高中英语 Unit 4 Period Three课件 新人教版必修5

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1、Period Three 交际导航 口语积累运用语法专题 倒装写作专题 写一篇新闻报道栏目索引 1.Only when the war ended was Tom able to meet his sister again.只有战争结束了汤姆才能再见到他妹妹。2.So carefully did Tina do her homework that she didn t hear me.蒂娜如此认真地做作业以至于她没听到我说话。3.Here comes the teacher.老师来了。4.Among the visitors are three famous singers.来访者中有三位是著

2、名的歌唱家。n 语法精析语法专题 倒装观 察 体 验 在英语中,主语和谓语的语序是主语在前,谓语在后。但有时谓语的部分或全部提到主语的前面,这种语序就是倒装。1.部分倒装部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词、情态动词或be动词提至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did,并将其置于主语之前。即 时 归 纳 (1)含有否定意义的词或短语及某些含有否定词的连词如:not,never,seldom,little,few,hardly,at no time,in no way,by no means,on no condition,in no case,unde

3、r no circumstances,not until,not only,no sooner等位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。Seldom do I go to work by bus.我很少坐公交车去上班。 注意:否定词如果只是主语的一部分,而不是作状语时,则句子不必倒装。Not all experts are in favour of the project.并非所有的专家都赞成这项工程。not only.but also.在连接两个并列分句时,如果not only位于句首,则前一分句倒装,后一分句仍然用陈述语序。此称为“前倒后不倒”。Not only have they influenc

4、ed our own generation,but they will also influence generation to come.他们不仅影响我们这一代,也将影响到我们的后代。 not until引导状语从句位于句首时,从句不能倒装,倒装的是后面的主句。此称为“主倒从不倒”。Not until he got seriously ill did he know the importance of health.直到他患上了严重的疾病他才知道健康的重要性。(2)以only开头的句子中,当only修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句时,要采用部分倒装语序。Only if we keep on wo

5、rking hard can we succeed the next time.我们只有努力工作,下次才会成功。Only when the war was over in 1918 was Einstein able to get back happily to work.只有在1918年战争结束时,爱因斯坦才能够愉快地返回工作岗位。 (3)so.that.和such.that.句式中,若把so或such及它们所修饰的词提至句首时,主句采用部分倒装语序,但that引导的结果状语从句中语序正常。Such rapid progress did my nephew make that he was

6、able to keep a diary in English before long.我侄子取得了如此迅速的进步,他不久就能用英语写日记了。 (4)以so,neither或nor开头的句子,表示前面所说的情况也适合于另外一个人,要采用部分倒装语序。After that we never saw her again,neither(nor)did we hear from her.在那以后,我们从未见过她,也再没有收到过她的来信。She has been to New York and so have I.她去过纽约,我也去过。 (5)as引导的让步状语从句要采用倒装语序,其倒装办法是将表语、

7、状语或动词原形提前;提前表语时,若表语为可数名词单数,要省略不定冠词。Peasant as my uncle is,he owns a large fortune.虽然我叔叔是个农民,但他拥有一大笔财富。(6)虚拟条件句中,if引导的条件从句中若有were,had,should,可省去if,把were,had,should提至主语前,构成部分倒装。Were I you(If I were you),I would grasp the chance.如果我是你,我会抓住这次机会。 2.完全倒装(1)在以in,out,back,up,down,off,away,here,there等副词开头的句子

8、中,当主语为名词时,常采用主谓完全倒装语序,但主语为人称代词时,主谓不倒装。Just then the door opened and in came a woman.就在那时,门开了,进来了一个女的。Look!Here comes the bus.Oh,here it comes.瞧!公共汽车来了。噢,真的来了。 (2)表示存在关系的句子将表地点的副词或介词短语提至句首时,若主语为名词,也采用完全倒装结构。Under that tree sits a beautiful girl.那棵树下坐着一位美丽的姑娘。(3)在一些固定句型中,以now,then或thus开头的句子也采用完全倒装结构。N

9、ow comes your turn to answer the teacher s question.现在轮到你回答老师的问题了。 即时跟踪1.把下列句子改为倒装句(1)The villagers didn t realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river. all the fish died in the river the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.(2)I shall never forget the days w

