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1、美国文学选读期末复习资料Te olial Periodor The nlhtnment Revluton PeriAmerican uritnism ( rhly rom heettlemet of America inh early 17th centuy throuh he end of te 18t)一、Benjamin Frnlin 本杰明富兰克林作品:1、Por ihardsAlmnac 格言历书 - Colcti of mxims, or proverbs, on hau of woad vns fr scces. 、heAuoraph自传-“美国梦”的本源 3、参与起草独立宣言A

2、mercan RomantcimThe RmnticPerio shes fr te end ofhe18h century t te outbreak o Cvl Wa. It i a eriod of th greafloeingf Aercan literaue. 浪漫主义两大主题:爱和大自然的力量The socl and ulturalbackgrund ofRmantici:-Teyoun Rpulicwas lorishingintoa plcally,ecoomicall ad uurally ideenent country. -TheRomantic ritings reve

3、ald uniqu cracterisi o herowin thirworks dey grew n tenati ls -Te esie fran scapefom socety ad a rtun tnaturebece a em conventionof Amrican litraure-Th Aeran Puritansm as a culturl riage exetedgreat nflnceover Ameican moralvlue Romantics fequently sared crain geal charcteisti: moral enthsm, fait nva

4、ue o indivialism ndintuitvepeeption, an a presumpti at thenatual worldas ce of godness and mans oetie as sore of corution.二、 Edgar Alan Pe埃德加爱伦坡-poet, shrt story wri anditrary criti (48 oes,70hort tories)egeatly inflenc thedvotes of “Atfor ats sake.”e wasfhr ofpsychoaaytcriicism(心理分析批评),and the dett

5、iestory.诗歌的精髓就是追求美故事的主题常常是恐怖和死亡,其中还运用了象征手法。The Poetc rincipl :1.Thpoe, should besort, reable at o siting; 2 Beaty (the hythmcal creatin f beauty); . lnholy 忧伤(esecially th dah ofaeutiful womn).代表作:Fall fthe Houseofsher厄舍大厦的倒塌 Lea 莉盖亚 Annb Le安娜贝尔李 Th Rvn乌鸦 TheCask omotillado 阿芒提拉多的酒桶-gothc no 人物:蒙特利瑟

6、Mnresor,弗图纳多ounao ,筵席上男人将喝醉的死对头哄骗至地窖并砌墙活埋的故事。 三、Rlp Walorson 拉尔夫华尔多爱默生-Te chi spokesmn of New Engad Trnscndentalim (超验主义)e ws escendent(后裔)ofa lng ine of New Enlad cergymn(牧师).散文家、诗人、超验主义的哲学的重要倡导者。 AmericanranscndentalismAs philosohia nd literrymoveme, Amcn Tnsendntalism (alsoknown as “American Rena

7、isanc”) fourshed in New Engld om the 1830s o hevi a. Itis the h tidef meican romntcsm and its dcrinefouheirgretet lieray advcaeEesonand horau. Trnscenaists pe o the crl rejuena nd against te mateiismf Ameran socit.The ajor feature of Tancnntism: Te Trnseetlts plcd emhasis o pirit, or he Ovrou, a te

8、mimportant thig in theunvrse 思想 超灵 宇宙 The Transcendenalistsstrese th ioranc of eindivial. Tothem, th idivdu t mst impnt element o Soiey. 个体+社会 The anscedentast ofereafresh pereption onaus symoic ote Siitr od. atur wasnotprel matte I w lve, filedwith God ovrwheling presne自然+上帝代表作:Nature论自然-the Bibl o

9、f ransendntalsm byEmerson ; Self-Relane论自助 -是体现她的超验主义观点的最重要作品之一 Te Amera holar论美国学者 ; TheOvrsou 论超灵四、ahanielHatorn纳撒尼尔霍桑- effctd by 超验主义He arn nt proinent Pritanfamy. One of he mos ambivlnt(矛盾的)ritrs t Aeanlterry itory.重要成就: 美国心理分析故事的开创者 浪漫主义故事家 心理故事家代表作:Mss from Ol Manse 古宅青苔; Ti-d aes故事重述; Tearble

