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1、Part I Reading Comprehension(40%)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A).B).C).and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sh

2、eet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on following passage:Is email a blessing or a curse? Last month, after a weeks vacation, I discovered 1,218 unread email messages waiting in my box. I pretended to be dismayed, but secretly I was pleased. This is how we

3、measure our wired worth in the late 1990s if you arent overwhelmed by mail, you must be doing something wrong. Email. Cant live it, cant live without it. Blue-collars and real artists, advertisers and freedom fighters, lovers and sworn enemies theyve all flocked to e-mail as they would to any new me

4、dium of expression. E-mail is convenient, saves time, brings us closer to one another, and helps us manage our ever-more-complex lives. Books are written, campaign conducted, crimes committed all via email. But it is also inconvenient, wastes our time, isolates us in front of our computers and intro

5、duces more complexity into our already too-hurried lives. To skeptics, email is just the latest chapter in the evolving history of human communication. Yet email all online communication is in fact something truly different; it captures the essence of life at the close of the 20th century with an au

6、thority that few other products of digital technology can claim. Does the pace of life seem ever faster? Email simultaneously allows us to cope with that acceleration and contributes to it. Are our attention spans shriveling under barrages(掩盖)of new, improved forms of stimulation? The quick and dirt

7、y email is made to order for those whose ability to concentrate is measured in nanoseconds. If we accept that the creation of the globe-spanning Internet is one of the most important technological innovations of the last half of this century, then we must give email the living embodiment of human co

8、nnection across the Net pride of place. The way we interact with each other is changing and email is both the catalyst and the instrument of that change. 1. Email is convenient in that it _. A) saves our time B) introduces more complexity into our too-upset livesC) brings us closer to one anotherD)

9、Both A and C2. The author of this passage is _ about email.A) skeptical B) firmC) negativeD) positive3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “give pride of place” in the third paragraph of the passage?A) take pride in the place.B) be proud. C) give the most important position.D

10、) put stress.4. All of the following statements are true except that _.A) email not only allows us to cope with the faster pace of life but makes it accelerate B) the way we interact with each other is changingC) email can help us manage our ever-more-complex livesD) only advertisers make use of ema

11、il5. What is the main idea of the passage?A) Internet is one of the most important technological innovations of the last half of this century. B) Email is the instrument that brings about great changes in human connection.C) Email is not only convenient but also inconvenient.D) Email helps us unders

12、tand the essence of life at the close of the 20th century.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on following passage:Shyness is the cause of much happiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious, that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actio

13、ns. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: what kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely. A persons self-concept is reflected in the way he or

14、 she behaved, and the way a person behaves affects other peoples reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives. Shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that th

15、ey are doing “the right thing”. Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their inferiority. They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they are unworthy of praise. A shy person may respond to a compliment with a statement like this: “Youre

16、just saying that to make me feel good, I know its not true.” It is clear that while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful. Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-co

17、nfidence. Since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem, it is important for people in every subject. It is not fair for them to label themselves inferior because they have difficulty in some areas. Peoples expectations of themselves must be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to a

18、sense of inadequacy.Each one of us is unique, worthwhile individual. We are interested in our personal ways. The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our potential. Lets not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich and fulfilling life. 6. The first paragraph is ma

19、inly about _. A) the characteristics of shy peopleB) the cause of shyness C) the questions in the minds of shy peopleD) the effects of shyness on people7. According to the writer, self-awareness is _. A) harmful to peopleB) a weak point of shy people C) the cause of unhappiness D) a good quality8. W

20、hat is the shy peoples reaction to compliment?A) They are pleased by it.B) They feel it is not true. C) They are very sensitive to it.D) They feel it confirms their inferiority.9. Which of the following statement is true?A) Shyness helps us to live up to our full potential. B) Shyness enables us to

21、understand ourselves better.C) Shyness blocks our chances to a rich life. D) Shyness has nothing to do with lack of self-esteem. 10. We can infer from the passage that the writer is _. A) a shy person B) a realistic person C) a sensitive person D) a reserved person Passage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 ar

22、e based on following passage:Christmas is a magical time, especially for young children. Though customs and traditions vary from country to country, one thing they all have in common is that they mostly centre around kids. The holidays are simply not quite the same without a Santa-believing youngste

23、r in the house.Weeks before Christmas, people are busy getting into the mood. Shops, streets and homes are decorated, and Christmas music fills the airwaves. And some people carry on the tradition of Christmas caroling (唱颂歌). Adults must tend to things like buying gifts and sending cards, but the sp

