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1、不锈钢施工计划一. 备注不锈钢的特色是强度高 ,对热较迟钝 ,概况有一层极薄的氧化膜 , 它 的消失 使不锈钢具有很好的抗腐化性 ,氧化膜的破坏 ,将轻微下降不锈钢 的抗腐化机能 . 此外,渗碳也会下降不锈钢的耐腐化性 . 是以, 对于不锈钢 材料应高度看重概况的 呵护 ,特殊是液货舱内概况的呵护 .在运输 .存放. 施工进程中 ,谨防机械碰撞 . 碰 焊等毁伤 , 并防止与碳钢接触 .二. 调运(调运请求参照不锈钢拼板工艺)1. 调应用的夹具 .吊鼻. 马板等应采取不锈钢材料或采取其它措施防止碳 钢夹具 与不锈钢直接接触 .2. 应采取恰当数目的吊鼻 , 防止调运时不锈钢变形 .3. 吊运时

2、不成在一块不锈钢板上随便率性拖沓另一块不锈钢板 , 以免划 伤不锈 钢板概况 .三. 存放1. 不锈钢不成与碳钢混放 , 应有专门的仓库存放 .2. 不克不及把不锈钢随便放在地上或平台上 , 应事先铺设木板 . 橡胶或木 质纤维板 .3. 堆放进程中应用木材或非金属物资做垫料 , 在贮存时代不锈钢应用塑 料密封 , 再加帆布盖上 .4. 两层不锈钢板不成重叠放置 , 不然中央要放软物或木条铺垫 .5. 不锈钢要留意防潮 . 防划伤 .防黑色金属的渗碳 , 不克不及接触酸 .碱. 盐. 油 脂等物资 .四. 施工(以船面分段为例解释)(一)船面胎架上拼板(拼板请求参照不锈钢拼板工艺)1. 胎架制

3、造时上端应加装不锈钢板条 .2. 不锈钢液货舱拼板施工在车间进行 , 不得在不锈钢拼板施工现场邻 近进 行碳钢的打磨 . 切割等工作 .3. 按拼板图的请求 , 将不锈钢板铺放在胎架上 ,精确落位 , 以免划伤不 锈 钢船面 ,并查对钢板号料时所标注的符号 .首尾偏向 .肋骨号等 .同时检 讨钢板 正不和 .直线边沿平直度 . 边沿坡口等情形 .划出中央板的中间线 ,并在胎架两 头中间上拉线 ,检测使中央板的中间线与所拉线瞄准 ,响应肋 位与肋骨磨练线瞄 准 . 定位 , 定位时先定位中央和两头 , 然后再加密定位 焊 , 定位焊的尺寸为 75 mmx 300mm从中央向两舷定位为了防止焊接时

4、不锈钢板变形,板的上面用压 块固定在胎架上 , 压块与不锈钢板接触的部 分垫胶皮呵护 .4. 拼板时 , 先拼接纵缝 , 后拼装横缝 , 以免因横缝先拼接影响纵缝的直 线度, 造成过大的装配间隙 , 船面在胎架上拼好后 , 使船面中间线瞄准胎 架中间线 , 并 紧贴胎架 . 报检. 焊接, 船面拼板用埋弧焊焊接 , 需在铁轨道 与不锈钢板之间垫橡 胶 , 防止与不锈钢接触 . 依据图纸划出船面中间线 . 肋骨磨练线和各构架的地位 线 , 报检 .5. 在不锈钢板上作标识表记标帜 . 划线要用专用的对象 , 不得用油漆 . 钢针或 铅笔 , 应用无氯墨水 .6. 施焊前,用丙酮或酒精洗净焊缝两侧

5、 20mm规模内不锈钢板上的污. 油漆和尘土 , 防止焊接燃烧中有渗碳现象 .7. 施工人员在不锈钢施工区域施工时要穿干净鞋套 , 随身不克不及携 带金属 物件 , 如钥匙 . 手表等 .8. 不许可随便将对象 . 装备放在不锈钢板上 , 不成在不锈钢板上随便率 性拖 沓龙头线 . 破损的龙头线应包扎好后方可应用 .9. 分段内的暂时增强材和张开时用于分段定位的暂时支持与不锈钢板 之间应 采取不锈钢板过渡衔接 . 用于不锈钢的对象不克不及与制造碳钢 的混用 .10. 施工平分段的吊运不得随便从不锈钢分段上方经由 . 吊鼻材料应为 不锈 钢 , 不许可在不锈钢的工作面上装配吊鼻 .11. 在全部

