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1、LOGO for My Smoking DaughterUnit 5 paragraph 6 LOGO Page 2 学习目标造句作者的 思想句子分析认知单词段落总结 LOGO Page 3 段落分析第一句When I travel to Third World countries I see many people like my father and daughter. 译文 我到第三世界国家去旅行时,看到了许多像我父亲和女儿那样的人。 LOGO Page 4 段落分析第二句There are large advertisement signs directed at them both:

2、 the tough, confident or fashionable older man, the beautiful, worldly young woman, both dragging away. 译文 到处都有针对他们这两类人的巨大广告牌:强壮、自信或时髦、年龄较大的男人, 以及漂亮、“世故”的年青女人,都在吞云吐雾。 LOGO Page 5 NEW WORDSAdvertisement ,dvtazmnt 1. C a public notice offering or asking for goods, services, etc. 广告,启事(提供或征求商品、服务)2. U

3、the action of advertisement 广告活动,宣传 It has many advertisements and many different sections. 请造句:墙上贴满了广告。 The wall was covered with advertisements. 请造句:星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。 LOGO Page 6 NEW WORDSworldly wldl 1. having a lot of experoence and knowledge about people and life 世故的 He made a will leaving all hi

4、s worldly goods to his daughter. 扩展:a worldly outlook 意思:世俗的看法 。 请造句:他立了份遗嘱把他全部财产留给了他女儿 LOGO Page 7 NEW WORDSdrag drg vi. 1. (slang) smoke 抽 烟 2. move slowly and with effort 缓 慢 而 费 力 地 行 进 vt. pull (sb./sth.) along with effort and difficulty 拖 , 用 力拉 n. C a person or thing that makes progress diffi

5、cult 障 碍 物 ,累 赘 He grabbed her and dragged her away. 请造句:他一边写一边抽烟。 He dragged on the cigarettes as he wrote. 请造句:他抓住她,把她拖走了。 LOGO Page 8 段落分析第三句In these poor countries, as in American inner cities and on reservations, money that should be spent for food goes instead to the tobacco companies ;译文 就像在美

6、国的市中心区和印第安人的居留地上发生的事一样, 在这些贫困的国家里,那些本应该花在食物上的钱却流进了烟草公司。 LOGO Page 9 段落分析第四句 over time, people starve themselves of both food and air, effectively weakening and hooking their children, eventually killing themselves. 译文 久而久之,人们不但缺少食物,而且还缺少空气,这样不但大大地削弱了孩子们的体质,还使他们染上了烟瘾,最终还会致他们于死地。 LOGO Page 10 NEW WORD

7、Sstarve strv v. (cause a person or an animal to) suffer seriously or die from hunger(使)挨饿,(使)饿死 Because there is no food, the people are starving. 请造句:她在饿肚子减肥。 Shes starving herself, trying to lose weight. 请造句:由于没有食品, 所以人们在挨饿。 LOGO Page 11 NEW WORDSweaken wikn v. (cause sb./sth. to) become weak or w

8、eaker 使弱,变弱 You can weaken the tea by adding water. 请造句:由于病情恶化, 她变得更虚弱了。 She weakened as the illness grew worse. 请造句:你可以加水把茶弄得淡一些。 LOGO Page 12 段落分析第五句I read in the newspaper and in my gardening magazine that the ends of cigarettes are so poisonous that if a baby swallows one, it is likely to die, a

9、nd that the boiled water from a bunch of them makes an effective insecticide.译文 我在报纸及我订阅的园艺杂志上看到, 烟蒂的毒性是很强的:一个婴儿如果吞下了一个烟蒂,就很有可能会死去; 沸水加一把烟蒂就成了很有效的杀虫剂。 LOGO Page 13 NEW WORDSpoisonous pzns a. 1. causing death or illness if taken into the body 有毒的 2. full of spite 恶毒的,有恶意的 He gave her a poisonous look

10、. 请造句:这种药如服过量是会中毒的。 This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities. 请造句:他恶意地看了她一眼。 LOGO Page 14 NEW WORDSswallows swlo vt. 1. cause or allow (esp. food or drink) to go down the throat 吞,咽 2. believe sth. too easily 轻信,轻易接受 vi. use the muscles of the throat as if doing this, esp. in fear 做吞咽

11、动作 n. C the action of swallowing 吞,吞咽 She is naive and would swallow anything you tell her. 请造句:他用一杯水吞下了这些药丸。 He swallowed the pills with a cup of water. 请造句:她很天真,你跟她讲什么她都相信。 LOGO Page 15 NEW WORDSbunch bnt n. 1. C a number of things (usu. of the same kind) growing, tied or grouped together 串,束,把 2.

12、 C a group of people 群,伙 vi. form into a bunch 集中,挤在一起 vt. form sth. into a bunch 使成一束(或一群等) Miss White received a bunch of flowers from her admirer. 扩展 : a bunch of 请造句 :一群孩子在玩。 A bunch of children were at play. 请造句:怀特小姐收到爱慕者所送的一束花。 LOGO Page 16 n单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字。n单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字。段落总结 LOGO Page 17 背景知识harmfulness of smokingSmoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

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