24、ectre (幽灵) of Santa leaves young believers in a blissful fantasy, distracted enough not to notice whom their parents are buying the gifts for. And though theres actually no such white-bearded man inhabiting the North Pole, Santa actually does help parents through the holidays.Children write letters

25、to him or even get to meet him, telling him what theyd like for Christmas. And in all his communication with them as well as many songs and stories Santa reminds them that they have to be good boys and girls. Otherwise they cant expect him to be so generous; if theyre really bad, they might only get

26、 a lump of coal.Children participate in many of the other preparations: They help bake and decorate Christmas cookies, and assist in decorating the tree, sometimes making their own decorations.The excitement builds with every day as Christmas approaches, and especially as school lets out for the two

27、-week Christmas holiday. There are usually some gifts from mom and dad beneath the tree by this time, provoking intense speculation beneath the glow of the trees lights.Then its off to bed for a restless night, in impatient anticipation and the worry that Santa might have missed your house. Kids hav

28、e an amazing ability to get up early Christmas morning, to find their stocking stuffed with candy and small toys, and the tree surrounded by gifts. They rush to wake their parents; the gifts are unwrapped; and playing with ones new toys begins.11. It is not stated but implied thatA) the whole world

29、believes in Santa ClansB) Santa Clans lives in the North PoleC) only children believe in the existence of SantaD) Santa is a spectre to children12. Which of the following is not true during the seasons according to the passage?A) People change gifts and send cards.B) People usually sing Christmas ca

30、rols.C) Parents wait for Santa to give their children gifts.D) Children are waiting for gifts from Santa. 13. It is true that A) children decorate their homes on their own during ChristmasB) children like to communicate with Santa in their lettersC) children know it is their parents who give them gi

31、ftsD) those who do not behave well receive a lump of coal 14.How long does the Christmas last?A) Two weeks.B) Several weeks.C) Only two days.D) Not mentioned15. What does the author tell us about children at Christmas?A) Children are eager to go to bed early and get up early.B) Children take off the

32、ir stockings and hang them up.C) Parents wake them up to meet Santa in the morning.D) They will find gifts from their parents in their stockings.Passage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on following passage:Point and click, point and click. This is the hour after I finish my homework. As I write tha

33、t last chemistry answer, my mind wanders to what awaits me in the world of the Web. Soon I will be talking to friends through instant messages, reading new mail in my inbox and checking out teen sites for the autumn fashion. Many teens spend hours on-line. Its a fun new way of communication and expl

34、oration.As I point and click away, I feel like a detective.If I have a question on relationships or other issues, I look to the millions of teens on the Web for advice. Many sites offer articles written by teens, and reading message boards is also very helpful when looking for advice. For homework,

35、the on-line encyclopedias never cease to provide just the information I am looking for.Another important part of my life on-line is communication. Although e-mail and instant messages will never replace traditional mail and the telephone, I do rely heavily on the Web for instant communication.I love

36、 that I can go on-line and talk to my friend in Ireland just as easily as I can talk to my friends in the next town. An e-mail to my grandmother tells her how much I care in a matter of seconds, and private chat rooms even provide a great forum for late-night study groups.Communication is an essenti

37、al part of everybodys life, and the Web is a tool to make communication earner.With a click of my mouse, the answers to my questions are just seconds away. The Web helps me find great summer job information, the hottest new movie and even the most popular places to hang out in my area.Who would ever

38、 have thought that the world would be at our fingertips?The services the Internet provides are endless. It can meet the needs of a student in Alaska just the same as it meets the needs of a businessman in Japan. I love the Internet, and I guess I am just a girl in a point and click world.16.What doe

39、s the author talk abut in this passage?A) Relaxation after homework.B) The world of the Web. C) Making friends on the Internet. D) The hottest new movie online.17. It is not stated clearly but implied that the author isA) a detectiveB) a businessmanC) a studentD) webmaster18. Which of the following

40、is not mentioned in the passage? A) Sending and receiving instant messages. B) Reading mails and talking with friends.C) Making use of on-line encyclopaedias.D) Playing on-line games with friends.19. Which of the following is true according to the author?A) Internet is only the teens favorite.B) Ins

41、tant messages will prevail over e-mail.C) Traditional mail and telephone will not be abandoned.D) There is still limit to the Web services.20. What is the authors attitude to the development of the Internet?A) Positive.B) Negative.C) Neutral. D) Ambiguous(模糊的).Part II Vocabulary and Structure (40%)D

42、irections: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A).B).C).and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 21. Tryon was extremely angry

43、, but cool-headed enough to _ storming into the bosss office. A) preventB) prohibit C) turn D) avoid 22. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still_A) blank B) hollow C) vacant D) bare23. A season ticket _the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes withi

44、n the stated period of time. A) entitles B) grants C) presents D) promises 24. He is _ about his chances of winning a goldmedal in the Olympics next year. A) optimistic B) optional C) outstanding D) obvious25. His business_ in the years before the war.A) thrilling B) thrives C) throb D) thriving26.

