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1、必修一 misunderstanding n. disappointed adjdisappointing adj system nteenager n disappear vimove vi assistant ncover vt diploma n误解失望的令人失望的制度;体系;系统少年消失搬家助手;助理 包含文凭;毕业证书provinceenthusiastic省n热心的adj previous adj description namazed adj embarrassing adjtechnology n impress vtcorrection n encouragement nen

2、joyment n fluency n以前的;从前的记述;描述吃惊的;惊讶的令人尴尬的;令人吃惊的技术使印象深刻改正;纠正鼓励;激励 享受;乐趣流利;流畅websiten网站;网址 move assistant cover diploma in other words look forward to at the start of at the end of go to college be divided into take part in attitude to/towards搬家vi助手;助理n包含vt文凭;毕业证书n换句话说期待;盼望在开始的时候在结束的时候上大学被(划)分成 参加对的

3、态度 brilliant adj comprehension n instruction n method n bored adj embarrassed adj attitude n behaviour n(口语)极好的理解;领悟(常作复数)指示;说明方法厌倦的;厌烦的尴尬的;难堪的态度行为;举止academic adj amazing adjinformation 学术的令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的信息n 必修一第一模块I.词汇练习to impress A quick way _ someone is to tell him that you admire him. 想要让别人对你留下深刻印象,

4、最快的办法就是告诉他 “ 你钦佩他”.It made a very forceful impression _ me. 它给我留下了深刻的印象。 onHe had a vague impression _rain pounding on the packed earth. 他隐约记得雨点打在坚实地面上的情景。of 必修一第一模块I.词汇练习_ n.流利II.短语练习fluency He is _ in English.fluent 与相似 致力于 be similar to 盼望be devoted to/ devote oneself tolook forward to习惯于 be/get

5、used tobe/get accustomed to 必修一第一模块通向;导致II.短语练习contribute to lead to导致;促成 沉迷于 be _ to 着手做addictedget down to一点也不像nothing like write down one s _(想法)about sth.thoughtsin other _ words_ came that 有消息传来说Word be impressed _ 对印象深刻 with 第二模块 Module twowave jokesummary respectheadmaster headmistressperiod

6、revisiontranslation timetabletopicvacation挥(手);招(手)vt玩笑;笑话n总结;摘要;提要n 尊敬;尊重vt录取vt科学的adj文学n大声的adv revision ninformalI would appreciate_if you could come. admission admit _(do)science scientistaloud adv organised patientserious shystrict impressionavoid hateincorrectly completelyamusing energeticintell

7、igent nervous有组织的;有系统的adj耐心的adj impatient patience严肃的adj害羞的;羞怯的adj严格的;严厉的adj印象n(故意)避开vt 讨厌;不喜欢vt不正确的advI hate _when people speak with their mouths full.十分的;完全的adv 有趣的;可笑的adj精力充沛的adj聪明的adj紧张的;焦虑的adjintelligence avoid_(do) 取得进展短语练习result_ make progress 导致由导致result _ in fact事实上= fromas _ matter of fact

8、睡着fall_inaasleep讲笑话tell jokesModule Two be true _ 适用于for/of It is the same _sb.with语法填空1.With all the work _(finish), they hurried back home for supper.finished2.I would rather you _(stay) with us for the coming holiday.stayedI would rather you _(attend)the meeting held yesterday.had attended3.He ha

9、s _little knowledge that he can t teach_ little children.sosuch 第三模块 Module threekindergarten apartmentcartoon interviewerevent exhausteddowntownvacuumrail ceremonytrack souvenir幼儿园n美)公寓;单元住宅n卡通;漫画n(面试时的)主考官;面谈者interviewee事件n疲惫不堪的adj商业区的;市中心的adj真空;空白n铁轨n 仪式n轨道n纪念品n midnight product scenery shoot soi

10、l journey train circus seaside stadium eagle frighten半夜n产品n production风景;景色n射杀vt土壤n旅程n训练vt马戏团n 海滨n运动场;体育场n鹰n使吃惊;惊吓vt helicopter motorbike tram distance abandoned camel cassette desert diamond expert直升飞机n摩托车n电车n距离n被遗弃的adj骆驼n录音带n沙漠n 钻石n专家n 短语练习 out of date refer to refer to asbe short for过时指的是,查阅,提及 把

11、称作 是的缩写be short of 超过;不仅仅more than以的速度 at a/the speed of 起飞;成功;脱下 take off 短缺 在二十世纪八十年代 in the 1980s Teachers can have big problems _ discipline. withHe is short _ confidence.of He had planned to buy the computer,but he was two dollars _. (缺)short His name is Alexandra,but we call him Alex_ short. f

12、or Do you mind my/me_(sit) here?sitting Do you mind if I _(sit) here? sit Would you mind if I_(see)your ticket?saw Please _ _ the dictionary(查字典)refer to 必修一 Module four organisation unemployed household occupation professional manual employment gallery exchange fascinating afford survive组织n失业的;没有工作

