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1、托福口语有几部分题型托福口语有几部分题型第一部分:Independent tasks(独立口语)-Task1Task2(针对常见话题表达自己的想法、观点、经历)Task1:例如:1.此题目没有正确答案,你完全可以基于你自己的经历,想法来答复。2.时间最好要用完,或者至少说够40s。3.一定要给出详细的例子和细节。Task2:例如:1.先说明你的观点,然后给出详细的原因解释。2.可以选择中态度,但是一定要表达清楚。 如 In some cases its better to study in groups, while in other cases studying alone is bette

2、r.第二部分:Integrated tasks(综合口语)- Task3-Task6(考察学生听力、阅读和口语表达的综合才能)Task3 校园生活类考察形式: Reading(45s) + Listening + Speaking(60s) Preparation time:30s阅读:先阅读一段短文: 学校的通知 或者 学生对学校的提议, 以及对应的两个原因。听力:听两个学生的对话,其中一个学生会表示同意或者不同意阅读的内容,并且给出相应的两个原因。口语:你的任务是结合阅读内容,概括学生的态度以及两个原因。Task4:学术类考察形式: Reading(45s) + Listening + S

3、peaking(60s) Preparation time:30s阅读:先阅读一段短文: 对一种学术现象或者概念的概括。听力:听教授对阅读中的学术现象,进展详细的解释,通常会通过详细的例子来说明。口语:你的任务是结合阅读内容和教授的例子,概括并解释该学术现象。Task5 校园生活类考察形式: Listening + Speaking(60s) preparation time:20s听力听两个人物的对话,对话中,其中一个人会遇到生活或学习上的困难,并且他们会讨论出两种可能的解决方案。口语你的任务是,描绘该学生的困难,以及两种解决方案;并且说明你的观点,你认为哪一个方案更好,并给出理由。Task

4、6 学术类考察形式: Listening + Speaking(60s) preparation time:20s听力听教授的的一个学术讲座,讲座中教授往往会给出详细的例子来阐述。口语你的任务是,概括教授的讲座,包括主题以及详细的例子。评分规那么:独立口语1 、2两题一起评分,综合口语task35为一类评分,学术类task46为一类评分。每一类考官会给出0-4分,然后换算成0-30分。每一类对应三个等级,good, fair,limited.各分数段备考重心:口语16分Task1217分 口语23分Task12+Task35口语 24分Task35+Task46注释:独立口语的可准备性很强,通

5、过平时的积累,练习常见话题可以到达提升的效果。综合口语task35属于校园生活类,难度相对简单,建议优先准备,然后再准备难度较大的task46.托福口语:重点练习的话题1. Theres a summer job you want at a pany where aunt works. Do you plan to apply for the job on your own or do you prefer to ask your aunt to put in a good word for you. Include the advantages and disadvantages of yo

6、ur choice in your explanation.2. A person can travel to a country in one of two ways. One is to really take a trip. The others is to travel virtually by reading books and articles. Which do you prefer? Include the advantages and disadvantages of your choice in your explanation.3. Spring cleaning is

7、a popular time for people to throw out things they dont need anymore. Some people sell these things. Others like to give things away to a charity where someone else might be able to use them. Do you prefer to sell or to donate things you have no use for anymore? Include the advantages and disadvanta

8、ges of your choice in your explanation.4. Should film or television be censored or should we be free to choose what we see? What is your opinion? Include the advantages and disadvantages of your choice in your explanation.5. You have heard that a retail store giant plans to move into your town and o

9、pen a big store. Do you think they should stay out or do you prefer that they move in? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this event in your munity.6. Some say you can learn a new language in your own country. Others think you need to go to a country where that language is spoken. Which one

10、 do you prefer? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.7. People make decisions about their food everyday. Some prefer to prepare and eat all their meals at home. Others eat at restaurants and food kiosks. pare and contrast the two choices. (Kiosk: a place that serves drinks and foo

11、d in the park.托福口语高频话题解析:教育孩子的方式托福口语题目:一些人喜欢表扬孩子做得好的地方,另一些人更喜欢孩子做错了事给予惩罚,哪种教育方式在你看来更适宜,为什么?请在你的答复中给出解释。Some people prefer to praise the good things children have done; some people prefer to punish the bad things kids have done, which choice do you think is more appropriate and why? Give your explana

12、tions in your response.参考答案:郝新宇老师更支持通过表扬的方式教育孩子,认为正向的鼓励更有助于增强孩子日后继续做出好的表现,而批评那么可能导致孩子变得征服和羞怯,对日后的成长都是不利的。Sle response:In my view, I think pliment is the best choice.pliment will make children feel motivated and they might be more likely to repeat the good things they have done. After listening the p

13、raise from parents, seeing the smiles from teachers, getting the recognition from others, children will feel a sense of achievement and happiness, they will know their deeds are beneficial to others and next time they will also do good things to others, such as picking up the rubbish on the road or respecting the elderly and so on. However, if always getting punishment or criticism from others, children might bee timid and diffident, which is harmful to their growth.pliment 称赞(praise同义词)recognition 认可feel a sense of . 感到,后接n.beneficial 有益的criticism 批评timid 胆小的;羞怯的diffident 缺乏自信的;第 8 页 共 8 页

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