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1、Unit 6 Today is Her Birthday.第一课时 教案 科目:英语 课型:新课 主备教师:时间:2015 年 5 月 授课教师:授课班级:四年级 2-5 班 授课时间:Unit6 Unit 6 Today is Her Birthday.Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.能听、说、读、写词汇:gifts,flowers,card,birthday party,balloons,candles.2.能在实际生活中灵活应用以上词汇 3.引导学生完成 Part C Look and write 部分.考点分析 1、能听、说、读、写词汇:gift

2、s,flowers,card,birthday party,balloons,candles.Teaching Aims and Demands 知识目标:1.学习并熟练掌握“四会”单词:birthday party,gifts,flowers,card,balloons,candles,birthday cake 2.学习并灵活运用句型:What are you going to do I am going tofor.能力目标:1、学习并灵活运用句型:What are you going to do I am going tofor 情感目标:1、通过本节课的学习,让学生懂得感恩.重点及难

3、点:1、能听、说、读、写词汇:gifts,flowers,card,birthday party,balloons,candles.能在实际生活中灵活应用以上词汇。2、引导学生完成 Part C Look and write 部分 教学准备 1、课件。2、图画卡片。教学方法(1)运用“歌曲”教学技巧,创设情景,让学生自然“拾得”语言。(2)运用游戏教学法,激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。(3)运用情景教学法,为学生的学习营造真实的语言环境。(一)Warm Up 1、Greetings.T:Hello,boys and girls!How are you Ss:Im fine,thank you!

4、How are you,Miss Li T:Im fine,too,thanks.2、Sing a song T:Are you happy today Ss:Yes.T:Im very happy.Lets sing a song,OK Ss:OK!T:Good,boys and girls,lets sing the songHead,shoulders,knees and toes!Head,shoulders,knees and toes Knees and toes Head,shoulders,knees and toes Knees and toes Oh,eyes and ea

5、rs and mouth and nose Head,shoulders,knees and toes Knees and toes(一边唱一边做动作,重复两次)(二)Presentation(1)1、Learn the new word:gifts 展示一个礼物的图片:T:what is this?It s a gift。They are gifts。Ss:Gift.Gifts.T:Yes,do you like gifts?Ss:Yes,we do.2、引出课题 T:Very good.But when do you have gifts When you are birthday。Now

6、,open your books and turn to Unit 6.Look at the blackboard and read after me.(板书)教师板书单词,并用红色粉笔书写 s,让学生明白 gift的复数形式是 gifts,提醒学生注意 gifts结尾 ts 的发音。3、用同样的方法教授 flowers,balloons,和 candies。教师交替出示名词的单个和多个实物,让学生反复练习名词的单复数,并注意对比板书单词。同时要求学生随着教师的书写拼读这几组单词,加深印象。4、教授单词 card。教师出示实物贺卡:T:What is this?Is it beautiful

7、?S:Yes。T:It s a card。板书 card。并拿出多张卡片,教授 cards。让学生注意 ds 的发音。(带读,音标教学法,注意让学生看清口型,小火车读。)5、复习下列单词的复数。并让学生在练习本上做题。gift()balloon()flower()candle()card()party()6、让学生以小组为单位进行口语交际,运用句子:A:Where are you going B:I m going to the 7、设问导读 运用句型:A:What are you going to do B:I am going to buy some flowers for her.在小组

8、内替换练习.(引导学生用本课中所学短语,替换斜体部分,做对话练习,并展示.(三)Consolidation 1、Read the words after the teacher again.2、Play a Bingo game:The picture pass as quickly as it can,if the student can know the words,say bingo and read the word.3、practice the sentence with the partner again.4、play a game.(一锤定天下)(1)游戏准备:用图片抽查句型练习

9、后,叫一写学生上来举起图片(2)游戏规则:让两位同学上来进行竞赛,当他们听到下面的同学练习句子时所提到的单词时,他们尽快用手上的玩具锤拍打一下图片,快的就算赢。(四)Summary 1、让学生懂得怎样运用语言,达到学以致用的效果。T:Today we learn the words and sentence.But do you know how to use them For example,(举例:当你想问同学去哪儿时,你可以问:Where are you going 当你想回答你去给奶奶买礼物时,你可以回答:Im going to buy a gifts for my grandma。)

