranks. (Para. 5)5. Note to the text 本句有两个动词现在分词drawing upon a highly qualified faculty, and connecting to the schools vast alumni ranks作状语。名词faculty此处意为“全体教员”,还可意为 “a natural ability能力”, 例如: The old la

48、dy is still in command of all her faculties.这位老妇人仍然耳聪目明。 6. From the traditional format of taking two years off from what you are doing to the modern format of doing your MBA at night, on weekends or over the Internet, there is no obstacle that can truly prevent you from pursuing an MBA.(Para. 6) 5.

49、 Note to the text本句的主句是there is no obstacle that can truly prevent you from pursuing an MBA,其前为状语。该状语的主要结构是from the traditional format to the modern format, 其中,of taking two years off from what you are doing和 of doing your MBA at night, on weekends or over the Internet分别为介词短语作后置定语。短语take off在本句中意为“休

50、息,不工作”,例如:I am taking two weeks off. 我打算休息两个礼拜。在不同语境中take off还可意为“脱掉(衣服),飞机起飞,迅速流行”,例如:The new book has really taken off. 这本新书真是大受欢迎。 Click to add Title1Background informationClick to add TitleIntroduction to the text3 Business terms4Words and expressionsNotes to the text12345 Text C Distance Learni

51、ng Pros and Cons vWith the growth of online education, nearly every type of degree has come to have according online programs available to teach it. MBAs are no exception, and students can enjoy the flexibility of learning online and getting their degrees without having to take years off from their

52、careers, costly in money and experience, to do so.1. Background information 2. Introduction of the textTheme of the textText C introduces a new trend to elevate oneselfdistance learning, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning. As to whether distance learning is beneficia

53、l, it depends on ones own personality and attitude. 本商务语篇为说明文体,介绍远程教学的优势和弊端。本文思路清晰,结构合理,条理清楚,语气温和中肯,表达客观。在用词方面,文章中出现了大量的情态动词,其中,尤以can 和would 出现次数最多,其它还有“may”, “are not able to”,这些低值情态动词的使用,令文章的语气更加温和、委婉。本文称读者为“you”,使得文章的正式程度降低,拉近与读者距离,令文章更具亲和力。文 体特 征分 析 2. Introduction of the text v Distance learnin

54、g Distance education, or distance learning, is a field of education that focuses on the pedagogy, technology, and instructional system designs that aim to deliver education to students who are not physically “on site” in a traditional classroom or campus. It has been described as “a process to creat

55、e and provide access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both.” In other words, distance learning is the process of creating an educational experience of equal quality for the learner to best suit their need outside the classroom. 3. Bus

56、iness terms alternative n. ere a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities可供选择的事物 Everyone has the alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor. 每个人都可以结婚也可以单身。 4. Words and expressions query n. ere a question, especially one asking for information or expressing a do

57、ubt about sth 疑问;询问 Your interesting report aroused several important queries. 你的精彩报告引起了几个重要问题。 4. Words and expressions hindrance n. ere a person or thing that makes it more difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen 造成妨碍的人/事物 Please allow the bearer of this card to pass freely without hindran

58、ce. 请予本卡持有人顺利通过。 4. Words and expressions enhance v. ereto increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of sb/sth 提高;增强;增进 It is very necessary to enhance the environmental awareness of the people.有必要提高人们的环保意识。 4. Words and expressions self-discipline - n. ere the ability to make yo

59、urself do sth, especially sth difficult or unpleasant自我约束能力 4. Words and expressionsDieting requires much self-discipline. 节食需要一些自我约束能力。 supervision n. ere management by overseeing performance or operation of a person or group 监督;管理;指导;主管 4. Words and expressionsChildren should be under supervision

60、when they are playing outside. 当孩子在外面玩耍时,应该有人照看。 the advantages and disadvantages of sth. 赞成和反对的理由;利弊;正反两方面;优缺点Before you make a decision, you should weigh the pros and cons first. 你做决定前,应该先权衡利弊。 4. Words and expressions to choose something 选择某事物After he graduated from college, he opted for a career

61、 in music. 他大学毕业后,选择了从事音乐工作。 4. Words and expressions at a time which is suitable for someone 在某人方便的时候Please give me a phone call at your convenience.请在您方便时给回个电话。 4. Words and expressions make use of 利用. The company made avail of the opportunity and waged an ad campaign.这家公司利用这个机会,发起一次广告大战。4. Words

62、and expressions be named or defined as被归为;被看作;被定义为 This kind of music is termed as plainsong. 这种音乐被称之为素歌。 4. Words and expressions 1. Earlier, distance learning was not considered to be so valuable, however, there are many companies and employers who are appreciating the employees who are studying t

63、hrough distance learning while working. (Para. 1) 5. Note to the text 解析 本句为however连接的并列从句。在第二个分句中,第一个who引导的定语从句修饰companies and employers,第二个who引导的定语从句修饰the employees。 2.These assignments would be assessed by professors who would send you feedback. (Para. 1) 5. Note to the text who引导定语从句修饰professors

64、。assess意为“to think carefully about something and then make a judgment about it评价,判断”,例如:Before you made a decision, you should assess the economic situation carefully first. 在你做决定之前,首先要仔细判断经济形势。 3. It also does not help in enhancing ones oral communication skills, whereas in a classroom setting, one

65、 would have to get involved in group discussions and debates about various issues. (Para. 11)5. Note to the text 此处it指代前文提到的distance learning。Whereas意为“used to compare or contrast two facts用以比较或者对比两个事实”, 引导对比从句。例如:Some of the studies of the phenomenon show positive result, whereas others do not. 关于这

66、个现象的一些研究结果令人满意,然而其他的则不然。 4. Before making a decision, it is important to weigh the distance learning pros and cons. (Para. 13)5. Note to the text 动词weigh本意为 “to find the weight of something by using a special machine称重”, 其引申含义为 “to consider something carefully衡量,权衡”, 例如:Weighing the merits against its drawbacks, we may reasonably come to the following conclusion. 经过权衡其利弊,我们有理由得出以下结论。 5. Though distance learning can be termed as a

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