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1、七年级英语语法 七年级上册英语语法1 .动 词be(is,am,are)的用法我(I)用 am,你(you)用 are,is 跟着他(he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用i s,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。2.this,that 和 it 用法(l)this和 that是指示代词,it是人称代词。(2)距离说话人近的人或物用this,距离说话人远的人或物用thato 如:This is a flower.这是一朵花。(近处)That is a tree.那是一棵树。(远处)(3)放在一起的两样东

2、西,先说this,后说that。如:This is a pen.That is a pencil,这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。(4)向别人介绍某人时说This is.,不说That is.。如:This is Helen.Helen,this is Tom.这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。(5)This i s 不能缩写,而 That is可以缩写。如:This is a bike.Thafs a car.这是一辆自行车。那是一辆轿车。(6)打电话时,介绍自己用this,询问对方用that。如:Hello!Is that Miss Green?喂,是格林小姐吗?Yes,this is.Whos th

3、at?是的,我是,你是谁?注意:虽然汉语中使用“我”和“你”,但英语中打电话时绝不可以说:I am.,Are you.?/Who are you?(7)在回答this或that作主语的疑问句时,要用it代 替this或thato 如:一Is this a notebook?这是笔记本吗?Yes,it is.是的,它是。一Whats that?那是什么?Its a k ite.是只风筝。3.these 和 those 用法this,that,these和 those是指示代词,these是 this的复数形式,指时间,距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是 that的复数形式,指时间、距离

4、较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。This is my bed.That is Lil/s bed.这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。(2)These pictures are good.那些画很好。Are those apple trees?那些是苹果树吗?在回答主语是these或 those的疑问句时,通常用they代替 these或 those以避免重复。如:Are these/those your apples?这些(那些)是你的苹果吗?Yes,they are.是的,他们是。4.名词+s 所有格单数名词后直接加“s”:Jims coat吉姆的外套Jeffs mother杰夫的妈妈以s 结尾的复

5、数名词,只加Teachers*Day 教师节 the twins books 双胞胎的书不以s 结尾的不规则的名词复数,加“,s”Childrens Day 儿童节 mens shoes 男式鞋表示两者共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后加sLucy and Lil/s mother露茜和莉莉的妈妈(共同的妈妈,一个妈妈)表示两者各自拥有时,要在每个名词后加sLucys and Kates rooms露茜和凯特的房间(各自的房间,两间房子)5.There be 句型(l)Therebe句型主要用以表达“某 处(某时)有某人(某物)。”其基本结构为There be+某 物(某人)+某 地(某时)”其中

6、there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词,be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和 are两种形式。下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构:There be放句首,主语跟在后。地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:There is a book on the desk.有时为了强调地点,也可把介词短语放在句首。如:On the desk there is a book.(2)There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。There be真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。要用is还是a r e,须看其后的名词是

7、单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用i s,否则就用are。如:There is a tree behind the house.(2)There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).There are some pears in the box.(3)注意:如果“be”后的主语是由and连接的两个或两个以上的名词,那么b e的形式要遵循“远亲不如近邻”的原则。也就是说,“be”的形式是由与它最近的那个名词来确定的。若那个名词是单数或不可数名词要用i s,是复数就用are。如:There is a book and some pens on the floor.

8、There are some pens and a book on the floor.6.like一词的用法like用作及物动词,译为“喜欢”。(1)后接名词或代词,表示喜欢某人或某物。如:I like the baby very much.我非常喜欢这个小孩。(2)后接动名词(v.-ing),表示“喜欢做某事”,着重于习惯、爱好。如:Tom likes playing football.汤姆喜欢踢足球。(3)后接动词不定式(t。d o),表示“偶尔地喜欢做某事”,着重于某次具体的行为。如:I like reading,but I like to watch TV this evening.

