第三章 翻译中的语言对比分析Contrastive Analysis in

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1、第三章 翻译中的语言对比分析 Contrastive Analysis in Translation1The distinctionS between the two languages:1.1 语义的差异:英汉词语意义并不是总是一致的,它们的对应程度有三:1.1.1 完全对应:科技术语和专有名词:aluminum铝;physics物理学;pneumonia肺炎;ew York纽约;the Himalayas喜马拉雅山European Union欧 盟 negotiating table 谈判桌 trading partners 贸易伙伴1.1.1.2 产生活常见事物的名称1.1

2、.2 部分或大部分对应cat: She is a cat.=she is callous and cruel;1.1.3 完全或大部分不对应commuter (people who live in the suburb but go to work downtown )pandemonium=地狱”(造词)1.1.4 英语词汇的一词多义touch :to touch sb to the heart 触动心旋hair touched with grey 有点花白头发to touch glass 碰杯to touch ones lips to the childs forehead 轻吻小孩的前额

3、to touch the highest point in ones career 达到事业的顶峰1) Its too noisy; turn that things off and do your homework.关掉那玩意(收音机),做作业!2) Ill pack my things for the trip tomorrow.我明天打点行装。3) What a fine thing for our girls!真是女儿们的好福气啊!4) The large mammalian brain is the most complicated thing, for its size, know

4、n to us.大型哺乳动物的大脑,就其体积而言,是我们所知晓的最复杂的机体。1.1.5 Collocation: the collocation of the English words is very active.as proud as a peacock非常骄傲的/Hitler was once as proud as a peacock曾是个不可一世的家伙/ as cheerful as a lark非常高兴的,兴高采烈 的/ as clear as day 一清二楚/ as quiet as a mouse 非常安静的,一声不响的/ heart and soul 全心全意地/ in

5、 a breeze 轻松地/ with flying colors 出色地;成功地/ behind the scenes 在幕后/ at a gallop 飞快地;急速地;用最快速度1.2 词法差异:dversity in morphology英语综合型语言词的关系靠词本身的形态变化来表现汉语分析型语言词的关系靠词序或虚词/助词/量词等来表示1.2.1 动词时态的体现: 1)Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it. 刚刚来过,她把这事一五一十地全告诉我了。2) A good book may be among the

6、 best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change3) ”What was I talking of?” said he, beginning again when they were all in the street. 我刚才说什么来着?等大伙来到街上,她又说了起来了。4) Britain s railway system is being improved .正日益完善。5) English prose is elaborate rather than simple. It

7、 was not always so.如今的英国散文华美而欠简朴,以往的情况却并非如此。1.2.2量词的增补表达法:1) To the east a faint pink is spreading. 一抹浅红正向东方扩展。2) Before I arrived in sight of it, all that remained of day was a beamless, amber light along the west; but I could see every pebble on the path, and every blade of grass, by that splendid

8、 moon. 在我还没有望见那座住宅,天早已暗下来了,只有西边天际还剩下一模一抹朦胧的琥珀色的余辉,但是我仍可借助皎洁的月光,看清小 路上的每一颗石子,每一片草叶。3) Please go there and give it to him.到那里去一趟,然后把这个交给他。4) I was extremely worried about her, but this was neither the place nor the time for a lecture or an argument. 我真替她万分担忧,但此时次地既 不不宜教训她一番,也不宜与她争论一通。1.2.3 增补语气词1) Is

9、more growth really better ?经济发展得越快越好吗?2) Tess is queer苔丝的脾气可古怪呢。3) “My dear Mr. Bennet,” replied his wife, “how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them/my daughters”(J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice)你怎么这么令人讨厌告诉你吧!,我在琢磨他娶她们当中的一个做太太呢!4) John blinked a few tim

10、es and looked at me as if I might, indeed, be loony.“ Mom, its just the moon. Is this the surprise?” 眨了几下眼,盯着我看,仿佛我真的疯了似的. “妈妈,不就是个月亮而已嘛! 有什么好希奇的?”1.2.4代词使用上的差异:1 ) Caroline has known me all my life. Itwas my privilege to see her out of hers. 了解我的一生, 能为她送终是我莫大的荣幸.2) Money is a wonderful thing, but i

11、t is possible to pay too high a price forit金钱是个很好东西,但是人可能为之付出过高的代 价.3) The first point about chores is that they are repetitive. They come every day or thereabouts, and once done they require after a certain time to be done again.( A.Heckscher: “Doing Chores”)家务事的第一个特点,是反复做.几乎天天都有,而且做完之后,过一段时间又要重做一番

12、.4) He hated failure ; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others .它讨厌失败,它一生中曾战败失败,超越失败,并且藐 视别人的失败。5) Happy families also had their own troubles 幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。1. 3.句法差异英语分岔式结构需连接手段明式手段explicit重形合hypotaxis汉语一线形结构不需连接手段隐含方法implicit重意合parataxis1.3.1 形合与意合的差异英语的形合句翻译成汉语的意合句

