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1、Lesson 1,a private conversationPrivate私人的1,内容不足为大众知晓A:How much money do you make a year?一年挣钱多少B:Well,this is our first-time dating.Do you have aninterest in me or in my money我们第一次约会,你对我有兴趣还是对我的钱又兴趣?*Income,marital status and religion-these are threeprivate things that people care about.收入,婚姻状况以及宗教信仰

2、,这三个隐私人们很在意Age,weight and height are three private things that girlscare about年龄,身高,体重是女孩子在意的三个隐私爱恋帅哥 have a(huge)crush on a cute boy 媒人,红娘“go-between match-maker”漂亮女孩希望私下里见帅哥,要求我做牵线人Aprettygirl wanted to meet the cute boy in private and asked meto be the go-between.*do sth in private私下里做了某事They met

3、 in private,talked about everything and left metotally in the dark他们私下见面,谈好了一切,我一无所知两家企业有合作,我是牵线人There is cooperation between the two companies.And Iam the go-between/match-maker.*personal=private不足为外人知晓的/涉及个人的,不是工作上的要给女朋友打电话,小舅子接听了You wanted to call your girl friend but yourbrother-in-law picked up

4、 phone.她现在不在,有 事 请 留 言She is out/not in at themoment.Can I take a message?/you can leave amessage有点私事,稍候打来。“Well,its a bit personal/it a bitprivate.I will call laterPersonal/private affairs 私事A:Why are you here?你来这里干嘛一what bringsyou h e re?什么风把你吹来了B:I am here for some personal/private affairs 我来这里有些

5、私事You are not supposed to be here 你怎么在这里?(质问,责备,不应该)He is supposed to be here right now.他现在应该至U场(埋怨)*2,私有的,私用的私人物品private/personal stuff.(小东西共通,大东西用 private)私宅 a private mansion 今 mansion气派,表明地位和身份在西方,有私立学校和公立学校,前者有好的老师和设备,后者受到政府的资助。In the west,they have private schools and public schools.The former

6、 have better teachers and facilities and thelatter receive money from the government新东方是私立学校,在纽交所上市,募集了很多资金。New oriental is a private school.It has gone public inNYSE and raised a lot of money.Stock exchange证券交易所*Its all rubbish stuff.都是垃圾 junk food 垃圾食品一ifs all crap都是废话废话少说,直奔主题 cut the crap and ge

7、t to the pointConversation/chat/gossip/talk1,conversation非正式的谈话,闲 谈(书面正式)一开始销售人员设法搭讪,然后设法销售一些东西Firstly the salesman tried to start a conversation and thenhe tried to sell me something2,chat亲切的交谈(多见熟人之间,为了交流个人的情况等。)网上聊天室chat-room聊了半天家庭和事业have a long chat about our family/business.You are chatty,I am

8、talkative 你罗嗦,我健谈Have an eloquent tongue旁证博引,字字珠矶3,Chat-gossip贬义词,议论别人的私生活,三八She is a terrible gossip 专爱说三道四 个 she has a bigmouth.She cant keep any secret 她大嘴巴,无法守住秘 密-)sorry,I slipped u p不好意思,我说漏嘴了(真正的大嘴巴 have a big and sexy mouth)一些矮胖的妇女无聊,三八以消磨时间打发无聊下午Some stout ladies enjoy gossiping to kill tim

9、e/spend thedull afternoons.有人认为语法很枯燥,我认为语法很可爱Some think grammar is dull,but I think grammar is adoll4,Talk严肃的事情我甚至不记得我们上次同床共枕是什么时候了。我们要谈谈I even dont remember when last time we slept togetheron the same bed.I need to talk to you/We need to have atalkTheatre 剧 院(drama 戏居 ,Beijing opera 京 居thelocal ope

10、ra当地戏剧)go to the theatre 去居(J 院赏戏 go to the movie house 去影院看电影美国大片相当震撼That American big brand is really a hit(成功而风行一时的东西)That concert is really a hit.音乐会很让人震撼(the littleshop is a bomb)杭州人民品味不错,我们有很多的剧院和影院,每年都有很多的演出In this city,people have a good taste.Here you can find alot of theatres and movie hou

