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1、孙富春简介pdf孙富春简历 孙富春,清华大学计算机科学与技术系教授,博士生导师,国家 863 计划专家组成员,国家自然基金委重大研究计划“视听觉信息的 认知计算”指导专家组成员,计算机科学与技术系学术委员会副主任 , 智能技术与系统国家重点实验室常务副主任 ; 兼任国际刊物 IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems,Mechatronics和International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 副主编或大区主编, International Journal of Computational Intelligence

2、Systems 和Robotics and Autonumous System编委;兼任国内刊物中 国科学F:信息科学和自动化学报编委;兼任中国人工智能学会 认知系统与信息处理专业委员会主任,IEEE CSS智能控制技术委员会 委员。98 年 3 月在清华大学计算机应用专业获博士学位。98 年 1 月至 2000 年 1 月在清华大学自动化系从事博士后研究,2000 年至今在计 算机科学与技术系工作。工作期间获得的主要奖励有:2000 年全国优 秀博士论文奖,2001年国家 863 计划十五年先进个人, 2002年清华 大学“学术新人奖”,2003 年韩国第十八届 Choon-Gang 国际学

3、术 奖一等奖第一名,2004 年教育部新世纪人才奖,2005 年清华大学校 先进个人, 2006 年国家杰出青年基金。获奖成果 5 项,两项分别获 2010 年教育部自然科学奖二等奖(排名第一)和2004 年度北京市科 学技术奖(理论类)二等奖(排名第一)、一项获2002年度教育部提 名国家科技进步二等奖(排名第二)、三项获省部级科技进步三等奖。 译书一部,专著两部,在国内外重要刊物发表或录用论文 150 余篇, 其中在IEE、IEEE汇刊、Automatica等国际重要刊物发表论文90余 篇,80余篇论文收入SCI , SCI期刊他人引用700余次,200多篇论 文收入EI,有两篇论文曾被评

4、为国内二级学会的最佳优秀论文奖。兼职:IEEE高级会员;【2】IEEE控制系统学会,智能控制技术委员会委员;【3】国家863计划“十一五”和“十二”专家组成员; 【4】国家自然科学基金委视听觉认知重大研究计划指导专家组成 员;【5】中国人工智能学会认知系统与信息处理专业委员会主任;【6】中国人工智能学会智能控制及智能管理专业委员会副主任;【7】国际刊物IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems副编辑Mechatro nics副编辑International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 大区主编 International

5、 Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems编委 International Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems编委【8】国内刊物中国科学F:信息科学和自动化学报编委 近年来承担的主要科研项目【1】国家自然科学基金“面向精细操作的高分辨率多模态智能传 感装置研制”,2014-2017,负责人。【2】国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目“面向任务的服务机器 人系统的基本理论和关键技术”,2012-2017,负责人。【3】清华大学自主科研国际合作项目(20111081111)“Cross modal fu

6、si on in artificial cog nitive systems”,2012-2014,负责 人。【 4 】 清华 信息科学技术国 家实验室学科交叉项 目 (042003023)“Navigations of mobile robots based on the fusion of BCI and vision”,2011-2012,负责人。【5】国家863计划“多 机器人精细操作”,2011-2015,负责人。【6】国家科学研究计划“遥操作的空间科学实验”, 2010.01- 2012,负责人。【7】国防预研重点(编号:030202 ) “面向XX科学实验的遥操 作关键技术”,负

7、责人,2009.01-2011.12,200 万元。【8】国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(编号: 90716021), “近空间高超声速飞行器的建模与智能自主控制”,2008.01- 2010.12, 负责人,60 万元。【9】国家863计划项目(编号:2007AA04Z232 ),“动态环 境下智能机器人实时建模和导航技术”, 2008.01-2010.12,负责人, 71 万元。【10】国家自然科学杰出青年基金(编号: 60625304),“柔 性双臂空间机器人的动力学建模、规划与控制”, 2007.01-2010.12, 负责人,200 万元。【 11】 国 家重大基础理论( 973 )