9、我喜欢读书,但我今晚想看电视。7.句子单数变复数,注意以下五要素(1)主格人称代词要变成相应的复数主格人称代词,即1 7we,youyou,she,he,i they。如:She is a girl.They are girls.(2)am,is 要变为 are。如:Im a student.We are students.(3)不定冠词a,an要去掉。如:He is a boy.They are boys.(4)普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如:It is an apple.They are apples.(5)指示代词 this,that 要变为 these,thoseo 如:This is

10、 a box.These are boxes.8.英语日期的表示法英语中月份和星期名称都是专有名词,它们的首字母必须大写,并且前面无需用冠词。用英语表示日期,其顺序为月+日+年,日和年之间需用逗号隔开。如:August 2nd,20 0 3(20 0 3年 8 月 2 日)。也可以用日+月+年来表示。如:1 0 th May,20 0 3(20 0 3年 5 月 1 0 日)英语日期前介词的使用:若指在哪一年或哪一月,则用介词in,若具体到某一天,则需用介词on。9.时间的表达法(1)直读式,即直接读出时间数字7:0 5 seven five 8:1 6 eight sixteen(2)过、差

11、式,即儿点差儿分,儿点过儿分。(以30 分为分界线)1:25 twenty-five past one 2:30 half past two3:43 seventeen to four 4:38 twenty-two to five(3)1 2小时制6:0 0 a.m.上午6 点 8:20 p.m.下午8 点 20 分(4)24小时制1 3:0 0 1 3 点钟 22:1 5 22 点 1 5 分(5)1 5 分可用 quarter4:1 5 a quarter past four 5:45 a quarter to six(6)时间前通常用at.at 5 oclock at 7:30 p.m

12、.1 0.want 用法(1)想干什么用want to do sthThey want to join the sports club.他们想力U入运动俱乐部。(2)第三人称单数作主语,want要作变化He wants to play basketball.Li Xia wants to play the piano.(3)变疑问句,否定句要借助助动词do或does.一Do you want to play soccer ball?Yes,I do./No,I dont.一Does he want to go home by bus?Yes,he does./No,hedoesnt 七年级英语

13、上册期末试卷笔试部分(共80分)I.词汇。(1 0分)A)词语释义选出与句中划线部分意义最相近的解释。(5分)1.Jims parents are teachers.A.father and motherB.uncle and auntC.brother and sister2.-What day is it today?-Its the first day of the week.A.Monday B.Wednesday C.Sunday3.The woman in the car is my uncles wife.A.my mother B.my sister C.my aunt4.1

14、dont like science because it is not interesting.A.fun B.boring C.difficult5.His birthday is in the last month of a year.A.January B.December C.SeptemberB)用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)6.This is my pen and that i s(s h e)pen.7.1 want to buy fiv e(to m a to).8.Today is m y(t w e lv e)birthday.9.T h e r e(b e)many

15、books on the desk.1 0.His father u s u a lly(g o)to work by bike.I I.选择填空。(1 0分)1 1.This is ID card Is it?A.an;his B.a;he C.an;him D.a;his1 2.your brother fruit?A.Is,like B.Does,likeC.Do,likes D.Does,likes1 3.My father doesnt play sports.He only on TV.A.watches it B.watch them C.watch it D.watches t

16、hem1 4.He eats healthy food.A.lot of B.a lot of C.any D.a lots of1 5.Your hat is very nice.A.You are right B.Thats rightC.You are welcome D.Thank you1 6.Nancy born June,1 992.A.is,on B.are,in C.was,in D.were,on1 7.He can speak Ja p a n e s e,o n ly a little.A.and B.so C.but D.then1 8.The man in Lond

17、on and he English.A.live,study B.is live,studiesC.lives,study D.lives,studies1 9.Do Chinese like playing basketball?A.Yes,he does B.No,they arentC.Yes,they do D.No,they cant20.does your brother go to school?-A t 7:0 0.A.What time B.What C.How D.WhereIII.用所给动词的适当形式填空。(1 5分)21.She w a n ts(r e a d)a b

18、ook.22.Lets go a n d(s e e)our grandma.23.Please tell h i m(n o t do)the work.24.Would you lik e(h a v e)a cup of tea?25.-What your b r o th e r(d o)?-He is a doctor.26.We all lik e(p la y)computer games.27.S h e(g e t)up at 6:30 in the morning.28.Can h e(r i d e)a bike?29.His b ir th d a y(b e)Nove

