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1、2023年英语自我介绍视频短片(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:远离危险视频短片观后感 远离危险视频短片观后感 1、 娜娜,好样的! 星期三,老师给我们看远离危险的教育短片。看到娜娜那么聪明勇敢地跟歹徒斗争,我想,如果我能像她那样就好了。 当我看见娜娜推开坏人的那一刻,如果我在那里的话,我会劝告她要小心别伤着。当我又看见坏人掐着娜娜的脖子,娜娜就装死,我感到真替她捏一把汗。当我再看到坏人转身的时候娜娜给了他一个耳光,然后用力喊,把坏人吓跑了时,我忍不住为娜娜竖起来大拇指娜娜,真了不起! 我要像娜娜学习。学习她的冷静,学习她的机智,学习她不怕坏人,敢于斗争。 二(2)班吴泓霏 2、 做一个善良的人 看了

2、娜娜勇斗歹徒的事迹后,给我最深的感触是,慈眉善目的不一定是好人。我想我长大了,绝对不会做像片子中的那个骗子所做的事情。骗人是一种可耻的行为,绑架小孩子就更是可恶至极了。一旦做了这种坏事,他就会被抓紧牢里,吃不好睡不好。所以,我希望大家都不要学骗子,我们都要做好人! 二(2)班张丽文 3、 假如车上的那个是我 看了娜娜的故事,我有很多感想。假如车上的是我,我只会大叫救命,其他办法我就想不出来了,但我绝对不会跳车。因为跳车会有生命危险。我现在想到一个办法,就是等坏人把我送到终点,我就找机会打110,告诉警察叔叔我父母的电话,同时把坏人抓住。 另外,我也懂得了,出门要跟着爸爸妈妈。以后,我再也不乱跑

3、了。 二(2)班王浩然 推荐第2篇:自我介绍简短片 个人简单的自我介绍 我最喜欢的就是动画片了,童年时候的漫画一部又一部的在我脑海中闪过.如果大家支持的我会去找更多的动漫片的主题曲来发给大家.我是个90年后的人,我是一个很喜欢看动漫片的人,我喜欢漫画的原因是里面的情节(幽默,感动,友情)还有许多.如果喜欢漫画的朋友也可以加我的q.xxxxxxxx 简单自我介绍范文二:您好,请允许我作一个简单的自我介绍。我叫xx,今天十九岁,来自于湖北省武汉。 我学的是电子商务与网站开发专业,能从事网站设计、网络营销、销售、商务、电脑操作相关工作,有半年工作经验。 本人性格乐观、开朗,有上进心、进取心,对工作认

4、真负责,能随时适应工作之需要。篇2:自我介绍片 1.基本进攻操作 电脑默认设置的键盘键如下 q切换 w直塞 e加速 a射门d长传 z策略 x短传 c特殊技能(也就是传说中的假动作) 2.基本防守操作 q切换 e加速 w(按住控制守门员 ; a(按住)围抢; d铲球;s x(按住)对你控制的队员施加压力(字面上就这样翻译的,其实就是抢球) 3.带球 带球:当球在你的球员脚下时,控制方向键(这个有点白痴地球人应该都知道) 加速带球:带球时按住e键 大步带球:按住e 键加速带球时,快速的按两到三下方向键,就可以把球趟起来。 或者也可以快速的轻按e键来完成这个操作 更大距离的趟球:当按e键带球时,按住

5、c键并且按斜45 度方向。 慢速带球:带球时按住c键。当进行该操作时,球基本上不离开球员的脚, 而且如果突然一下改变方向或做一个或多个假动作,效果很好(这句翻译得有点 别扭) 横向移动:按下和球员前进方向垂直的方向键即可 跳:当对手铲球时,按下c键即可跳过对手的铲球(挺难做到,毕竟挺难预料到对手是不是铲球) 控制球:接到传球时,按方向键控制球(不得不再打个冷战) 停球(接球版):接到传球时,按下方向键的同时按住c键就可以把球停住并且面对特定的方向 停球并且使面对对方球门:接到传球时,放开方向键并且按下c键使队员面对对方球门方向(一个停球竟然有四种方案,真是) 主动接球:为了使球员主动去接传球,