13、的adj umemployment家属;家人n职业n专业的adj用手的;手的adj就业;工作;职业n 美术馆;画廊n 交换vt吸引人的;迷人的adj买得起;有能力支付vt avoid_(do)死里逃生;大难不死vi rent districtapproach harbourgorgeous architecturestarveparktraffic committeecontactsound tourist租金n地域;区域;行政区n接近vt;处理海港n美丽的;宜人的adj建筑n architect饿死vi停车vt parking lot委员会n 联络;联系(某人)vt听起来vi旅游者;观光客n

14、the approach_the problom bother nuisance survey neighbourhood local suburb hometown attractive fortunate pretty打扰;烦扰;麻烦vi 令人讨厌的人或事n Backinthe1980sdruguserswere_publicnuisanceinZurich.在20世纪80年代,吸毒者在苏黎世是被众人所唾弃的。a调查n四邻;街坊n地方的;局部的adj rural城郊;郊区n suburban urban家乡n有吸引力的;吸引人的adj attraction幸运的;吉祥的adj make a

15、 _fortune很;相当adv We have a very communicative approach _ teaching languages.我们在语言教学中非常强调交际教学法。to还清;努力得到回报pay offput up so farup to now till nowget away from a great manya number of go up修建到目前为止摆脱 许多;大量许多;大量上升 必修一 Module five steam float form dissolve balance crucible tongs flame facility lecture dep

16、artment astonished蒸汽;水汽n漂浮vi形成vi溶解;分离;分解vi天平n坩埚n(复)夹子;小钳子n火焰n (常作复数)设备;工具n演讲n(大学的)科、系n吃惊的;惊愕的adj potassium sodium calcium magnesium aluminium zinc partial copper oxide rust boil ordinary钾n钠n钙n镁n铝n锌n局部的;部分的adj铜n 氧化物n生锈vi煮;煮沸vt普通的;平常的adj boilong water boiled water liquid expand contract substance mixt

17、ure oxygen electricity stage conclusion aim reaction electrical equipment react 液体n膨胀vi收缩;合同vi碰撞;撞击vi密码;口令n记录;登录vt软件n故障n来源;出处n breakthrough There was a brown envelope _ (contain) dollar bills containing consist_提出;产生由组成 come up_集中在上concentrate/focus_与比较起来_to/witha series ofhave/get access to be acce

18、ssible to sbof with oncompared moss n algae n adapt to trap v meteorite n extraterrestrial adj mass n balance v exploration n set foot on rivalry n treaty n藓;苔藓藻类(植物)(使)适应储存,留存陨石天外的,地球外的块,堆,团使平衡(对某地区的)勘查进入,到达 不断的)竞争(国家或政府间的)条约,公约 commercial adj 商业的nuclear adj 核的,核能的test n 试验radioactive adj (具有)放射性的p

19、romote v 促进,增进 via prep 经由,取道trap v 使陷入困境lifeboat n 救生船crew n (全体)船员voyage n (乘船的)旅行,航行drift v 漂流,漂泊ceremonial adj 正式的glacier n 冰川;冰河 magnetic adj 磁的,磁性的,磁场的 glare n 刺眼的光 intense adj 强烈的 sunglasses n 太阳镜;墨镜 suncream n 防晒霜 severe adj 艰难的,艰巨的 eyesight n 视力;目力 sunburnt adj 晒伤的 minus prep 零下 numb adj 麻木

20、的;失去知觉的 frost n 霜;霜冻 clothing n 衣服;(尤指)某种服装 portable adj 轻便的;便携的 pure adj 干净的;不含有害物质的 millimetre n 毫米;千分之一米 abnormal adj 不正常的,反常的 sunrise n 日出 sunset n 日落 absence n 缺乏;没有 daylight n 日光;白天 tiresome adj 烦人的,令人讨厌的 depressing adj 令人沮丧的;令人抑郁的 isolated adj 孤单的,孤立的 aircraft n 飞机;飞行器 platform n 平台 powder n

21、粉;粉末 minimum adj 最少量;最小数 modest adj 不很昂贵的; 适中的 luxury n 奢侈品 cosy adj 温暖舒适的 dormitory n 宿舍;寝室 canteen n (工厂学校等的)食 堂,餐厅 stock v 储存,储备 laundry n 待洗的衣物 discourage v 阻止;打消的念头 in case of 如果;假使 emergency n 紧急情况;突发事情 conventional adj 常规的;普通的 drill n 钻;钻机 snap v 崩溃,支持不住 tricky adj 困难的,棘手的 fragile adj 脆弱的;易碎的 battery n 电池 ecology n 生态;生态学 delicate adj 娇气的,纤弱的 privilege n 荣幸 trader n 商人;买卖人;经商者 spice n 香料 jewel n 宝石 befriend v 对待如朋友 tale n 传说;故事 legendary adj 传说中的 reliability n 可靠性 obscure adj 难理解的,晦涩的 intimate adj 亲密的 inhabit v 居住 spaghetti n 意大利面条 insight n 洞察力,眼光 inspiration n 鼓舞;启示;灵感

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