10、hen I lived together with you. Never forget the days when together with you. 答 案 Not untilshall I I liveddid (3)Though I liked it much,I had no money to buy it.,I had no money to buy it.(4)The hamburger not only smells good but also tastes delicious. the hamburger smell good,but also it tastes delic

11、ious.(5)The robber was caught the moment he entered the bank. the robber entered the bank than he was caught. 答 案 Much though/as I liked itNot only doesNo sooner had 2.完成句子(1) the bell. 铃响了。(2)Once upon a time a man known by the name of Beef.从前有个名叫比夫的人住在那里。(3)Down and up .下雨了,伞都撑起来了。(4)Round and rou

12、nd .飞机盘旋着。(5)Out .孩子们出去了。 答 案 There goes there livedcame the rain went the umbrellasflew the planewent the children .用倒装结构补全下列句子1.Only after talking to two students that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.(2015湖南)直到跟两个学生谈了话以后我才发现,有强烈的动机是达到目标的最重要的因素之一。2.It might

13、have saved me some trouble the schedule.(2015江苏)要是早知道时间表的话,可能会省去我一些麻烦。 答 案 did I discoverhad I knownn 高考链接 3. the nurses want a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well.(2014大纲全国)护士们不仅要求提高工资,还要求缩短工作时间。4.Only when you can find peace in your heart good relation-ships with others.(2014湖南)唯有找到内心的宁静,

14、方能维持人际关系的和谐。5. no modern telecommunications,we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.(2014福建)要不是有现代化的通讯,我们就不得不等好几个星期才能得到来自世界各地的消息。 答 案 Not only do will you keepWere there/Should there be 6.No sooner on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.(2014陕西)莫言一登上舞

15、台,观众就发出了雷鸣般的掌声。7.“ Never for a second,” the boy says,“ that my father would come to my rescue.” (2013江苏)这个男孩说:“我从不怀疑我父亲会来救我。”8.Not until he went through real hardship the love we have for our families is important.(2013福建)直到他经历了这些真正的困难,他才意识到我们对家庭的爱是重要的。 答 案 had Mo Yan stepped did I doubtdid he reali

16、ze 9.Not once to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.(2013湖南)迈克尔成为班里的第一名这样的情况一次也没有发生过。10.At no time the rules of the game.It was unfair to punish them.(2013辽宁)实际上他们从来没有违反比赛的规则。惩罚他们是不公平的。 答 案 did it occurdid they actually break .用倒装结构改写下列句子1.If I were an interviewer,the pe

17、rson I would like to interview is Yang Liwei.(2015安徽) ,the person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei.2.They not only offer you joy and excitement,but also encourage you to think critically.(2015天津) you joy and excitement,but also encourage you to think critically. 答 案 Were I an interviewerNot o

18、nly do they offer 3.Although the answer seemed a little strange,nobody but I doubted it.(2015湖北) Strange ,nobody but I doubted it.4.They grow up to be independent and become truly successful only in this way.(2013福建) Only in this way to be independent and become truly successful. 答 案 as/though the a

19、nswer seemed a littlecan they grow up 返 回 Making appointments1.征求约定用语(1)Shall we make an appointment?(2)How/What about.?(3)When are you free?(4)When do you think is convenient for you?(5)Is it possible to.?(6)Where is the best place?(7)What if.?交际导航 口语积累运用 2.回复用语(1)I shall be busy at.and.but I can b

20、e free.(2)I m not sure.I ll have to check my schedule.(3)Maybe we can meet at.(4)Perhaps we could. 即时跟踪完成会话Conversation 1A:Do you want to go shopping with me?B:That s a good idea.What time is good for you?A:1. (周六上午怎么样)?B:Sounds good. 答 案How about Saturday morning Conversation 2A:I want to meet you.