10、Understand Ss:Yes!2、小结在课堂上取得最高分的小组,并进行表扬。(五)Homework T:Lets do a survey,ask your classmates or your parents about the weekend plan.(让学生访问同班同学或家里的亲人周末将要去哪里,然后做好登记,下节课分小组做汇报。)(六)Blackboard Design Unit 6 Today is Her Birthday.gift()balloon()flower()candle()card()party()A:What are you going to do B:I am

11、 going to buy some flowers for her (七)课后反思 Unit 6 Today is Her Birthday.第一课时 堂堂清 一、写出下列单词的复数形式。gift()balloon()flower()candle()card()party()二、在横线上填上合适的单词。A:What does Miss White have for her birthday B:She has a big _ cake,six_,twenty-seven_,three_,and some _.Unit 6 Today is her birthday.第二课时 教案 科目:英语

12、 课型:新课 主备教师:时间:2015 年 5 月 授课教师:授课班级:四年级 2-5 班 授课时间:Unit6 Unit 6 Today is her birthday.Analysis of the Teaching Material 能听懂、会说句型:1.I am going to for her.Today is her birthday.2.How about Good idea!3.Happy birthday to you!A:Are you going to have a birthday party B:Yes,I am.Happy birthday to you!并能在创设

13、的语境中熟练运用。2.能够灵活运用所学句型与他人谈论生日的话题 考点分析 会用英语谈论有关生日的问题 Teaching Aims and Demands 1、重点句型:能听懂、会说句型:1、I am going to for her.Today is her birthday.2、How about Good idea!3、Happy birthday to you!4、A:Are you going to have a birthday party B:Yes,I am.Happy birthday to you!并能在创设的语境中熟练运用。能力目标:能够灵活运用所学句型与他人谈论生日的话题

14、。情感目标:(1)教育学生要关爱家人。(2)努力创造一种和谐、平等的课堂学习氛围,激发学生爱学英语的情感。(3)培养学生敢开口,积极参与的学习态度,使学生能够得到成功的体验,建立学习自信心.重点:能听懂、会说句型:1、I am going to for her.Today is her birthday.2、How about Good idea!3、Happy birthday to you!4、A:Are you going to have a birthday party B:Yes,I am.Happy birthday to you!并能在创设的语境中熟练运用。难点:能够灵活运用所学

15、句型与他人谈论生日的话题。教学准备 1、Let s talk部分对话中的人物头饰。2、录音磁带、PPT。Teaching Methods 1.采用自主学习,小组合作探究的方式进行教学。Teaching Aids(一)出示学习目标:能够理解并运用以下句型:1、I am going to for her.Today is her birthday.2、How about Good idea!3、Happy birthday to you!4、A:Are you going to have a birthday party B:Yes,I am.Happy birthday to you!(二)老师

16、朗读学习目标,学生认真听讲明确本节课任务。(三)温故知新 1、教师出示 Part A Let s learn 部分的单词卡片,学生边读边做动作,一起复习上节课所学单词。(四)新课导入。1、教师引导学生先审题,并仔细观察图片。2、教师先指导学生说出与各幅图相对应的短语,然后知道他们创设情境:假设今天是母亲的生日,让学生想一想要为各自母亲做些什么,在相应的图片下面打对号,并就此对话:A:What are you going to do for your mother on her birthday?B:I am going to draw a picture/buy some balloons/B

17、uy some flowers/buy a birthday card/sing a 二次备课 Teaching steps song.3、教师引导学生就连线结果进行回答并导入新课。(五)Presentation 1、新课展示:教师戴上 Wu Chen 的头饰,并用课件出示 Let s talk 部分奶奶的图片,和学生做如下回答:T:Hello,I am Wu Chen,Look at this picture,can you guess who she is?S:She is your grandma?T:Yes,she is my grandma,today is her birthday

18、,let s say“Happy birthday!”to her。S:Happy birthday to you!2、用课件展示一张花的图片,旁边配上问句:How about flowers?教师回答:T:Good idea!And I m going to make a card for her.3、教师播放 Part A部分的录音,要求学生在不翻书的情况下听录音,教师设置参考问题如下:(1)、What is Wu Chen going to do?(2)、Is Wu Chen going to buy some flowers?(3)、What are Wu Chens father a