6、按住e键并且控制球运行方向的方向键 4.传球 短传/头球:按下x 键进行地滚球短传或者争头球。按住x 键久一些会传给距离 更远的球员 脚后跟传球:迅速的按和队员方向相反的方向键,然后按x 键。 第一时间短传:在球员带球前按x 键 长传:按d 键。传球距离取决于按d 键时间的长短 第一时间长传:在球员带球前按d 键 直塞:按下w 键。按住w 键久一些,球会直传给距离更远的球员 第一时间直塞:在球员带球前按w 键 过顶直塞球:按住q键时再按w 直塞键 二过一传球:按住q键时先按x 键做个短传,在球员接到短传前迅速的按 w 键 二过一传过顶球:按住q键时先按x 键做个短传,在球员接到短传前迅速 的按

7、d 键 传球后跑动:传球后迅速的按c键可以使球员往前跑 手动传球:控制右摇杆朝指定的方向然后按下右摇杆。传球的力度取决于右摇杆 按下的时间长度(这个操作键盘可能做不出来。又可能虚拟手柄可以) 手动长传:按住q后控制右摇杆朝指定的方向然后按下右摇杆。传球的力 度取决于右摇杆按下的时间长度(这个操作键盘可能做不出来。又可能虚拟手柄 可以,所以说加手柄是必然了) 5.传中 高球传中:在对方半场底线附近,按d 键传中 低球传中:在对方半场底线附近,按两次d 键传中 地滚球传中:在对方半场底线附近,按三次d 键,球会贴着地面 传高空球:传中时按住c键,球会飘的很高 early cro(不知道是不是快速传

8、中):在对方半场任意位置时按住q键时再按d 键传中 6.射门 射门力量跟按a 键时间长短有关 第一时间射门/头球:在球到之前,按a 键射门 调整射门:当力量槽道了需要的力度时,按c键可以使射门更精确 挑射1:按住q键后再按a 键射门 挑射2:按a 键射门时,当力量槽出现了马上按e键,就可以射出比较缓 慢并且弧度较低的挑射 7.假动作(最感兴趣的部分) 踩单车(长):按q键两次 踩单车(短):按c键两次 虚晃:当球员把球停在脚下不动时,按q或c键2 次,可以做出佯 做带球的动作 假射:按射门键a,出现力量槽时迅速按x 短传键。 假摔:q和e和z键同时按(基本上就是为了得黄牌去的) 牛尾巴:按三次

9、c键。只有少数球员可以做 上肢假动作(body feint 不知道怎么翻译):当球员和球都不动时,迅速地 朝球员面对方向适当的角度按方向杆两次(没买手柄做不出来,也不知道实际是 怎么样的) v 字假动作:站着不动时,按住c键不放,然后按与球员跑动方向相反的 方向键,然后再按与球员惯用脚呈45 度的方向键(说着就挺复杂了,用键盘就 更难做了) 马修斯假动作:把球停住后,轻按垂直与球员面对方向的方向键,之后迅速的按 住反方向键。要求球员的带球能力至少是70 漏球:在球传到球员脚下之前,放开方向键后按住e键,球就会漏给后面的队员 8.防守 抢断/压力:按x 键进行抢断。也可以按住x 键让球员自动地逼

10、抢。这个可以结 合e键使用。 围抢:按住a 键 铲球:按d 键 大脚解围:当球深入己方半场,按a 大脚解围 守门员出击:按住w 键 守门员大脚:按a 键或d 键 手抛球:当守门员持球,按x 键将球抛给队友 守门员放球:当守门员持球,按e把球放下 移动守门员:如果开启了守门员光标,那么按住w 键再按q就可以激活控 制守门员移动 (守门员光标:在系统设里的光标设置下进行。当守门员光标呈打开状态时) 8.一般控制 换球员:按q键切换到离球最近的球员 当球还在空中时控制球员:当球还在空中时,按住c键加方向键可以控制 球员预料球的落点 超级取消:当球员自动跑向球时,同时按c键和e键可以取消。 激活/取消

