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1、考研复试听力讲义对话听力考题来源四、六级考试的 conversationConversation 分成 short conversation 和 longer conversation。 小对话通常采用一男一女,一英一美的形式,使用的是 international pronunciation。 考察同学们对日常生活用语的掌握能力。常见题型: 数字信息,人物关系,人物身份,地点方向,态度方向,建议意见,弦外之音(重 读发生变化,句意随之变化)数字信息题 两大考察方 向:时间,价钱 一、 时间 问题包括:飞机起飞,火车离港,讲座开始或结束时间等。 特点:所听非所得,需计算简单对话复杂化Eg :飞机

2、起飞晚点,讲座开始一一延迟1. 听到两个数字信息加在一起的概率往往要高于减去的概率 在生活中飞机起飞、比赛开始往往只能推迟不能提前。例:-Hello, passenger, Im sorry to inform you flight number 205 is delayed for 2 hours due to the bad weather.- Oh, I thought it is 10:30. 因此我们可以得出飞机起飞的时间是 12:30。飞机起飞不会提前听力的时间问题,当听力水平有限时尽量用加法。 两个时间点分别为点时间和段时间,点时间+/-段时间= 正确答案2.相减的情况例:Hur

3、ry up! The departure time should be 10:30, we only get 40mins to check in. Q: Whats the time now ?规则:考查时间类型题的时候要听点时间和段时间,将所听到的点时间和段时间相加或相减即可得到正确答案。如果问题是飞机起飞、火车离港时间往往用加法,问题是对话发生时间往往用减法。3点时间和两个段时间例: I m sorry sir, you are 20mins late, your appointment was 12:20, Dr. Steven is with another patient, he

4、will probably come with you in half an hour.Q:什么时候能见到医生? A : 13:10a.点时间+段时间1+段时间2 b点时间+段时间1-段时间2例: I m sorry to in form you flight n umber 205 is delayed for 2 hours due to the bad weather.-Oh, I thought it was 10:30, so it means that we still got 40m ins to checkin. Q; Whe n does the con versati on

5、 take place? A: 11:50时间加减问题:当问飞机起飞时用加法,问对话发生时间用减法。二、价钱问题(乘除法)Key words : on sale经常出现打折情况,必须听清原价和打折幅度例: It was 100, but it is on sale, I can give you a 20%discount.*20%discount二 八折正确选项计算:现价=原价* (1-20%)例: - This coat is lovely, but 200 seems more expensive to me.-Dont worry, it is on sale, and I can g

6、ive you 20% disco unt.Q:现在多少钱原则:听清所有对话后才能计算 购买时可能出现买半个,两个,四分之一,或是一对一双(couple of, double of)注意 couple / double of 连读例:放学直接回家吗?- No. I have class until one oclock and after that Im going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home.数字信息题中可能出现的词: 买东西一打 dozen,half a dozen 半打a baker dozen

7、13 个 一件 24 听 two dozens价钱问题中常用词on sale discount off 一半 四分之一 一打三、常见场景人物关系题 人物身份题 地点方向题人物关系题Whats the relationship between the two speakers? 常见关系: 老板和秘书 空姐和乘客 服务员和顾客 老师和学生 学生和学生地点方向:Where does the conversation most probably take place? 人物身份:What s the woma n? Whats the job of the wome n?*地点决定人物关系同时决定人

8、物工作因此,我们可由对话地点判断出人物关系,从而推断出人物身份。对于地点方向题,人物关系题和人物身份题而言,听清对方发生地点最重要。1、语气,语调,称谓暗示地点 称谓Doctor 不选医生,选老师,地点为学校; son 不是母子关系,常表示小朋友,或长辈和晚辈; honey,sweetie 不是夫妻关系,双方很可能不认识; 判断夫妻关系时孩子为关键。例: I m getting quite worried about our daughter Mary. 语气 双方说话时有没有用敬称和比较 尊敬的词 例:Excuse me,do you mind if I sit here,is there

