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1、摘要写作参考答案(Ke to Summry ritig) Unit Lessn1 A rivateCnersaton The writr wnto the thetrlstek、 ddt enjythe play、A yng manan a oung oa wr sttinhind m、They ere tlkiglouly、Thwrier ouldt hear the ctrs、Hetned rund、H sai he could hea a wor、The youn mnsaid,isis a rivae conversati!、(3words)Leso eafat or Lunch Th

2、e witer always gets plate on udays、He gt ulate lastunday、His aunt tlphoed then、Shehadjst arrived b a、She wsing ohim、He sad,Im sll havingbrafast、is auntwassurpri、It wasone oclock、(45 os)Lson 3 lease end Me Card Poscars alwys soilthrters hoidays、He ent hs olidain taly ast ummer、e ogh ao ostcads vr ay、

3、He didnt sen an ardsohs fries、e bougthirtseven ards onthe ast day、e taied at l ay、e didnwt ay cads、(4 wod)Leso n Exciting ri hwrite hsjust recid aleter fro hisbrothr,im、Tm isn eniner、He ha en in Austrlia r sixonth、He a already vstedmy acs、He i in Alce ngs nw、Tim has never bee aboad befr、H isenjoying

4、 his tp veryuc、(4 ord)esson No Wng Nubers Mr、Scot ha opn his secongarag i Pinurst、Hisfirstgage isinSbuy、Sbueis fve miles aw fro inhust、Mr、Scottcntgeta lehon or hs new arag、H has jus boughttelve pgeos、Thy rry esaero o arae t the o in h iute、( wods)esso PercyButtonsThe write hajst ed to ahou i Bidge S

5、teet、Aega koke at er door yestera、He sng sons、he wrier ave im a el an a glass f ber in reu fr s、Th bggars name s ercy Buttons、H als t everyse cea onth、(50 wor)Lesson Toote eteieswe aitinat te aiort al morni、Tey er eecting valuable rl fdamonds fom Sout Africa、Tw mn too the paclo thlane、Twdetcives opn

6、d it、Te arce wasfl f stones nd sand、(39 rds)Leso 8 eBeandorst Je Sadrs has hebst grd in tw、H wisTe Net Gaden pettionehyea、Bl as fine gan、Jos is beter、Te wrts ardn is terble、He alasn ltpie for he pettin、(37wods)Lesn9 A Cl Wle wen tothe Town Hall NeYears Eve、hee ereaotfpeople thr、The Tw a clock wilstr

7、ie wele i twety miues、t ie totwelve,it stope、Itreused ele the Ne Yer、The crow be to augh nd ing、(46 ods)Lessn 1 fo Jaz eo anol claicor、It as mad n161、y grandfae bough he intret n years 、visior daged it recntly、She tied toplay az on 、e broke to of t strigs、fhers rien is raiing it no、(word)Leson 11 On

8、e etun eeesAnothe Iwasavi dnner at a rtaurt、Isee Ty Steel fte awhile、He alwys borows moey fro his is、Tony sat at m tble、Iaske hmt lend e wenty pouns、 gaveet money at oce、H wne me tpy for hi dnr、(49 wrds)Leson Gdbe an GLuck ellmetCaptn Charls Alson orsmharbou ary tomorrow orin、He willb in his smllbot

9、,Topsail、Heillleave at eihtclock、Wllay godbye o im、Hewilke part inn imrtntraceaoss t tlat、(word)Lsson 13 he Gwod Bs Te renwod Bys a snger、They will e in hee tomorow、Most o te og people wil e mtin tem the staio、Theywl av iv eifane、Te plieill be tyng to kep order uul、(38 ods)Lessn 4 DoYoupek nglis The

10、writer gaea lit youg an n the outhofFane lastyea、Thegreaed eac ote n Frnch、e wrerdoesn pe any Fenh、Theysa i silence、T oun mn aid,o yo spe Enlish? a theed of thejourney、H wasEnglish himelf、(49 words)esso 15 Goo News Mr、Harmworthwantedseme、Ifelt ervos、I went itohis oce、He sausness wasveryb、e firmcould

11、nt py sch lar salares、Twey eople had lread lef、He didnt as me to eav、He oerd m n extr husnd ounds r!(47 d)sso16 Polite eues Traffc polce usallgive you aticke if youarkyour crn herogplace、The wrter ona poliene on hs arinSweden、The trafficpocemnwntedhimto a attntion ter treet igs、Eveone cafl t bey reu

12、est lik hi、(48 wors)es 1 lwys Yung My aunt Jeif i a tres、h sovr thirty yars od、he oftn apeas on thtags aoun gil、Jennfe will act hepatof a il ofeveneein n pla soo、Shenevertell anone how oldheally is、( words)Leso 18 It OfteDoe Ths The riter ha luch ata villepub、Sh couldntfind hergaftr meal、She oudn py