19、nd mother going to do。4、教师随机挑选学生回答问题,检查学生对课文的掌握情况。5、播放录音,要求学生打开课本跟读。(1).Be+人称+going to do+是一个一般疑问句,用来询问某人是否打算做某事。(2).How about flowers (买)花怎么样呢?(3).Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!(4).A:Are you going to have a birthday party 你要举办生日聚会吗?B:Yes,I am.是的,我要。6、指导学生模仿角色进行对话。7、两人一组,排练对话。8、随机挑出几个学生戴上头饰表演对话。(六)Pr

20、actice Activities。1、角色扮演 将学生三人分为一组进行对话练习。2、引导学生观察图片并描述图片中的人物的活动。3、同桌俩互相问答。(七)Practice 教师吧学生分为几个小组,然后分别发给每组第一个学生一张纸条,上面写上本课文中的一个句子。第一个学生立即把纸上的句子告诉他后面的学生,听到句子的学生再把听到的内容告诉后面的学生。最后,由每组的最后一个学生讲听到的句子大声说出来,传的最快、最准确的组获胜。(八)小结(九)堂堂清。(十)作业(十一)板书:Unit 6 Today is her birthday.Be+人称+going to do+是一个一般疑问句,用来询问某人是否

21、打算做某事。1、I am going to for her.Today is her birthday.2、How about Good idea!3、Happy birthday to you!4、A:Are you going to have a birthday party B:Yes,I am.Happy birthday to you!(十二)后记:Unit 6 Today is her birthday.第二课时 堂堂清 一、翻译下列短语。buy a gift_ make a card _ have a birthday party _ buy some flowers _ buy

22、 a birthday cake_ 二、连词成句。1.are going Where to you do ()2.is her Today birthday (.)3.you to birthday Happy (!)4.to I buy gifts some going am mother for my(.)Unit 6 Today is her birthday.第三课时 教案 科目:英语 课型:新课 主备教师:时间:2015 年 5 月 授课教师:授课班级:四年级 2-5 班 授课时间:Unit6 Unit 6 Today is her birthday.Analysis of the

23、Teaching Material 能听懂、会说句型:1.能听、说、读、写数词:thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred。2.能听懂、会说句型(1)、How old are you/is (2)、I m/He/She is 并能在实际生活 中灵活运用该句型就自己和他 人的年龄进行问答。3.通过小组活动,培养学生与他人合作意识。考点分析 会用英语谈论有关年龄的问题 Teaching Aims and Demands 知识目标:1、能听、说、读、写数词:thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty

24、,ninety,hundred。2.能听懂、会说句型(1)、How old are you/is (2)、I m/He/She is 并能在实际生活 中灵活运用该句型就自己和他 人的年龄进行问答。能力目标:能够灵活运用所学句型与他人谈论年龄的话题。情感目标:(1)培养学生敢开口,积极参与的学习态度,使学生能够得到成功的体验,建立学习自信心.重点:1、能听、说、读、写数词:thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred。2.能听懂、会说句型(1)、How old are you/is (2)、Im/He/She is 并能在实际生活

25、中灵活运用该句型就自己和他 人的年龄进行问答。3.通过小组活动,培养学生与他人合作意识。难点:能够灵活运用所学句型与他人谈论年龄的话题。教学准备 1、录音磁带、PPT。Teaching Methods 2.采用自主学习,小组合作探究的方式进行教学。Teaching Aids Step1:Review dialogue.Step2:.Lets sing Ten Little Monkeys 师生一起唱三年级上册unit 7 第57页学过的有关数字的歌曲 Ten little monkeys,然后顺势引入对数词 eleven twenty 的复习。Step3:Review numbers.教师承接

26、上一环节的数词复习,引入本节课的新授环节:通过师生问答年龄复习 20 以内的数字,并根据教师的年龄引出 thirty,forty,或 fifty.Part B Lets learn more,同桌间相互读单词,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,并记忆这些单词。Step4:Ask and answer.T:Hello!Boys and girls.Lets count one to twenty together.Ss:One,two,three,eighteen,nineteen,twenty.二次备课 Teaching steps T:How old are you S1:I

27、m T:What about you,S2 S2:T:How old am I Ss:T:Im thirty/forty/fifty.Step5:Lets more.1.Learn words:thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred.Listen to tape,read after tape.Step6:表示几十的数词结尾都有 ty,且 sixty(60)是由 six(6)+ty 组成的,seventy(70)是由 seven(7)+ty组成的,(80)是由 eight(8)+ty 组成的,ninety(90)是由 nin