11、ses o Every year,theypresent a lot of shows*Present到 场 的-9 absent缺席的不应该少而少的今年春天气候很奇怪,在中国的南方地区,没有降雨This spring,the climate is strange.Rain is absent in thesouth part of china.她小时候没有任何的爱In her childhood,love wasabsent.Seat座位take a seat/chair 请坐,礼貌Sit down 命令/be seated 高雅A:May I sit here.能坐这里么B:Sorry,i

12、t is taken./The seat is taken 有人帮我占一个位置,我已经在路上了Keep the seat warm for me,I am on my way overA back-seat driver 1,对司机胡乱指点的乘客.The back-seat driver distracts drivers attention and putsour life in great danger.他干扰了司机的注意力,让我们的生命冒险(draw/attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意力distract ones attention 分散,干扰注意力 Pay a

13、ttentionto sth 注意:介词+宾语)分 幕后指指点点的人(贬义)公司里老板并不管事,真正管事的是秘书In the company the boss doesnt really make decisions.The secretary does/is the back seat driver.老板应该管事,不应该关注小事A boss should make decisions.He should not care aboutsuch petty thingsPlay V 玩play+the+乐器 play the piano/violin/guitarplay+球类 play ten

14、nis/bowling/badminton/golf在我闲暇时间,或者是在天气不错的下午,我会去打高尔夫球或者去塑型In my spare time or on fine afternoons I usually go andplay golf or go for bodybuilding 健身/go to the gym 健身扮演周星驰原来在一个老的电视剧里扮演一个微乎其微的角色,现在却崛起为一代影星Zhoucingchi only played a small/minor part/role in anold TV serial,but now he has risen as a big

15、movie star.世事无常,皆有可能,你永远算不准接下来会有什么。Life itself has many possibilities./there are manypossibilities in lifeYou never know what is around the cornerMaybe you will have a good luck,or maybe you will stepon a shit*生 活 中 本 来 就 有 很 多 的 困 难Life itself has manydifficulties生 活 本 来 就 有 很 多 的 惊 喜Life itself ha

16、s manysurprises.生活并不是一帆风顺,须经历,成长Life itself has many ups and downs.You need to gothrough them and become stronger.*Play a small/minor role 角色微乎其微Play a big/major role扮演重大角色Play a leading role 领衔角色在家族企业里,老板和老板娘扮演重大角色,一旦他们失败,整个家族企业失败In the family business,the boss and his wife play a majorrole.Once th

17、ey fail,the whole business fails.几十年前老俞默默无闻,现在却是语言培训领域的一代天骄/商业巨子Laoyu was only nobody decades ago,but he has risen asa business icon/star in the language-training industry.*Yuminghong is a business icon/star in the industry.俞是业内明星This company is a star/icon in the industry.这个企业是业内明星Angry 生气的,发火的 be

18、angry with sb/at sth老师很生气,90%的题目是错的The teacher got very angry at your homework.You havegot 90%wrong.Cross因为生气而凶巴巴的 why is everybody so crosstoday.Pull a long/serious face 拉着一张长脸furious狂怒的,暴怒的(通过场面和凶狠的长相体现)The furious five 暴怒五侠狂暴大猩猩,鳄鱼,狮子 the furious gorilla/crocodiles/lions oI am furious and it is s

19、erious我很生气,后果很严重Fury 暴怒 fly/rush into a fury 勃然大怒You pissed me o ff你把我惹火了不要发脾气,否则情况会更加糟糕Dont lose your temper,or everything will be worseAnger n我们会请一个朋友吃饭,我们分摊费用We would take a friend to dinner and we wouldshare/divide/split the cost我感至ll彳 艮 生 气 I felt nothing but anger(先抑后扬,突出b u t之后)*他既骄傲又骄傲he fel

20、t nothing but pride对这个年轻人赞誉有力口 have nothing but nice words forthis young manB ear/stand/tolerate 忍受,容忍Bear to do sth/doing sth/N;Stand doing sth/N;Tolerate N如果一个人嘴里长了4个溃疡,那么谁都无法忍受疼If you have four ulcers in your mouth you can neverbear/stand/tolerate the pain.不能忍受的就是无所事事/在办公室里晃/上网I cant bear/stand d

