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1、北京新东方学校新 概 念 语 法 精 粹Guide to New Concept English Grammar三册提高班N C E新东方新概念英语培训中心NEW ORIENTAL NCE TRAINING CENTER(内部资料,翻印必究!)新 东 方 新概念培洌简介新 东 方 新 概 念 英 语 培 训 自 推 出 以 来,以其无与伦比的独特魅力及公认的效果享誉全国.断 东 方 新概念 英 语 部 由 著 名 的 口 语、实 用 英 语、新 概 念 激情英语教学专家江博先生创立并 主 持.培 训 教 空 现 已 遍 及 海 淀 区、东 城 区.西 城 区.朝 阳 区,宣 武 区,培 训 学

2、 员 两 万 多 人 次,并逐步步 成 以 北 京 为 中 心,辐 射 至 上 海.广 州 的 标 准 化、规 模 化 培 训.新 东 方 新 概 念 因倍受 学 员 赞 誉 与 推 崇,现 巳 成 学 员 全 面 提 高 英 语 听、说、读、写、译 综 合 素 质 与 实际运用能力的首选培训课程.新 概 念英语(.V e v Concept English)作 为 全 世 界 最 为 经 典 地 道 的 英 语 学 习 宝 典,早已成为 英 语 学 习 者 的 必 选 教 材.它 以 其 肝 密 的 体 系 性、严 谨 的 科 学 性、精 湛 的 实 用 性、浓郁的趣味性 深 受 英 语 学

3、 习 者 的 青 睐.我 们 将 一 加 既 往,努 力 探 索,采 用 由 江 傅 先 生 独 创 的 全 新 独 到 的 激情 联 想 阶 梯 式 教 学 法 和 多 角 度,全 方 位 的 教 学 手 段,并 辅 助 以 丰 富 多 彩,新 颖 实 用 的 补 充 材 料,逐 步 培 养 学 员 听、说、读、写、译 五 大 英 语 技 能.我 们 将 充 分 挖 掘 学 生 的 英 语 学 习 潜 力,使学员 在 经 过 一 定 阶 段 循 序 渐 进 的 培 训 之 后,英 语 水 平 与 实 用 能 力 都 有 一 个 质 的 飞 跃.我 们 坚 持“以 学 生 为 本 R 的 培

4、训 理 念,以 提 高 国 民 的 英 语 素 质 为 培 训 目 标,努 力 探 索,开创 出 一 条 科 学 统 一.高 效 独 特 的 英 语 培 训 模 式.我 们 严 把 教 师 关,所有授课教师都经过多次严格的筛选,并 经 过 本 中 心 集 中 统 一 的 上 课 规 范 强 化 培 训,同 时 采 用 新 东 方 学 校 严 格 的 学 生 考 评淘汰制,使 教 学 质 量 能 得 到 最 大 限 度 的 保 证.教 学 质 量 的 保 证,就 是 我 们 成 功 的 关 键!一册基础班:学习英语的敲门砖(First Things First)讲练基本语音、语调(包括所有的音标

5、、连读)及英语中的基础语法、词法、句法及句型结构知识。学好第一册,是练好英语基本功M关键.适合于零起点,或英语基础差、欲在短期内打好英语基本功的学习者。补充的 语音、语法及情景对话练习册能帮助你进一步巩固所学的知织.掌握了一册,你才真正精进英语之门。二册初级班:构建英语的基石(Practice and Progress)在掌握一册语法知恢的基刚上,由浅入深逐步讲解语法要点,使你轻松掌握枯燥的语法;通过对句型结构的分析及对词汇、短语的讲解与分析,使学员在听力、口语、阅读中能真正运用地道的句型。补充的 新柢念初级听力让你逐步走出听不懂的怪圈,而 新概念语法精练(上)使你更系然地理解语言中的重要表达