8、二级课题( 编 号: 2007CB311003 ) , “非结构化信息的多模交互与知识推理”, 2007.01-2011.12,负责人,386万元。【12】国防预研重点(编号: 102060302),“XX 目标探测、 识别、跟踪与定位技术研究”, 2006.07-2010.12,负责人, 125 万 元。【13】国家自然科学基金(编号: 60474025),“基于模糊奇 异摄动模型的多目标鲁棒控制及其应用”, 2004.01-2006.12,负责 人,24 万元。【14】国家863计划项目(编号:2003AA742016 ),“空间飞 行器关键技术研究”,2004.01-2006.12,负责

9、人,255 万元。【15】国防预研项目(编号: 03103028),“电子信息系统的综合集成方法研究”,2003.06-2006.12,负责人,112万元。【16】全国优秀博士论文专项基金(编号:200041),“柔性连 杆机械臂的动态神经模糊建模与控制”, 2001.01-2006.12,负责人, 70 万元。获得的主要奖励【1】2010 年“神经模糊智能控制的理论与方法”获教育部自然 科学二等奖【2】2006年国家杰出青年基金。【3】 2004年教育部新世纪人才奖。的理论与方法” 获北京市科学技术奖(理论类)二等奖,排名第一。【5】2003 年论文“基于观测器的机械手自适应控制”获韩国第

10、十八届Choon-Gang国际学术奖一等奖第一名。【6】2003 年论文“机械手的神经模糊动态逆稳定自适应控制” 获2003年度IEEE CSS北京分会优秀青年论文奖。【7】2002 年“柔性连杆机械臂实验平台及其系统建模与控制” 获教育部提名国家科技进步二等奖,排名第二。【8】2001年获国家863计划十五周年先进个人。【9】2000年获全国优秀博士学位论文奖。 【10】1999年评为清华大学优秀博士后。【11】1998年评为清华大学优秀博士生。 【12】1998年获清华大学优秀博士学位论文。研究方向 【1】认知系统与信息处理【2】智能控制及机器人国际会议大会报告国际会议大会报告:2013

11、年 1 月 15 日,应邀 Inter. Conf. on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications( ISDEA2013 )做大会报告 “Hierarchical Structured Sparse Representation for T-S Fuzzy Model”。2011 年 8 月 5 日应邀在 2011th In ter natio nal Co nfere nee on Digital Manufacturing and Automation (第二届数字制造与自动化) 学术年会上做大会报告“Navigati

12、on and Control of Social Robots”。2011 年 10 月 14 日应邀在 11th In ter natio nal Co nfere nee on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition 国际会议上做大会报告 “Robust Visual Tracking with Applications to Shared Control inRobotic Tele-operation”2010年10月16日应邀在2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems an

13、d Knowledge Engineering(ISKE2010) 做大会报告 “Intelligent modelling and control for multiple scale dynamic systems,”;2009 年 4 月 12 日应邀在 IEEE 检测技术与机械自动化国际会议 ( ICMTMA2009 ) 做 大 会 报 告 “Dynamics,control and teleoperati on for space robots”(空间机器人的动力学、控制与遥操 作)。2006年10月17日应邀在第六届IEEE智能系统设计与应用国际 会议(ISDA2006 )做大会报

14、告“Modeling and control of multitime-scale dynamical systems based on fuzzy singularly perturbed models(FSPMs) (基于模糊奇异摄动模型的多时标动态系 统的建模与控制)。国际会议特邀报告:2011年9月12日应邀在中德合作博士生培养计划(CINACS) 暑期学校做特邀报告(CINACS2011)做特邀报告“Visual Cog nition Computation and Multi-modal Information Processing”。2008年10月16日应邀在武汉召开的第二届国

