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1、LETS DO THIS!蚌埠二中 郭建芳 抽象的 “abstract” abstract adj.抽象的,深奥的n.抽象,摘要v.抽象化 Beauty is an abstract concept.美是一种抽象概念。Salt can be absracted from seawater.盐可以从海水里提取。 In the abstract Talking about bringing up children in the abstract just isnt enough.单从理论上谈论培养孩子是不够的 LOGO。 Realistic adj.现实的,实际的 Is that ring mad

2、e of real gold?(not artificial) 那枚戒指是真的吗? The children knew that Santa Clause isnt a real person.(not imaginery 孩子们知道圣诞老人不是真人。 Its not realistic to expect a promotion so soon. 这么快就想升职根本不现实。 She cant tell the difference between the fantasy and really. 他无法分清理想和现实. in reality=in fact=as a matter of fac

3、t=actually 事实上现实的“Realistic” Faith信念 faith n. 信念,信任,信心 Faithful adj. Faithfully adv. I have great faith in her, she wont let me down.我对她非常有信心,她不会让我失望的。 The public has quite simply lost faith in the government.公众对政府已经完全失去信心。 Do you think Bob has always been faithful to you?你认为Bob一向对你忠诚吗? He has faith

4、fully served the family for 40 years.他忠实地为这个家庭服务了四十年。 Ann promised faithfully that she would never tell.Ann真心实意地答应她绝不会说出去。 Yours faithfully.忠实于您的 象征着 Symbol Symbol n. 符号,象征 An olive branch is a symbol of peace.橄榄枝是和平的象征。 Wealth is not always the symbol of success.财富不全是幸福的象征。 H2o is the symbol for wa

5、ter. 是水的符号。 明白的 “evident” 6.evident adj.明显的,明白的 Bob began eating his lunch with evident enjoyment. Bob开始津津有味地吃午餐。 Its evident that. From the look on Joes face it was evident that the news came as a complete shock.从Joe的表情可以明显看出,他被这个消息惊呆了。 Evidence n.证据,证明 There is some evidence that a small amount of

6、 alcohol is good for you.有证据显示,少量饮酒有益健康。 In evidence 显眼,引人注目 The army is more inevidence in the cities than in rural areas. 军队在城市中比在乡村里更惹人注意。 evidently adv. 从现有证据来看,看来 Evidently shes been bullied at work and is very unhappy. 看来她在工作中被人欺辱了,非常难过。 “value”的价值 value n. Of value =valuable 有价值的 The thieves

7、took nothing of value.小偷没有偷走任何值钱的东西。 His research has been of little practical value. 他的研究没多大价值。 Value v.尊重,珍视;估价,计算 I value your advice.我很珍视你的意见。i If you want to sell your collection of stamps, you ought to have it valued. 如果你想卖掉你的邮集,你应该找人估价。 收养“adopt” adopt 收养,领养 & 采用,采纳 His mother was valued when

8、 she was poor.他的母亲在四岁时被人收养。 The courts have been asked to adopt a more flexible approach to young offenders.法庭被要求对年轻罪犯采用较灵活的处理方法。 拥有“possess” possess v. 拥有,占有 They used all the money they possessed. I dont think Joe possesses a suit. Be possessed of 具有(某种品质、能力等) Charlie was possessed of a sound inte

9、llect and a happy manner. Charlie 有健全的智力和得体的举止。 Possession n.所有物,财产 In possession of = have something in ones possession She was found in possession of stolen goods.她被发现拥有许多被偷物资。 Take possession of something I have in my possession a number of secret documents.我掌握着许多机密文件。 We didnt take possession of

10、 the car until a few days after the auction.直到拍卖 后几天我们才拥有这辆车。 In the possession of 被拥有 possessions 财产 同时发生了“coincidence” coincidence 同时发生,巧合,巧事 What a coincidence! I didnt know you were going to bein Geneva too! by coinsidence 企图 attempt attempt n.& v. 试图,尝试,企图 the second question was so difficult t

11、hat didnt even attempt it. Every time Ive attempted to convince her, Ive failed completely. He attempted doing it. All attempts to control inflation have failed. He made one last attempt at the world record. A man is being questioned in relation to the attempted murder. Thank you!See you next class!

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