13、1) AsI resumed walking I blurted out, “Its a lucky thing it happened that way. You wouldnt have met Mother. ”我们继续往前走,我又冒出一 句话:“这样倒是一件幸事。不然,你就遇不上你妈妈了。”2) Over time, Kelley has learned to move her fingers enough to use a computer and to get around daily with the help of a wheelchair. 随着时间的推移,凯里学会了灵活地移

14、动手指并可以使用计算机,借助电动轮椅,能够处理自己的日常生活。英语的形合句汉语也可以用汉语的形合句来翻译1) You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party.你带着女儿们去就行了,要不你索性打发她们自己去,这样或许更好些,因为你的姿色并不亚于她们中的任何一个,你一去,

15、宾利先 生到看中你呢!2) It will be no use to us, if twenty such should come since you will not visit them.既然你不肯去拜访,即使搬来二十个,那对我们又有什么用呢?1.3.2语序的差异:定语的语序的差异1. 单词做定语形容词作定语:1) That altered, frightened, fat face told his secret well enough .他的胖脸蛋吓得走了样,他心里的想法全写在脸上。2) She had such a kindly, smiling, ten

16、der, gentle, generous heart of her own 她心地善良,性格乐观,温柔和气,待人慷慨。3) I saw a little, yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar我看见一个要饭的,他身材矮小,脸色发黄,衣衫褴缕,瘸着腿,满脸胡子1. 英语的短语做定语1) A hotel with a few Chinese touches 一家有几分中国特色的旅馆2) A base for underground activities 地下活动基地1.3.3.2状语语序的差异: 单词做状语1) Predict

17、ably the winter will be snowy, sleety, and slushy 可以预言,今年冬天将多雪,多冻雨,多泥泞。2) A Fiat slowly nosed its way out into the fast lane. 慢慢地离开慢车道,驶入了快车道。 短语做状语:1) At the end of the game, the umpire gets a CD-ROM showing every pitch比赛结束时,裁判员可得到一张能显示所有投球情况的光盘。2) The ship ploughed her way through the hug

18、e waves.船在惊涛骇浪中破浪前进。3) She looked at me with freezing eyes.他冷冰冰地看着他。语序的翻译:英语句子有被动句,疑问句,否定句,假设句,强调句,倒装句,等,翻成汉语时,要符合汉语的习惯。1) They were attended from morning to night by female helpers, wives and nurses and secretaries.从早到晚,都有妻子、护士、秘书这样的女帮手服侍他们。2) On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals

19、.游客不得给动物喂食物。3) So fast did he walk that none of us was his equal.他走路非常快,谁都不是他的对手。4) Had you work harder, you would have succeeded .要再努一把力,就会成功。1.4 思维的差异:diversity in way of thinking1.4.1 英语重分析1) 1 doubt whether he likes this book 我看他不喜欢这本书.2) I doubt whether he does not like this book .我想他是喜欢这本书的.1.

20、4.2 英语重抽象1) .for what can be prettier than an image of Love on his knees before Beauty?痴情公子向貌美佳人跪下求婚,还不是一幅赏心悦目的画吗?2) So we drove along between the green of the park and the stony lifeless elegance of hotels and apartment buildings.车子朝前行驶着,路两旁一边是青翠的公园,一边是死板乏味的豪华旅馆和公寓大楼.1.4.3英汉句子在思维上的不同造成了表述差异1.4.3.1

21、叙事原则。1)A loud applause exploded from the audience when the actress went on the stage .女演员登上舞台时,观众中爆发出一阵掌声。3) The invaders will not surrender until they come to the end of their tether。侵略者不到走投无路的时候是不会投降的。4) There is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense t

22、han to have her guest so interested in talkingpolitics or business with her husband that he fails to notice the flavor of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride. 女主人用了很多心思,也花了很多费用,准备好了香喷喷的咖啡和松软的糕点,并 将屋内陈设装扮得极有特色。虽然她对此饶有兴趣并

23、引以为豪,但她的客人对此却视若无睹,只顾与丈夫谈政治、谈生意。还有什 么比这让她更失望得呢!论理原则1).1 think we should have been told if there was anything up.我想要是真发生了什么事,他们应该通知我们的。2) .1 cant trust her, because she is not honest.他不老实,我不能相信他。3) The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not.不管是明还是暗,月亮总归是月亮。4) Attracting specialized, car

24、eer-focused students is one reason Stanford University Medical Centre overhauled its curriculum and required students to pick a concentration by the end of their first year. 斯坦福大学重新调整了课程体系,并要求学生在第一学年结束时选择专业的 方向,其目的之一便是为了吸引想要细化专业、确定职业得学生。5) A long standing reticence , perhaps born of national abhorre

25、nce of monarchies and kings, kept faces and portraits off United States coins as a regular practice until 1909 , the centennial of Abraham Lincoln”s birth. 或许是出于国民长期以来对独裁和君主得憎恨,美国人一直不情愿 在钱币上刻印肖像和人物。这一惯例一直持续到1 9 0 9年,即林垦诞辰10 0周年时,才被打破。对某事发表评论时1) It is important that everyone does his duty.每个人各

26、司其职,这一点很重要。2) Its no use telling him that hes wrong. He will realize it himself.你对他说他错了,这根本不管用。他以后会明白的。3) It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 大凡有家产的单身汉,总想 娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。2.The way of reconstructing:1.4.4 应对措施:1.4.4.

