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1、2023年西财复试指南+英语面试 一)综合成绩 西财的复试分为专业课笔试,专业课面试,英语面试以及一个思想政治考核。 最后查询是否会被录取,是西财给你一个综合成绩,按照综合成绩的高低来确定是否被录取。 综合成绩满分为101分(其中加分项目为1分),具体计算方式: 科学学位各专业综合成绩计算方式: (初试成绩5)60%+复试笔试成绩15%+复试专业面试成绩15%+复试外语测试成绩10%+加分项目成绩; 一般来说,综合成绩最重要的是初试成绩,因为西财的复试相对区分度不是特别高,所以想拿奖学金什么的,初试是个很关键的因素。 在复试中,重要程度是专业课笔试专业课面试英语面试,其中专业课笔试最重要,他的

2、重要程度远远大于后面2个面试,版主在英语面试时,回答英语问题磕磕盼盼,最后也有80多,看大家都是的面试成绩都是80多,所以基本拉不开差距。再说一下加分因素,我在复试的时候,特意算过,发表一篇论文,相当于初试多考了8.3分。我觉得如果处于复试的边缘,如果有一篇论文,复试就有不小的保障,我去复试时,看见不少同学都是带着论文来的。虽然大家很多的论文都是买的或者找代理发的(这个就不讨论了,中国就这样。自己去淘宝或者学校小广告就能找到)。 附:西财复试加分原则: 在有CN标志的核心刊物上公开发表科研论文的,第一作者1分,第二作者0.5分; 在有CN标志的一般刊物上公开发表科研论文的,第一作者加0.5分,

3、第二作者不加分; (二)具体复试 专业课笔试:建议多看看相关的报刊,杂志以及对西财自己出的复试用书好好的看一看,出现原题的机会很大!而且像金融这样的,复试笔试有可能会考开放式的大题!专业课笔试才是真正能拉开分差的一个科目,听说有些院如果笔试不及格,不论初试考多高都不会被录取!大家好好准备,用好西财自己出的复试相关书籍! 专业课面试:一般来说,是34个老师去面试你,老师会先让你简单自我介绍一下,然后会问你考了多少,一般都会问数学,如果数学好老师会无形的加一些印象分!具体流程基本都是进去以后抽3个题目,然后自己选2个答题! 英语面试:今年的英语面试和往年的好像略有点不同,往年都是先进去自我介绍,然

4、后英语老师问你23个英语问题,然后一个专业英语问题!这些英语问题好像都比较常规,比如你为什么选择西财?为什么选择考研这样的?今年我去复试,是直接读了一篇文章,也没自我介绍,然后问了你几个文章的问题!然后问了一个专业英语问题,基本傻眼不会答。防不胜防啊。不过有一些院,还是有英语自我介绍的,建议就是一定要给自己的英语自我介绍背的很熟,然后背一些常用问题以及答案!英语大家不要怕,老师还是很好的啦!各个院外语复试差异挺大的! 政治考核:好像一般是每个院的书记去给大家一个聊天性质的考核,复试要交一个表进去,然后老师对着表问你几个问题,这个考核不记在总成绩里的,有点流于形式主义! 然后说一下来复试时简单的

5、衣食住行吧! 1.首先,从火车站或者飞机场下以后到西财的柳林校区去复试,都需要一个很长的时间,一般需要个2.5小时3小时,要做好心理准备 从火车站,路线一般是下车以后步行至公车站西站 然后坐52路公交车 在二环路光华大道口站下车(坐10站),然后步行至光华村街二环路口站然后坐309到大学城西站下(坐28站) 或者可以,路线一般是下车以后步行至火车北站公交站,坐11路公交车 在青羊宫站下车(10站)换乘309路做到大学城西站下(坐31站) 我建议大家下车以后坐52路公交做到西财的光华校区,然后坐校车去柳林校区,不仅省时,而且很方便。 公交车只有309能到西财,而且309常年人爆多!如果你带个大箱

6、子估计够呛!校车大家都可以坐,5块钱一个人! 如果是从坐飞机来,从双流机场下车以后,坐804路公交在锦华路三段站下(坐4站),然后坐318路在光华大道口站下(坐23站)步行至瑞联路东站,坐309去大学城西站下(25站) 个人建议坐飞机来,就找个同学一起拼黑车去柳林吧。因为坐公交实在太慢了,需要3小时多。一个黑车大概80元左右,找几个人拼一下,也能便宜不少! 2.复试住的地方,去西财的东门或者北门提前订那种小旅店,提前订也就40块钱一天的样子,到的当天再订,第一很多都是满员了,第二价钱肯定不是40了。房间一般是单人间,有电视机空调 独立卫生间 和一张大床,感觉条件还凑合吧!40块钱住一个这个条件

