最新九年级英语冀教版上册 Unit3 拓展+原文及译文+背景

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1、晨鸟教育 单元话题阅读 Passage 1 主题 骑自行车上学的一些注意事项 体裁 说明文 生词 1 Do you often ride a bike to school?Heres some advice for you.BE CAREFUL.Try not to use busy roads.In some cities there are special paths for bikes only.Use them when you can,but watch outpeople often walk along them.Check the road before starting an

2、d look all around.Also,when youre with friends on bikes,its much safer to ride behind,not next to,each other.Where one road meets another,you should take even more care.Slow down and check both roads.Use your eyes and be careful.LOOK AFTER YOUR BIKE.Check your bike often.Do all the parts work proper

3、ly?Is there enough air in your tyres(轮胎)?WEAR A HELMET.If you have an accident or fall off your bike,a helmet will protect your head.It must be the right size,so ask for help when you buy it.CAN THEY SEE YOU?You must use lights at night,so keep them clean and check the batteries.Dont wear dark color

4、s;yellow and white are the easiest colors 晨鸟教育 for drivers to see.PLAY SAFE.A bike isnt a toy and there should be only one person on it.Many children have accidents when they play silly games on their bikes.DONT BREAK THE LAW.Red traffic lights arent only for cars and buses.Theyre for you too if you

5、re on a bike.Youre also breaking the law if you go the wrong way up a one-way street.Passage 2 主题 行人乱穿马路现象及其危害 体裁 议论文 生词 2 “Why does the chicken cross the road?To get to the other side!”Thats an old joke in the west,but it came to my mind again when I saw people crossing the road at the intersection

6、 of Shaanxi Road and Huaihai Road in Shanghai.When the traffic light was red,a group of people were waiting for the light to change.Suddenly one man began rushing to the other side of the road.Soon others followed him at the crossing and more people did the same.Just like chickens,they didnt mind th

7、e honking horns(喇叭声)and kept crossing the road in a mess.Every year several thousand people are either killed or hurt on the 晨鸟教育 roads in Shanghai.And at least one third of them were jaywalking(乱穿马路).Jaywalking is very common in Shanghai.It seems that jaywalkers are not afraid of the danger to them

8、selves.Traffic laws are to keep people safe.So we should obey them,and have good road-crossing habits.When someone starts to jaywalk,we should stop him,and never follow him.That way we can avoid the traffic accidents.Passage 3 主题 发生火灾时如何自救 体裁 说明文 生词 5 What are you going to do if you are in a burning

9、 house?How will you escape?Do you know how to save yourself?Please read the following passage.Escaping from a fire is a serious matter.Knowing what to do during a fire can save your life.It is important to know the ways you can use and to show them to everyone in the family,such as choosing stairway

10、s(楼梯)and fire escapes,but not lifts.From the lower floors of the buildings,escaping through windows is possible.Learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury (受伤).The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground.Of course,it is safer to jump a short

11、 way than to stay in a burning 晨鸟教育 building.Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help.Be sure to keep the door closed.Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room.Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leak (渗入)into the room.On a second

12、or third floor,the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof.From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely.Dropping onto hard ground might end in injury.Bushes(灌木丛)and grass can help to break a fall(使势头减弱).P89 晨鸟教育 晨鸟教育 P93 晨鸟教育 晨鸟教育 P99 晨鸟教育 晨鸟教育 P104 晨鸟教育 晨鸟教育 P110 晨鸟教育 P

13、115 晨鸟教育 晨鸟教育 P120 晨鸟教育 晨鸟教育 晨鸟教育 Think food safety when you grill for a cookout Around the country by now,many people like to grill for a cookout.Before you start grilling,remember several tips for a safe cookout.Before grilling,always start with clean surfaces and clean hands.Wash hands for at lea

14、st 20 seconds with warm,soapy water before and after handling food.Be sure to remind your guests to wash their hands before preparing or hand ling food.”Meats should be prepared separately from vegetables.For example,using separate cutting boards when you chop meats and vegetables.Fully cooked meats

15、 like hot dogs should be grilled until steaming 晨鸟教育 hot.Fish should be cooked to 145 F.If you plan on using a smoker,the temperature in the smoker should be remained between 225 F and 300 F for optimal safety.Be sure to use your food thermometer to be certain the food has reached a safe minimum int

16、ernal temperature.As you take the cooked meats off the grill,be sure to place them on a clean platter.Remember:Always keep your hands and everything clean.Follow these tips and have fun grilling!From:http:/www.foodsafety.gov Help:grill/gr l/vt.烧,烤 cookout/k ka t/n.野外郊游时烹调的野餐;野烹食物 platter/plt/n.大浅盘 晨鸟教育 晨鸟教育

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