9、any opportunity for me to do something语气越客气,双方关系越疏远。 双方用到 敬称对话很有可能发生在公共场所双方直呼姓名对话可能发生在私人场所,常选关系为亲人,丈夫和妻子,同学 之 间或同事之间 听力场景词汇 指不同场景下有明显区分度的名词和动词或 常见的东西短语。常见场景: 办公室,银行,学校,邮局,饭店,理发店,医院,机场,电话用语等。a.办公室type a letter 选办公室不选邮局interview (interviewer, interviewee) 和面试相关的往往容易找到工作 例:- How is your job interview g

10、oing?-I couldnt feel better about it.在对话中: 找工作容易找到 去医院看病没大病 考试不及格旁边一定有人劝慰。 例:-一With all the effort I made I just got a D, I guess Im not right pers on for math. -Come on., at least you have tried it.Promotion 升职,考试中工作的升迁往往是搬家的原因Quit from a job,考查三个方向:1,为什么辞职:原因有两个一是boring,不为钱;二是经常出差,require too much

11、 travel. 2.另外会考到一个人说工作不干了问第二个人的意见时,第二个人 常说:You have to think about the gain and the lost. Then make the final decision. 第二个人不给消极或积极意见,往往说重新考虑是否做这个工作。3. file 文件,例:-Could you please help me with these files?- Ok, but not right now. You know, I have e-mail to forward and phone call to answer and severa

12、l letters to send. Ill do it after those tasks.迷惑选项可能出现:电话亭,网吧,邮局。*原则:当听到打印机,复印机,打字机,电话,电脑,email等词时,出现的办公设备 越全越容易选办公室。Files 为判断关键词。常见的人物关系为老板和秘书或同事之间的关系。b银行场景常用短语 open an account开户 (注意连读)例:-Excuse me, Id like to open a student account please.-Ok, just simply fill out those forms and you shall be giv

13、en a student account with interest rate 2.5%.听到account,发生在银行。 cash a check支票兑现withdraw money from bank 取钱 deposit money 存钱,存钱不叫save money, save money 意为攒钱 interest rate 利率 balanee余额 travelers check旅行支票人物关系:aclerk from bank and customerc. 学校场景library图书馆例: 一-Id like tore new my book.(续借)-Im sorry, its

14、 over due(超期),you can not renew the book. You have to retur n(归还)this book.因为超期还要交fine (罚金),如果学生非借不可,对方通常回答Its unfair to the others.如果坚持这样做的话,I have to suspend(吊销)your library card.学生会说我不借了。但由于学生需要,会提供两种解决方案: 一种是 why not copy it? 我帮你复印好不好;第二种是 why not go to the bookstore and find it in the used book

15、 (二手书)section. dormitory常缩写成dorm 讲座 如果问对方讲座怎么样,往往得到的是消极回答, 听不懂。在考试过程中,听不懂的原因有三个:一、too difficult for me to understand.二、too fast to follow.三、strong accent. 选课必修课:required course, obligatory course.选修课:optional course, selected course, elective course学分:credits (学分用复数,用作信用时为不可数名词,没有s,如credit card,听见 c

16、redit card 不选银行选消费场所) paper论文 例如,学生问老师论文写中美之间的矛盾可不可以,老师说这个 题目太大了: the first you should n arrow the topic dow n.縮小话题)接着老师让学生先写 outline 大纲,交 draft 初稿,老师改正后让学生交soft copy 电子版,最后交 hard / final copy 定稿。d. 邮局 作为错误选项的概率大于正确选项airmail 经常作为迷惑选项,不选和飞机有关的,如 airport,airline。平信:ordinary mail 挂号信:registered maile.