11、策略(手动模式):按住z键之后再按d,w,x 或a 键,可以激 活或取消这些键所对应的策略。 激活/取消策略(半自动模式):按住z键来激活或取消策略。 进攻/防守级别:同时按z和e键可以增加进攻或者防守的级别,可 以使球员全部压上,或者按z和c键可以降低进攻或者防守的级别 9.定位球/死球状态 9.1 角球 常规:按d 键 传高球:按住c键再按d 键 传低球:方向键向上按d 键 传地滚球:方向键向下按d 键 弧度大小:当力量槽出现时按方向左或者右键 近角:按x 短传给最近的队友 9.2 任意球:传球 短传:用方向键选择方向后按x 传球 一般长传:按d 键 起高球:按住c键再按d 键 半高球:方

12、向键向上按d 键 地滚球:方向键向下按d 键 弧度:当力量槽出现时按方向左或者右键 直塞球:按w 键直塞。用方向键控制方向 9.3 任意球:射门 一般射门:按a 键射门 大力射门:方向键朝上按a 键 小力射门(小力 汗自己英文水平一下):方向键朝下按a 键 适度大力射门:按a 键,当球员触球瞬间按w 键 非常大力射门: 按a 键加向上方向键,当出现力量槽时按w 键 适度小力射门:按a 键,当球员触球瞬间按x 键 非常小力射门:按a 键加向下方向键,当出现力量槽时按w 键 调整弧度:当力量槽出现时,按左右方向键调整相应弧度 9.4 任意球:一般控制篇3:简短个性自我介绍 简短个性自我介绍 简短个

13、性自我介绍范文:我是一个普通的女生,没有傲人的成绩,也没有精致的容貌,但我有可爱的笑容。我爱在闲暇时听一段音乐,或是用笔尖触碰那精美的纸张,在上面留下我的记忆。不仅如此,我还擅长游泳,掷铁饼等等,其实我还有一个梦,就是当一名考古学家,去探究历史的沧桑,当一名心理学家,去触碰心底那根琴弦。 推荐第3篇:商业写字楼项目视频短片文案 启航SOHO商务公寓 丹东商务第一楼 丹东终于有了商务公寓 秉持都市商务楼开发理念,北京雄业选择了在丹东繁华商业中心地带,开发建设SOHO概念商务楼,由此,在国际经济一体化迅猛发展的今天,丹东终于有了“启航SOHO”商务公寓,关于SOHO的概念,或许你并不陌生,但透视“

14、启航SOHO”,你一定另有收获: 具体而微,简约而不简单。四十到一百平米的房间虽然不大,但足有三米二的层高会让你体会到商务空间的宽松;世界领先的三菱高速电梯让你感受着“上上下下的享受”;智能消防喷淋系统更是在带给您安全保障的同时提醒着 “这儿,并不是普通公寓”;地下停车场、商务中心、会议厅、咖啡吧、百兆高速宽带网络等完善的商务功能,商务食堂、洗衣店、健身房、康体馆、空中网球场等更完备的生活娱乐设施,使你时刻沉浸于VIP身份尊贵和幸福的感觉中。 这里是创业者扬帆启航的战舰。CEO舵手们由此启航。 这里是BOBO族自由飞翔的蓝天。摆脱了家务的束缚,充分体验SOHO个性生活带来的无限惬意,年青人的这

15、种生活方式正渐渐成为都市时尚。 这里是投资慧眼的聚焦点。投资启航SOHO,比存款收益大得多,却没有证券的风险,比开店经营省事得多,却没有亏损的可能,由于物价上涨指数大于银行存款利率,存款实际形成负收益。国家进一步保护耕地,限制城市发展,将加剧城市土地资源紧缺,特别是繁华商业中心地段的不可复制性,决定了启航SOHO升值的必然,另外,原材料作为有限资源长期价格上涨,也是投资地产收益的原因。 投资商北京雄业永基科技发展有限公司 合作伙伴丹东华美科技大厦 启航SOHO商务公寓 丹东商务第一楼 这里是体验都市全新工作和生活方式的地方。在启航SOHO商务公寓中,都市化的工作和生活方式,缩短了丹东与世界的距

