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1、小学六年级英语期末检测题命题人:蔡碧(沙田中心小学)题次一二三四五六七八九十十一总 分计分A.听力部分(30分)一、听录音,按朗读顺序给下列图片标号。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,选择正确的答语,将其编号写在括号里。(7分)( )1.A.Im going to be a teacher. B.Im going to have some bread. C.Im going to the Great Wall.( )2.A.I dont know. B.I feel sick. C.Fine,thanks.( )3.A.There are s

2、even. B.I can see seven. C.I have seven.( )4.A.It is cold. B.It was sunny. C.It isnt cold.( )5.A.He likes drawing. B.Hes short and strong. C.Hed like some fish.( )6.A.Im 50 kg. B.Im 15. C.Im 150 cm.( )7.A.Yes,they are. B.Yes,there are. C.No,there isnt.三、听录音,写出句子中所缺的单词。(5分)1.My uncle is stronger, but

3、 my father is .2.Did you a boat last weekend?3.I am going to my grandparents this weekend.4.My father is an .5.Mike learned from his friend in China.四、听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错的写“F”。(10分)( )1.Chen Jie was very sad last weekend.( )2.Last Saturday was Chen Jies grandmas birthday.( )3.Chen Jie wa

4、shed clothes on Sunday afternoon.( )4.Chen Jie played ping-pong with Mike on Sunday afternoon.( )5.Chen Jie did her homework at 9 oclock on Sunday night.B.笔试部分(70分)五、看图片,找短语,把短语序号填写在图片下括号里。(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. eat good food 2. diving 3.set the table 4.take a trip 5.make a s

5、nowman6.buy presents 7.clean the room 8.listen to music 9.go skiing 10.play football六、选择填空,将答案编号写在提前括号里。(10分)( )1.Did you in the party last night?A.sing and dance B.singing and dancing C.sang and danced( )2. ? Hes tall and strong.A. What does he like B.What would he like C.Whats he like( )3. did you

6、 go on your holiday? A.Where B.What C.Which( )4.Amy had a throat. A.fiu B.headache C.sore( )5.Theres umbrella on shelf. A.a , the B.an, the C.an, a( )6.He is going Beijing plane. A.to, in B.to, by C.at, on( )7.What did you do last weekend?We football and clothes. A.playwash B.playedwash C.playedwash

7、ed( )8. are you, John? You look so happy. A.What B.How C.Where( )9.There many small houses in my village. A.is B.has C.are( )10. are my favourite food. A.Potatos B.Tomatoes C.Cucumber七、连词成句(注意所给的标点)。(10分)1.I, my, sang, friends, danced, and, with (.) 2.she, collecting, likes, stamps (.) 3.the, there,

8、 whats, weather, like (?) 4.can, us, with, he, go (?) 5.here, is, cinema, a, there, near (?) 八、根据图意填入句子所缺的单词。(每空一词)(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.1.What are you ? -Im a kite.2.Whats your ?-I like books.3.What did you do yesterday?-I .4.Whats the ?-I feel sick. I have a .5.How do you go to school ?-I go to schoo

9、l .九、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.His father often (read) newspaper after lunch.2.Ann likes (ride) a bike and (draw) pictures.3.Im (tall) than my sister.4.I (do) my homework and (watch) TV last night.5.Mike often (go) to the park on Sundays.十、阅读短文,然后判断句子是否符合短文内容,打“”或“”。(10分)My name is Jane. My grandfather is

10、 very careless (粗心的).He is a very clever (聪明的) man, but he never remembers little things. April 27th is my birthday. My grandfather says to me, “Im going to your home, and give you a present!” Im very excited. I wait for him all day, but he doesnt come, so I phone him and ask why. He answers, “Sorry

11、, I went to the other granddaughters (外孙女的)house. ” What a careless grandfather!( )1.Janes grandfather is not careless.( )2.Janes grandfather doesnt go to Janes home on Janes birthday.( )3.Janes birthday is on April 27th.( )4.Janes grandfather can remember little things.( )5.On Janes birthday, Janes

12、 grandfather goes to the other granddaughters home.十一、作文。(10分)暑假就要来临了,写写自己的暑假计划,不少于5句话。开头已为你写好,不算入五句话内。 The summer holiday is coming. 小学六年级英语期末检测题听力材料及参考答案听力测试材料一、听录音,按朗读顺序给下列图片标号。(8分)1.I feel sick. I have a sore throat.2.Mike climbed mountains and took many pictures last Saturday.3.I often go hikin

13、g with my brother on Sunday afternoon.4.My aunt is an actress.5.Amy rowed a boat yesterday.6.My father likes reading newspapers every day.7.I watched TV last night.8.Wu Yifan often makes kites on the weekend.二、听录音,选择正确的答语,将其编号写在括号里。(7分)1.Where are you going this holiday?2.Whats the matter, Amy?3.How