19、mber 1 4th.30.S h e(h a v e)a new sweater.IV,根据汉语提示,完成句子。(1 5分)31.-Where is your bag?-Its in the(失物招领处).32.For dinner,he l i k e s(汉堡包)and chicken.33.Do you(想参加)the music club?34.Mike enjoys(弹吉他).35.Can you(把 你 的 相 片 带 到 来)to school?36.The table is the d e s k(在 之间)the sofa.37.We eat lots of and(蔬菜、

20、水果).38.He has a(生日聚会)on July 2nd.39.(谢谢)your letter.40.Our math teacher is(对.严格要求)us and itmakes us tiredV.完形填空。(1 0 分)Fox is an eight-year-old boy.He is a good boy.He does 41 inall his lessons.He42 school and he is always active in class.Every time theteacher asks a question,Fox always 43 his hand

21、quickly.Sometimes his answer is 44,but the teacher always smiles(微笑)and says,Good,Fox.But 45_ a better answer to myquestion?One day,the teacher asks the boys and girls a question.Swallows(燕子)fly to the south before winter 46,he says.But why dont cats and dogs do 4 7?Fox lifts(举)his 48 as usualYes,Fo

22、x?says the teacher 49,Fox stands(站)up and says,50 they have no wings(翅膀)41.A.good B.hard C.well D.bad42.A.loves B.likes a C.goes to a D.enjoys43.A.gets up B.puts on C.gets on D.puts up44.A.right B.wrong C.easy D.hard45.A.has B.is there C.are there D.have46.A.will come B.is coming C.comes D.is going

23、to come47.A.different B.these C.the same D.with48.A.hand B.head C.foot D.eye49.A.happy B.glad C.happily D.angrily50.A.Why B.Because C.That D.WhereV I.阅读理解。(1 0 分)星期时间MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday9:0 0 ammathmathEnglish1 0:30 am chemistry historychemistrychemistry1 1:1 5 amhistory1:45 pmphy

24、sicsphysicsphysics3:0 0 pmEnglishmath根据表格提供的信息,选择正确答案。51.What lesson do they have at 1:45 pm on Wednesday?A.Physics.B.Chemistry.C.History.D.Math.52.Do they have lessons at 1 0:30 am on Thursday?A.Yes,they have.B.No,they dont.C.We cant know from the timetable.D.None of the above.53.On Friday,a physic

25、s lesson begins atA.9:1 0 am B.1 0:30 am C.1:45 pm D.3:0 0 pm54.How many lessons do they have in a week?A.1 0.B.ll.C.1 2.D.1 3.55.How many kinds of lessons do they have in a week?A.3.B,4.C.5,D.6.V II.书面表达。(1 0分)你是电影俱乐部(Movie Club)的一名会员。你们经常组织看不同类型的影片。请较全面地介绍你们的俱乐部成员及开展的活动。内容要点:1)你及俱乐部其他成员(至少1名)的姓名、年

26、龄、生日及各自的特长(例如:会跳舞等等)。2)近期活动安排(时间、日期),电影类型及你对这些电影的简单评论。3)不少于10句话。Our Movie ClubMy name is Tom Green._参考答案I.1-5 ACCBB 6.her 7.tomatoes 8.twelfth 9.are 1 0.goesII.1 1.A.因ID的第一个音素是元音,所以用a n,第二个空应用名词性物主代词his。1 2.B.有实义动词lik e,且主语为单数,所以助动词用does。1 3.D.主语是h e,动词应用第三人称单数形式,代词应与sports对应,所以用them。1 4.B.修饰不可数名词fo

27、 o d,用a lot of或lots of。1 5.D.当别人赞扬你时,应说Thank you 1 6.C.某人出生于.”应用was b o rn,年、月前应用介词in。1 7.C.前后两句表示转折,所以用but。1 8.D.主语是单数,动词也应用第三人称单数形式。1 9.C.Chinese指 中国人,所以回答时代词用th e y,助动词用do。20.A.提问钟点,用what timeoIII.21.to read 22,see 23.not to do 24,to have 25,does,do 26.playing/to play 27.gets 28,ride 29.is 30,has