17、饭店 经常考为什么双方在饭店吃饭而不在学校的食堂吃饭,最常见的原因不 是饭店东西好吃而是环境好。例:- The food in this restaurant is terrible.- Isnt it nice we just get away from old noise.到达饭店前通常考预定:make a reservation,这是对话不发生在饭店中,而是在 电话中。例:- Hello, Id like to make a reservation for a table for four .-If you dont mind, we do have some corner table

18、orwe do have some windowseats.点餐:order,也指所点的东西菜单:menu结账: can I see / buy the bill please?小费:tip,对话题中谁谈到小费谁是顾客。f. 医院场景医院场景无大病,通常听到caught a cold感冒,cough咳嗽maybe the seafood doesnt agree with my stomach. 闹肚子 常用词 ward 病房,与 word 区分:出现数字选病房 emergency room 急诊室 operation手术室,出现次数不多,因为医院无大病 pill药丸,tablet药片,常考用

19、药量,用乘法计算g. 飞机场换登机牌:check in (也可用于旅店入住,区分看有没有出现reservation, deposit 扌甲金,例如:you have to pay 200 as deposit in case any fee.)登机牌:boarding card /pass 登机门: boarding gate航班:flight头等舱:first class cab in经济舱: economical class安全带:seat belt,也可用于出租车场景,区分靠take off起飞。空姐:air hostess飞机离港时间:departure time到港时间:arriva

20、l time托运行 李:luggage check 超重:over weight 罚金:fine 直达航班: nonstop / direct flighth. 电话场景dial 拨号例: Sorry, the number you dial is busy now, please redial later again. *dial 也可指钟表表盘 别挂机:hold on the line接线员:opera tor市话:local call 长途:long distance call 越洋电话:oversea call 占线:line is busy不在服务区:can not be conne

21、cted at this moment 空号:the number you dial dose not exist.听到以上场景词汇要反应出三点:对话发生地点,双方关系,任何一方身份。 四、对话预览在没有听音时,对选项的逻辑关系进行判定,把被动的听转化成主动地找。 例题:1.A) He watched television with his friend.B) He stayed at home talking with his friend.C) He went to see a film with his friend.D) He went to see his schoolmate.听清

22、动词:这个人究竟做了什么在考题中出现并列的动词,用最后出现原则。在听音时,哪一个后出现哪一个被选中的概率相对高一点。 也可推广到并列名词的考查上。2.A) When the meeting is to be held.B) Who are going to attend the meeting.C) Where the meeting is to be held.D) Whats to be discussed at the meeting.听对话中最后出现的内容。3.A) The necessity of writing to Mr. Johnson.B) Who is going to c

23、ontact Mr. Johnson?C) The arrangement of the Wednesday meeting.D) Where they are going to meet Mr. Johnson.四个选项中都出现了 Mr. Johnson, 对话中一定会出现 Mr. Johnson 这个人正确答案往往有明显的概括性和深刻性 深刻性指这个选项本身有一定的哲理,可以概括和涵盖其他选项。4.A) Jack brought the tape to the party.B) The tape had been returned to Paul.C) The tape was missi

24、ng.D) Jack lent his tape to Paul.可以预览出原文的信息点:第一个是磁带第二个是 Jack 和 Paul 两个人我们要听的重点是这个录音带是谁的,在哪。5.A) The man wants to reserve a room.B) The man reserved a room some time ago.C) The man has booked a room with no bath.D) The man wants to buy a flat on the second floor.这道题 A 选项和 B 选项构成相反选项,相反取一,当两个选项逻辑上正好相反

25、,其中一个 为正确选项。而B选项比C选项有概括性,B选项从逻辑上大于C选项,因此正确答案极有可能是B选 项。推断:正确答案往往有深刻性和概括性正确答案往往来自于两个相反的选项中。错误答案往往是四个选项中说话比较另类的一个。例:A Tom was saved from the accident.B Tom survived from the accident. CTom was killed in the accident.D Toms car was badly damaged.五、两原则第二句重心原则在听音过程中,如果对话双方没有明显的暗示,正确答案往往来自于第二个人的话。如果是长对话,正确

26、答案往往来自于 2,4,6,8 句,也就是偶数重心原则。BUT 原则在对话中一旦出现 but, however, despite, in spite of 等,正确答案往往在其后出现。听力练习1.W: Did you see last nights film on channel 4?M: Well. I meant to see it, but a friend of mine came to see me. We had a nice long talk aboutoQu: rWshchaot odliddathyes. man do lastnight? 2.W: Did you get

