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1、Lesson 10 Before and After September 11-Tai Moses Teaching Aims and Requirements The background information about the author Tai Moses The background information about “The Events of September 11 Americans attitude and the Americans policy after the 911 attack the national paranoia in the United Sta

2、tes The authors opinion:strengthen, not to weaken democracy 1. Why does the author use two opposite before and after?2. Which should go first, individuals liberty and freedom or loyalty to ones country? 3. What is the authors attitude toward “National Security”?Warm-up Why does the author write the

3、article?The first paragraph on P152 offers us some information on the circumstances under which the author wrote this article. Please sum up the background for the article.background governments attitude and publics reaction 91% of the American public considered such policy the right one in guiding

4、the United States along the correct path. Publics reactiongovernments law Publics reaction “The Patriot Act” authorizes the interception of wire, oral and electronic communications for the production of evidence and it authorizes the FBI to request telephone toll and transaction records, financial r

5、ecords and consumer reports. 26%-not enough restriction on civil iberties 60%-right, 10%-go too fargovernments poicy Homeland security becomes a top priority. Bush Administration declared war on world terrorism. He said, “America will do what is necessary to ensure our nations security.” Dilemma Und

6、er such circumstances it is very difficult for one to air different views. Anyone who expresses views different from the conservative mainstream view would be accused of being “unpatriotic” or “anti-America”. But the American democratic tradition is still there. There are still some outspoken people

7、, such as the author of the article under our study. He is putting another approach towards 9/11 and holds that in order to win the struggle against terrorism abroad it is all the more necessary to strengthen, not to weaken, freedom and democracy at home. Organization of the essayPart I (Paras. 1-6)

8、 Part II (Paras. 7-11) Part III (Paras. 12-15) Part IV (Paras. 16-19) Part V (Paras. 20-23) Part VI (Paras. 24-28) Part I (paras 1-6) This section gives a general description of the change in the United States after September 11. “The events of September 11 divided out world into two radically diffe

9、rent eras.” .a new age of anxiety was born. Sep. 11 attacks were not considered as single, individual actions but part of a well-coordinated, well-organized plan of a terririst group with global reach. Terrible things or more terrible things may follow.anxiety: a state of feeling uneasy apprehensive

10、 or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event Two radically different erasThe pre-9/11 world The post 9/11 eraIdyllic-peaceful, happy SecuresafePeople talk about it with a feeling of deep respect and love which can only be found in talking about dead people. an astonishing

11、 new landscapeUnmapped wilderness-unclear and is full of uncertainties, like an uncultivated, wild region that has not been explored. evidence? What does the Bush Administration do in the post 9/11 era? Guardsmen are stationed at the airport Airspace over Yankee Stadium is closed The vice-presidents

12、 safekeeper whisk him Bin Laden is presumably moved from cave to cave Anthrax panic sends Congress running from its Chambers. A fierce battle is being waged for its psychic,political and material capital. the struggle for the soul of the 21st century a battalion of securitycrats and generals sre att

13、empting to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda. Para 2 shows us that America was strong and well prepared for further terrorist attacks. Para 4 tells us again that securitycrats and generals in Bush Administration are taking the lead in the violent attack The authors opinion Para 5

14、symbol 圣 像 ;象 征 image of god or person that is greatly loved 偶像;神像 general impression a person or firm gives to public形象 What are the two kinds of patriotism in para.11? 文字内容1 2upholding the principle embodied in the constitutionpolitical stabilityeconomic growthsocial progress display of the flag,

15、intensely patrioticirrational emotion Part III (paras 12-15) What is the relationship between this part and the previous part? The result of national paranoia is the hardening of outlook-. war on terrorism Sacrifice the civil libertiesExamples? Key Sentences It has not been fashionable for some time

16、 to assign oracular qualities to Orwells novel, 1984. (para 12)give hidden meaning to 赋予隐意/神谕 imprisonment without trial未 经 审 讯 即 监 禁 , public execution公 开 处 决 , torture to extract confessions严 刑 拷 打 逼 供 Key Sentences But many of us . state security.para.14 (1) How, according to the writer, do many

17、Americans define their personal safety (2) What was happening to these liberties, according to the writer?They consider the civil liberties embodied in the Bill of Rights and in the Constitution as the most important guarantee of personal safety. They are being weakened or cancelled by the authority