28、IV.31.lost and found case 32,hamburgers 33.want to join 34.playing the guitar 35.bring your photos 36,between,and 37.vegetables,fruit 38,birthday party 39,Thanks for 40.strict withV.41-45 CADBB 46-50 CCACBVI.51-55 ABCDCVII.One possible version:Our Movie ClubMy name is Tom Green.I am thirteen years o

29、ld.My birthday isApril 25th.I can play basketball and swim very well I like seeingmovies very much.I am in a movie club.In the club,I have afriend called Jim Brown.He is twelve years old and he is good atdrawing.His birthday is July 7th.We are going to see a new filmnext Sunday afternoon.It will be

30、on at three oclock.It is anaction movie called Hero.Li Lianjie is the actor.I think it will beexciting.I cant wait to see it.定语从句专项练习题及详解50题l.The place interested me most was the Childrens Palace(少年宫).A.Which B.where C.what D.in which2.Do you know the ma n?A.whom I spoke B.to who spoke C.I spoke to

31、D.that I spoke3.This is the hotel last month.A.which they stayed B.at that they stayedC.where they stayed at D.where they stayed4.Do you know the year the Chinese Communist Party wasfounded?A.which B.that C.when D.on which5.That is the day Ill never forget.A.which B.on which C.in which D.when6.The f

32、actory well visit next week is not far from here.A.where B.to which C.which D.in which7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factorywe are working.A.where B.that C.which D.there8.This is one of the best f i l ms.A.that have been shown this year B.that have shownC.that has been shown this

33、 year D.that you talked9.Can you lend me the book the other day?A.about which you talked B.which you talkedC.about that you talked D.that you talkedlO.The pen he is writing is mine.A.with which B.in which C.on which D.by whichll.They arrived at a farmhouse,in front of sat a small boy.A.whom B.who C.

34、which D.that1 2.The engineer my father works is about 50 years old.A.to whom B.on whom C.with which D.with whom1 3.It there anyone in your class family is in the country?A.who B.whos C.which D.whose1 4.1 m interested in you have said.A.all that B.all what C.that D.which1 5.1 want to use the same dic

35、tionary was used yesterday.A.which B.who C.what D.as1 6.He isnt such a man he used to be.A.who B.whom C.that D.as1 7.He is good at E n g lis h,w e all know.A.that B.as C.whom D.what1 8.Li M i n g,t o the concert enjoyed it very much.A.I went with B.with whom I went C.with who I went D.I wentwith him

36、1 9.1 dont like as you read.A.the novels B.the such novels C.such novels D.same novels20.He talked a lot about things and persons theyremembered in the school.A.which B.that C.whom D.what21.The letter is from my s is t e r,i s working in Beijing.A.which B.that C.whom D.who22.In our factory there are

37、 2,0 0 0 workers,two thirds of arewomen.A.them B.which C.whom D.who23.Youre the only person Ive ever met could do it.A.who;/B./;whom C.whom;/D./;who24.1 lost a b o o k,I cant remember now.A.whose title B.its title C.the title of it D.the title of that25.Last summer we visited the West Lake,H an gzh

38、ou isfamous in the world.A.for which B.for that C.in which D.what26.1 have bought such a watch was advertised on TV.A.that B.which C.as D.it27.1 can never forget the day we worked together and theday we spent together.A.when;which B.which;when C.what;that D.on which;when28.The way he looks at proble

39、ms is wrong.A.which B.whose C.what D./29.This is the reason he didnt come to the meeting.A.in which B.with which C.that D.for which3O.This m a c h in e,fo r many years,is still working perfectly.A.after which I have looked B.which I have looked afterC.that I have looked after D.I have looked after31

40、 .The reason he didnt come was he was ill.A.why;that B.th at;why C.for that;that D.for which;what32.He is working h a r d,w il l make him pass the final exam.A.that B.which C.for which D.who33.That is not the way I do it.A./B.which C.for which D.with which34.1 have two gram m ars,are of great use.A.