15、际网络控制研讨会 上做特邀报告“面向空间在轨服务的遥操作-长时延网络控制”。2008 年 9 月 18 日应邀在 2008 年海峡两岸信息技术研讨会做特 邀 报 告 “Visual Cognition Computation and Multi-modal In formatio n Process in g”(视觉认知计算与多模信息处理)。2007年12月15日应邀在江苏南京召开第一届国际网络控制研讨 会上做特邀报告“网络控制系统的研究进展”。2007 年 10 月 5 日应邀在清华大学计算机系与新加坡国立大学电 子与计算机工程系合作研讨会上做特邀报告Adaptive con trol ba

16、sed on space-time coreelations for discrete-time nonlinear systems(采样非线性系统的时空相关自适应控制)。2006年10月14日应邀在北京召开的中欧复杂系统论坛上做特邀 报告“Research on complexity in satellite networks”(卫星网络 的复杂性)。2006年3月15日应邀在中英空间科学与技术合作研讨会上(UK- China Workshop on Space Technology ) 做 报 告 Dynamics,planning and control of free flying/f

17、loating space robots(自由飞行/漂浮空间机器人的动力学、规划与控制)。国内会议大会报告:2010 年 9 月 16 日应邀 2010 年中国电子学会第十六届青年学术 年会做大会报告“面向空间应用的遥操作技术”。2007年 10 月 18 日作为中国科协青年科学家论坛第153 会议的 执行主席,做大会特邀报告“天空地一体化网络若干理论与方法”。2007年10月17日应邀在第九届中国仪器仪表学会青年学术会议 上做大会报告“时空相关自适应控制的理论与方法”。主要论著清单专著、译著:1 孙富春,孙增圻,张钹著,机械手神经网络稳定自适应控制的 理论与方法。高等教育出版社,2005.1

18、.2 郑昌文,严平,丁明跃,孙富春著,飞行器航迹规划。国防工 业出版社,2008.12.3 孙富春,吴立成,吴昊著,空间机器人动力学、规划与控制。 清华大学出版社,2009待出版。4 孙富春,朱纪洪,刘国栋译,机器人学导论。电子工业出版社, 2004.2。5 孙富春, 吴凤鸽, “Chapter 8: A discrete-time jump fuzzy system approach to networkedcontrol system design ,” in Networked Control Systems: Theory and Applications,Eds.Fei-YueWan

19、g & Derong Liu, Springer-Verlag London Limited,2008, pp.233-259.主要国际期刊论文:In 20131. Chen Jinxiang, Sun, Yanguang, Min, Haibo, Sun, Fuchun, Zhang, Yungui,“Newresults on static output feedback H control for fuzzy singularly perturbed systems:a linear matrix inequality approach,”International Journal of

20、 Robust Journal ofRobust and Nonlinear Control, 2013, 23(6), pp 681-694.2. Xu Bin, Xu Bin, Wang Danwei, Sun Fuchun, *Shi, Zhongke, “Direct neuralcontrol of hypersonic flight vehicles with prediction model in discrete time,”Eurocomputing, 2013, vol.125, pp 39-48.3. Yang Dong-fang, Sun Fuchun, Wang Sh

21、i-cheng, Min Hai- bo, “A novel particlefilter aided by interval analysis approacch,”Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2013, 42(8), pp 18871905.4.Sun Fuchun, Tan Ying, Liu Huaping,“Special issue on prediction, control anddiagnosis using advanced neural computations Preface,”Inf

22、ormation Science, 2013, vol.237, pp 1-2.5. Luo Minnan, Sun Fuchun, Liu Huaping, “Hierarchical structured sparserepresentation for T-S fuzzy systems identification”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2013, In Press. (doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2013.2240690) (SCI, IF: 5.484).6. Luo Minnan, Sun Fuchun, Liu H

23、uaping, “A novel T-S fuzzysystemsidentification with block structured sparse representation”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2013. In Press. ( n. 2013.05.008) (SCI, IF: 2.418) .7. Luo Minnan, Sun Fuchun, Liu Huap ing, “Joint structured sparse representationfor multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) T-S