6、法 三册提高班:掌握英语的关键(Developing Skills)着用分析句子之间内在的逻辑关系,使你认识到句型的精炼、优美、实用与可模仿性,从而将其有机地运用于英语写作之中;老师将进一步扩充讲解词汇、短语及语法的实战运用补充的 新概念中级听力符让你精听各种题材的短文与英文金曲,相信你的听力一定会更进一步;同时,补 充 的 新概念语法精练(下)会让你轻松解决语法中的各种疑难。四册高级班:体味英语的精髓(Fluency in English)四册涵盖了文化、经济、依学、艺术、体育、政治、美学、心理学、社会学、教育学等三十多个学科门类,语言文字精美独到,句型结构复杂多变而又不失简炼.同时诸多文章

7、里延涵着深厚的哲思、美学及西方文化中独特的思维方式,这使该教材成为短一位欲真正掌握英语,提高英语阅读能力以及巩固英语综合实力的学习者不可多得的教材。老师在与你体味其中奥妙的同时,将大量扩充、辨析有关的词汇和英美文 化 背 景 知 识.补 充 的 新概念翻译对策及美文欣赏格助你进一步理解文章的深刻内涵.To learn New Concept English is to seek a new way towards success!坐目案谙陵沃沃,欣切显汪而斑念!相 信 或 们!只 有 加 机 念 才 能 将 你 的 美 语 去 质 与 应 兴 能 力 尤 具 地 统 一 起.泉!新概念语法精粹

8、Guide to New Concept English Grammar第 一 章 英 语 从 句Subordination关 语 从 句 主 要 有 定 语 从 句,状 语 从 句 和 名 词 性 从 句(主 语 从 句,宾 语 从 句,表 语 从 句,同 位 语 从 句)一.定 语 从 句国 定语从句:由关系代词who,whom,whose,that,w hich;关系副词when,where,w h y引导。(下面十个句子请读5遍并脱口译出!)1.The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week2.T

9、he man(whom)you spoke to just now is my friend.3.The building whose lights are on is beautiful.4.Please find a place which we can have a private talk in5 The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lowerleg6.He still remembers the day when he went to school7.It is no need t

10、elling us the reason why you didnt finish it in time.8 He has three sons,two of whom died in the war.9 Mr.Smith,whose wife is a clerk,teaches us English.10.In the Sunday paper there are comics,which children enjoy国 只 能 用th a t和w h o引 导 的 定 语 从 句A.al),nothing,anything,a few,one 做先行词指物时B.先行词前有形容词最高级修饰

11、时,后面常跟that而不是which.C.先行词前有 the only,the first,the last,the next,the very 笫词修饰时,引导词只能用thatoD 当先行词是 anyone,anybody,everyone,even body,someone,somebody时,后面要用w ho或 whom:All that glitters is not gold.、闪光的并非都是金子.新概念语法精蟀 G u i d e t o N e w C o n c e p t E n g l i s h G r a m m a r国as引 导 的 定 语 从 句as引导的定语从

12、句 有 两 种 形式:A.引导限制性语从句.在此类定语从句中,as常与主语中作为其先行词的s u c h,t h e s a m e或as联用构成,“uchas,“the sameas”和as句型.可代替先行词。例如:We hope to get such a tool as he is using.我们希里得到他正在用的那种I几B.as引导年限制性定语从句时,作用与which相同,而作为关系代词代替整个主句。(这是语法考试的一个考点。)【注意区利:as引导的从句用】句首、句中或句 后.而which引导的定语从句不能放在句首。例如:As is reported,a foreign delega

13、tion will visit the city.据 报 道,个外国代表团将访问这个城市。二.状 语 从 旬超 级 作 文 联 接 词 及 词 组,全 部 拿 下!原因:because,since,now that(既然)as,for,for this reason.结果:so that,so,therefore,consequently,so as to,as a result.时间:after,before,when,while,as,until,as soon as,since,by the time,once,lately,presently,shortly after,current