41、all ofwhich B.either of which C.both of that D.both ofwhich35.1 want to use the same tools used in your factory a fewdays ago.A.as was B.which was C.as were D.which36.My neigh hours used to give me a hand in time of trouble,was very kind of them.A.who B.which C.that D.it37.This is the magazine I cop

42、ied the paragraph.A.that B.which C.from that D.from which38.He is not such a man would leave his work half done.A.that B.which C.who D.as39.You can depend on whatever promise he makes.A./B.why C.when D.whose40.S m o k in g,is a bad habit,is,however,popular.A.that B.which C.it D.though41.Did you ask

43、the guard happened?Yes,he told me all he knew.A.what;that B.what;what C.which;which D.that;that42.1 shall never forget those years I lived on the farm withthe fa r m e r s,h a s a great effect on my life.A.when;who B.that;which C.which;that D.when;which43.The number of the people who cars increasing

44、.A.owns;are B.owns;is C.own;is D.own;are44.During the da ys,he worked as a servant at theBrowns.A.followed B.following C.to follow D.that followed45.Is oxygen the only gas helps fire burn?A.that B./C.which D.it46.The clever boy made a hole in the w a l l,h e could seewas going on inside house.A.whic

45、h;what B.through which;what C.through that;what D.what;that47.Is some German friends visited last week?A.this school B.this the school C.this school one D.this schoolwhere48.John got beaten in the g a m e,h a d been expected.A.as B.that C.what D.who49.1 have bought two b a llp e n s,w rite s well.A.

46、none of them B.neither of them C.neither of which D.none ofwhich50.All that can be eateneaten up.A.are being B.has been C.had been D.have been参考答案及解析1.A.which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。2.C.和谁讲话 要说speak to s b.本题全句应为Do you knowthe man whom I spoke to.o whom是关系代词,作介词to的宾语,可以省略。3.D.where是关系副词,表示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。4.

47、C.when是关系副词,表示时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。5.A.which是关系代词,在从句中作forget的宾语。其他儿个答案都不能作宾语。6.C.解析同第5题。7.A.解析见第3 题。8.A.本句话的先行词应该是films,因此,关系代词that是负数概念,其谓语动词应用复述的被动语态have been shown。如果句中的one前面使用了定冠词th e,则 the one应该视为先行词。9.A.谈到某事物 应说talk about sth.。about是介词,其后要用which作宾语,不能用thato1 0.A.with which是 介词+关系代词 结构,常用来引导定语从句.wit

48、h有 用 的意思,介词之后只能用which,不能用that.withwhich在定语从句中作状语,即he is writing with a pen.1 1.C.in front of which 即 in front of a farmhouse.In front ofwhich在从句中作状语.1 2.D.with whom引导定语从句.with whom放在从句中即为:myfather works with the engineer.1 3.D.whose引导定语从句,在从句中作主语family的定语.1 4.A.that引导定语从句,因为先行词是all,所以只能选用that引导.1 5.

49、D.the same.as是固定用法,as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本句话中,as作从句的主语.1 6.D.such.as是固定用法,as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本题中,as作表语.1 7.B.as作关系代词可以单独用来引导非限制性定语从句。这时as所指代的不是主句中某个名词,而往往指代整个主句的含义。as在从句中可以作主语、宾语。从句可放在主句后,也可置于主句前。在本句中,as作宾语.1 8.B.Li Ming enjoyed it very much 是主句,with whom I went tothe concert是定语从句.with whom放在从句

50、中为:I went to theconcert with Li Ming.1 9.C.as引导定语从句时通常构成such.as或 the same.as固定搭配,其中such利 same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句。as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语。Such修饰单数名词时,要用such a.,本题中such books,such直接修饰复数名词.20.B.things和 persons是先行词.当定语从句要修饰的先行词是既表示人,又表示物的名词时,其关系代词要用that.21.D.who引导非限制性定语从句,who作从句的主语.22.C.two thirds o