27、 my message about the meeting onMM:oYnedsa,yI?did. But Im still not quite sure what the meeting is about. Not bad news, I hope. Q: What does the man wish to know most?3.W: You have arranged a meeting to Mr. Johnson on Wednesday. So I dont haveto write to him, do I?M: Theres no need to write to him.Q

28、: What are the speakers talking about?4.W: Did Jack find the tape he borrowed from Paul? Do you know?M: He looked everywhere for it, but in the end he had to go to the party without it.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?5.W: Carlson? Oh, yes, Mr. Carlson. Its a single room with a bath, on the

29、 second floor. I hMo:pHeello, my name is Carlson. I believe you have a room booked for me.it will suit you, sir.does the channel 4but,成为解题关键。第二题:在第二个人的话语中出现转折词 but,but 后说 Im still not quite sure what meeti ng is about. Not bad n ews, I hope.因此我们知道男人所关心的内容是会议的内容, 这也符合 正确答案往往是对话双方所有信息最后出现的内容,即最后出现原则。第

30、三题:最后的内容为Theres no need to write to him.所以两个人谈论的是给Johnson写 信的必要性或重要性。第四题:听到转折词 but,在 but 后我们听到 in the end he had to go to the party without it.因此我们知道正确答案是到最后也没有找到磁带,也就是这盘磁带丢了。第五题:正确答案 The man reserved a room some time ago.六、对话复习指导四、六级真题听力题的复习 对话前预 览:把被动的听变成主动的找 每道题预览时间不要超过 8 秒在预览后需要思考: 一、这是一个什么类型的题并

31、对应到 不同题型的解题思路上 二、正确答案会在对话的什么位置出现 三、听清楚问题问的究竟是什么英式发音和美式发音的区别考研复试听力 1. 托福听力美式发音2. 雅思听力英式发音3. 四、六级听力international pronunciation美式发音:General American (GA)使用于美国中北部和加拿大南部等地区英式发音:St andard British / Received Pro nun ciatio n标准英语)英国南部,王室贵族 使用英式发音与美式发音的最大不同特点:重音控制不同英式发音:节奏生硬美式发音:流畅Example:l eteei afa or 半个小时

32、内我会到达那里。一,元音发音区别1.元音+字母 r当字母r出现在单词的元音字母组合中,出现卷舌音,元音和字母r分开读Examples: far先发元音a:,再发辅音dooropen the door please of course发卷舌音必须出现元音+字母 r 的联合,只有元音不能读卷舌音*不能发卷舌音:idea ,umbrella,nervousExercise:美式发音英式发音carcardeardearairairdoordoorbirdbirdfairfairtips:元音加字母r的组合要很顺畅地从元音过渡到字母r,不要生硬的将两个音 叠加。2,英式英语中的长元音0 :和短元音0在美

33、语中的发音变化英式:,o 变为美语aExample: bought 英式:读靠后的后元音 美式:下颚打开,舌头后部压低放平,类似于汉语的 a 和ao 之间的音Exercise:美式发曰 bought talk ball caught lawLZ 1 Vzl 长兀曰: 英式发音 bought talk ball caught lawsawcoffee water boss walk daughtersawcoffeewaterbosswalkdaugher短元音。在美式发音中读a hA t b ks nA t Example:英:hot ho t 美:hotbox bo ks 美: boxnot

34、 no t 美: notYou are not rv t aloneExercise:英式发音美式发音hothotcotcotshopshopbottlebottlejobjobnotnot英式发音中的长元音:和短兀音0 在美式发音中读成舌位靠后的A 英式 boss bo s 美式 boss bA s =bus3美式发音中的A 读成Examples:英美but bA t but bt I love you 1a v I love youlv kA m Come oncome on km Exercise:英式发音美式发音aboveabovebutbuttouchtouchloveloveblo