24、 fuzzy systems identification”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. Accepted. (SCI, IF: 5.484).8.Shao Yu, Sun Fuchun, Li Hongbo, “A no-reference remote sensing image qualityassessment method using visual information fidelity index,”Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2013, 256: 325-332.9. Zhang

25、 Xin, Sun Fuchun, Liu Guangcan, Ma Yi,“Fast Low - Rank SubspaceSegmentation”, Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Accepted, 2013.10. Lu Yong, Sun Fuchun, Zhao Youjian, “Virtual topology for LEO satellitenetworks based on earth-fixed footprint mode,” IEEE Communications Letters, 2013,17(2

26、): 357-360.11. Lu Yong, Sun Fuchun, Zhao Youjian, Li Hongbo, Liu Heyu. “Distributed trafficbalancing routing for LEO satellite network,” InternationalJournal of ComputerNetwork and Information Security (IJCNIS), 2013, 6(1): 19.12. Liu Heyu, Sun Fuchun, “Routing for predictable multilayered satellite

27、networks,” Science China Information Sciences , 2013(56):1-18 .13. Yuan Yuan, Fuchun Sun, “Delay-dependent stability criteria for time-varyingdelay neural networks in the delta domain,” Eurocomputing, 2013, 125(11):17-21. 14.Hongbo Li, Hongjiu Yang, Fuchun Sun, Yuanqing Xia, “Anetwork-bound-dependen

28、t stabilization method of networked control systems,”Automatica, 2013, 49:2561-2566.15. Lu Yong, Zhao Youjian, Fuchun Sun, Li Hongbo, Dianjun Wang, “Dynamicfault-tolerant routing based on FSA for LEO satellite networks,” IEEE Transactions on computers, 2013, 62(10):1945- 1958.16. Lu Yong, Zhao Youji

29、an, Sun Fuchun, “A survivable routing protocol fortwo-layered LEO/MEO satellite networks,” Wireless Networks,” DOI10.1007/s11276-013-0656-z.In 201217. Wang Yafeng, Sun Fuchun, Zhang Youan, Liu Huaping Liu, “The centraldifference particle filter and its application to the transfer alignment for SINS

30、on vertically launched and warship-borne missiles,” IEEE Trans. On Aerospace and Electronic Systems,2012, 48(1) : 375-387.18. Liu Huaping Liu,Sun Fuchun,“Fusion tracking in color and infrared imagesusing joint sparse representation,”Science in China Series F: Information Science, 2012, 55(3): 590-59

31、9.19. Liu Huaping , Sun Fuchun, “Efficient visual tracking using particle filter withincremental likelihood calculation,” Information Sciences, 2012, 195, pp.141-153.20. Li Hongbo , Sun Fuchun , “Optimal state feedback integral control using networkbased measurements,” IEEE Transactions onIn strume

32、ntati on and Measureme nt, 2012, 61(12): 3127-3135.21. Xu Bin,Sun Fuchun,Huaping Liu, “Adaptive Kriging controller design forhypersonic flight vehicle via back-stepping,”IET Control Theory & Application, 2012, 6(4): 487-497.22. Chen Ning, Zhu Jun, Sun Fuchun, Eric Xing, “Large- margin predictive lat

33、entsubspace learning for multi-view data analysis,” IEEE Trans. On Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning,2012,34(12): 2365-2375.23. Wang Yafeng, Zhang Youan, Sun Fuchun,“Using subset sequence to approachthe maximal terminal region for model predictive control”IET Control Theory and Applications,

34、2012,6(4): 596-601。24. Qazi Sami ul Haq, Tao Linmi, Sun Fuchun, Yang Shiqian,g “A fast and robustsparse approach for hyperspectral data classification using a few labeled samples,”IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , 2012, 50(6): 2287-2302.25. Luo Minnan, Li Yongmin, Sun Fuchun, “A new alg