14、ly,at present,nowadays.条件:if.only if,once,unless,in the event(that),in case(that),providedthat,on the condition that,etc.让步:though,although,even though(if),no matter what/how/when-whatever/however/whenevec.目的:in order that,in order to,to,比 较:than,as.as,by comparison(相比较),by contrast(相对照).三.名 词 性 从 旬

15、:王 牌 要 点:通 常 由that或 疑 问 词 导 出.1.How some mammals came to live in the sea is not known.(主语从句)2.The attorney told his client that they had little chance of winning the case.(宾语从 句)3.The problem is what well do next(表语从句)4.We have no idea that he has come back(同位语从句)3新概念语法精粹 Guide to New Concept Englis

16、h Grammar同位语(Appositive):同位语是英语语法的重点内容,也是各类考试中的一个考点,同时,在写作中正确运用同位语可以使你的句型更加简洁得体.新概念英语第二册第一课有这样一个句子:When reports came into Londonzoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London,theywere not taken seriously.(当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南45英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没有受到鱼视.)在这里,a wild puma had been sp

17、otted forty-five miles south of London 就是同位语从句,它本来应该 放 在“reports”后面,这里却被放在了谓语 成 分came intoLondon zo o的 后 面.目的是让句型显得更为稳重.I.简 单 记 忆:同 伉 语 从 句,就 是 对 禁 盛 名 词 做 进 一 步 的 解 件 的 句 子。I was greatly shocked when I heard the news that his father died yesterday.(th a t引导的句子解称了 new s的内容,注意:that不做任何成分)We have to f

18、ace the fact that the weather is unexpectedly bad.(th a t引导的句子解和了 fa c t的内容)II.联 想 记 忆:能接同位语从句的名词有:belief(信仰),fact,idea,doubt,rumor(谛言),evidence(证据),conclusion(结论),suggestion(建议),problem,order,answer,discovery(发现)explanation(解样),principle(原则),possibility(可能性),truth,promise(承诺),report(报告),statement(声

19、明),knowledge(知识),opinion(观点),likelihood(可能性)大声朗读三遍,背下即可.III.王 牌 要 点:同位语一般由that引导,但也可以用关系代词which,who,what和关系副词when,where,why,how 或 whether 弓I 导。There arouse the question whethere could win the game.I have no idea how to explain it.一些介词词组后面也能引导同位语从句。(非常经典之功能句式,可用于四六级和托福作文,不妨一试!为on the assumption(在.前提下

20、),on the ground(由于.原因),on the condition that.条件下),with the exception(有.例 夕 卜)owing to the fact(由于.事实);on the understanding(基于.理解);The young lady promised to marry the old man on the condition that he bought hera villa.那位年轻的女士答应嫁给那位老头,条件是他给她买一幢别壁。4新概念语法精粹 Guide to New Concept English GrammarIV.分隔式同伍语

21、从句为了使句型平衡不至丁头重脚轻.有时同位语从句可以放到句r 的末尾,(杀沟通比定义.然,后才例句:)An idea came to him that he might write to her to ask more information aboutthe matter.I got information from my friend that there will be a marvelous American movie“Titanic”.V.同位语从句与定语从句之区别简单记忆:定语从句的引导词that或 which住向;中川力上语或宾语,而同位语从句的引导词that只起连接t 句和从

22、句之作用,不用作任何成分.示例:I,ve got an answer that A is right.1同位语从旬.that 不做成分)Ive got an answer that surprised me a lot.(定 i普 从 句.that 做定语从句的 t 语、VI.王 牌 重 点:可 以 充 当 同 伍 语 的 词 组 式 短 语。1)名词短语.(使句型更为简湖Bill Clinton,the president of America,came to China to pay an official visit in 1998.Lu X un.one of the greatest

23、 essayists in China,played an overwhelminglyimportant role in Chinese literature history.2)动名词词组亦可用作同位语:别忘了加逗号.(使句型更为流畅、I m crazy about the game,playing baseballGoing to concert,that sounds a great idea3)不定式短语。(陌生只是常握的开始)The problem what to do next remains unsolved.Her claim to have finished his wor

