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1、宜宾市2021年初中学业水平.号试称高中阶段学校招生考成英 语(考试时间:120分计.,注意事项:,全代满分:15。分)I等题前,务必将自己的H名、鹿住要卡背面座住号对应标号除黑 ,次考证号现簪在答疑卡指定的位豆并将答题23.4冬送抵超时,务必使用2 B铅笔把答“匕像皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案(号 上对秘题目的苏生标号徐黑 如秀改动,用等非选择我时.务必使用0.5毫米;色芬w所有题11必须在不题卡规定的位苴上子:持茶熏书写在各题卡规定的住直上选择题(共二部分:蓝荔:第 一 部 分 听(共2。小 题,每 小 题L 5分,满 分3。分)选 出 量K黑5篇 瞑 黑*管 圻 个 小 题 从 期 中 所

2、 给 的 人B.C:个选项中器 黑 篇 遍 你 都 仃|Q秒钟的时间来回答彳快小鹿和阅读下一小题.L Who gave the man his first English dictionary?A.His father.R2.Whats the red building?His mother.C.His grandmotherA.The library.p3-Which cap docs the woman prefer?The teaching building.C.The dining halLA.The white one.34.hat is Annie going to do toni

3、ght?The yellow one.c.The black one.A.Go to a party.B5.What time is it now?Go to a movie.c.Go 0 a dinner.A.9:00 a.m.11:30 a.m.c.2:30 p.m.而”段时活或独白,每段对法城独门后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、笠 出 最 什 选 服 所 毋 段 对 话 或 独 门 帆 你 将 有 时 间 阀 设 芥 个 小 嫁 每 小 腮5秒也 零 各 小 做 将 给 出5秒仲的作答时问.何段对诘或独向奶遍,听第6段对话,卜恪第6、7两个小题.6.Whai are(he two sp

4、eaker,waiting fOf?A.A student.no.,15-An l.iiglish class.7-7a,S,e n,OS,possible re岫 皿hip bc.wcC II u m w f k e r s?A.Slragcrs._B Friends.英 语 试 卷 节|页(共1 0页)(A tennis game.(二 NeighborsII121516171820第1页 共1 0页明第7段对话.网答第8个第I。-个小题.8.What is the man doing now?9.B.Checking the Inteniet.Why does the man warn

5、to go to Australia?C.Studying English.A.To visit his uncle.B.To have a holiday.C.To improve his English.10.Whai doe、the woman think of Australian Centre lor languages,?A.Well-known.B.Boring.叫第8 段对话.回答第H 至 第 13三个小题.C.Relaxing.W.How is the man coming io the city?A.By bus.B.By train.C.By subway.12.How

6、should the man go after getting out oflhe train station?A.Turn right.B.Tum left.C.Go straight.13.Where is the museum?A.On the left of the block.14.B.On the right of the blockC.In the middle of the block.斯第9 段对话,回答第14至第16 1 个小虺.How old is Tom?A.11.B.15.C.18.15.What is Toms father?A.An actor.B.A teach

7、er.C.A doctor16.Where docs Toms brother want to go to university?A.In China.B.In France.所下面一段独口,回答第17至 第 2 0 四个小题。C.In America.17.How many suggestions does the speaker give?A.2.B,3.C.4.18.What is necessary for a reading space if you want to read at liomc A.Being big enough.B.Being full of bookcases.

8、C.Being quiet and comfortable.19.b VWhere can you read all kinds of great booksA.At home.B.In the library.C.Al school20.What docs the speaker mainly talk about?A.What kinds of books to read.B.Wliere to read all kinds of books.C.How 用 s o m e w h e r e fa r a w a y.he w o u l d m a k e hi s w a y ba

9、ck .o Ta.k a n g H o s p向 a n dhis owner to 34一-Although Xiaobao canl we understandt ha t he i s s u r el ys t i l l l o o k i n g fo r hi sowner.”she told reporters.RwailingcsleepingD.working26.A.eatingphvD.to27.A.duringB.fromIoyw nerD.baby28.A.doctorB.neighborcD.hospital29.A.stationB.supermarketii

10、hoiltcccityfight againstD.look after30.A.search fbrB.won j 5 1cmiddleD.lune31.32.33.A.A.A.endwantedcarefullyB.B.B.beginningrefusedangrilycagreedpatientlyfeedD.D.Ddecidedhappilyhelp34.A.prepareB.returnDwalkpla英 语 试 心 笫3act35.A.speakB.员(我10页)第3页 共1 0页第二H阅读理解(共I,小跑,每小题2分.分3 0分)间质卜列也匕从俗趣所给的四个选M (A.B、C.D