6、操纵进程中 , 不成用铁锤敲打不锈钢概况 . 不锈钢产生变形 不得用 热加工改正 , 不得用铁锤敲击 .12. 焊接时应用的对象(焊渣锤 . 刷子 . 撮箕)应为不锈钢 , 包含焊缝除 漆用 的对象 . 主动焊焊接时需在铁轨道与不锈钢板之间垫橡胶 .13. 不锈钢板加工进程中造成的一些毁伤如:焊接飞溅 . 电弧击伤 . 烟 斑和机 械划痕 . 必须完整消除 . (用砂轮粗磨后 , 抛光机抛光) .(二)不锈钢船面与船面分段张开1. 船面分段与不锈钢船面张开进步行打磨 .2. 吊装不锈钢船面前 , 不锈钢船面应划好纵桁线 . 横梁地位线 . 将不锈 钢船 面吊至船面骨架上 , 并且所划线与船面构

7、件相对应 , 吊装不锈钢船面 按不锈钢拼 板工艺请求同样操纵 . 船面要精确落位 , 以免划伤不锈钢船面 磨练无误后报检 , 进行定位焊 .3. 定位焊及焊接:起首必须打磨焊缝 , 消除污垢 . 油渍及尘土 , 并用丙 酮或 酒精擦洗落后行船面骨架与不锈钢船面定位焊 , 次序为:船面横梁 从中央向阁下 舷次序定位焊 ; 船面纵桁 . 纵骨 . 从中央向前后次序进行定 位焊,定位焊尺寸为 75 mmx 300mm (焊缝中央引弧)双数焊工对称定位 焊.4. 定位焊施焊完毕后 ,再次测量周边尺寸 .平行度 .垂直度 .肋距尺寸 .纵骨 尺寸等 ,要相符第 1条请求 .磨练无误后报检 ,进行整体翻身

8、 ,吊装操 纵同上 .翻 死后应将不锈钢船面内正面正放在装有不锈钢垫块程度胎架 或有尺寸为130 x 130mm若干块程度垫木上,落位后,应整体做施焊前定位焊肉打磨,焊段两头 打磨成圆弧状 . 尔后由双数焊工对称开端整体施焊 焊接次序和定位焊次序雷同 , 焊接方法为二氧化碳焊 .5. 分段内的暂时增强材或张开时用于分段定位的暂时支持与不锈钢板 之间应 采取不锈钢板过渡衔接 .6. 在全部操纵进程中 , 不成用铁锤敲打不锈钢概况 . 不锈钢产生变形不 得用 热加工改正 , 不得用铁锤敲击 .7. 焊接时应用的对象(焊渣锤 .刷子.撮箕)应为不锈钢 , 包含焊缝除 漆用的对象 .8. 不锈钢板加工

9、进程中造成的一些毁伤如:焊接飞溅 . 电弧击伤 . 烟斑 和机 械划痕 .必须完整消除 . (用砂轮粗磨后 ,抛光机抛光) .(三)大张开1. 分段张开时 , 施工区设能防风雨 .防潮和严寒的施工蓬 .2. 施工平分段的吊运不得随便从不锈钢分段上方经由,吊鼻材料为不锈钢,不 许可在不锈钢的工作面上装配吊鼻 .3. 大张开时液货舱内施工用的脚手架为木杆或竹竿 .4. 在液货舱内施工时 , 底面需铺设木板或草席进行呵护 , 防止器械坠落 毁伤 概况 .对于必须吊放于分段上施工的装备 , 必须采纳响应的措施来包 管装备碳钢 部分与不锈钢不直接接触 , 如装备下垫放木板 . 橡胶 .阻燃塑 料等.5.

10、 在全部操纵进程中 ,不成用铁锤敲打其不锈钢概况 . 不锈钢产生变 形不 得用热加工改正 , 不得用铁锤敲击 .6. 焊接时应用的对象(焊渣锤 . 刷子. 撮箕)应为不锈钢 , 包含焊缝除 漆用 的对象 . 主动焊接时需在铁轨道与不锈钢板之间垫橡胶 .7. 不锈钢板加工进程中造成的一些毁伤如:焊接飞溅 . 电弧击伤 . 烟 斑和机 械划痕 .必须完整消除 . (用砂轮粗磨后 , 抛光机抛光) .8. 张开焊接完检讨焊缝是否出缺点 , 并采取响应的措施去除缺点(见 不锈钢 焊接缺点修补工艺) .9. 酸洗 酸洗是最经常应用去除氧化物和铁污染的化学办法 , 酸洗 后必须用 干净的水喷射 , 含有氯