51、f whom 即:two thirds of the 2,0 0 0 workers.23.D.先行词person后有两个定语从句,第一个从句省略了关系代词whom.因为,whom作从句中met的宾语,可以省略.第二个从句 who could do it.who在从句中作主语,不可省略.24.A.whose title引导非限制性定语从句,whose title也可以说成the title of which25.A.for which引导定语从句,使用介词for,是来自于从句中的固定短语be famous for 以.而闻名26.C.当先行词被such修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词要用as.A

52、s在本从句中作主语.27.A.两个先行词the day都是表示时间的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,因此要用关系副词when.第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句.28.D.在way、distance direction等词后的定语从句中,常用that 来代替in(或其他介词)+which、when 或 w h ere,而 that常可省略。29.D.for which在定语从句中作原因状语,可用w h y来替代.30.B.which I have looked after构成一个非限制性定语从句.31.A.

53、The reason why.was that.已成为一种固定句型,这一句中的why和that不能随意换位,也不能将that改成because,尽管that这个词在译文中可能有“因为”的含义。32.B.非限制性定语从句常用which引导,which表示前句话的整个含义.33.A.解释见28题.34.D.主句中的two表明不能选A.从句中的are表明不能选B.both of which用来引导非限制性定语从句.35.C.as引导定语从句时通常构成such.as或 the same.as固定搭配,其中such利 same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句。as在从句中可以作

54、主语、表语或宾语。本题中as作从句的主语.36.B.非限制性定语从句常用which引导,which表示前句话的整个含义.37.D.38.D.解析见35题.39.A.he makes是定语从句,从句前省略了关系代词that.40.B.which is a bad habit非限制性定语从句.41.A.what happened 是宾语从句.all 之后 that he knew 是定语从句.先行词是an,所以关系代词只能用that.42.D.years是表示时间的名词,用 when引导定语从句,是因为when在从句中作时间状语.第二个空选用which,引导一个非限制性定语从句.43.C.本句话的

55、定语从句是who own cars.其先行词是people,因此,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数的own。本句话主句的主语是 The number of指.的数目”,是单数概念。因此,主句的谓语动词要用iso44.D.that followed是定语从句,关系代词that在从句中作主语。45.A.先行词gas被 only修饰,关系代词要用th a t,而不用which o46.B.through which 引导定语从句,through which 即 throughthe hole,在定语从句中作状语。What引导的是see的宾语从句,并作从句的主语。47.B.为便于理解,改写本句话:This

56、is the school that someGermanfriends visited last week.不难看出,作表语的 the school是先行词。that引导了定语从句,因为that同时又作visited的宾语,所以被省略了。其它选项结构不对。48.A.解释见35题。49.C.因为是two ballpens,并且定语从句的谓语writes是单数概念。因此,C 是正确选项。50.B.本句话中,主句的主语是all,为抽象概念。因此,其谓语应 用 单 数 的has been。关 系 代 词that引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。用关系代词填空:1.The person they tal

57、ked about is an expert on geography.2.He is a kind-hearted man is willing to help those introuble.3.In the hospitals are the patients the doctors and nurseslook after carefully.4.The film is about a man wife is a spy.5Living in a house windows are made of paper would behorrible.6 At the gift shop he

58、 bought an expensive pen was made inFrance.7 Last month we visited a big factory produced cars andbuses.8 I dont believe anything he said.9 This is the most interesting story hes heard.1 0 The first thing we must do now is to mend these shoes.UThe lab they set up is equipped with computers.1 2 fl!ne

59、ver forget the village I visited this summerholiday.1 3 National Day is the day most of the people canremember.1 4 I dont believe the reason he told me for his being late.七年级英语期末复习计划,、重难点分析:1.单词的复习七年级新教材的突出特点是词汇量大,词汇是英语学习的基础,不熟练掌握单词,英语的学习将无从说起。因此要想方设法的搞好词汇的复习,在全面复习单词(默写)的基础上,对每单元的重点单词,按考试题型(根据中文写单词、