16、离。 “启航SOHO” 矗立于丹东繁华商业中心的第一商务楼。 投资商北京雄业永基科技发展有限公司 合作伙伴丹东华美科技大厦 推荐第4篇:台州招聘网七周年视频短片拍摄脚本 招聘网七周年视频短片拍摄脚本 主题:七年历程回顾 本稿:2023年9月12日 市场:5-10分钟 备注:本视频有三大部分,第一部分为企业整体拍摄,第二部分为2023年至2023年历史回顾,第三部分为企业员工整体形象展示。 拍摄时间:第一部分:2023年9月13日上午9点至11点30 第二部分:采用历史素材剪辑制作 第三部分:2023年9月15日上午9点至11点30 拍摄流程: 0:00-0:10:一辆车开入大厦停车位,下来一人

17、(甲),抬头看见对面同事来上班,打声招呼。演员声音大点。 0:10-0:20:乙挥手示意,笑容灿烂,听到身后有人叫她,回头(镜头跟随乙),丙出现,镜头跟随丙,丙充满笑容慢慢走向乙,两人并行走向大门 0:20-0:25:固定镜头,甲、乙、丙相遇看到另一个方向的丁挥手示意让对方过来,此时镜头会有个切换,先对着甲这边,等三人看到丁后镜头对准丁,丁看神看向甲,镜头切回甲这边,三人挥手。 0:25-0:30:丁跑到三人跟前,而后三人一起进入大厦 0:30-0:35:镜头缓缓向上拍摄整幢大厦(本视频有XXX出品) 0:35-0:40:手指按下5楼按钮,电梯慢慢观赏 0:40-1:15:打开电梯门镜头跟随步

18、伐走进大门,门口前台起身问候,扫过各个部门情况,最终画面定格在公司LOGO开始进入第二部分。 1:15-4:15:2023-2023照片和视频剪辑回顾(背景音乐选取温馨的播放) 4:15-5:00:选取20个人,主管、经理等员工进行自我介绍,统一背景,介绍话术:我叫XX,来自XXX。后期制作成统一画面快速任务自我介绍。 5:00-5:20:20人一起在大厦楼下一起对着镜头喊:网天下英才,创盛世基业!台州招聘网,耶! 5:20-5:30:视频中间出现LOGO,音乐为生命喝彩响起来。(结尾) 配音:用专业设备用原演员配音 推荐第5篇:英文自我介绍 简单英语自我介绍 英文自我介绍 简单英语自我介绍范

19、文 I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R.Ch ina.With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptan ce into your Ph.D.graduate program.Education background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology

20、 (NUST) - widely co nsidered one of the Chinas best engineering schools.During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department.I was granted First Cla Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students.In 1999, I got

21、 the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admi ion test.I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best re putation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interes t lies.At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA

22、(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the depa rtment.In the second semester, I became teacher aistant that is given to talented and m atured students only.This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by

23、 my university.Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.Research experience and academic activity When a sophomore, I joined the Aociation of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research.In 1997, I participate

24、d in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in Prof.Wangs lab.With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I d esigned a simulation program for transportation scheduling system.It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST.In 1998, I aumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose

25、 project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant.This was my first practice to conv ert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.In 1999, I joined the distinguished Profeor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Netw ork flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research.Soon I was engaged in the Fu Da

26、n Gene Database Design.My duty was to pick up the useful information among differe nt kinds of gene matching format.Through the comparison and analysis for many heuristi c algorithms, I introduced an improved evolutionary algorithm - Multi-population Genetic Algorithm.By dividing a whole population

27、into several sub-populations, this improved alg orithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionar y orientations.It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments, too.In the second se mester, I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Ty