18、 of national security. In other words, for the sake of security of the country, people are being asked to give up some of the liberties they enjoy by law. Bill of Rights This is one of the most important principles of the Constitution. Based on the concept of the dignity of the individual, this prin

19、ciple reverses the common notion that the individual is subordinate to the state and declares the most important characteristic of a just society should be the recognition of individual worth. The Bill of Rights contains the most sweeping and substantive protections for the individual rights in the

20、US. Included, among other things, are rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press, the right to a recognizable procedure in criminal law, and the freedom of religion. Bill of Rights (cont.)The Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the Constitution) guarantees: freedom of religion freed

21、om of speech freedom of the press freedom of assembly and petition freedom from unreasonable searches right to jury trial right to due process of law other legal rights Key Sentences it is something we associate with repressive regimes, not with participatory democracies.We are used to thinking that

22、 Western democracies practice rule of law and individual rights and freedom are protected by law. Violation of individual rights and suppression of dissenting voices can only be found in repressive regimes. para.15 What kind of liberties are compromised?at homeabroadcompromisethe nations integrityun

23、dermine American incredibility Part IV (paras 16-19) shop dropattacksThe rampant materialism;Economic patriotismAccompanying symptomsSeparation and compulsion Is the author in favor of the governments measure? Largest oil-consuming country: U.S.A Oil-producing countries ( Iraq, for example)Relies he

24、avily on the import of oil from the Gulf area. The Arab world would turn against and cut off the oil supply K ey Sentences There was a relaxing of the rampant materialism, along with its ugly stepsisters isolation and compulsion, that has been the undoing of community in this country. (para 18)less

25、serious, reducing widespread, unstrained cause of ruin, downfall or destruction 毁灭的原因 People began to put less emphasis on the pursuit of wealth and possession of worldly goods (property). And the other two dangerous symptoms that went with materialism, that is, physical separation from others and i

26、rrational behavior as a result of impulse, also became less serious. Materialism, together with the accompanying symptoms of separation and compulsion, had been the cause of the ruin of community in this country. before 911 70-hour workweek shopping malls 200 satellite channels gameboys materialism

27、, together with the accompanying symptons of separation and compulsion, had been thecause of the ruin of the community of this country. This Frankensteinian creation asserts that consumption is an American value, extols the nepenthean powers of the dollar and in effect, discourages national introspe

28、ction at a time when it would be most valuable.n. (据 传 说 古 希 腊 人 用 的 )忘 忧药 , 解 忧 烦 之 物 nepenthe nepeni at a time when it is highly important for Americans to look into ourselves and ask ourselves why “they hate us”, this concept directs our attention and thinking away from such analysis.作法自毙或作茧自缚的臆造

29、 changes after 911 ideas and creativity gathering with others and talking singing questioning and arguing Part V (paras 20-23) Historys lessons September 11 is both unique and not unique. The attack is unique but the suffering is not unique. 9/11 How to view the attack in history? Key Sentences Ther

30、e exists no suitable analogy for those murdered buildings, for the thousands of lives snuffed out by suicidal terrorists armed with box cutters. destroy or put an end to sth Just a number of suicidal terrorists armed with box cutters hijacked passenger planes, destroyed the Twin Towers and killed th

31、ousands of lives. Such terrorist acts have no precedents. You cannot find anything even partially resembling such terrorist attacks.September 11 is unique. There has never been anything that resembles it. world war I The assasination of the Austrian heir-apprarent and his wife in Sarajevo on June 28

32、, 1914 was the flashpoint of World War IResult-death of 10 million soldiers and 20 million woundedworld war II surprise attack on Pearl Harbor brought America into WWIIResult-4500American soldiers killed or wounded the loss of lives went up to 90 millionin 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon on Sep. 15, 198

33、2, Massacre took plae in two Palestinian camps. between 200-800 Palestinian men, women, children were slaughtered. wars in modern society History is a gallery of unspeakable crimes. History records many crimes committed by human beings which are so terrible that they are beyond description. so bad,