13、 te bill、he lndor soo funt f er、His dohad te it int the garden、(36wods)esso 19 Sod Out The play ws going tobg anmen、I askd r wo tets、There wee on eft、Susan nd I wre saointted、A man hred to the ticet ofce jut then、 retr to te、The were onext Wensas prfrnce、I boug tem、(45 wors)esson 0 Oe Ma in Boat sig

14、isth ritfavurie por、Sme ulcky fishrn atchd boots nd rbish、Tewriterisno soluc、Henevercasanytig、e isntrely inretedn fihng、He is nyinteresed in sittigi a boatand dinothing a all、(ord)Lesson 2 Mad or Not Thewe is slowlynmd、He lies near nirport、Pasig lans can beherd nih nd day、Motofhisneighbor haeeft the

15、i hoe、He ha been offered money tolav、He detemid to ty her、Eerynsays hmusb mad、Theyerbayrigt、(4 wod)Lon 22 A GlassEnvelop Jane cosse theCanne latyer、he thr a botle ino the sea、It cotina iece of paper with er ndaddress on i、h receved ltterfoma il in Hollnd ten onths later、Thy iteo ach oerreguar now、Th

16、y se ter ltterb ps、(50 word)Lessn 23 w oe My sste wilt Englan next e、I she es,sh wig a surrise、he a new houein tecounry、I hve ved m isttstar with e、t s a vr mern hou、It has ge manylaeros nd ely gade、( wod)Le24 Iould BeWors I h jut lost fity ouns、I felteruset、 tld e maagr abotit、He ouldntdo aythin、e

17、bgn ln abthis wiked wold、A il ame inwththe oyjut the、hehd found t tside y oom、There il somehonest in this wold、(5 wods)nt 2Lesson Do eEglih Spak nlish ari ata rilway stion in donnd ask a prtrhewa t my oel,but e cunt desand e、 H udrstoodme at lstb coldtunderstn hs aswer、y teacer eve poke nlislike tat

18、、 hpoter aid I al earn lih son、 Ec eon seaksa diffeet lguagein Engand、 Thy undestand eh othr butI dot unrstan them、(67wod)Leson 2 ThBest Art rishe witerstudies at a pits a ltof ptrs、 ny peope dot ely nderstnd odernart、 anting dntalways ae a meing、 h ae smethng prey attrs、 Young chldre notly pprecite

19、moern pntinsbeter thn oter,utnotied mo aso、 Thwriters og sisr et into is rom yestdaydexined hisnew picure、 e d hugt upsid down an shntidtisiediatey、(67 wos)Les 27 A Wet igh Te os put uptheir en i th middle ofa le and cooked overan opeire、They told storend san songfte their mal butit began to rainsth

20、e cptito eirtn、 Thebo wkep in th middle of the nig、Teena fl of water sohe rushe outsid、 A sra had formed in theied ad fowdrih er their tent、(68 wors)Lsn oParking Jsper Wit beieves n anciet yh、 Caowners aays prk hei casouide hi gto e has pt p o Parking sgns bt ty havn paida atntin tohm、 ha puanugly s

21、tonehead er th gate、 It is Medsas hea、 ewans hero tun cars anter oner o tne but he astde soyet、(2wods)Leson 9axi Caai Ben awett hasbugh a small wss eplane a ss it asa axi、 It is called a Platu Prter 、t can not nly cary seven passner, but can an anwre als、apta Fawett as aken pssengers t m stne plces、

22、 He fusedtofly abusinessato Rockall、 The juney was too dangrous、(56 words)so0 Foballo ploTe rter sa by therivr las Sna、 Sm hildrenwer ayng gaes neaby、n ofthechildrenkcke l hr and it wen tads apssingat、 The n i te bat neithe sw the ballor erd pplshutig、 The ballhi te anand t chilnran away、 Hweer,th a

23、n was no angr ndethw t llak to he ba、 (67 ord)Lesson 31 Sucess ory?FrankHawins elling the writer abo hiexerieces a yungm、Frnk sed oork in asall hopsb、H usd torar biycles thre、ebughtisownshop in 958he mde sprets foaroplans in his tnis、He emlyda lt f peopl i a eas、His wfe cme intotheroom ater while、Sh

24、e wnte him to epar thir gndsons cyl、(68 word)Lesson Shopping madeeAdetcve watce wlldresed an ina lrge toreon Mond、Sh bougta few smal aticles adh s anensiv dres、The assstntwrppd itp or and the woman ookit wt hr、he di not ay fo i,so thedtetiveared her、 The asistnt asr dughter、 She gave he mohr a freed