28、re plant.Th e scheduling was designed for the rubber-making proce that covered not only discrete bu t also continuous circumstances.To make a balance point between optimization quality an d time cos Algorithm.By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm can ef

29、fectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary orientations.It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments, too.In the second semester, I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant.The scheduling was designed for the rubber-making proc

30、e that covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances.To make a balance point between optimization quality and time cost, I proposed a Dynamic Layered Scheduling method based on hybrid Petri Nets.The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large scale.I

31、 also publicized two papers in core journals with this idea.Recently, I am doing research in the Composite Predict of the Electrical Power system aisted with the technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel.I try to combine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimization to provide a new solution for the Co

32、mposite Predictive Problem.This project is now under construction. Besides, In July 2000, I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference (ASCC) which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation.In my senior year, I met Prof

33、.Xiao-Song Lin, a visiting profeor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside, I learned graph theory from him for my network research.These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture. I hope to study in depth In retrospect, I find m

34、yself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D.program.My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance ana

35、lysis with Petri nets and Data Mining. 推荐第6篇:英语自我介绍 - Good morning/afternoon everyone! It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .Now I will introduce myself first .My name isfrom Xiangfan in Hubei province.Im an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted pers

36、on.I can adapt different environments quickly .Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career .Till now I have one year experience in this field.As a 21 years man, Id like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career

37、.There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field.At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job.I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better.Finally , I hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry。 Thanks for

38、your time. 早上/下午好,各位考官。我很荣幸在这应聘这个职位,并且很感谢该酒店给我提供一个面试的机会。现在,我首先来介绍我自己:我叫,来自湖北襄樊。我是一个诚实、富有责任感、待人热情的人。我能够在短期内适应各种不同的环境。第二,我非常喜欢饮食这个行业,并且我把它当成我的终身职业。到目前为止,我在饮食行业有一年的经验。作为一个已过21岁的成年人,我想要体验的更深来丰富我的生活,并且在那个时候,饮食工作能帮我未来的职业规划奠定一个好的基础。做我们喜欢做的事情往往没有用,我们必须热爱上我们要做的事情,就好像饮食这个领域一样。同时,我以应聘这份工作而感到自豪,希望贵店能给我一个展示的平台,我

39、将全力以赴将它做到更好。最后,我希望贵店的事业如日中天,做饮食行业的领头人。谢谢您抽出时间来面试。 阅读更多相关知识,返回【 面试技巧 】栏目列表 +1 40 这份资料很赞 V I am me and nobody else. (有个性,吸引别人注意) 我就是我 Hello,My name is *,university graduated,with Tourist Management major.你好,我叫*,大学本科毕业,专业是旅游管理 (眼神交流很重要.不能一直盯着别人,也不能不看着对方.适当看对方). Busine morality of me is ,honesty, loyalt

40、y, dedicate to work, warm-heartedne and open-mindedne are eential. 我的性格外向、为人热情、开朗、诚实,工作主动,恪守职业道德 Also i have the coordination, and management skill, client service and communication skill, and strong Chinese Mandarin and and written language skills. 具备团队协作能力,组织管理沟通能力强,客户服务意识强,具有完善的中文语言口头和书面表达能力 That

41、s me . 这就是如此一个我 If you feel that I am suited for the job.please inform me .I do hope to hear from you in the near future.And to work for you 假如贵酒店认为我适合此工作,请通知我,我真的希望能得到你们的答复,为你们工作. Thank you .(谢谢.) 我的良苦用心.你要加油啊! 笑容是别人无法抗拒的.相信自己. 推荐第7篇:英语自我介绍 Good morning teacher Im very glad to be here for this inte

42、rview.My name is。.Im * years old.I come from Fuping, a beautiful city in Shanxi Province.My major is Electrical Engineering and Automation , then I graduated from 大学名字 in July, 2023. Generally speaking, Im a hard working student in school.I choose to take postgraduate exams mainly for two reasons.Fi

43、rst of all, I love my major but Im not satisfied with my knowledge.I wish I could have a better understanding in my major by studying here.I think the postgraduate studies can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.Secondly,I love the feeling in the university.Its full of youthfu

