2024届高三英语一轮复习2023年新高考全国1卷应用文写作分析与下水作文 讲义素材

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《2024届高三英语一轮复习2023年新高考全国1卷应用文写作分析与下水作文 讲义素材》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024届高三英语一轮复习2023年新高考全国1卷应用文写作分析与下水作文 讲义素材(5页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、2023年全国新高考卷适用地区:山东、广东、福建、江苏、湖南、湖北、河北、浙江2023年全国新高考卷适用地区:海南、辽宁、重庆、黑龙江、吉林、云南、安徽、山西 假定你是李华,你校外教Ryan要举办口语培训班,将练习口语的所有学生随机挑选两个人分成一组练习,你对此有意见,向外教写一封邮件,内容如下: 1. 说明问题, 2. 提出建议。 注意: 1. 词数80左右 2. 开头和结尾已经给出。不计入总词数。Dear Ryan, I am Lihua, one of your students. _Yours,Li Hua下水作文Dear Ryan, I am Lihua, one of your s

2、tudents.Im delighted to hear that you plan to organize an oral English training class. However, while random grouping can encourage communicaiton and understanding between each other, there may be some potential problems. To begin with, randomly pairing up students may result in embarrassment among

3、students who are various in different levels of language abilities. Some students equipped with advanced speaking skills may dominate the conversation while others even dont dare to speak out a single word, which may increase challenges of the language learning. Furthermore, some students will proba

4、bly feel nervous and overwhelmed when faced with the unfamiliar situation. Therefore, in my opinion, students should choose their own partners based on their langugae abilities and personal preferences or they just choose their own partner as they like. This would allow each student to practice spea

5、king English with peers at a similar level and shared interested, helping build up their cooperation and confidence, and promoting a supportive and productive learning environment. I sincerely hope that you could take my suggestions into consideration. Thank you!Yours,Li Hua审题分析1.内容:今年的新高考I卷应用文依然是书信



8、题卡只有9行,所以不能写太长,一定要简明扼要,切中要害!【评点】本篇下水文从内容上讲,主次分明,原因切合实际,建议简明扼要而且能够有效解决问题;从语言上讲,长短句结合、简单复杂句结合,语气得体,用词准确,文风通顺流畅,一气呵成,能够有效实现交际目的;从结构上讲,三个段落层次分明,段际逻辑合理、句际逻辑自洽,文章结构布局合理。下水作文2Dear Ryan, Hope my email finds you well! Im Li Hua, one of the students in your oral English class. Im so grateful for your well-int

9、ended gesture of pairing up our classmates in order to hone our speaking skills. However, Im writing this to voice my humble opinions on randomly drawing for partners. As we both know, willingness to communicate with our partners on topics is fundamental to boosting our language competence. While gr

10、oups matched at random may result in failure of collaboration and futile output. Therefore, I believe that grouping by students personal preference would be a better choice. I would appreciate it if my suggestion could be taken into account.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua3Dear Ryan, Knowing that you intend

11、 to divide students into groups of two at random for the purpose of practicing oral English, Id like to express my opinions about it. Personally, I think it unwise to group students randomly, which is not based on their language competencies because those who are less skilled in English lack confide

12、nce and need more practice compared with the students who can speak fluent English. Therefore, my suggestion is that groups of students should be carefully divided according to their language abilities, thus enabling every student to practice in groups more efficiently. Id really appreciate it if yo

13、u could take my suggestion into consideration.Yours,Li Hua4Dear Ryan, Im Li Hua, one of your students. With regard to your grouping method for the Oral English training, Im writing to share my personal concerns and advice. True as it is that randomly pairing up students can contribute to more intera

14、ction to some extent, there may also be some potential problems that cannot be ignored. First, students equipped with distinct speaking abilities may be paired up together, which may give rise to less effective practice or frustration. Whats worse, if paired up with someone they cannot get along wit

15、h, students may feel overwhelmed by frustration or anger. Therefore, if I were you, I would pair up students based on their speaking abilities and interests. Im convinced that it will be of great help to boost their motivation and confidence, and promote the practice efficiency. I hope you will find

16、 my proposal useful.Yours,Li Hua5Dear Ryan, I am a student from class 3. Regarding the random grouping method for the oral English training course, I feel it a bit improper and have some suggestions on it. Firstly, pairing up randomly will lead to inefficient oral English practice. For example, stud

17、ents who arent skilled at oral English may be divided into a group, thus making them unable to communicate smoothly or learn from the excellent ones. Besides, some students might be forced to work with partners whom they dont get along well with, which will significantly reduce their enthusiasm and

18、motivation to participate. To practice oral English more efficiently and more enthusiastically, I suggest that we be divided into groups based on the oral English proficiency and class performance. In addition, we really need the chance to single out our own like-minded partner. I believe well be more motivated and achieve greater progress. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua

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