25、res oncea week、(60ords)Lesson 3 Out ofth anesTh ilsoufe coa oe ftroonandw ah in storm、Her bat sruck rok,oshejmped the sa、he swam eg mishatiht、She rache the shore ealy next rnin、Se had see algt high up onte cifs anse climbed up、She foun heself ihspilady later、(5 wors)Lson 3 Quick workDnobinsn wsorrid

26、、e h reie a eter om hlcal polce、sterday een tthe stion、H is t woredany more、Te pliceave fond his bicycl、n was not oyurise t ada well、Hs iylewas stntwenty years ago、He as fiftenthe、(44 rs)Less35 Sto tef!Royisindghs ew job s a bsdriver exciin、He saw two thiees in Catfor teereceny、They wee runnin out o

27、f a sop and oy dove his us strightat thm,sothey dope the sole money an gt io a car、Royrove his businto the bac of ther ar thn anddamged i、Atehihe tephonedhe poice、Both mn e are latr、 (64 words)Less Across the aneDbbieHrt is goingo swim acro th English Chanel tomrow、She eve andsh i a trog imer、Debbhs

28、beetrained by he ather、He ill olw hr n smlloat、Debbiesther will bwting onheEnlsh coat、Sheswam he hanneheelfhn she a gil、(49 wods)Lesson7 Th Olymi GamesThe Olypic Games wil b hed i ou cutr i four years me,stheovernmnt illb putin up new buildigsjusttie the cl、Kt Gnter hdesed te bungs ad work lae pee t

29、e new stdiuy teendofnxt yea、Theaewl be held in tis coutry for t fist te andwe r looin owrto them、 (62 wor)eso 38 Eeythingxcept he weatheTh writrs frien,arrs,ad penany years inthe Mediean,bt he wtd o retire in Eglnd he but aouseinthe onty、he summer tht yar avery ba and e planed abt th wathe、In h nd a

30、rison t only ldthe oue alsolethecouny、(4 wods)eson39 AI alliht?D、Milling reusedto tel hs piet,Mr、ohn Gilbert,whether hi oeratinhd beenuccessfu、Te next da he paten tlephed Dr、Millngnad inquired about crtain patit,Mr、JohGibrt、The tor anserd nube ouesions abot patent andthenaseeher h cler was a rlaive、

31、Th aler hen oldim who he was、(0word)ssn 40 Food ad talk The writer sat bee Mrs、 Rubl ath diner pary、He tredto ake vertin, but sewas busyting、He alked about he new play at The Glob nd bouthe hldays、She answere is usions briefly、Then e akeher f swasenyng r dineran sh answereta fh ae aenmrn dtalked s,

32、hey would boh hava od inner、(63 ors)Lesson DouCallTa a Ht Th wirr ifwa n o a hatand heddt ke t、 He sa down ad ated or hr、The theyen argui aan、Hehad bougt a erribl the daybefr b s wie ddt like t、 He said,Aan nerave too man ties、 His ifeused ely the am argument and she oh he hat、 It looed like lightho

33、us、(7 words)Less 42 Not Vry Musicae atchea nke chare i a square in ld Delhi、 ehad og ppe a large askes、playe a ue and he sake ione o te asts to follohe moemens of he pipe、 Tnthe snk charerpayed dern tusthe nakontinued to dan slwly、 Itdn now hedfferece etwen India msic and jazz、(64 words)Lessn Over t

34、h ouh Poe In 129,h Aerian expore ,R、E、yr became hefist nt flover th Souh Pole、 He took a lot of photograph drin the fight u en rn nt difficultis、 His planeculdn ge or he montaino he orde hisentoth ut tw evyod acks、 The neten lwovr t ountainsndcntned ithou rthe trouble、(63 words)Lsso 44Tro the Fot e

35、ted to steal Mrs、Strlings hadbg、 h s havin aici t t tm、The took he bag fer a trglead ranthough thetree、 h ran afterhemanat p itthem、 The eh saonan weeginghrough th cntnt f he bag、 Mrs、telin ran stright them so tydroped the ag ad n awa、(6 wrd)Ln 45 A e Concence hlcl buthr,Sam Bento,stkng hs savns tot

36、he pot offce but ls his wale、 Samnot onrceived hlf i mey hreemonhs later,bu recived noe as wel、Th note sa:A hief,e,t nly5 per nt atief!Te tief includ note eey timee sena mr mny、helastsaid: m 100 per cent oet ow!(8 rds)Lsson 46 Epensive and Unfotable Theane fromnon arred a ydne aortad ors ulod a beow