11、的水可以或许改良材料的概况状态 .10. 为确保以上措施顺遂实行 , 临盆科 . 车间应在治理 . 轨制上采纳响应 的措 施 , 施工人员进行培训上岗 ,施工中派专人监视 . 巡视 .Construction of Stainless SteelPART I FORWORDSattention The stainless steel is of high strength, and sensitive to the heat. There is a very thin oxide film covered in the surface of the stainless steel plate,

12、 thus the plate can be of high corrosion-resistance. If the film is damaged, the quality of corrosion-resistance will be reduced seriously.Additionally, the penetration of the carbon to the stainless steel plate will also reduce the quality of corrosion-resistance. Greatshould be paid to protect the

13、 surface of the stainless steel plate, especially the inner surface of the cargo tanks. During the transportation, storage and construction, the damage of machinery collision and butt-weld should be avoided, and the contact between the stainless steel and carbon steel should also be avoided.PART n H

14、OIST TRANSPORTATIONThe requirement of hoist transportation can also refer to the technology of the stainless steel plate alignment.1. The holding device used for the hoist should be made of stainless steel material, or other methods can also be accepted if the methods can prevent the direct contact

15、between the carbon steel holding device and the stainless steel plate.2. To avoid the distortion of the stainless steel plate, thereshould be enough holding devices for lifting.3. To avoid the damage to the surface of the stainless steel plate, the plate should not be dragged on the other plate arbi

16、trarily during the hoist transportation.PART 皿 STORAGE1. The stainless steel plate should not be stored together withthe carbon steel plate, it should be stored in special storehouse.2. The stainless steel should not be laid directlyto theground or the platform. Wood block, rubber or wood fiber plat

17、e should be laid previously.3. The wood block or nonmetal material should be used as filling block during the stack. The stainless steel should be sealed with plastics and covered withcanvas.4. Two plated should not be piled up together, otherwise soft material and woodblock should be provided betwe

18、en the two plates.5. Attention should be paid to avoid humidification, scuffing, carbon penetration of ferrous metal, the plate should not contact with the materials such as acid, alkali, salt and grease, etc.PART W CONSTRUCTIONConstruction of the deck block is used for description of the technology

19、.1. Plate alignment on the deck assembly jig.The requirement of the plate alignment can refer to the technology of the stainless steel plate alignment.1.1 Stainless steel batten should be fitted on the upper side during the manufacture of the jig.1.2 The stainless steel plate alignment of the cargo

20、tanks should be carried out in the workshop. The blasting andcutting of the carbon steel should not be carried out nearby the site of stainless steel plate alignment.line of the1.3 Put the stainless steel plate on the jig according the requirement of the plate alignment plan. Allocate well and truly

21、 to avoid scuffing to the stainless steel deck plate, and then check the marked symbols, direction of fore and aft, frame number, etc. during the laying-out of the steel plates. At the same time, check the conditions such as the positive and negative face of the plate, the straightness of the straig

22、ht edge and the groove of the edge, etc. Draw the center middle plate, and tie line in the middle of the jig s two sides. Align the center line of the middle plate to the tied line, align the frame to the frame checking line. When positioning, first positioning the middle and the two ends, then make

23、 more positioning tacks. The dimension of the positioning tack is 75mmx 300mm, the tacks should be made from the middle to the two sides.To avoid the distortion of the plate during the welding, ballast block should be put on the upper side of the plate, the contact part should be protected by rubber

24、 cover.1.4 During the plate alignment, first align the longitudinal seam, and then align the transverse seam, otherwise the straightness of the longitudinal will be affected, and result in bigger fit-up gap. When the deck plates are aligned on the jig, then align the center line of the deck to the c

25、enter line of the jig, and make the deck close to the jig. Report for checking. Submerged arc welding should be used for deck alignment. Rubber should be filled between the steel track and the stainless steel plate to avoid direct contact with the stainless steel. Draw the center line of deck, frame

26、 verifying line and all the position lines of all structure members according to the plan, and then report for checking.1.5 Special tools should be used to make marks, draw lines on the stainless steel plates. Paint, steel pin and pencil should not be used. Ink not containing chlorine should be used

27、.1.6 Before the welding, clean the dirt, paint and dust on the stainless steel plates with acetone or alcoholwith the range of 20mm near the welding seam.1.7 The workers should wear clean covers of shoes in the construction area of the stainless steel when manufacture, they should not have metal thi

28、ngs such as keys, watches and so on with them.1.8 Tools, equipments should not be put directly on the stainless steel plate. Steel wires should not be dragged on the plates.1.9 The temporary stiffer members and supports should be linked to the stainless steel plates with stainless steel plates when

29、blocking and joining. Tools used for stainless steel should not be used for carbon steel.1.10 The hoist of the other blocks across the stainless steel blocks is not permitted. The material of the hook should be stainless steel. The hook should not be fitted on the working surface of the stainless st