11、)中,选 出 聚 佳 明A1,i s r q x r i ed t ha t i hc co s t o f l i v i n g ha s been n s i n g n r o u n d t he w o r l d i n r ecen t y ea r s.In t hes t u dy.214 ci t i es w o r l dw i de w er e s u r v ey ed.So.w hi ch ci t i es a r e t he m o s t ex p en s i v e t o l i v e i n?To k y o.Ja p a nTo k y o

12、 i s o n e o f t he m o s t ex p en s i v e p l a ces t o l i v e i n Ther e a r e a l s o t w o o t her Ja p a n es e ci t i esi ha t ha v e m a de!l w t o p 10 IIKI t hi s y ea r.Os a k a n n d Na go y n No w.To k y o i s a bo u t o n e t hi r d m o r eex p en s i v e t l w n Ka r a chi,w hi ch i

13、s t he l ea s t ex p en s i v e ci t y n m o n g t he 214 ci t i es.Mo n t hl y r en t,l u x u r y 2-l w t l n w m a p a n n i cn t:U S S 4.K48Cu p o f co ft cc:USS 8.29 Fa s t fo o d m ea l USS 8.29Si n ga p o r eSi n ga p o r e,l i k e o t her ci t i es i n As i a,ha s s een a bi g i n fl o w o f

14、fo r ei gn er s,w hi ch ha s m a i n l yp u s hed u p t he p n ee o f ho u s i n g a n d o t her l i v i n g co s t s.Si n ga p o r e,s a v er a ge m o n t hl y r en t fo r a2-bedr o o m a p a r t m en t i s m u ch l o w er t ha n t ha t i n t he a bo v e t hr ee Ja p a n es e ci t i esMo n t hl y r

15、 en t,l u x u r y 2-bcdr o o m a p a r t m en t:USS 3,588Cap o f co ffee:US$5.18 Fa s t fo o d m ea l:USS 5.66Ho n g Ko n g.Chi n aHo n g Ko n g,n ex t Io Si n ga p o r e,i s t he o n l y Chi n es e ci t y t o m a k e t he t o p 10 l i s t The a v er a gem o m hl y rent fbr a 2-bedr o o m a p a r t

16、m en t j u m p ed by a r o u n d U S S I JOO.Wi t h a l i m i t ed ho u s m a,a p p l y.t he a v er a ge ho u s e p r i ces ha v e r i s en s ha r p l y by o v er 93 p er cen t bet w een 2010 a n d 20 二Mo n t h r en t,l u x u r y 2-bedr o o m a p a r t m en t:US S 7,092Cu p o f co fk e:USS 6.83 Fa s

17、 t fo o d m ea l:U S$3.54M Wher e ca n w e ea s i l y fi n d t he p a s s a ge?A A geo gr a p hy bo o k.B.A s ci en ce Het i o n.A s u r v ey r ep o r t.D.A n a t u r e m a ga z i n e.37 H o u fj u n y J叩u n es e ci t i es a r c u m u n g(he l o p 10 l i s t?A.On e B.Tw o.,C.Thr ee D.38.H o w m u ch

18、 w 山 y o u p a y t o r t w o cu p s o f cu ft ec i n Si n ga p o r e?A.USS 16.58 B.USS 13.66.C.U S$1 1 3 2 D.39.Whi ch ci i b houbc p r i ce hd c n i cr ea s cd Ux UM A Si n ga p o r e B.1 l o n g Ko n g.C.Na go y a.D.4.Wha l do es t he p a&Mi gc i n a i n l y t a l k a bo u t?A.An i n i r u du cl i

19、 o n o f As i a n c igB.1加 i n u s t s u i t o bi c cities t o l i v e i nC.A M e y i a i h M 214 c i g w o r l dw i de.D.Ihc 3 i n i t t i ex p m w v e As u u i u i Ucs U)l i v e u i英信认冬 4 M IQ )To k y oU S S 103ft第4页 共1 0页Some time ago.a man punished his 3-year-old daughter fo r wpaper.Money was s

20、hort and he became angry when the child lrjc d:咽 1建“四”飕little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said,I a box.U o.v e r.似.c“n,s 18 or you.Daddy.”The man was happy,but he became angry again when he,Ol,n*ui the box was empty.Heshouted at her.Dont you know,when you give someone a

21、nrpsz,.,.,p c se n,,there should be somethinginside?-The little girl looked up al him with tears in her ev,ycs and cncd,P h.Daddy,ifs notemptv I blew kisses into the box.niey re all for you,Daddv Th,.1 h c ther was moved.He put hisanns around his little girl,and he begged(恳求)for her 如怖日心O n c da,初 a