21、oing nothing at all/loafing about in theoffice or surfing the net all day long.忍受每天吃一样的东西。bear to eat such same stuff.*.1*1*1*.1*K1*1*KL*.1*KL*KJ*KJ*1*KI*.1*1*,t*1*1*,t*.1*1*1*.1*K1#KI*rT rT*rT*rr*rT*rTJ*.t*1*KL*,t*KL*.1*.1 *.1*.1*.1*1*.1 KI*1*1 KI*1*.1*1*.1*.1 1*.1*1 ,t*1*KL*.t*,t*.1 *.1 rT*rT*rT*A

22、:I cant stand it,tell h er我忍不了 了,还是告诉她吧B:We bought the lottery and got 5 million 我们买彩票中了 500万*B ear and rear kids 养育孩子*tolerant包容性好的,能够包容别人的(气度)宽容对于老板而言是非常重要的素质Being tolerant is a very important thing for a boss漂亮对于女人而言是非常重要的气质Being beautiful is a very important thing for a lady.小心谨慎对于司机而言非常重要Being

23、careful is a very important thing for a driver.I am tolerant but not indulgent我宽容,但是不意味着我纵容Business不关你的事情 Mind your own business二 None of yourbusiness.Dont poke your nose in others affairs/businesso 不要多管闲事生意卖毒品 sell cocaine/drugs-a drug store 药店This business makes easy and fast money 这个生意来钱很快,很容易Thi

24、s business makes good profit 这个生意利润很好.But you will be caged 你会坐牢的.Rude粗 鲁 的polite有 礼 貌 的well-educated受过良好教育的decent体面的,得体的You are kind of being a jerk 你很没有礼貌The textThe play was very interesting 居(J 目 彳 艮 有 趣见过interesting 和interested,已学过如下:the book/dog is very interesting and I am interested in thebo

25、ok/dogo见过excited和exciting及如下:The football match was very exciting.I was so excited,I streaked(裸奔)上述表述正确,总结出规律:以-ed结尾的形容词都是在修饰人,以-ing结尾的形容词修饰物体或动物。两句口诀:以ing结尾的形容词,表示它所修饰的名词能使他人他物处于一种状态,以ed结尾的形容词,表示它所修饰的名词本身处于一种状态。观察下例our neighbors dog is very interested in my little cat 邻居的小狗对我家的小猫饶有兴趣奇特爱好:the streak

26、er is exciting。裸奔者让人激动)the streaker himself is excited.裸奔者自己很激动总结:-ed还是-ing,不取决于所修饰的词语是人还是物,而是如下口诀v-ing这样的形容词,表示它所修饰的名词能使他人他物处于一种状态;v-ed这样的形容词,表示它所修饰的名词本身处以一种状态。这种写法为更加高深的语法准备。上述形容词都是成对出现,均由动词变化而来如 frighten 一 吓人:Frightening/frightenedThe dog is frightening.狗很吓人(样子凶狠,令人害怕。一动作对外)The dog is frightened(

27、小狗吓坏了。一动作及于本身)A frightening face 令人恐怖的脸,鬼脸;A frightenedface因为害怕,受惊而扭曲的脸。Many excited faces 一张张激动的脸孔Enjoy sth很喜欢某物/享受某物这个晚饭非常好吃,我非常喜欢你的烹饪秘方I enjoyed the dinner.I love your special/secret recipeEnjoy doing sth可表示一种习惯或某次行为(更侧重长期习惯)我喜欢和你在起 I enjoy being together with you我很安静,喜欢坐在春日的阳光下,什么也不做I am a quiet

28、 person.I enjoy sitting in the spring sun anddoing nothing at all夜幕降临,男女们成双成对,充分享受着青春和浪漫Boys and girls walk in pairs after dark falls/night falls.They enjoy every minute of youth and romance.这个蛋糕太好吃了。我非常享受The cake is so delicious.I enjoyed every bit of it.Enjoy sth all the more 更加喜欢春节我在老家和父母一起过年时,我妈