44、l spirit.And most importantly, its my great honor to open my ears to your teaching. Well, in my spare time, I like listening to music, playing football with friends and reading books。 Finally, I wish I can pa this English interview and I will study our university.That is all.Thanks teachers. 推荐第8篇:英

45、语自我介绍 Imperceptibly, the fourth grade to university.If I use short words to summarize my nearly four years of life, can be summarized as: reading, making friends, thinking, persistence.God helps those who help themselves is my belief, unremitting self-improvement is my pursuit.Since the school has b

46、een, I always told myself to continuous efforts, as well as their profeional knowledge, to improve their practical ability.My character? I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident.sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, singing, listening to music, but I am not lonely, I

47、like to chat with my clamates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is singing and surfing online.through college life, I learn how to balance between study and entertainment. 不知不觉中,即将大学四年级了。如果用简短的几个字来总结自己这近四年的生活内容,可以概括为:读书、交友、思考、坚持。天道酬勤是我的信念,自强不息是我的追求。自入学以来,我时刻告诫自己要不断的努力,在学好自己专业知识的同时,努力提高自己的

48、动手能力。我的性格?我无法描述,但我知道我很乐观和自信。有时我喜欢独处,阅读,唱歌,听音乐,但我并不孤独,我喜欢跟我的同学聊天,几乎都谈,我最喜欢的消遣是唱歌、上网。通过大学生活,我学会如何平衡学习和娱乐。 推荐第9篇:英语自我介绍 Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview.First, let me introduce myself to you.My name is zhang xiao.I was born on April 1,1990.I am graduating fromChongQing No

49、rmal University this June.I major in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate(研究生) courses in Chongqing Technology and Busine University which I have desired for a long time.I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is

50、Enthusiasitic, outgoing and creative.At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything.I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life.I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest.Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity! Well, thats who

51、I am.Thanks for your attention. 推荐第10篇:英语自我介绍) Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name is *, 24.I come from *,the capital of *Province.I graduated from the * department of *University in July ,2023.In the past two years I have been prepareing for th

52、e postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *in NO.*middle School and I was a head-teacher of a cla in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you. I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have br

53、oad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about *.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am

54、 able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our countrys team. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a c

55、hance to* in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance *. 2.考研原因 (reasons for my choice) There are several reasons. I have been deeply impreed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer.In my opinion, as one of the most famous *in our country, it

56、provide people with enough room to get further enrichment .This is the first reason. The second one is I am long for doing research in *throughout my life.Its a pleasure to be with my favorite *for lifetime.I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my *j

57、ob during the past two years.However, I think furtheris still urgent for me to realize self-value.Life is precious.It is neceary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profeion aft

58、er two yearshere. 3.研究生期间你的计划 (plans in the postgraduate ) First, I hope I can form systematic view of *.As for *, my expre wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as *.If poible, I will go on with myfor doctorate degree. In a word, I am looking forward to ma

59、king a solid foundation for future profeion after two yearshere. (简单了一些,望高手补充) 4 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown) I am from, a famous city with a long history over 2,200 years.It is called “Rong Cheng ” because there were lots of banians even 900 years ago.The city lies in the eastern part of the province.It

60、 is the center of politics, economy and culture.Many celebrities were born here, for instance, Yanfu, Xie Bingxin, Lin Zexu and so on .You know, there is a saying that “The greatne of a man lends a glory to a place”.I think the city really deserves it.The top three artware are Shoushan Stone, cattle

61、-horn combs and bodile lacquerware.In addition, it is famous for the hot springs.Theyare known for high-quality.Visitors athome and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here.There is my beloved hometown. 5.你的家庭(about family) There are four members in my family; my parents, my cute cat of 9 years old a

62、nd me.My father is a technician in the Fujian TV station.He often goes out on busine.So most of the housework is done by my industrious mom.Climbing at weekends is our common interest.The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredne.They can strengthen our relation, too.During my prepareing for coming here,my parentslove and support have always been my

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