10、 au 玉石雕像; The oeo the Sven Gals 带有七个尖角阁的房子 e Srlet Lettr红字Many is erertrie dtretedhemstht led toT Sclet Letter. Pritan sverity toad ndmatrimny and it tdeyto suppes rightcora re feelings.e Sarlet Letter红字 :ester ynne-trong-willed,ietuous, akig of cmpssione, maternl fgure;Parl-innoen,perceie;Roger Cil

11、north-a mnefici n uanwrmh, treevl inthestory;ArthurDimmdale-inteligent and emoinl.mls in is worsHathoneis a maserf sybolim, hc he to fro the Putan rdition 清教徒老式andbequeathedto Aeran lieraurein rvivfied fom Inhis masterpiee,y usingPerl aathemasymbol, Hawthorneephases he nsequence the of adultey ha br

12、ugh t he cmmunity ad eole livigintommunty.With hscalet A the biggestsym of ll,hich is mbiguos, h pv himelf t b on ofte best mboists五、 Hrma Meille赫尔曼梅尔维尔he earlysig epeiece were rrding代表作: White Jaet 白外衣 Billy Bdd毕利伯德, Type泰比, Omoo欧穆, ardi玛地. Moy Dick 1851 白鲸-百科全书式性质海洋作品/动物史诗(熊 福克纳、老人与海 海明威、白鲸梅尔维尔)Mo

13、by Dick rprensthesum totl o Meiles blek viwof th world iwich he lived is a ne Gole ad purpseless. Man in thi univeselvs maninles and fuile li, meaningless ecause fuile Onc h attempts to poerover i his oomd. The ea ha mn an makeh worldforhimsef isnothnut Transcendentaistfoy. Moby ic thus eealthe bsic

14、ptten thcnturAmeran lie: lels nsuicidal inivialismin sel-tyle emocra. (a negative efleton upon Trascedentaim)ymoismn My Dc:-Iti red asthe first Amrcanprose pic It nt e awalng tl or sea avnture, considi tt eile saea smli. It rout to be symblic voyge of hmindin uest of h trth 寻找真理anolge of eniere, a s

15、tual xploraion it mas depeaiyn pycloy.-Dffntople on brd t ship are reresntaions of difrent deasa iferent socia nd ethni grups; fatbecme smolsn inidetacquie ivsal menngs; tequ is thercos of usocty andthe age becomes a erch for tut. Theht whal,MoDick,symlizes are fo evile, for it comple, unfahomable难以

16、理解的,malignant恶性的, nd beautif as well.Mby Dik有关人名、地名人名:Ishmael Ahb Quqeg oy Dick地名:Pequod Jeooam(where hey meetGariel,a rophet. Smuel Edrby ( whs cptain isBoomer) he Ral Te Deight六、 Henry Daid Thorea 亨利大卫梭罗Asa young ma, Toeau too morethn usu nterestin te nturl wld ikeEmson,but mor than him, e saw nur

17、e aa genuine restoraiv, healy iflunce onmans spiritualwell-eing, and egardeditas sol o spirit.Thoreu wavy cricl of modern ivilizaton.It was,n his opini, deraig and elaing mn新英格兰超验主义的重要作家,最有代表性的两件事情就是在瓦尔登湖畔度过的两年和在监狱度过的一夜。代表作:On theDuty of Cvl Diobence 论公民的不服从 lden瓦尔登湖-not onl flly deonstrates Emeoian

18、 ideas of sel-riacbtlso eelp and tsts Thas ow transedena phiosopy. 七、 Heyaort Logfelow 亨利沃兹沃思朗费罗atuesfLongfelows etc ork-Cief romantic endenes asuanitaran attitud, love of naturend love beauy.-Te fit Aeican poettowritnrrai poems-Genrally simple deas expssedmuscall nd poweully. be a, hereis a oyounes

19、 ith, a spirt ofotmmand fth ine odnessof fe hih evkesimmiate resose in t emions o hi reers.-mlciy and tchentfrom the dep probems conemporary life.19世纪美国最伟大的浪漫主义诗人之一。老式派,励志型。 诗集: 夜吟Voi o the Nt 歌谣及其她Bllas an Otr Pems 伊凡杰琳vangeine 海依华沙之歌The gof Hiawtha诗歌: 我射出一支箭 I Soa Arrow.APlm fif 生命颂/人生颂-第一首被完整地简介到

20、中国的美国诗歌八、 Wal htman 沃尔特惠特曼美国出名诗人、人文主义者,她发明了诗歌的自由体(Fe Vers-withua fixed beat r reguarryme schm.),Th irst edtioo Lae ofGrss 草叶集ws pblishedi185.In this gianork, opnness, freeom, and abov al, ndivialism aeallthaonernd him.Wriing fetres of Whitn-Asine for the ideal of equality, demoracy and human ignity.