22、ccidcnuook the life th e child.The father still kcp(th a l go U J b y h js b e dfor many years and.whenever hc was discouraged,he would 小&c.,.,u iaKe out an imaginary kiss andremember the love of the child who had put it there.B.The magic giftD.Thegirfs tears.In 11real sense,we have been given a gol

23、d box filled with unconditional love and lasses.from our children,family members and friends.There are simply no ocher thmgs.anyone couldhold,more precious than this.41.Why did the little gir!make a box?A.To have fiin.B.To keep her money.C.To give her father a gift.D.To make her father angry.42.What

24、 made the father angry again?A.The empty box.C.The girl fs kisses.“Whai is the Chinese meaning of the word forgiveness?B.盛谢 C.道献44 Whai can we know Iron,the third paragraph?A-The girl hated her father.B Ilie man missed his kid deeply.C The box was really full of kisses.D.The accident nearly killed t

25、he girl.45.Which is probably(he best title for the passage?A.BC.I).A Gill of LoveA Sad AccidentA Strang。(沁 心 BoxA l ather Cjrea!Love英 诸 试 卷 累 5 口第5页 共1 0页Before the discovery of DNA(.Vway t。solve serious enmes.It-S 2;:;:;叫 曲s.味即:皿knw our fingerpnn ls 8H d show:忆 has L%,小According to The Conversati;:

26、1H U!l?0认Bu,dl d 丫。habf b k mc d i c Hi W:m show j andSo how can we work all this 0U|f-Jb fa person.Well,a fingerprint is fomied ,/:;:,而叱叱何冲“,O 峰 eye and require a chemical d c v l l f叫/出 入 网 网 即 叫 c1m1 加5between the raised lines of a fingerprint arctl J them shown.Stucklike sweat,blood and food sho

27、w a lot of im:3n*8 b o m w h o w e arc ThingsBesides,its use could be much wider For vtreating their patients.A fingerprint check may al f 1 八 刖 11,hc fu l u r c t 0 do cl o r 5medicine.!n the E g n t of some of the z;i o u 改批 a 1s 旧 丫 hav.ng athe most senous illnesses,having proper medic.ne B m po,

28、the future,fmgerpnnt ce can be used by tl,e police and help docon keep us,n thebest possible health.46.What can we learn from Paragraph I?A.DNA can be used to solve serious crimes.B.Fingerprints may show everything about us.C.We didnt begin to use fingerprints until 1980s.D.Fingerprints arc now the

29、easiest way to solve crimes.47.Fingerprints may not show a persons.A.lifestyle B.looksC.eating habits D medical problems48.What can make a fingeqrint lell a storj about us?A.The chemical devclopmenl.B.A finger touching a surface.C.The feel dial it can be seen clearly.D.1 1K tilings stuck bclween nus

30、ed lnws49.According U).he passage,doctors-nay know 3 p a n,,皿冲oB.a blood tvsiA.a physical exam D.aheuhhehekC.a fingerprint check,50.Whai will the fingerprints future use be IA.It will be more widely udB.Il will not be properly u se dC.h will be better than PNA.D.It will not be very hcIpluL英/卷 第6页(曲0

31、页)第6页 共1 0页第三节阅读填空(共5小咫,每小我2分,满 分10分)根据而文内容.从场文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最隹选项,选项中有项为多余选项.Have you ever counted the number of digits(ft)in your mobile phone number?5|Youmay sometimes find it hard to remember your number.ThaCs because China has the longestmobile phone numbers in the world.Why is that?_ Each has n

32、 differcnl meaning.The first three digits lel|y o u which mobile phoneservice provider you are using.The fourth to the seventh digits tell you where the number isregistered.And the last four digits arc random.The main reason for using 11 digits is that we have the largest population m the world._ _

33、S 3 _ But as mobile phone users grew,there were not enough number for us to use So webegan to use 11 digits staning from 1999.Eleven digits can be used to create tens of billions ofmobile phone numbers.54Besides China,Britain and Japan also use 11-digit mobile phone numbers.But their numbersalways s

34、tart with 0.55 Countries like the United Steles.Australia and India use phonenumbers with 10 digits.Canadas mobile phone numbers arc perhaps the shortest in the world.They use seven digits.A.We once had 10英 海 试 卷 第7页(共1 0页)64.65.第7页 共1 0页非选择题第一节单分写(共 四 节,满 分50分)根据句黑兽小题.师分)卡 上(每 空-询)中,提不补个单词,并将单词的确形式