35、odblood4英式发音中的a:定条件下可转换成美式发音壬l eteei afa or英式:half ha:f an hour 美式:half h対an hour英式发音中的a 出现在f , s,9 ,或是鼻辅音前面时才会转换为民Example:英ha: f 美:h氏f half英a: sk 美:氏sk askExercise:美式发音英式发音halfhalfbathbathpasspassaskaskclassclassAsking me to go二,辅音区别1. AmericanT字母 t 出现在单词的词首或词尾的时候,英式发音与美式发音相同。而字母 t 出现在词中,是非重读音节,前面是

36、元音发音的时候,这时候的字母 t 会读成 一 个类似于 t 和 d 之间的弹舌音,我们把它叫做 American t。Example: better city不可以词首词尾:tiger , let词中重音 italyV Italianx Atomatomicx Photophotographyx同时满足三个要求 1.字母 t 出现在单词的音节当中,不在词首也不再词尾2. 字母 t 之前一定是元音发音3. 字母 t 本身为非重读音节Exercise英式发音better美式发 bettercitycityletterletterlittlelittlewaterwaterthirtythirty

37、forty forty2.字母 L 在词中的发音美式发音中,词中的 L 发两次音1. 第一种音:舌尖顶在齿龈和硬腭之间,气流从舌的两边穿口而出,声带振动, 如 school2. 第二种音:类似于汉语中的 l 的发音例如family million (美式发音中,在词中的 l 发两次音)连读The melody and stress of English 英语中的节奏和重音连读分为四种情况,分别是辅音+辅音,辅音+元音,元音+元音的连读和连读音变 一,辅音+辅音 前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以辅音开头,可以把前面 结尾的辅音和后面 开头的辅音连在一起构成连读。1. 失爆 前面一个单词结尾的音

38、节为爆破音,而后面的单词开头音节是辅音,构成失爆。爆破音有三组,六个,如:t, d, k, g, p, b,爆破强度大,如:people, pair, help 等。 在高语速下,为节省时间,通常在爆破音结束后面辅音开头的时 候,采取只做口型不送气的方法。例如:It does nt matter. A stop watch秒表. Black board 黑板.basketball 篮球.失爆现象是普遍存在的,例如歌词:Did you have to go and leave my world so cold.2. 击穿 当前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以字母 h 开头时,字母 h 不再发音,

39、发生击穿现象。例:I like her. In his car. She is always in his heart. Ask him. Tell him. 当出现单词 her, him, his, he ,here 时,经常出现击穿现象。例:do you mind if I sit here?3. 叠合 当前一个单词的结尾和后一个单词的开头由完全相同的辅音音节构成时 (注意是 辅音音节相同不是字母相同),发生叠合现象。例:a bad dog, a good day.不同字母,发音 相同:I like cat, I like candy.二,辅音+元音例如:look out辅音+元音的连读带

40、来发音变化的情况共有四种:1字母r+元音先读 再读 r例如:Your eyes are so beautiful.Your answer are really excellent.I just want to get more apples.I have read your articles.Forever当出现your, her, there, our, more等词时,往往和元音单词连读。在美母中,字母丨的发音有两种:第一种,l出现在词尾,读丨,如:well, will,hotel, double, couple第二种,当字母丨结尾后一个单词为元音开头时,字母丨不但 要读词尾的发音l,还要

41、读字母l在词首的发音l,如:couple of, double of.例: We can see a very big LED in front of our maingate. Lee: L double eI have class until 1 oclock, and after that I am going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home.artificial intelligence 人工智能I dont think we can find a betterhotel around here a

42、t this time. I will ask him later.3. 字母n+兀音当前面的单词结尾为字母 n 的发音,后面的单词以元音开头,不但要读字母 n 的鼻辅音发音n,还要读n的感觉。例: an apple, an engineer, an answer, an article, fifteen apples.4. American T当前一个单词以字母 t 结尾,后一个单词以元音音节开头,这时美语中的字母 t 要读介于 t 和 d 之间的弹舌音。例: so it is, get in, get it out of here.三,元音+元音1前面单词以u,au,u, u:结尾,后面单