28、e(9)+ty 组成的。并提醒学生特别注意几个有特殊变化的词:twotwenty threethirty four forty fivefifty Step 7:Lets talk T:How old are you S1:Im T:How old is S1Is he/she Ss:Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isnt.T:Then how old are Wu Chens father,mother and grandma Do you know(一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)学生开火车读单词。(三)How old are you/is Im/He/She

29、 is Lets listen to tape the answer the questions.How old are Wu Chens father How old are Wu Chens mother How old are Wu Chens grandma How old is Wu Chen Step 8:Review 1.Read the dialogue in pairs.2.Part C Listen and write.Part C Read,ask and answer Step 9:What do you know in this lesson Step 10:.Wri

30、te numbers.Step 11:Prepare:P50,P52.Step 12:Blackboard-writing:Unit 6 Today is her birthday thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred How old are you/is Im/He/She is Step 13:Notes:Unit 6 Today is her birthday.第三课时 堂堂清 一、写出下列序数词 第一 _ 第二 _ 第三 _ 第六 _ 第八 _ 第九 _ 第十二 _ 第二十五 _ 二、把下列基数词变序数词。two_

31、 _ three_ four_ five_ eight_ _ nine_ _ twelve_ twenty_ thirty-two_ thirty-one _ 三、用下列句型造三个句子。A:How old are you/is B:Im/He/She is Unit 6 Today is her birthday.第四课时 教案 科目:英语 课型:新课 主备教师:时间:2015 年 5 月 授课教师:授课班级:四年级 2-5 班 授课时间:Unit6 Unit 6 Today is her birthday.Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.能听懂、理解

32、Read a story中情节简单的小故事,并且能流利地跟读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。2.能跟随节奏流利地说唱 Let s chant 部分的歌谣。3.教育学生爱护小动物 考点分析 对第六单元的内容全面巩固掌握 Teaching Aims and Demands 知识目标:1.能听懂、理解 Read a story中情节简单的小故事,并且能流利地跟读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。2.能跟随节奏流利地说唱 Let s chant 部分的歌谣。能力目标:能跟随节奏流利地说唱 Let s chant 部分的歌谣 情感目标:教育学生爱护小动物 重点:1.能听懂、理解 Read a stor

33、y中情节简单的小故事,并且能流利地跟读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。2.能跟随节奏流利地说唱 Let s chant 部分的歌谣。难点:能跟随节奏流利地说唱 Let s chant 部分的歌谣。教学准备 1、录音磁带、PPT。Teaching Methods 3.采用自主学习,小组合作探究的方式进行教学。Teaching Aids Step 1:Review the numbers.thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred.Step 2:Prepare lessons before class Part B Read a

34、story.1、Part B Read a story,读懂故事情节,顺利的用英语复述故事 Step 3:Look at the pictures.小组内交流故事中不懂的单词、词汇以及句子,读懂故事内容。1.Look and answer.Picture.Are there any birds in the tree What are they doing Do you like birds Picture.How many birds are there in this picture Picture.二次备课 Teaching steps What are the birds doing(

35、The birds are flying away!)Picture Are there any birds in the tree Step 4:Read Listen to tape,read after tape.1、请同学上台复述故事,教师适当的进行情感教育。2、请同学上台表演歌曲,教师进行适当的情感教育。3、小组内交流完成 Part B Lets talk 部分。4.Retell the story in pairs.5.Recite the story each other.6.Part C Lets do quickly.强调:1.in the tree通常表示的是方位、位置在树

36、上、在树枝间等用 in the tree表示。例如:There is a monkey in the tree.2.on the tree特指“生长”在树上。如树上结的果子、开的花等等。例如:There are many apples on the tree.Step 5:Part B Lets chant.(一)教师放规划录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。How old.这个特殊疑问句型是用来询问某人多大年纪。And your mother 这是一个省略后的疑问句,因为已经有上文的问句,所以省略了句子中的疑问词和系动词be,完成的句子应该是 And how old is your mother (二

37、)指名学生有感情读对话。Step 6:Review 1.What did you learn in this lesson?Step 7:Homework 1.Tell the story to your family numbers Or friends 2.Recite the Unit 6.3.Prepare:Unit 7.Step 8:Blackboard-writing:Unit 6 Today is her birthday in the tree通常表示的是方位、位置在树上、在树枝间等用 in the tree表示。例如:There is a monkey in the tree