35、完整地填写在答题:;M e s after June and its one of the hottest months in Yibm.58 It,s K S!h Wn(,O n g b w e say goodbye to our beloved school!-each of us lo speak loudly in public places.5 9.W e arc supposed to d o exercise once o r l _ _ a day to keep healthy.60.Cr oss country races usually take place in al

36、l w _ conditions,hot or cold.6 1.1 d like to _/mva”you to join in our Chinese Culture activity.6 2.A gro u p of wild Asian elephants arc still m o v i n g _/no:9/for no reason6 A.ung children are often taught r oa d _(安全)to avoid road accidents.64.T h e s e days there are already s o m e robots_(工作)

37、in factories.65.“Let n o Chinese g o hungry!has been the_(梦想)of the great hero Yuan Longping.第二节 语法填空(共1 0小题.每小题1分,满分1 0分)根据下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的七辆形式,工 将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。All primary and secondary school students in China will be banned(禁止)from(b n ng)mobile p h o n e s to school.N o mo b i l e

38、phonesI,the Ministry of Education 67(announce)in early FebruaryWi|be allowed in classrooms,the notice said.Schools should not askstudents 6 8 (do)h o m e w o r kon the phones and they should sei up teacher hot lines andpublic p h o n e sT h e n e wfor cominunication between parents69 students,il add

39、ed-action 7 0 IS taken to protect s.udents1 eyesight makessure they tbcus on study.It can also stop t h e m f rom b eco m i n glost in the hnerncl and online gamesZ h a n g Ting,the mot her o f a fourth grader inBeijing,said she _ 2 1 _ (strong)supported theban.For primary school students,the knowle

40、dge found in books _ J 2infonnation is being earned o n the Interntbut the content remains(be)enough.Nowadays,73 same J Zhang said.-1nf o n na l.o n o n1ineisno._ 2 4 _ (g o o d)Mn knowledge learned from books.T h e w r o n g useo f mobile phones can bring alot of health(problem),h-s ar e a dc o m m

41、 o n practice worldwide tolirnitstudenW use ot nwbile Phones in p n n u o英 语 试 卷 第8页(共1 0贝)and secotklar)-schools.第8页 共1 0页第V信息归纳 A 5小收1.用 小 题2分,满 分I。分)阅凌卜曲好文.根据我:内容完成表格中所缺的信息.一将特案填写在格黑卜的相彳/置A Chinese saying goes that uFirew(xxL rice,cooking oil,salt,sauce,vinro.gar and tea arc theseven necessities

42、to begin a dav.M Withoul doubt,tea is welcomed ail over(hr.world.According tothe UN.tea 博 more(han just a hot drink Its a big part of many cultures around the w 以You possiblv know ihal people in Chinn use lop-grade tea to show.P%*when receivingtmportam guests Meanwhile,I he British tracliiion of aHe

43、moon tea is an imponant(由countn s identity Making Maluysins pulled tea hus become a sort of an 以 e Ae*A*an expressioncf Moroccan ho$pilahty(好 客)and tradition,mint tea a mix of been S Q U一i j spearmint leaves andsugar is served during gathenngs.Apart from its cultural meaning,tea is also a medicine,u

44、sed from ancient u g to m o d C T ndays Li Shizhen.who was a Chinese Ming Dynasty herbalist,once said.-Tea is cold and lowers&Ure,The health benefits of lea are still being discovered today:preventing heart disease.O b c S,y 8 n d ca n ccr 卜 也 all been linked to drinking green tea,according to the N

45、aiwnai Center forBiotechnologj Information in the US.lea is _76-by people all over the worldIn ChinaPeople use top-grade tea to show _ 7 7 wheu receiving unportantguesh.In MoroccoMini lea is served during 78bunctiofl of tea a is a _79.used from ancient times tu m o d e m days.It iscold and lowers th

46、e fire.Bcnclils of lea(irecfi lea can 8 U heart disease,o b 31 y and cancer美附试 央(共10 W)第9页 共1 0页你以(ioinn GE,Starts win,Sm ali 7 7d,侬 为胸内容包括;第 四 节 书 面 表 达(满 分2。分)你校E n g l i sh C o m er将 以“绿色上活,从 我 明“为卜遁,组织全枚英造征攵比费.语用英语写篇征文缪春.(共1 0页)内容要点绿色出行_-具体做法-理由2f或骑自行军上学*厉行节约 约用电(或水、食物等,其他方式提出倡议1 1 1词 数1 0 0左右;.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数。参考词汇:电el ectri ci tyG o i n g G reen Sta rts wi th Sm a l l Th i n g sEB ca n m 3ke sn.a H ch a n g es i n i a n d m 3kc a 2-wa ste.第10页 共10页

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