43、词以元音开头,在一起连读时要加上半元音 w。例:just do itGo onWhat are you doing?Where are you going?How is everything going?2.当前面的单词结尾的音节为 ei,ai, i,i 这样几个发音结束时,后面的单词 为 元音开头时,可以把前一个单词的结尾音节和后一个单词的开头音节连在一起, 中间加上半元音 j。I am, say it, the apple四,连读音变1.字母 t+字母 y:读 t J,例:Dont you, Why don tyou come here, nice to meetyou. 2.字母 d+字

44、母 y:读 ds,例:Would you please., How did you get here?3.字母 s+字母 y :读J,例:I miss you, unless you know how to get there. 篇章理解passage 解题思路在研究生考试复试中,很多学校会采取四、六级层面的 passage 作为考试方法,甚至有 的学校会考查到托福层面的 lecture 的解题思路。四、六级 passage长度:240-250words,语速:120-160/分,以说明和议论性质的文章为 主。 四、六级考试常见题型:1,说明文2,记叙文(在考研复试中出现概率低)任何一篇说明文

45、往往只有一个说明中心,会出四道题,累计 16 个选项,因此往往会出 现不同题干下选项相关联的现象。这种现象给我们的解题带来一定的思路和想法。例: 11.A) She sat back and relaxed.B) She decided to retire.C) She entered university.D) She worked out a new Englishprogram. 12.A) 8 years.B) 20 years.C) 16 years.D) 30 years.13. A) Bring a great deal of useful experience to the u

46、niversity.B) Improve human relationships in the university.C) Bring a fear of aging among young students on the campus.D) Improve the reputation of the university14. A) She is learning English and Drama.B) She is learning how to make sound judgments.ii题选项意为激流勇退g放ow退休了ch选项如仪选项意思霜近或相同,由相同排除的 原则得知啥1和用唱

47、正角答案的概率会0大大降低d然后我们看十三题,四个选项都围绕 大学展开,因此十三题中任何一个选项正确的话,都暗示我们他去了大学,因此11题选择正确答案C。这就是根据实词的关联判断正确选项。i2 题,考查数字信息,在 passage 中考查数字信息的原则为所听即所得,不再考查计算,当 原 文出现若干数字信息时,要听清楚问题问的是哪个数字。因此 passage 中数字信息 题的 解题思路要从选项中的单位出发,去记录原文中所有符合此单位的数字信息,听 选项并且得出问题。14 题,四个选项中 A,B,C 三个选项为学习某一个具体内容,而 D 是学习一个深刻的道理。 选项中如果有某一个内容有深刻性,概括

48、性,这个选项往往是正确答案。 因此,在 理解一个 passage 时,在选项和选项中的判定和小对话一样,而在不同题干下的选 项要找到内在联系和逻辑漏洞。Passage 的整体解题思路:1. 预览选项,判定文体2. 分析选项间的逻辑关系(相同排除,相反一个为正确选项;深刻概括性的选项往往是正确 答案;与其他三个选项比较是另类选项的要排除。)3. 找到不同题干下相关联的内容(实词相关,两个不同题干下的选项出现实词一致或同义替 换,正确答案往往是两者其一。)4把握10组key words(key words指标志正确答案出现的地方,例:most important后的实 词为正确答案。)例 1:15

49、.A) The difference between classical music and rock music.B) Why classical music is popular with math students.C) The effects of music on the results of math rests.D) How to improve your reasoning ability.16. A) Because it stimulates your nerve activity.B) Because it keeps you calm.C) BDe)cBaeucsaeu

50、istestirteinmgptrhoevnessyyoouurrmpreombolermy. solving strategies.17. A) Piano music could interfere with your reasoning ability.B) The effects of music do not last long.C) The more you listen to music, the higher your test scores will be.15题,D)选项讲了文章的中心Ss这是一篇说明性质的文章0v考查UM点往往在宏观的中心思想和微观的说明信息上。B和C两个