37、oodenboxe、 The conined clohin、 ne o th boxes wa temely heavy so a wr en it、 He fuda man onp of ie of wolen gos、 hmn s areted、 He travelledin hexrom ondon、 He a o pay 3,50 pounds、 A onary tics osts2,000 pod、(65 wo)Lesson47 A Thirt Gt M、 an hmpso bohtapublic houe rcenly bit is hauted,soh is going to s

38、ait、 There was strange n in thbr nnight nd heromwasi disorer extmrng、 Mr、 Thompsonoundfiv epty wisky botle、 He doesntbelevethat somevillagersbkento he ar and hdadink、 Anbod inh illa oesnt want o tpub、(68wrd)Lsson 8 Dd You ant Tel MSomethnge enst in thstorhad lled ut one o thewriters tth anhad ldh to

39、 ret for awhie、 He asd severl queons but the writer couldnt nwerthm、 is mouhws uo ttowool、 H udenydscoverd smeting wrn ut he couldnt ay anting、The dentit evetualyremovd thecotn woolro his muh an thewrie tol him hehdpule ou e rong oth、(72 words)Unit 3:esso 4 heend o a dremA yugmni hera bugt a real be

40、r the firs time inis lif、He sept n th oofohis hose eause thweahr s t、hree nights later,he bedws swet offthe roof duringa stor、Th man was nt ly unhur but il o i aress、A ebewas in pe,he arried i matresindoors andafter e had puit on the hewet baktoslep、 (72wor)Lesso0 kenfo a i The wre wantd to go gWood

41、frd Geen as hei kw the wy,the conuctor pisdt tll whre to t of、Whe they rivd athe buseminus,the wrier ased if t were at WdrdGree、Theonductor herealedthae ha forgotte to put hi of、he wrr taye n the us beause i wa goin back、(59 wos)Leson 51 Reard forire Hugh i st tha heas oe on adiet、H ha forbidde hise

42、lfl the foo e kes ut e has not losweigh、When the wrter visite hm yestda,h da largparelndr hs desk、he parcel contaiedctes nd wets、Hughsai ath ad toreward imself ccasna case is die waso strict、 (5ords)Leson 52 A prey carptThe writerhaben tryingtge is ew oo in ode almoning、Ti has poved ifficul bcs h on

43、s ve a thousan books ich over eveynhfflor spaceat themoen、His sister helpedmtoarry one ofhis od bookcses p te stairs a short while a、She ot aurpe when se sathe room,bushethoght th e boks madea prtty carpet、 (6 wr)sson 53 ot a Nw hafiemenhav puoua ig forestfire n California,thy ha been trn t dsovr it

44、s caue、Ter was no eidene at it waard byroken glassor igarettend、Howeve fima as just soed hemsery、Henoice t emins s asnawhih had benrp b abird o tosom eletric ires、In wi tsf ru the wires,the snkea sent sars to h goudnd this ause th fi、(5 wrd)Lesso 5 tyfine As soons thewrieretuehe rom th sops sh bga t

45、o make som meat ps、Whe thetelephe rangoon ftrwards,heigeswre vysky、S pe ten ites taling t n Bates othe tlephoe、Afer thahe looke at the mess she hd mad、Hr fingers,he telephnand he dorknswe covere wth pastry、Jut t the osma ra h oorbel、e anted he tsignfr aregstere leter、(8 words)Lsson 5 Not agoldmieThe

46、 eveer i ew achie hic is sed for dtecing urie gld、Usigthmachine, rsarc partyrecently id tofndgld ina ave narthe eashre、 Alhugh they amined th cav thooughlyheonly fouda sl gld coin hics pracicaly worthess、 Hoever ma poplebelieve tht the mahn mayrvalsomethingfvalue on、 (0 wors)Lesson 56 aster thanoud!

47、A lotooldcr entered for thrace, which is hel oncea ar、 A gretmny od xplosions coud b ead when thee ffand houghan crs broke own durin te rce, a fw mnaged to plete thecurse、Th wining car wnt doll so quickl tha its drhad a lotof difficutytingt stopit、 (62 words)Lesson 7 Ca I hpou,mam?Thogh the wan in j

48、eshesitatdfor a oment, she enerd an exeniesopd aske to see ades that as in t wndw、 Onbengtolb n assistant a he rs wa sold, the wmreturnthe fllowing oning reedinafur cat、 The isant wa ege serv ethis tie、 After making him bring hr almost evrthi i thwinow, he wan fiay ogh the dressshe hafirst asked for、 (77 wods)Leon A blsin in disue?henmberof visiors to he vilge o Filey hasincreasedbecs hre sido be crse tee ear the crh、 Sinc hevillages believe tha f ayone picksa lafhe willdi, theha sketh vicar to a th treeut don、 As thetree is a usf source fin, th

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