34、evil or terrible as to be beyond description We tend these images like poisonous flowers in a nightmare garden. - The atomic bomb produces poisonous fallout. Carbon monoxide (CO) in Pompeii was also poisonous. The final scene in Hiroshima or in Pompeii was a nightmare. Hence the comparison. 53 Parag

35、raph 23 Content 03Content 02Content 01 our suffering from 9/11 is not unique our understanding of the tragedy may not be correct; the pursuit of peace should still be our noblest goal.This paragraph is an answer to the question “What messages do Hiroshima and Babi Yar, or Dresden and Antietan, have

36、for us?” Part VI (Paras. 24-28) How does the author end the article?In a positive toneWhat Americans should do Key Sentence Is our democracy so fragile that four airplane bombs can erode 225 years of liberty? Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?-P

37、atric Henry难道生命如此珍贵,和平如此甜美,以至于不惜为此戴锁链,当奴隶吗? It has never been more clear that we will have true and lasting security when the rest of the world has true and lasting security. poverty conflict insecurityThere will be no true security for Americans unless there is true security in the rest of the worl

38、d. In other words, war on terrorism should aim at eliminating the root cause: conflict, insecurity, poverty all over the world. If we cannot solve these issues, we will not have lasting security no matter how we strengthen homeland defense. key sentence He and his fellow passengers did not let what

39、must hve been abject fear prevent them from acting-para.26It refers to the fear when people face death. It usually paralyses them, making them unable to take any action. key sentence It is a terrible irony that for a short time, .para.28It is an irony because the high point of the ideal of American

40、democracy is linked with the forcing of the down-crash of a hijacked airplane and the death of scores of people.It is terrible because great loss of human lives is involved. According to writer, what was the battle cry? The battle cry was “well do something about it”. We know we are all going to die

41、 some day. But that should not prevent us from taking action for the best interest of all and from trying our best to make a better, safer world. 当这架注定要摔下的飞机还在高空飞翔时,恰恰就在这短暂的时间里,美国的民主理想升华到顶峰。两者结合在一起真是一种可怕的讽刺。 What do you think of the ending of the piece? The writer uses what happened on Flight 93 and

42、 Thomas Burnett as shining examples to show that this is real American value. The spirit of selflessness, the courage, the democratic decision all point to the qualities that make Americans American. In this way the article ends in a positive note, pointing out what Americans should do. Discussion W

43、hat insight do you get from the passage? Please explain your idea with some supporting evidence from the lesson. Extension1. He is poor but not _in his manner. A. abiding B.objective C. subject D. abject2 . The mountainous island_ on the horizon. A. appeared B.loomed C. showed D.emerged3. If there i

44、s any mischief _, he is sure to be in at it. A. aloof B. afoot C. alone D. appalling D B B 4. Our manager has an_ will. A. invulnerable B.invincible C. iron D. introspective5. Attention to detail is the _ of a fine craftsman. A. landmark B. landscape C. hallmark D. hallway6. Being the only son in th

45、e family, the young man was_ military servic A. immune from B. cut back on C. liberated from D. detracted from B C A 7 The chairman_ the party workers to take action. A. exalted B. exhorted C. exiled D. ventured 8. We _at the good news. A. solidify B.mired C. rejoiced D. projected 9. He _ himself in

46、to the heros situation. A. projected B.smoldered C. extracted D. repressed B C A 1.A. 支持的。B,客观的,C.主观的。D 卑贱的 2.appear, emerge, show, loom这些动词均有“出现”之意。 appear: 强调公开露面,被看见。 emerge: 侧重缓缓出现的过程。 show: 语气较强,强调“露出来”。 loom: 指朦胧出现,好像从雾中浮现出来一样。 3. 段落一This article is basically a rational rethinking of the Ameri

47、cans attitude and the Americans policy after the 911 attack. The author talks about the general problems among Americans like the general anxiety, insecurity, and materialism. And then he calls for rationality and true courage. 段落二Sense of security can never be restored through methods like that. It can only be reached by the pursuit of peace, by the disappearance of the American supremacy.段落三单击添加内容文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字。 单击此处添加标题 单击此处添加段落文字内容单击此处添加段落文字内容单击此处添加段落文字内容单击此处添加段落文字内容单击此处添加段落文字内容单击此处添加段落文字内容单击此处添加段落文字内容单击此处添加段落文字内容

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