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1、英文道歉信范文汇总7篇 英文道歉信 篇1 Dear of. wang, Iwring to askyou o eus fr not bingable to kep our apment. idokno t tis s vey ipote d ust havecauedou uchtouble. I do rko that atpresen any xplanaion s palan futle. howeer i doo wantyou o miuderstndm.onmy wayto ou ffice,an old ldyseny faine ue o eat attack on th bu

2、s. oppd a taiand senter into a nbyospital. tayed tere uti eson ame, whichspid our apointme. I a are that our appointmnti of importace o hopet you woud be kindnouhtospre youalable meet m.I a lokingorward to hen rm you Sicrely yours 亲爱的王教授, 我写信请求你原谅我的失约。我知道,这是非常不礼貌的,一定会给你造成麻烦。 我认为目前任何解释是徒劳的。但是我不想你误解我的

3、意思。在我去你办公室,一个老太太突然晕倒了,由于车上的心脏病。我拦了一辆出租车,送她到附近的医院。我呆在那里,直到她儿子来,把我们的约会。我知道我们的约会是很重要的。我真的希望你能抽出你宝贵的迎接我。 我期待着你的来信。 你真诚的。 英文道歉信 篇 Der David:, m afraid tht yo ill inkmnpadnbly neglint n nothavinnswerd you ettrdated , ecbr onr, but when I hv td you therea, Itrustyo wil b ovincehat te neect s excusble. Wen

4、your leer arived, Iws jstn Hon Kong smy fl old notforward it t me duing my benc, has been,threfor,lyig on my desk ul t montwen I tok it up.Now the first thin tosten odo s to writeo ou theselnes to expss my deep egrt.ours, Sara 英文道歉信篇3 Dea XX, Iam so sorytha I walat to elss ths rningAthgh cause tht I

5、sse th bus s that I hado waitnthr 1minutesfnet n, sti need totake te fuesponsibilty fo it If you would accept my aplogie,that ldbe great. promiss you tat I wilnb lat toylss ain Yors increy ony Blair 英文道歉信 篇4 Dear r. M.(no: ameof he edit), am terribly sory owrite this eer o u formy aplog. hn Iknowabo

6、ut this afair, as not to c starle ad hoced, becuse aftethe sudet sentte samearticle to tw of yor agznes, I had font fro my Email massae.Ieiately I gave he suet very eroscritizes Anyow, on the fllowin d, the “AM”(ot:am othejornal), e ofhe t magazine, av tefebak repose, sing that hiartcleis rejetd for

7、 sme eason. herore, I took it forgrand tht theris n more roblemo “oe paer for two gazies”, a neglecedology. NoIdo reie his erou atter and el bsoutely srryabu that. As r this coverable tin, mtblam. Iwasso caelss with my sudesaton. Ts is a warning to e to b or careful in th uur.Alhuh the studets ditri

8、bting n article to two magzies iithou my permissionbuonly he ow actio, not want to ecapefom my resosili asa teachr.In this regar, I am deepl disppoitedndsaddeneHwever,I wish hi mae will teah my stuen leson. Lsty,I woud ike now o aplogize t you allt trouls anprobems that hav hppened. Ipoise that ths

9、kin f hn wil neer happn agai hopeI anhavr frgivenss, n please give echastocotac wth ou n the futur. Thnk yfolistenng owhat aead. Sncerely yur, A.B.(is) 英文道歉信 篇 Dear Pro. Patent, I am very sorry to ino you at I dd not anage t compleetebookrort youassiged a wek, due to sdn llne faling upon me few ay a

10、go For thepast fe ys I hve been i hpitl wth a tinus fever, whicasus peventd efrom aacademicactvity. I hrb sut the octors not. I would e vry muc oige i youould g meathe eek or the task, a my healt turin bete. Hopou candsand m ituatnn acct myplogy. Yoursfaitfully, LiMng 译文尊敬的Ptent教授: 我非常遗憾地告知您我没有完成您上周

11、布置的读书报告,因为几天前我突然生病了。 过去的几天中我一直持续高烧,住在医院,因此无法进行任何学术活动。随信是医生的诊断书。 如果您能再给一周时间来完成它我将感激不尽,因为现在我的身体正在好转。希望您能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。您真诚的,李明 英文道歉信 篇6 Dea_,I mexcesivly sorry o ay/elyo tha _ (直接表达自己不能实现先前的愿望或约定) w,I awitng you thisletto aplog o show ydeep reret_(表达歉意) Plea acept my sinceeogy_(诚恳希望对方能接受道歉). I fear oue

12、 dileased a _(表达出自己的心情,并请求对方原谅).I hopyo wilunderstnme anxcuse mfor_(过渡句). Letmeln(开始介绍道歉的原因).The reasn for my deay/absence was tt _(阐述自己当时的处境和情况). Iad noa out ecause_ (总结自己道歉的原因). Therefreits notn yowrto _(希望下次再次实现愿望) Naurally, want t ggest _. I hall bglad i yo wllknd tead tll me when d whre you_(约定

13、下次约会的时间和地点)Wmy meet aginand Ihoe o s you n.Sincrely Yours, i Hu 英文道歉信篇7Derate: Exce m for my log dlaininretunng to yu youRobnson Crusewich I reathrou with greatinterest. I hafise edig e ok and wasabot torturn thn my cusn cae to see m.Never havineen the o, he waso nteste in it hat Ih to ein t lger ever,I hope thatiview o theaddiionl dlghts affoddbyur bo,yuwill overloomy negligene i not turnng sooner Thakin yu again the loan. Sinrey yours,

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