14、 many apples are there on the tree?4.Whats the weather like in Harbin?5.Whats his hobby?6.My sister is 160 cm. Im 10 cm shorter than her.7.Are there any bridges in your village?三、听录音,写出句子中所缺的单词。(5分)1.My uncle is stronger, but my father is younger.2.Did you row a boat last weekend?3.I am going to vis

15、it my grandparents this weekend.4.My father is an engineer.5.Mike learned Chinese from his friend in China.四、听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错的写“F”。(10分) Chen Jie was very happy last weekend. It was her grandpas birthday last Saturday. She ate a birthday cake with her grandpa. On Sunday morning, Chen

16、Jie washed clothes for her grandpa. In the afternoon, she played ping-pong with Mike. She won. She did her homework at 6 in the evening. She really had a good weekend.听力测试到此结束,请同学们做笔试试题。参考答案:一、7 3 8 5 1 4 2 6 二、C B A A A C B三、1、younger 2、row 3、visit 4、engineer 5、Chinese四、F F F T F 五、10, 6, 1, 8, 2 4

17、, 7, 9, 3, 5六、A C A C B B C B C B七、1.I sang and danced with my friends.2.She likes collecting stamps.3.Whats the weather like there?4.Can he go with us?5.Is there a cinema near here?八、1.doing, flying 2.hobby, reading 3.went, fishing 4.matter, fever 5.on, foot九、1.reads 2. riding drawing 3.taller 4.di

18、d watched 5.goes十、 十一、作文评分标准:评分原则:本题总分为10分,按三个档次给分:优档:8-10分,很好地完成试题要求,不少于五句话,用正确的时态人称,应用了正确的语法结构和较丰富的词汇,内容充实有条理。很少有语法错误,书写较规范。中档:5-7分,程度不同地完成试题提示的所要求的任务,有较正确语法结构和较丰富的词汇,条理较差,短文少于五句话,书写较差。低档:1-4分,未能完成试题要求的任务,不能写出主要内容,语法和词汇错误严重,不能组织通顺的文字,或只有少数句子可以成句,短文少于五句话,书写很不规范。小学六年级英语期末检测题命题意图及难度分析本套试题分为两大部分,满分100




22、和积极性。此命题试卷的出题思路非常明确。通过试卷的形式来检测小学生的学习兴趣、学习习惯和对所学知识的掌握程度。题目类型符合小学生的心理特点和教学目标要求。下面就命题试题谈一谈。一、注重基础知识的考查试卷能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,依据课本,对一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容(如重点单词的书写,动词时态的运用,以及语言的组织等)如:第九题,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.His father often (read) newspaper after lunch.2.Ann likes (ride) a bike and (draw) pictures.3.Im (t

23、all) than my sister.4.I (do) my homework and (watch) TV last night.5.Mike often (go) to the park on Sundays.这些知识能充分提高学生的英语知识的综合运用能力。二、突出语言的交际功能英语作为一种语言,是一种交际的工具,而小学英语教学根据小学生的年龄特点和语言学习的规律,确立以听力能力的培养为主要目标,读写跟上的原则进行。如:第二题,听录音,选择正确的答语,将其编号写在括号里。( )1.A.Im going to be a teacher. B.Im going to have some br

24、ead. C.Im going to the Great Wall.( )2.A.I dont know. B.I feel sick. C.Fine,thanks.( )3.A.There are seven. B.I can see seven. C.I have seven.( )4.A.It is cold. B.It was sunny. C.It isnt cold.( )5.A.He likes drawing. B.Hes short and strong. C.Hed like some fish.( )6.A.Im 50 kg. B.Im 15. C.Im 150 cm.(

25、 )7.A.Yes,they are. B.Yes,there are. C.No,there isnt. 此题主要考查学生对重点句型的听力理解和快速反应能力。三、渗透语言综合运用能力的考查语言学习是为了交际。小学英语教学不仅要给学生一些基本的语言知识,而且要教给学生运用语言的方法和能力。在试卷的问题设计上,增加了对学生阅读理解能力和活用语言能力的考查。如: 第十一题,作文:暑假就要来临了,写写自己的暑假计划。从内容上来看,作文题材与学生的实际生活很贴近,学生能根据课本所学知识自由发挥,把自己所想的,所要干的事情以英文书面表达的形式展现出来,充分体现了“以生为本”的命题思想。 总之,在新课程标准理念的指导下,我们要认真地钻研教材,不断地探索英语命题的新思路,结合我们学生的实际情况和小学英语课堂的教学模式,制定出更合理、更科学的英语命题,使我们学生的英语综合知识和运用能力得到更好的发挥作用!

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