30、eel.1.11 No hit on the surface of stainless steel plate with hammer is permitted during the whole operation. If stainless steel distortion happen, it is not permitted to carry out levelling with heating or hammer hit.1.12 The tools for welding such as welding slag hammer, brush, dustpan should be ma

31、de of stainless steel. When carrying out the automatic welding, rubber blocks should be put between the steel track and the stainless steel plates.1.13 All the damages such as welding spattering, arc hurt, smoke dot and machinery scuffing during the manufacture of the stainless steel should be swept

32、 away entirely.2. Stainless steel deck and joining of the deck blocks2.1 All the deck blocks should be dressed before the joining.2.2 Before the vertical loading, longitudinal girder position lines, transverse web position lines should be marked on the stainless steel deck. Load the stainless steel

33、deck on the deck framing, and align the marked lines to the deck members. The technology of vertical loading of the decks is the same as the technology of stainless steel plates alignment. The decks should be located precisely in order not to damage the decks.After verifying, report for checking, an

34、d carry out the positioning welding.2.3 Positioning welding and welding. First the welding seamshould be dressed to sweep away the dirt, grease and dust. And then clean with acetone or alcohol. After that the positioning welding between the deck framing and the deck should be carried out. The order

35、of the welding is: for transverse web, from the middle to the two sides; for deck longitudinal girder, stringer, from the middle to the two en ds. The dime nsion of the weldi ng is 75 mmx300mm. The welding should be carried out from the middle to the sidesor ends at the same time.2.4 Afterpositionin

36、gwelding,measure againthethsurroundindimensions,parallelism,verticality,framgedistanceand stringerdistance,and so on. Allthedimensions should meet the requirements After verifying,report for checking. Turn over the blocks entirely, the operation for vertical load is the same as the mentioned above.

37、After turning over, the inner side of the deck should be rightly located on the stainless steel rig orsome horiz on tai wood filli ng blocks dime nsioned 130 x130mm. After location, dressing should be carried out, the ends of the welding parts should be made to have round shape. There should be doub

38、le welding workers to carry out the welding, the order of the welding is same as the positioning welding. The method of the welding should be carbon dioxide welding.2.5 The temporary stiffer members and supports for the blocks should be linked to the stainless steel plates with stainless steel plate

39、s.2.6 No hit on the surface of stainless steel plate with hammer is permitted during the whole operation. If stainless steel distortion happens, it is not permitted to carry out levelling with heating or hammer hit.2.7 The tools for welding such as welding slag hammer, brush, dustpan should be made

40、of stainless steel.2.8 All the damages such as welding spattering, arc hurt, smoke dot and machinery scuffing during the manufacture of the stainless steel should be swept away entirely.3. ERECTION3.1 When carrying out the erection, construction shelter should be set up for preventing the weather, t

41、he humidification and the cold in theconstruction area.3.2 The hoist of the other blocks across the stainless steel blocks is notpermitted. The material of the hook should be stainless steel. The hook should not be fitted on the working surface of the stainless steel.3.3During theerection, thethe ca

42、rgotanks should befor construction in bambo made of wood post or oscaffold3.4post.During theconstruction inthe cargo tanks,the bottomof the tanks should be covered with wood plate or straw mat for protection against the damage to the stainless steel surface when other objects fall to the bottom. For

43、 those equipments which mustbe located on the blocks, actions must be taken to ensure no directcontact between the carbon steel and the stainless steel. In this case, wood plate, rubber and flame-retardant plastics can be put under the equipments.3.5 No hit on the surface of stainless steel plate wi

44、th hammer is permitted during the whole operation. If stainless steel distortion happens, it is not permitted to carry out levelling with heating or hammer hit.3.6 The tools for welding such as welding slag hammer, brush, dustpan should be made of stainless steel. When carrying out the automatic wel

45、ding, rubber blocks should be put between the steel track and the stainless steel plates.3.7 All the damages such as welding spattering, arc hurt, smoke dot and machinery scuffing during the manufacture of the stainless steel should be swept away entirely.3.8 Check the completeness after the erectio

46、n welding, and take actions to sweep away the shortage (refer to the technology of the repair for stainless steel welding shortage)3.9 Acid cleaning. Acid cleaning is the most common chemical methods to sweep away the oxides and the steel pollution. Clean water must be used to jet after the acid cle

47、aning. Water with chlorine can improve the surface conditions of the materials.3.10 To ensure the actions mentioned above can be carried out rightly, the production department and the workshop should take some actions in management and system. The workers should be trained and special persons should be arranged for supervisal and inspection during the manufacture.

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