35、orithm for testingdiagnosability of fuzzy discrete event systems,” Information Science, 2012,185:100-113.26. Chen Jinxiang, Yin Yixin, Sun Fuchun, “A new result on state feedback robuststabilization for discrete-time fuzzy singularly perturbed systems ”, Asian Journal of Control, 2012,14(3) :784-794

36、.In 201127. Hu Laihong, Sun Fuchun, Hualong Xu, Liu Huaping, Xuejun Zhang, “A mutationdiscrete Hopfield neural network for Max cut problem,” Information Science, 2011, 181(1):92-105.28. Min Haibo, Sun Fuchun, Wang Shicheng, “Distributed adaptive consensusalgorithm for Euler-Lagrange Systems,” IET Co

37、ntrol Theory and Applications, 2011, 5(1): 145-154.29. Hu Yennan, Yuan Yuan, Min Haibo, Sun Fuchun, “Multi - objective robust controlbased on fuzzy singularly perturbed models for hypersonic aircrafts,” Science in China Series F: Information Science, 2011, 54(3): 563-576.30. Long Fei, Sun Fuchun,Yan

38、g Zhian, “A novel routing algorithm based onmulti-objective optimization for satellite networks,” Journal of Networks, 2011, 6(2): 238-246.31. Yang Zhian, Long Fei, Sun Fuchun, “An o-flfine based QoS routing scheme forLEO satellite networks,”Journal of Networks,2011, 6(2): 247254.In 201032.Sun Fuchu

39、n, Tan Ying & Wang Cong ,“Special issue onpattern recognition andinformation processing using neural networks,” Soft Computing, 2010, 14(2): 101-102.33. Lee Li, Sun Fuchun, “The direct adaptive control based on the singularlyperturbed model with the unknown consequence,”International Journal of Cont

40、rol Automation & Systems, 2010, 8(2): 38-243.34. Wu Yilei, Sun Fuchun, Zheng, Jinchuan, Song, Qing, “A robust trainingalgorithm of discrete-time MIMO RNN and application in fault tolerant control of robot ic system,” Neural Computing & Applications, 2010, 19(7):1013-1027.35. Wang Hongqiao, Sun Fuchu

41、n, “An unbiased LSSVM model for classificationand regression,” Soft Computing, 2010, 14(2): 171-180.36. Fengge Wu, Sun Fuchun & Huaping Liu, “ A dual -mode jumping fuzzy systemapproach to network control systems design”, International Journal of Neural Systems, 2010, 20(1):51-62.37. Wang Hongqiao, S

42、un Fuch un ,“Online chaotic time series prediction usingunbiased composite kernel machine via Cholesky factorization,” Soft Computing, 2010, 14(9): 931-944.38. Long Fei, Naixue Xiong, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Laurence T. Yang, SunFuchun,“A sustainable heuristic QoS routing algorithm for pervasive mu

43、lti-layered satellite wireless networks,” Wireless Networks, 2010, 16(6):1657-1673.39. Hu Yenan, Sun Fuchun, Liu Huaping, “Neural Network -based robust control forhypersonic flight vehicle with uncertainty modeling,” International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2010, 11(1/2):87-98

44、.40. Chi Yuhong , Sun Fuchun, “Improved particle swarm optimization based onboundary condition and its application for task scheduling on grid,” Journal of Computational Information System, 2010,6(2):321-329.In 200941. Chen Ning, Sun Fuchun, Ding Lingge, “An adaptive PNN- DS approach toclassificatio

45、n using multi-sensor information fusion,” Neural Computing & Applications, 2009, 18(5):455-467.42. Li Li, Sun Fuchun, “An adaptive tracking controller design for non-linearsingularly perturbed systems using fuzzy singularly perturbed model,” IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 2009,

46、 26 (4): 395-415.43. Hu Zhenyu, Sun Fuchun & Jiang Jianchun, “Ciphertext verification security ofsymmetric encryption,” Science In China, Series F: Information Science, 2009, 52(9): 1617-1631.44. Hu Zhenyu, Jiang Jianchun & Sun Fuchun, “Using IND - CV A for constructingsecure communication , ”Scienc