24、k is nothing but a white lie.4)形容词词组。(有逗号隔开)All the workers,young or old.should be treated equally.Young man,short or tall,should have the right to take the opportunity.VII.同 信 语 的 引 导 词。(重要!这是中高级写作中不可缺少的引导成分)引导词用来表示同位语与它所说明的同位成分之间的关系:1.namely,that it is,that is to say(也就是说),in other words(换句话说),o r

25、.forshort表示等同关系。2.such ast say,so to speak(譬如说),including(包括),for instance(或 forexample(e.g./eg).表示举例和列举关系。3.especially,mostly,chiefly,or better,in particular,particularly 表示突出重点.(在高难度阅读中表示后面的部分为更重要或更突出的部分,是出题的关键点.)5新概念语法精粹Guide to New Concept English Grammar测试精编I.选择正确选项:1.all behavior is learned be

26、havior is a basic assumption of social scientists.A.Nearly B.That nearlyC.It is nearly D.When nearly2.The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware_she had gone.A.where that B.of whereC.of the place where D.the place3.Susan hasnt written us for a long time.-W hat do you s

27、uppose to her?A.that happened B.happenedC.to happen D.having happened4 May I have the loan?_you offer good security.A.But B.Unless C.Provided D.But for5 Gorillas are quiet a n im a ls.th e y are able to make about twenty differentsounds.A.how B.in spite of C.because of D.even though6.The little Whit

28、e House in warm springs was the Georgia home of PresidentFranklin-D.Roosevelt there on April 12.1945.A.who died B.died C.while died D.he died7.Essentially,a theory is an abstract,symbolic representation of reality.A.what it is conceived B.that is conceivedC.what is conceived to be D.that is being co

29、nceived of8.Seeds usually germinate the temperature is favorable.A.if B.whereas C.as a result D.in consequences9.Francis Preston B la ir.J r.b o r n in Kentucky,lived and practiced inMissouri.A.was B.he was C.although D.who he was10.,work songs often exhibit the song culture of a people in a fundame

30、ntalform.A.They occur where they areB.Occurring whereC.Where they occurD.Where do they occur6断抵念童法植控Guide to New Concept English Grammar第二章 虚拟语气THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD度 物 语 气 用 来 表 达 不 可 能 或 喧 以 实 现 的 愿 里,与 事 实 相 反 的 做救,通 帝 分 为 及 本 的 三 种 形 式。1.与 现 在 事 实 相 反 的 虚 拟:If+did/were+.,.wouldshouldcould+do(动词原形

31、)mightIf I were you.I would go abroad at once.(I um not you.)If he knew it now,he could help me.(He doesn 7 know it now.)2.与过去 事 实 相反的虚拟:If+had done+.would(might)have done.If I had known your telephone number yesterday,I would have phoned you.(I didn 7 know your telephone number.)If you had come her

32、e a little earlier just now,you might have met her.(You didn 7 come here earlier,)3.与将来事实相反的虚拟:(0.If+should+v.,.would+v.(可能性很小)(译 作“万一”)If it should rain tomorrow,you could stay at home.If I should fail,what should I do?(2).If+did/were to+v.,would+v.(完全不可If the sun were to rise in the west.I would l

33、end you the money.If you finished it in 3 minutes.I would give you my car.4.金牌特殊重点:!简单联想记忆:下列动词后的“宾语从句 中需要用虚拟形式,即should+动词原形,should在美国英语中要省略(TOEFL语法考点)、此类常见的动词有:order,ask,decide,demand,require,recommend,suggest(建议)insist(坚决要求),advise,etc.7新概念语法精粹_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

34、_ _ _G u i d e t o N e w C o n c e p t E n g l i s h G r a m m a r例句:He suggested that we(should)help them with English.The teacher ordered that the homework(should)be finished within half an hour.下列名词后的同位语从句中要用“should 动词除形”(should可省去)的虚拟。suggestion,order,request,demand,importance,proposal.He made a