29、妈给我做了一些当地菜肴。考虑到我在杭州不可能找到这么好吃的东西,我更加珍惜和享受这样的美食。When I stayed with my parents in the village during thespring festival,my mother cooked me some local food.Thinking I could never find such delicious things inHangzhou,I enjoyed the food all the more.*have a good time doing sth 表单次动作行为-havea lot of fun d

30、oing sth我们今天在外面玩得很不错we enjoyed ourselves verymuch/had a good time in the open air.在西湖边上散步玩得很高兴have a good time walkingalong the lake和你在一起谈心,很高兴have a good time chatting withyou.*After the sun sets/dips below the horizon 下 illThe sun rises in the east and sets in the westwere sitting behind me 坐在我后面b

31、e sitting next to me/close to me 坐在我边上他经常在背后说坏话 He always bad mouths/gossipsabout me behind my back.背后中伤,暗算Stab sb in the backBefore面对着,面临着Before dangers 面对危险 before challenges 面对挑战before difficulties 面对困难Before a large audience面对大量的观众Yesterday I went to the theatre.I had a good seat.Theplay was ver

32、y interesting.I did not enjoy it.A young manand a young woman were sitting behind me.They weretalking loudly.L昨天我们去菲律宾餐馆吃饭,我们定了一个很好的包厢。饭菜很可口,但吃的不开心。有两个男的在边上吞云吐雾,太恐怖了。简直是谋杀,真遭罪。Yesterday we went to a Philippine restaurant.We had agood box.The food was delicious.But we did not enjoyit.Two men were smo

33、king heavily behind us.That wastotally terrible.That was murder.I suffered a lot2,昨天我们去了西湖边上,阳光不错,清风徐徐,景色很漂亮。我们玩得很高兴。我们在那里散步,聊天。甚是快乐。Yesterday we went to the lake.There we walked in goodsunshine and gentle breeze.The lake was beautiful.Weenjoyed ourselves very much.We walked and chatted.We really ha

34、d a wonderful time/We had a lot of fun.*Lakeside restaurants 湖滨餐馆street湖滨步行街Lakeside coffee bars/tea houses 湖滨咖啡厅/茶馆Lakeside walkingI could not hear the actors.语气婉转 could you help me.yes,I can/yes,my pleasure.Sure,sure thing.Hear 1,表示listen的结果有些人听了,但是没有听进任何东西;有些人说了,但是都是胡说八道;有些人经历了,但是没有学到任何经验Some peo

35、ple listened,but heard nothing;some peopletalked,but said nothing;some people experienced,butlearned nothing2,hear from sb=get a letter from sb.3,hear sb out.耐心听某人说完,姑娘走路滑了一下,说时迟,那时快,小伙子健步上前,搂住女孩的腰,摆出一个很酷的造型She slipped and was falling o At that very moment,ayoung man rushed up and held the girl by t

36、he waist witha very cool pose.我知道你不会相信我,但是请你听我把话说完“I know you wont believe me,but please hear me out”.*Miss a step(上下楼梯时)滑了一下,踉跄了一下;slip任何情况下都可用他快死了 he is dying 他已经死了 he is deadLead sb by the hand/arm 牵着某人的手/服着某人的胳膊hit sb in the face/on the nose/in stomach 打某人的脸,鼻子,肚子Turn back转过身来=turn round/about/a

37、round 三词:”环绕一圈,四周”,可通用。Around/about/roundadv/Prep四下里走走看看 walk about the woods/look about thehouse.逛街 walk about the shopping mall.About/around f adj 走动很快他的病就会好的,可以起床四处走动。he will beup and about soon.还没睡么?Still up?Look at sb angrily=glare at sb 怒 目而视Stare at s b盯着某人看不能再忍受I could not bear it any longer.I could not bear it any more.I could no longer bear it.Notice/watch/hear/see sb do/doing sthDo sth(时间跨度模糊)Yesterday I saw him play footballI often hear him sing in his roomdoing s t h正在做某事(时间较细)When I passed his window last night I heard him talkingwith a girl.

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