7、还是可以了!可以从自己的本科学校考上西财的学长学姐,自己的西财同学等等渠道去帮忙!后勤有保障了,复试才能发挥的更加好! 3.在西财吃的地方的话,大家不一定有西财的饭卡。在西财校内还是有一些小的食堂可以用现金的,不过可以去西财的东门小吃街去尝尝,价格比较便宜,味道不错,晚上人超多。尝下当地特色什么的还是挺不错的,我复试就喝了无数天的烧豆奶。 4.如果来西财还想看看书的话,可以去西财的颐德楼等等楼。这里基本都是上课的地方,感觉空的教室挺多的,去复试在这楼上自习,经常看见复试的同学,呵呵!好像很多学院的复试笔试就是在这个楼进行的! 最后补一句。西财这边的天气有点难以预测,女生最好带个厚一点的衣服以防

8、万一。 1.自我介绍(self-introduce) Good afternoon .Dear teachers and profeors .I am so glad to be here for this interview and introduce myself.My name is *,a*year old girl.I major in international economics and trade and will graduate from *University .In the past one year I have been prepareing for the pos

9、tgraduate examination .(姓名学校等) I am hard-working person with great perseverance .I am open-minded ,quick in thought .And also I am very kind-hearted as well and ready to help others especially when they are in troubles.Owing to my kindne I made a lot of friends in university .In my spare time I like

10、 playing badminton and traveling with my friends .I am also fond of reading and listening musics.(性格兴趣爱好) During four years , I took an active part in all kinds of activities.I was a member of students union and worked as a volunteer*.In addition , I also took some part-time jobs as a family tutor.A

11、ll of these made me more rewarding.(实践活动) This is all for my self-introduction.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance . 2.考研原因 (reasons

12、 for my choice) Why do you choose to study in our university? Firstly ,Through four years study in university , I find the knowledge I have masted is not enough .Further study is still neceary .In my opinion , I can broaden my horizon and enrich knowledge in the postgraduate education .It is an indi

13、spensable step for my self-development in the future as well . Secondly ,as we know , Southwestern University of Finance and Economics is very famous for the academic atmosphere and enjoys a very reputation in this field . In addition , Chengdu is the highest city of the happine index.It is a city l

14、et a person feel comfortabal.I love spicy food very much ,chengdu food is very delicious . 3.研究生期间你的计划 (plans in the postgraduate study) I ve already made a plan for my postgraduate study .If luckily I got the admiion to the university , I would make good use of the three years .First , I will try m

15、y best to grasp the theoretical knowledge and set the solid foundation for my career .Second I will do researches following my tutor and contribute several excellent thesis .Third , if time is allowed , I will do some part-time job and strength my all-round abilities .In addition , I plan to improve

16、 my English level and pa BEC . 4.为什么换专业(why do you change your major) My major is international economics and trade .Through four-year study I learn a lot of useful knowledge about economics.This major emphasize practice .Regional economics is a young study in our country so it has big potentialitie

17、s.Regional development has become one of key problems.That is why I change my major . 5 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown) I am from *, a beautiful city in * province.It is famous for *.Every summer numerous visitors are attract by it .The city lies in the southwestern part of china and the climate there is su

18、it for living .There are many delicious snacks.Thanks to the government effort to protect the environment , our city is becoming more and more beautiful .Though it is a developing city , I believe it will be prosperous in the future . 6.你的家庭(about family) There are five members in my family; my gran

19、dmother , my parents, my little brother and me.My grandmother is in her eighties .she is a alive old woman livimg in the nursing home .when we go back ,we would visit her together .My father is humorous person while my mother is straightforward one .both of them are diligent .they do busine together

20、 to support our family .My brother is a clever boy .he is a freshman who study in *.he like many sports and does well in them , such as : basketball , pingpong , badminton and so on .he also like reading and study hard .All the members of my family love each other and support each other .we are best

21、 combination . 7.你的大学(about university) I have studied in the * for four years .It has over 100 years history .There are not only age-old buildings but also modern facilities .The campus is full of vigor and the environment is beautiful.It is almost green all the year round and different flowers blo

22、oms in different seasons.Every school year a diversity of activities and competitions are held and a large number of students take active part in them.The deep impreion of my university is her creativity and profundity.I do appreciate her style. 我的自我介绍就说了三句就被打断了,然后问的全是专业英语 听说会计的口语很变态啊?专业英语OMG。_ 每个专业不一样的,我考的区域经济学,老师问的问题很多,不过不是很难,面了十几分钟,没有自我介绍,专业的问题就一个,上去就去一个接一个的问题,有互动交流的感觉会比较好吧,最好问问相关专业的同学 西财复试指南+英语面试 西财证券金融考研复试试题 西财考研复试物流管理试题 考研复试英语面试 考研复试英语面试 安财资产评估复试面试题 西财考研 考研英语复试面试系列 复试英语面试常见问答 复试指南

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