47、e In China, Series F: Information Science, 2009, 52(10): 1801-1811.In 200845. Pei-pei Yin, Fuchun Sun, Chao Wang, “An adaptive feature fusion framework formulti-class classification based on SVM,” SoftComputing, 2008, 12(7):685-691. 46.Zhongyi Chu, Fuchun Sun, Jing Cui, “Disturbance observer-based r

48、obust controlof free-floating space manipulators.” IEEE Systems Journal, 2008, 2(1):114-119.47. Hao Wu, Fuchun Sun, Huaping Liu, “Fuzzy particle filtering for uncertainsystems,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, 2008, 16(5):114-119.48. Liu Huaping, Ho DWC, Sun Fuchun, “Design of H-infinity filter for Marko

49、v jumping linearsystems with non-accessible mode information,” Automatica, 2008, 44(10):2655-2660.In 200749. Fuchun Sun, Li Li, Hanxiong Li & Huaping Liu, “Neuro - fuzzydynamic-inversion- based adaptive control for robotic manipulators-discrete time case,” IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics, 2007

50、, 54(3): 1342-1351.50. Huaping Liu , Daniel W.C. Ho , Fuchun Sun, “A constructive approach toapproximate linear periodic systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2007, 52(3): 541-546.51. Zhongyi Chu, Fuchun Sun, Hao Wu, “Motion control of electrical drivenfree-floating space manipulator,” I

51、nternational Journal for Information & Systems Sciences, 2007, pp. 526-640.52. Wu Hao, Sun Fuchun, “Adaptive kriging control of discrete-time nonlinearsystems,” IEE Proceedings- Control Theory and Applications, 2007, 1(3):646-656.In 200653. Tang Yuangang , Sun Fuchun , Sun Zengqi,“Neural network con

52、trol offlexible-link manipulators using sliding mode,”Neurocomputing, 2006, 70:288-295.54. Tang Yuangang , Sun Fuchun , Sun Zengqi, Hu tingliang,“ Tip position control ofa flexible-link manipulator with neural network,” International Journal of Control,Automation, and Systems, 2006, 4(3): 308-317.55

53、. Liu Huaping, Sun Fuchun, El-Kebir Boukas, “Robust control of uncertaindiscrete-time Markovian junp systems with actuator saturation,” International Journal of Control, 2006, 79(7): 805812.56. Liu Huaping,,El-Kebir Boukas, Sun Fuchun ,Daniel W.C. Ho, “Controllerdesign for Markovian jumping systems

54、subject to actuator saturation,” Automatica, 2006, 42(3): 459-465.57. Li Qing , Sun Fuchun, “Obstacle detection in clustered traffic environment basedon candidate generation and classification,” International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, 2006, 1(4): 9399.In 200558.Sun Fuchun, Sun

55、Zengqi & Li Hanxiong, “Stable adaptive controller design ofrobotic manipulators via neuro-fuzzy dynamic inversion,”Journal of Robotic Systems, 2005, 2005, 22(12):809 - 819.59.Sun Fuchun, Hu Yenan, Huaping, “Stability analysis and robust controller designfor uncertain discrete-time singularly perturb

56、ed systems,” Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulse Systems Series B: Applications and Algorithms, 2005, 12(5,6): 849-865.60.Sun Fuchun, Liu Huaping, He Kezhong,“Reduced-order H8 filtering for linearsystems with Markovian jump parameters ”, Systems and Control Letters, 2005,54(8):739-746.61.Su

57、n Fuchun, Wu hao, Liu Huaping, “Neuro-fuzzy adaptive control forflexible-link robots including motor dynamics,” Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B- Applications & Algorithms, 2005, 12(sul): 551-556.62. Liu Huaping, Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi,“Stability analysis and synthesis

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