38、.on the tree特指“生长”在树上。如树上结的果子、开的花等等。例如:There are many apples on the tree Step 9:Notes:Unit 6 Today is her birthday.复习课 教案 科目:英语 课型:新课 主备教师:时间:2015 年 5 月 授课教师:授课班级:四年级 2-5 班 授课时间:Unit6 Unit 6 Today is her birthday.Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.Review the words and phrases in this unit6.2.Talk a

39、bout age.3、能够听懂、会说、会读、会用本单元所学的有关生日的词汇及 100 以内的数词。4、能够巩固并掌握 be going to 句型的用法。考点分析 复习 100 以内数字的读写,以及询问别人的年龄。Teaching Aims and Demands 知识目标:能够听懂、会说、会读、会用本单元所学的有关生日的词汇及 100 以内的数词。能力目标:1、能够巩固并掌握 be going to 句型的用法。2、能够通过情景交际,培养语言交际能力。情感目标:1、活动中教育学生关心他人、尊重长辈,在比赛中培养学生的竞争意识。2、创设学习情境,激发学生学习的热情和兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性和

40、主动性。重点:1、能够听懂、会说、会读、会用本单元所学的有关生日的词汇及 100 以内的数词。2、能够巩固并掌握 be going to 句型的用法。3、能够通过情景交际,培养语言交际能力。难点:能够巩固并掌握 be going to 句型的用法。教学准备 1、录音磁带、PPT。Teaching Methods 4.采用自主学习,小组合作探究的方式进行教学。Teaching Aids Step 1.Building Your Vocabulary Review all words and phrases in this unit.First,do a dictation.(听写)1、birth

41、day party 2、gift 3、flower 4、card 5、candle 6、balloon 7、wish 8、parents Step 2 Tense。1、Be going to.结构的练习和掌握“be going to”:描述将来的计划打算。I m going to play football.He is going to play football。二次备课 Teaching steps 2、序数词。表示几十的数词结尾都有 ty,且 sixty(60)是由 six(6)+ty 组成的,seventy(70)是由 seven(7)+ty组成的,(80)是由 eight(8)+ty

42、 组成的,ninety(90)是由 nine(9)+ty 组成的。并提醒学生特别注意几个有特殊变化的词:twotwenty threethirty four forty fivefifty 3、be going to结构的疑问形式:Are you going to have a party Yes,I am.Im/He/She is 4、询问别人年龄:A:How old are you/is B:Im/He/She is 例子:A:How old are Wu Chens father B:He is.A:How old are Wu Chens mother B:She is.A:How o

43、ld are Wu Chens grandma B:She is.A:How old is Wu Chen B:She is.Step 3 重点短语 1、have a birthday party 举行生日聚会 2、buy a gift 买个礼物 3、good idea 好主意 4、make a card 做张卡片 5、how old 多大,几岁 6、a nice girl 一个好女孩 7、good luck 好运 8、make a wish 许愿 9、have a look 看一看 10、so many 如 此 多 的 11、fly away 飞 走 12、sing happily 快乐地唱

44、歌 Step 4.Summary.(小结)Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 5.Homework.(作业)1、Finish the activity book and the practice.2、Copy the new words and phrases twice.3、Finish off all the exercise in this unit.Step 6.Blackboard-writing:(板书设计)Unit 6 Today i

45、s her birthday.一、单词:birthday party gift flower card candle balloon wish parents 二、语法:1、Be going to.结构的练习和掌握 2、序数词。3、be going to结构的疑问形式:4、询问别人年龄。三、重点短语:2、have a birthday party 举行生日聚会 2、buy a gift 买个礼物 3、good idea 好主意 4、make a card 做张卡片 5、how old 多大,几岁 6、a nice girl 一个好女孩 7、good luck 好运 8、make a wish

46、许愿 9、have a look 看一看 10、so many 如 此 多 的 11、fly away 飞 走 12、sing happily 快乐地唱歌 Step 7.Notes:Unit 6 Today is her birthday.复习课 堂堂清 一、把下列单词补充完整。gft fl wer crd blloon cndle paty cke brthd y 二、写出下列单词的复数形式。gift()balloon()flower()candle()card()party()三、连词成句。(1)are going what to you do ()(2)is her today birthday (.)(3)you to birthday happy (!)(4)to I buy gifts some going am mother for my(.)

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