60、根据音标写单词、用所给单词的正确形式填空),按单元顺序,以学案形式进行复习。对于错题及时反馈(将错题改正后重做),做到天天清,课课清。2、语法知识的复习考试前需要复习的语法知识有:一般现在时、现在进行时、情态动词等。计划对语法知识进行全面的总结,并配合适量练习,让学生达到懂语法并且会用语法。对“动词填空”这一题型进行强化训练,在考试中保证大部分同学不失分。复习语法时,要注重引导学生记住结构,能灵活运用到实际生活中去,运用学过的语法写句子,写简单的文章。3.作文的复习每单元给学生提供两篇与课文题材相关的作文,让学生背诵,并提供类似题材,让学生进行写作训练。4.听力和阅读的复习以 同步听力与阅读为

61、主,每天利用1 5分钟进行听力或者阅读的当堂训练,注重阅读和听力技巧的指导。二、复习目标:本次复习时间紧、任务重,仍然采取以单元为单位进行复习。复习时以课本知识为主,兼顾习题。单词、语法、作文、听力和阅读各项要彼此兼顾,提高学生的综合能力。三、时间安排:1 2月26日结束新课12月 29 H-12月 31 日Unit6复习重点和作文默写(早读)、复习Unit 6(两份学案)(课上)1 月4 H-1 月 5 日 Unit5复习重点利作文默写(早读)、复习Unit 5(两份学案)(课上)1 月 6 H-1 月 7 日 Unit4复习重点利作文默写(早读)、复习Unit 4(两份学案)(课上)1 月

62、 8 H-1 月 9 日 U nitl-3单词默写(早读)、综合练习卷检测及讲评(课上)附Unit5复习重点、作文、默写检测卷及学案7A Unit5复习重点-、词 汇1.必记词汇walletideaalreadyshopkeeperminutecostdiscountmatchalsohighbookshopinvitevisitturnpaystaypoorareacollectraisegreylargecentrehowevermoreoutsideinsidelittlecrynote2.通常情况下用复数jeans牛仔裤boots靴子3.变形词 electricelectrical c

63、heapcheaperwait-waiting(ing)writewriting paper4.易 错 词 quite相 当 pretty漂亮的 enough足够的expensive昂贵的 before在.以前5.复数的构成countrycountries国家WalkmanWalkmans 随身听二、重要搭配l.call 1 1 0 for help 打 1 1 0 求救2.an idea/agood idea 一个主意/一个好主意3.be coming up 临近4.buy sth for sb=buy sb s th买东西给某人5.want(sb)to do sth 想要(某人)做某事6.

64、need(sb)to dosth需 要(某人)做某事e with me 跟我来8.be free 有空9.over here 在这里1 0 .go shopping with me 和我去购物1 1.just a minute 稍等1 2.take a look 看一看1 3.there is a discount on sth 在某物上打折 1 4.have money todo sth有钱做某事1 5.never mind 没关系1 6.ask sb(not)todo s th叫某人(不要)做某事1 7.the sameas 和.样1 8.different kinds ofb o o k

65、 s不同种类的书1 9.write(a letter)to sb 写信给某人20.wait for sb等某人21 .at the moment 目前,此刻22.make a wish许一个愿23.donate money to sb.捐钱给某人 为某人筹钱raise money for sb24.fitsb very well(尺寸/大小)很合身25.collectwriting paper收集书写纸26.one/two/some+more 再来一个/两个/一些 27.call sbon 1 234567 打 1 234567 叫某人28.Simoni birthday is coming

66、up.Simon 的生日临近了。29.Can I help you?=What can I do for you?我能帮忙吗/30.Im looking for.=I want to buy.我要买31.How much does this card cost?=How much is this card?这张卡片多少钱?32.Tm waiting for my turn.我在等轮到我。33.Whats your size?-Im a size 8.你的尺寸多少?我的尺寸是8。34.Can I try them on?我可以试穿它们吗?35.Do you have a cheaper pair of jeans?有更便宜的牛仔裤吗?35.Its easy to find,它很容易找到。36.It is a good place to meet friends.它是会友的好地方。37.Its a really fun place to go.它确实是值得去的地方。3 8.花费这条短裙花了我1 0 0 元。(3 种)物+cost This skirt costsme 1 0 0人+spen

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