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1、Lecture 1 考 博 英 语 写 作 概 述 注 意 事 项 之 一 字 数 注 意 事 项 之 二 字 迹 注 意 事 项 之 三 考 试 做 题 的 顺 序 注 意 事 项 之 四 三 段 式 结 构 注 意 事 项 之 五 阅 卷 人 的 工 作 程 序 注 意 事 项 之 六 对 自 己 有 明 确 定 位 注 意 事 项 之 七 考 前 背 诵 模 板 , 进 行 填 充 练 习 困 境 一 、 滔 滔 不 绝 “ 意 识 流 ” 对 策 : 严 格 按 照 三 点 提 纲 来 写 困 境 二 、 无 话 可 说 真 难 受 对 策 : 由 具 体 细 小 的 、 琐 碎 的

2、、 微 不 足 道 的 事 物 所 引 发 思 考 困 境 三 、 真 情 流 露 没 必 要 对 策 : 关 注 书 面 表 达 能 力 困 境 四 、 英 语 表 达 憋 得 慌 对 策 : 要 先 学 人 家 怎 么 表 达 ,再 学 会 自 己 表 达 困 境 五 、 处 于 被 动 危 害 大 对 策 : 主 动 把 握 , 不 能 让 自 己 陷 人 被 动 Lecture 2 应 用 文 写 作 考 研 英 语 短 文 写 作 格 式 错 误 及 纠 错 分 析 题 目 的 写 法 文 章 的 格 式 大 小 写 方 面 的 错 误 标 点 符 号 错 误 及 分 析 句 子 语

3、 法 形 式 上 的 错 误 1、 汉 语 式 句 子 误 : My English spoken is not good. 正 : I am not good at spoken English. Or My spoken English is not good. 2、 主 谓 不 一 致 误 : One of these houses need repairing. 正 : One of these houses needs repairing.3、 平 行 结 构 误 用 (1) 名 词 (短 语 )平 行 结 构 误 : The speaker called attention to

4、the beginning and how it ended. 正 : The speaker called attention to the beginning and end of the movement(2) 形 容 词 平 行 结 构 误 : He was sympathetic, tolerant, and people respected him. 正 : He was sympathetic, tolerant, and respected by people.(3) 分 词 平 行 结 构 误 : The boys were running, shouting and to

5、laugh. 正 : The boys were running, shouting and laughing. (4) 动 名 词 平 行 结 构 误 : Jane prefers singing to dance. 正 : Jane prefers singing to dancing. (5) 动 词 不 定 式 平 行 结 构 误 : To know what is good and doing what is right is not the same thing. 正 : To know what is good and to do what is right is not the

6、 same thing. (6) 副 词 平 行 结 构 误 : The work is handsome and skillfully done. 正 : The work is handsomely and skillfully done. (7) 短 语 平 行 结 构 误 : Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and being able. 正 : Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 4、 断 裂 句 误 : I spent almost three hour

7、s on the phone yesterday, Trying to find a garage to repair my car. 正 : I spent almost three hours on the phone yesterday, trying to find a garage to repair my car.5、 悬 垂 修 饰 语 误 : My term paper was finished after sitting up half the night. 正 : After sitting up half the night, I finished my term pap

8、er. 主 要 存 在 问 题 :(1) 不 会 审 题 , 偏 离 主 题 。(2) 用 汉 语 思 维 , 逐 字 翻 译 。(3) 用 词 搭 配 不 当 。(4) 词 汇 量 小 , 表 达 困 难 , 拼 写 错 误 。(5) 句 子 逻 辑 关 系 混 乱 。 例 如 : Our English class often told stories. 应 改 为 : We often told stories in our English class. (6) 不 会 运 用 关 联 词 转 承 上 下 句 子 和 段 落 。例 :People learn English to use

9、 it, some learn it to study or work abroad. Other learn it to read books and magazines in English or have something to do with English-speaking foreigners.采 用 适 当 关 联 词 , 改 进 为 :People learn English for practical purpose: some learn it to study or work abroad, while others learn it to read or commun

10、icate in English. (7) 语 法 错 误 。 语 法 错 误 主 要 表 现 为 :l 分 不 清 及 物 与 不 及 物 动 词l 被 动 语 态 与 主 动 语 态 的 误 用l 词 类 混 淆 , 将 动 词 或 形 容 词 误 作 名 词 用 , 将 名 词 或 动 词 误 作 形 容 词 用l 混 淆 可 数 名 词 与 不 可 数 名 词l 冠 词 、 情 态 动 词 、 介 词 、 代 词 等 方 面 的 错 误 应 用 文 写 作Writing Exercise 1 (P12)You live in a room in college which you sh