27、1 顺译:多个表示连贯的动词并列时,1) She had a sleepless night, and rising early , had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. 她 一夜无眠,早早起床,披上毯子,迎着拂面的凉风,凭窗眺望黎明。2) He would drive a rental truck loaded with his belongs and I would follow him in his sedan, then fly ba

28、ck. 到时他将开租来的卡车拉上全部的 家句,我跟在他后面帮他把小车开过去,然后乘飞机返回。英语中为了强调将从句提在句首(用逗号与后面的分句隔开)1) After he went to bed that night, I quickly took his shoes and went out to the woodshed.当天晚上,他就寝后,我马上把他的鞋子拿到柴房里.2) When Tom stood face to within his persecutor, and heard his threats, and thought in his very soul that his hou

29、r was coming, his heart swelled bravely in him, and he thought he could bear torture and fire, bear anything 站在迫害者面前,听着他那些威胁的话语,心想自己的时候已经 到来此时,他反而觉得勇气百倍,觉得赴汤蹈火,在所不辞了英语中的某些介词短语,副词短语,分词短语或“介+动名词”结构放在句首时表示时间1)On arriving at the spot, he found that the gypsies had gone .他赶到那时,发现那些吉普塞人已经走了.2)With what se

30、emed my last hope frustrated, I slipped into a deep lethargy.最后一线希望破灭了,我不知不觉地陷入了一种懒怠冷漠,意气消沉 的状态.逆译:适用于以下情况:在时间上,要重组。1) There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met. 我走访了一些地方,遇到不少人.要谈起来,奇妙的事儿 可多着哩.2) He was given a chair and asked to wait a little as

31、 darkness came on, then suddenly the whole bridge was outlined in lights.天快黑了。人家给了 他一把椅子,请他坐下来等一会。忽然电灯全亮了,照出了整个大桥的轮廓。3) The music world and the world at large became poorer places on April 8, when Marian Anderson, the great alto from Philadelphia , died at 96. 今年4 月8日,来自费城的伟大的女低音歌唱家以96 岁高龄逝世,噩耗传来,世界

32、各地,尤其是音乐界人士,无不为之黯然神伤。4) For example, a young woman who had difficulty studying made dramatic strides when she got a better desk lamp and moved her desk away from her bed 例如,有位年轻女士,原来学习很吃力,但自从换了一盏好台灯,并把桌子从床边搬开以后,学习就取得了长足进步。5) And when our own tears have dried and the hangovers have subsided , we will

33、 all emerge as winners from the greatest tournament on earth. 泪 水已干醉梦方醒之时候,我们将以胜利者的姿态走出这世上最伟大的赛事.6) I was seized with sadness as I thought of how the ancient city had been spared during the Second World War and now might be destroyed by an impending riot 我一想到这座古老的城市在第二次世界大战时得到幸免而现在却要遭到即将来临的暴乱的破坏,不禁悲

34、从中来. 英语中表示手段的结构 by+n/ving 一般放在表结果的动词后 1)Some researchers had also suggested that intense volcanic activity and geologic process could play an important role in these tilt fluctuations by altering the planet smass distribution sufficiently to change its spin and cause large shifts in its tilt angle.

35、有些研究人员还认为,强烈的火山活动以及其它一些地质变化过程改变了该行星的质量分布状况,并改 变了它的旋转方式,使它的倾斜度发生大幅度变化,从而能够在这些倾斜度里来回变动中发挥重要作用 按照逻辑顺序来调整:1)The family from whom she rented her room and bath ignored her activities so long as her rent was promptly paid. 她租了一间带浴室的房子,只要她按时付房租,房东对她的活动一概不闻不问。2)This preface must necessarily be short and mode

36、st, for I cannot claim to be an expert in painting, merely an ardent lover of the art. 我在绘画上 面谈不上有所专攻,只是热爱这门艺术而已,因此要为这部画册作序,只能三言两语谈一点肤浅的看法。按照信息的重心来调整:1)1 owe it to you that I still alive .我能活到现在,真得谢谢你。2) China can take the experiences of Western countries as a reference, but not copy them. This is common knowledge for the Chinese people, including economists .西方国家的经验可以参考,但是不能照搬,这是包括经济学家在内的中国人的共识。3) Everywhere you look, in newspapers and on television, issues are presented using the terminology of war and conflict. 不论是看报纸,还是看电视,到处都会发现人们总是用战争和冲突的词语提出问题。

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