35、 suggestion that we(should)have a fancy dress party.I think it is a thing of importance that it(should)be done soon.It is/was important/necessary/natural/essential/advisable/strange/surprising,etc.+that+主语+should+v.It is strange that you should say such a thing.It was important that you should tell

36、me all the information.w ish后的宾语从句中,as i f后的状语从句中,须用F列的虚拟形式:wish+(that)fe+did/were(指现在)had done(指过去)would.(指将来)I wish that I met my uncle now.I wish I had met my uncle yesterday.I wish I could meet my uncle tomorrow.It is(high)time that did/were.It is time that you went to bed.would rather that.+did

37、/were.I would rather that you were not here now.would sooner that+did/were.I would sooner that you got up earlier.I would sooner that you were not my brother.恻试精编!i .选择正确选项:1.1 he had taught me the word,but he didnt.A believe B.hope C.wish D.think2.The man in charge recommends that this matter at th

38、e meeting.A would be discussed B.will be discussedC.be discussed D.may be discussed3.lt is raining now,otherwise we go out play.A.could B can C.mayD.will8新概念语法精粹 Guide to New Concept English Grammar4.he come late,give him the message.A.Had B.Should C.Would D.Did5.Hadn t my car broke down.I the train

39、.A.would have caught B.might catchC.could catch D.would catch6.1 would have helped him if I had time,but I.A.havent B.had C.didnt D.wouldnt7 The dam was built in time to protect the inhabitants from the flood;A.otherwise the damage would be beyond measure.B.the damage.otherwise,should be very great.

40、C.the damage could have been very serious otherwise.D.the damage caused.therefore,many of them homeless8.It is natural that an employee his work on time.A.finishes B.finish C.can finish D.finishs9.1 would go abroad but that I poor.A.am B.was C.shall be D.were10.Dont act as if you the only pebble on

41、the beach.A.are B.were C.have been D.would be9新概念语法精粹Guide to New Concept Enqlish Grammar第三章 代替与省略SUBSTITUTION AND OMISSION英语中,为了避免不必要的重复,经常用s。,not,t。,d。,does代替前面出现的动词或相关内容。如:He translated the article better than/did.(did 代替 wrote it)Do you think she is clever?/think so.(so 代替 she is clever)从上两例中看出,

42、do/does/d id代替动词“s o与not”代替某个词、短语、句子等,通常用于hope,think,believe,expect,suppose,be afraid,fear,imagine,etc 后作宾语。E g.Is it correct?-I m afraid not(not correct)(3)“to”用作不定式,常跟随下歹U动词:want,mean,hope,expect,refuse,seem,intend,be,afraid,etc.E g I asked him to go to the party,but he refused to.(go to the party

43、)“do so,d。that,d。it”用来代替动态动词,而不能代静态动词。Eg-He gave up studying English.Why did he do so?(=give up studying English)The dish tastes nice.Yes.so it does,(tastes nice)(此句不能用较does it或it does so因taste属静态动词(5)为使语言精炼,避免不必要的重复,对话中常用省略形式。Eg.He is thinking of buying a car?Is he?(这里,thinking of buying a car”被省略

44、T.)-Will he come back in time?一Perhaps.he will come back in time.)10新概念语法精粹Guide to New Concept English Grammar测试精编l.选择正确答案:1.一 Shall I wake you up tomorrow?-Yes,A.please do B.you shallC.you will D.you may2.I think records are often an actual performance.A.as good as or better thanB.as good or bette

45、r thanC.like good or better thanD.as good as any other3.If he doesnt come to work,he may be fired.Surely he isnt so foolish not to realize that.A.so B.and C.but D.as4.Dont you think Alans health has been ruined by smoking?一 Yes,he told me himself.A.the fact B.this thing C.It D.so5.Will you go home t