11、are with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college to 1) ask for a new room next term2) explain your reasons, and 3) want a single room. Writing Exercise 2Directions:You trav

12、eled by plane last week and your suitcase was lost. You have still heard nothing from the airline company. Write a letter to the airline to1) explain what happened,2) describe your suitcase, and3) find out what they are going to do about it.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not

13、sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) Writing Exercise 3 Directions:You saw an advertisement seeking tour guides for a local travel agency. Write a letter to the personnel department to state 1) your interest in the job2

14、) why you are qualified,3) when you can start the job.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) Writing Exercise 4Directions:You planned to attend your friends birth

15、day party. H owever, something emergent happened and you were not able to join the party. Write a letter to 1) explain the emergency you met,2) express your apology,3) tell how you will make up for it. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SH EET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the l

16、etter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) 一 、 选 词1 多 用 近 义 词 :I think/believe/argue/maintain/insist/deem/hold that, As I see it, In my opinion, From my standpoint, solve/cope with/deal with/put an end to/tacklethe problemis important/is of the utmost importancet

17、ake pride in/be proud ofThis product enjoys a good market in that market. (This product sells well in that market.) 写 作 准 备 (P2026) 2 区 分 具 体 与 抽 象 的 词 抽 象 具 体good kind, honest, generous, warm-hearted, selfless, friendlylaugh smile, chuckle, sniggerscientist physicist, biologist, chemistfish shark,

18、salmon, perch, eeltree shrub, bush, pollard, oak, plane, pine, willow 3 善 于 使 用 代 词A scientist draws conclusions by studying the facts he collects.Such symbols as are used to represent chemical elements should be firmly kept in mind. 二 、 造 句1 英 文 的 基 本 句 型1) 主 +系 +表 : I am a university student. / I

19、feel proud of myself. / The leaves turn green when spring comes.2) 主 +动 +( 状 ) : I study very hard. / I have prepared for the NETEM for a long time.3) 主 +动 +宾 : I read English books. / Ive memorized all the words in the word list.4) 主 +动 +宾 +宾 : Prof. Kang gave me a lot of assignments every day. / I

20、 wrote my teacher a letter yesterday.5) 主 +动 +宾 +补 : The little boy found the box empty. / Well make our country greener and more beautiful. 2 英 文 句 子 的 特 性1) 完 整 : English is a language, language is something used to communicate with other people.2) 统 一 : My trouble is that I cannot speak English f

21、luently and I like English very much.3) 多 样 : She felt nervous and frightened. She took out the key and unlocked the door.4) 简 洁 : After five months of hard work, she finally returned back to her home.5) 有 效 : It is very interesting because it brings me peace, love and beauty. (It is like a magic pa

22、radise filled with peace, love and beauty.) 三 、 段 落1 段 落 的 特 性1) 单 一 :Pollution has become a serious problem about which we worry. Wherever we turn we find pollution: polluted air, polluted water, polluted food and polluted environment. As we know, this is threatening the very survival of the human

23、race. 2) 连 贯 :In order to know what the weather will be, special people are hired to provide this information. These people are called weathermen. They work in a weather station every day. Some of them observe the weather; the others analyze weather information; and still others make forecast about

24、the weather. It is known that their work can save thousands of lives and millions of dollars in property damage. 3) 过 渡 :The traditional husband is different form modern husband in certain aspects. First of all, the traditional husband usually made the big decisions about spending money. However, th

25、e modern husband shares these decisions with his working wife. In addition, the traditional husband did not help with housework. In contrast, the modern husband helps his working wife at home. He may do some of the household jobs, and it is not unusual for him to cook. 2 段 落 的 构 成1) 开 头 段 ( 1) 开 头 段

26、 的 表 达 方 法 主 题 句 法 ( use of topic sentence) 使 用 引 语 ( use a quotation) 使 用 具 体 详 实 的 数 字 或 数 据 ( use figures or statistics) 提 出 问 题 ( ask a question) 给 出 背 景 ( offer relevant background) 定 义 法 ( give definition) 2) 中 间 段( 1) 展 开 方 法 列 举 法 (Listing) 举 例 法 (Exemplification) 定 义 法 (Definition) 分 类 法 (Classification) 比 较 对 比 法 (Comparison and Contrast) 因 果 法 (Cause and Effect) 发 展 过 程 法 3) 结 尾 段( 1) 写 作 方 法 总 结 归 纳 重 申 主 题 预 测 展 望 提 出 建 议 提 出 问 题 引 用 格 言

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