45、He was a very capable engineer, he could always _whenever there was something wrong with our car.A) put his finger on B) put his finger in anothers pie C) put his finger in D) all fingers and thumbs27. Once out of the earths gravity, the astronaut is _ by the problem of weightlessness. A) affected B

46、) effected C) inclined D) related28. I think some of his idea are totally_.A) inseam B) insane C) sane D) insanitary29. For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly _ by a dictator.A) depressed B) immersed C) oppressed D) cursed30. Where does he _ these days?A) hang out B) han

47、g over C) hang up D) hang back31. The problem with your conduct is that what you do is not _ with what you say.A) consistent B) continuous C) considerate D) continual32. She was so _ in her job that she didnt hear someone knocking at the door.A) attracted B) drawn C) absorbed D) concentrated33. When

48、 she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her _of responsibility. A) field B) limit C) extent D) range34. The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position.A) estate B) stature C) esteem D) status 35. One rainy night the policeman had a chance_ with a gang of smugglers.A) ac

49、quaintance B) encounter C) account D) interview36. The days when he was _ his best is already a thing of the past. A) in B) on C) with D) at37. Some people are not willing to _ responsibility for the errors they made. A) ensure B) assure C) assume D) resume 38. When business is in _, there is usuall

50、y an obvious increase in unemployment.A) conviction B) relaxation C) depression D) competition39. It is said that the math teacher seems _ towards bright students. A) liable B) partial C) beneficial D) preferable40. A defect of vision prevents him from _ his eyes accurately on an object. A) emphasiz

51、ingB) relaxing C) focusing D) achieving41. Good teachers are those who can _ things across to their students.A) suppress B) ensure C) grasp D) put42. In some colleges, women students are not allowed to _ males in their dormitories.A) contact B) entertain C) tend D) civilize43. There was _ evidence t

52、o prove that he was guilty of murder.A) global B) democratic C) sufficient D) precise44. The boss can not _ without the services of his secretary.A) endure B) do C) initiate D) inquire45. The _ economic growth contributed to the improvement of the local peoples living standard.A) accurate B) precise

53、 C) magic D) steady 46. In _ of population, China is the largest country in the world.A) proportion B) concept C) form D) terms47. Our monitor took the _ in organizing the English evening.A) attitude B) initiative C) basis D) audience48. The development of society will surely _ major changes in the

54、educational system.A) slow down B) fit into C) bring about D) cut off49. The Internet keep people _ of what is going at home and abroad.A) educated B) conveyed C) competed D) informed50. I dont think happiness _ having a big fortune.A) consists of B) lies in C) fits into D) bases onPart III Cloze (1

55、0%)Directions: In this part, here are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A).B).C).and D). You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. As an Industrial Engineer _51_ Friendlys Ice Cream, Kai is _52_ for product cost analysis, method improve

56、ment, the facility layout and capital feasibility studies. She has _53_ related duties that require her to use her math and science _54_, Kais job _55_ her to interact and effectively communicate _56_.people _57_ all professional levels, verbally and _58_. She interacts with accountants, production

57、supervisors, contractors lawyers, plant managers, Vice Presidents, etc. She _59_ her Bachelors of Science _60_ Industrial Engineering and Operation research at UMass Amherst. Kai _61_ the constant change and variety of jobs she has to do every day. _62_, sometimes her assignments require her to _63_

58、 lots of time on the computer. _64_ an Industrial Engineer she had to _65_ a number of barriers, _66_ being a woman of color and being accepted by her male supervisors. She suggests that if _67_ is interested in becoming an Industrial Engineer that they pursue their interests because the field is wi

59、de open _68_ for women of color. Kais advice to young women thinking about _69_ this career field is “Dont let anyone tell you that engineering is not for women. Believe in yourself. Follow your dreams and goals. Although all of the college prep courses (预备课程) are important, make sure you focus on c

60、ommunications _70_ interpersonal shills.”51. A) to B) forC) onD) with52. A) lookingB) expertC) responsibleD) based53. A) many otherB) other manyC) many elseD) much other54. A) knowledges B) problemsC) skillsD) technology55. A) inquires B) requiresC) acquiresD) squires56. A) againstB) toC) withD) on57. A) inB) ofC) onD) above58. A) writtenB) writinglyC) with writingD) in writing59. A) made B) earnedC)

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