46、omorrow evening?一 No.Tm going to a lecture,or at least.Im p la n n in g.A.on B.to C.so D.It6.I slipped on the stairs,I think my arm is broken.Oh!I.A.do not hope so B.do not hopeC.hope not so D.hope not7.California relies mainly on income from fruit crops,and.A.Florida also B.Florida tooC.Florida is

47、as well D.so does Florida8.一 Have you been here long?A.No,not very B.Not muchC.Yes,only little D.No,only yesterday9.一 You look happy today,Mary.-I like my new dress and m o t h e r,too.A.does B.likes C.is D.do10.So you are lost,little boy.Why didnt you hang on to your mothers skirt?,but I couldnt re

48、ach it.A.I hanged to B.I did toC.I didnt hang to D.I tried to11新概念语法精粹 Guide New Concept English Grammar第四章 倒 装INVERSION根据语法要求,把谓语动词置于主语前,称为|完 全 倒 装 把助动词或情态动词置于主语前,称为|部分主装).1.副词如:in,out,down,there,here,off,over,away,e tc.句子倒装.(完全倒装,但主语不能是代环Down jumped the murderer from the tenth floor.In came Miss G

49、reen.(祥勖扬景:古金“聂人铉代码时才创4。)Away she w e n t!(她走了!)Here you are!(你在这儿!)2.only 副 词(介词短语)位于句首,句子要倒装.Only then did he realize that he was mistaken.Only by working hard can we succeed in doing anything.3.well,sot often,such,few,little 放于句苜,句子形成倒装So fine was the weather that we all went out lying in the sun

50、.Well did I know him and well did he know me.4.否定词或具有否定意义的词及词组用在句苜时,句子须倒装。此类词有:neither,nor,hardly,scarcely,rarely,seldom,not,never,not only,barely,at no time,nowhere 等。eg.-Jack could not swim.Neither could TomNever have I seen such a good movie.5.a s引导让步状语从句,须 倒 装.(准确地说,是将需要强调的词提到a s的前面Rich as he is

51、.he spends a cent on charity.Try as he does,he never seems able to do the work beautifully.6.在表示祝愿的句子中.May you make greater progress!(愿你取得更大进步!)7.在虚拟条件句中,连 词i f省略时,句型要倒装,即将were,had,should等词提到句首.Were I you,I would go abroad to take advanced study.我要是你,就出国进修了.Should he come tomorrow,he would help us t

52、o settle the problem.他要是明天来的话,他会帮我们解决这个问题的.8.百分特例重点:Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste,we are no longer free tochoose the things we want.(NCE Book ill Lesson 26)尽管我们为自己的绝好鉴赏力感到自豪,但我们已经无法自由地选择我们所需要的东西了。(可参见5)新概念语法精辟_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Guide to Ne

53、w Concept Enqlish Grammar网试精编I .选择正确选项:1.Not until the mid-nineteenth-century discovery of vast deposits of borates in theMajave Desert relatively common.A.borax becameB.did borax becomeC.and borax becomeD.boraxs becoming2.received law degrees as today.A.Never so many women haveB.Never have so many

54、womenC.The women arent everD.Women who have never3.the Bobs belongings that he carried them in a bundle slung over hisshoulders.A.Were so few B.Few were soC.So few were D.They were so few4.Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother to swim.A.how will it learn B.will it learn howC.it

55、 will learn how D.and it leams how5.Not only a promise,but he also kept it.A.did he made B.he madeC.did he make D.he makes6.Nowhere in the wo r l d.A.travelers can buy so much beauty for so little as in Hawaii.B.no one can buy so much beauty for so little money as Hawaii.C.so much beauty can be boug

56、ht for so little money in Hawaii.D.can travelers buy so much beauty for so little money as in Hawaii.7.No sooner gone home than it began to rain heavily.A.had I B.have I C.I had D.I have8.Not for a moment_ the truth of your story.A.he has doubted B he doubtsC.did he doubt D.he did doubt13新概念语法精粹 Gui