21、Are you free this evening?B:Well,actually,2. (我今天没有空).Do you have anything urgent?A:No,I just want to meet you.B:How about tomorrow instead?A:Hmm,that s all right.3. (我们在海滨附近的酒吧见面好吗)?B:All right.See you then. 答 案 Im not free todayShall we meet at the bar near beach 返 回 文 体 指 导 本单元的话题是“新闻”,是对发生的事件及时的

22、报道。新闻报道是应用文的一种,主要是用平实、客观的语言来记叙某个新闻事件,在基础写作中比较常见。1.新闻报道的第一句往往是全文的中心句 (topic sentence),因此这个句子中常包含四大元素:what (事件),when (时间),where (地点)和 who (人物),而在下文则要补充事件的过程和细节,往往包括 why (目的或原因)和 how (具体过程)等。 写作专题n 基础点拨 写一篇新闻报道 2.学生应熟记新闻报道类的一些常用结构,如“ It is reported that./As is reported./According to the report.”等。3.新闻报

23、道的关键在于语言客观平实,所以学生不必追求过分花哨的词汇和过于复杂的句型。4.时态常用过去时和将来时。亮 点 句 式 1.It s reported that./As is reported./According to the report.2.It s said that.3.It s likely that.4.It s a great chance for. 写 作 任 务 假设你是李华,正在美国探亲。2016年9月8日清晨,你目击了一起交通事故。请写一篇词数为100左右的英语短文描述当时所见的情况。要点如下:1.(时间) 2016年9月8日清晨7点15分;2.(地点) 公园路公园门前;

24、3.(经过) 我正沿公园路向东走,一辆汽车从第三街道向右拐,驶入公园路时撞倒了一位过街的老人,汽车未停,沿公园路向西逃走;4.汽车是黄色的,车牌号是AB36339,司机是一位女性。n 佳作构建 答 案 审 题 谋 篇 第一步明确要求该写作属于应用文类的新闻报道,故要用 人称来写;报道的新闻是。事故已经发生,故时态上要用时态,为表达形象生动,也可以运用 时态。另外,在描述事故时,应该以 的推移为线索,细节描述要生动,条理要清楚。第一你所目击的一起交通事故一般过去时间过去进行 答 案 第二步确定段落这篇新闻报道可以分为三部分:Para. 11.,可以用简短的一句话引出话题。Para. 2作文的重点

25、,有条理地2. 。Para. 33.。新闻导语描述事件的经过简要收尾 答 案 第三步词汇热身1.2016年9月8日清晨7点15分2.在 的另一面 3.向右拐 4.不是 而是 5.向西 6.大约两分钟后 7: 15 on the morning of September 8th,2016on the other side ofmake a right turn not.but.head westabout two minutes later 答 案 第四步句式升级1.我正沿着公园路向东散步,这时在街的另一面一位老人从公园走出来。(一般表达)I was walking to the east al

26、ong Park Road.Just then,an old man came out from the park on the other side of the street.(句式升级1)I was walking along Park Road towards the east an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.(句式升级2)I along Park Road towards the east.Just then,out of the park on the other side of

27、 the street. whenwas taking a walkcame an elderly man 答 案 2.然后我看到一辆黄色的车沿着第三街道行驶,之后向右拐入了公园路。(一般表达)Then I saw a yellow car drive along Third Street and then it turned right into Park Road.(句式升级1)Then a yellow car coming along Third Street,and then it turned right into Park Road.(句式升级2)Then a yellow ca

28、r along Third Street .,it into Park Road.(句式升级3)Then I a yellow car driving along Third Street and then right into Park Road.appeared in my eyesdriving came into myview Afterwards made a right turncaught sight ofturning 答 案 3.这辆汽车行驶得如此快,以至于撞到了正在过马路的那位老人。(一般表达)The car drove very fast. It hit the old

29、man when he was crossing the road.(句式升级1)The car drove at it hit the old man the road.(句式升级2)The car drove it hit the old man while the road. so fast a speed that(who was) crossing so fast that (he was)crossing 连 句 成 篇 I witnessed a car accident. It was 7:15 on the morning of September 8th,2016.I wa

30、s walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road.The car drove so fast that it hit the man while he was crossing the road.He fell with a cry.The car didn t stop but drove off at great speed heading west.I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AB36339. About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.At last he was saved. 返 回

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