51、选项说的是音乐和思 维的关系,一个谈数学系学生,一个谈数学考试。D选项谈思维。分析 四个选项,A和D讲音乐,思维,而B,C选项谈及音乐和思维。B,C为 正确答案的可能性增加。哪个为正确选项可由17题判定,17题C选 项,test scores暗示15题C为正确选项。16题,考查因果关系,考查音乐是如何影响数学成绩的Tips: 个passage,命题 顺序与行文顺序一致,平均分布在文章每个部分中,一个长 110-120s 的文章, 平均每 40 秒出现正确答案,因此 16 题答案出现在 35-50/s 间。17题,C选项为不符合常识选项,直接排除,D选项极端,不委婉,往往为错 误答案。例 2:1

52、8.A) To drive the car automatically.B) To measure the drives pulse.C) To prevent car accidents.D) To monitor the drivers health.19.A) It sends out signals for help.B) It sounds an alarm to warm the driver.C) It takes over the driving immediately.D) It stops the car automatically.A) It monitors the s

53、ignals transmitted from the drivers brain.B) It can measure the drivers alcohol level in the blood.C) It can quicken the drivers response to emergencies.D) It bases its analysis on the drivers heartbeat.19题:考查目种种装置于何C防止最发概括首先排除迟选项的概率飆车祸发生 后做的事情,而B,C,D是防止车祸发生所做的事情,根据另类选项排 除原则:排除 A 选项。20题,D选项的heart be

54、at与18题B选项的drivers pulse构成不同题干实词相 关联文章听练Passage OneAfter retiri ng from 30 years of teachi ng数字信息从单位出发1 Ethbell Pepper could easily have decided to sit back and relax and enjoy a peaceful retirement. But (转折后 为文章中心,考试时 but 经常被弱读或缩读) that kind of life is not for EthbellPepper. I just wanted to do some

55、thing different. If you are going to participate in life (拥抱生活), do it. Dont just sit down and look out the window.She says. At 68, she decided to become one of the pioneer participation in a program at the university of California. The program offers campus housing and classes to people over sixty.

56、 She enrolled in a class called Human Relationships and Diverse society (连读).I taught minority students in my English and drama classes in high school for 20 years. But in this course, I found out a lot about other cultures that I did nt know then. One of the most importa nt(后面实词往往是正确答案)less ons tha

57、t Im learning is to perceive, not to judge. Older adults can add to the educational resources of university by bringing with them a lot of valuable experience. Their presence on campus helps break some long believes about aging. Young students may have fears of growing older. But that kind of fear c

58、an be reduced as they see that older people can be active, healthy, and continue to contribute to society. The younger students can begin to see aging as a natural part of living.Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. What did Ethbell do when she was 68?12. How long did

59、Ethbell teach minority students?13. What do elderly people do to the university?11. A) She sat back and relaxed.14. Whats the most important lesson Ethbell is learning?B) She decided to retire.C) She entered university.D) She worked out a new English program.12. A) 8 years.B) 20 years.C) 16 years.D)

60、 30 years.13. A) Bri ng a great deal of useful experie nee to the uni versity.B) Improve human relationships in the university.C) Bring a fear of aging among young students on the eampus.D) Improve the reputation of the university14. A) She is learning English and Drama.B) She is learning how to mak

61、e sound judgments.C) She is learning how to teaeh minority students.D) She is leaning to pereeive, not to judge.11 题,C12题,B,符合years只有20,30年,而30年为整体教学生涯,因此20年为正 确答案。数字信息从单位出发13 题,A14题,D,符合most important后的实词往往为正确答案的原则Passage TwoDo you have a tough math test eoming up?(设问句引导的 passage,往往整篇文 章 的写作目的和内容就是

62、回答开篇的设问。如何判断设问句:一般疑问句以 Do 开头,结尾上挑,特殊疑问句由特殊疑问词判断。)Then listen to some elassieal piano musie just before the test. You might end up with a higher seore.Researehers at a university in California eondueted an experiment. They asked a group of eollege students to listen to some piano musie by a famous 18th eentury eomposer before taking a math test. They were surprised to find(s

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