57、de to New Concept English Grammar9 succeed in doing anything.A.Only by working hard we canB.By only working hard we canC.Only by working hard can weD.Only we can work hard10.Never before in similar c irc u m s ta n c e s.A.a British Prime Minister had refused to step down.B.did a British Prime Minis

58、ter have refused to step downC.a British Prime Minister did have refused to step down.D.had a British Prime Minister refused to step down.11 People might avoid many accidents these methods been adopted before.A.that B.were.C.have D.had12 arose the problem that the boy will never overcome the great d

59、ifficulties.A.It B.This C.Here D.Those14新概念语法精糅_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Guide to New Concept English Grammar第五章形容词ADJECTIVES定义:形容词是用来修饰名词的词,描述名词的性质、外观、特点等。功能:形容词可以做定语、表语或补助语。分类:主要分为两类:描绘性形容词和限定性形容词。描绘性形容词主要用来描绘大、小、新旧、颜色、质量等.限定性形容词主要用来限定所修饰词的数量、距高及范围所属等.1.当形容词修饰单数可

60、数名词时,必须与冠词连用:a lovely girl,the naughty boy2.形容词可与系动词连用,做表语,说明主语的性状常用系动词有:be,become,seem,appear,feel,look,taste,smell,sound,remain,go,turn,keep,stay,etc.The dish tastes delicious.The music sounds sweet.The milk went bad小心略B l:feel,smell,taste,look,keep有时可以用作实义动词,并可以用副词修饰He looked me up and down caref

61、ully.I tasted the SOUD slowly to see whether it was salty.3.形容词用作后置定语。(箱单双解:一露.的我京词修钟名词时改在名词甘面,但有些形去词性件名句时放在名词的后面)a river navigable(一条可通航的行)sight visible可见的景象person responsible(负卡人J 注意:responsible person(有责任心的人)the best way possible(尽可能好的办法)the number necessary(处要的数量)the people present(A 场的人)4.只能作表语

62、的形容词1.某些表示健康状况的形容词。w e ll(才体好的),ill.faint,poorly(今体不好的)示例:His mother has been ill for a long time.粒别过毒:sick是个特例。之此可做息语,有可做定语。He is sick for a couple of days.(他玛西三天了)He is a sick person.(他是个篇人。)2.某些以a-开头的形容词。如:afraid(雷柏的),alone(肚 的 J,alive f 活母 的 J,asleep 的),awake(fit卷的入aware(意也刊的)新概念语法精粹_ _ _ _ _ _

63、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Guide to New Concept English GrammarThe old man is alone in the house.(老人一小人在家)The teacher is alive with enthusiasm.(这位亳师热楠不溢。)He is asleep in his mother*s arms.(他左孝东的怀抱中虺着 了。)I have bena aware of the difficu!ty.(式巳经老也 刊了 国唯。)5.当一系列形容词修饰名词时词,须注意排列顺序:代明形

64、容词数录形容词+性状形容词名词.(下图看起来费劲,看透了绝对实用)Eg.a broken small old gray stone bridge,such a good yellow pen.测试精编I.选择正确选项:1.The Chinese food served in American restaurant is not bad but I preferA.Chinese food authenticallyB.Chinese authentic foodC.food Chinese authenticallyD.authentic Chinese food2.lessons were

65、not difficult.A.Our first few short EnglishB.Our few first short EnglishC.Our few first English shortD.Few our first English short 1 6新概念语法精粹Guide to New Concept English Grammar3.一 Do you think that the Labor bill will be passed?Oh.yes,Its that it will.A.almost surely B.very likelyC.near positive D.

66、quite certainly4.Have you traveled much?No.I have done traveling.A.few B.little C.small D.less5.一 I was very busy.-Did you really work har d?A.all day B.all the dayC.ail the day long D all of day long6.一 Do you need anything from the store?-and some Cheddar cheese.A.Only a French bread loafB.A French bread loaf onlyC.Only a loaf of French breadD.A loaf of French bread only7.According to the information,the newly-constructed highway is said to be.A.lengthy twenty miles B.length about twenty miles

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