21、-Sngs fomself, for te labour f comm mericanpople, nurl ceation, the ndependence th country, love andridship, and orh memorizng of Prsiet incoln.-Free vee, rhythmca nt,pneti rurrence.诗歌:我歌唱自我OnSelf I Sing噢,船长! 我的船长!OCpti! yCaptain!九、milyDickinon(9世纪唯一出名的女作家)- Died fo Bety,because Icould notstpfr Deat

22、h.美国女诗人,狄金森毕生都没有离开过自己的家乡,对她的诗歌风格产生直接影响的是爱默生的诗歌,她的诗歌预示了0世纪诗歌的诞生。宅女,想象力,诗歌(死亡、爱情、失败、无标点)Whitma: soceyikinson: iner lifeof tendvidualMost f e oems a aou danimmortaliy. aure i to r both bevoentadcrel.mily w a enegetic and outging woman whle attending the Acadey ad Seinary. Most o eroemsareabotlifend nat

23、r. y re srt; any of thema bas onasingeimag or syol作品:要描绘一片草原To Ma Pari 最美妙的胜利感觉 ucces soted Sweetest 我是无名之辈 I Noody!Te Ag of RealismThe war ldman to quetionte asumptonsshed yte transcndetlis- nturlgness,te optimitic vef naturand man, benvont GdI augh en that liew not ood, an ws otand Go was nots a l

24、iraryoemen, te AgeoRealism c into existenceterRomntcis ith the Civil War It was eacion againt “he lie” of Roniism ad sentientalism, ad avd ato Moerns.his teryeret n he so-cale “eaity” oflife srtdaw perio n he Amercn irary wriin know as The ge of RealimThethre doma fgurs of the priod:Wiliamean Hells,

25、ak Twn, Hnry JamsJames wrteostly of the uppr reahe f mricn society. owells conern mse ciefy i ddle class lif wain dlt argel wt elowersta oocity.r Twain an owells seed o have paioe ttnion to th “l” f theia, and Hry James hadapparentlylai greaerephsi on h “inner ord” of ma十、 Mark Twain 马克吐温Writing:hum

26、r and locl colorismT charcertics o localcolorism:-Twain prfereto av hisownrgind pele atthe oefrot of hisstoie. Ths paricur oncer bou the oal chater of region cam ouas “locl coloism” a uniqu varitn of mican iereals-Lcal Coorism or gioalism frstapared in the late 180s d erly seveniesinAeica.Hamlinaran

27、d definedoacisasaving “schulit fteturead acgrondthat it could n hae beewrien in anyothepace orbyanonelse than anaive” Theutmte aimo te loaoloristsisto create the ilusonof nindigeous土产的 litlworl ithualie tat tll itpart fm e orld oude.-Local oloists conrndemsels wit presentingan ierpreting the lcal ha

28、raer of hi regns. Th tended to deaie dglorf,buthnever frgot o kepan eyeon te ruhfu colorf local lif.代表作: ifen the issispi 密西西比河上 he Aentures of m wer 汤姆索亚历险记 ThAdntrs f Hulerrn 哈克贝里费恩历险记-(Mar Tins mostreprenave o) heAdentre ofHuckleberry n-h oveliswrittnin aaguage t stoalydirent fomtherhetoilanuge u

29、sed yEmro, Poe,and elille-Hiharacers, coine toa particulr regi and apartcula historca met,spewih astrong acn, wich itr of his ocal cloris.-Terich materaof his oyho experine o the isssippecme he ndlesresoures r isfictin,nd the Mssissipp vle and he West ecame hismor theme.-Hishur, a indartist tl usedt

30、oriicite soial ijuicand siriz he eayeroantcism, is reakale人物:uckebe inn、Ji、TomSw、Widow ulas ad Mis Wat、Pap􀂄TheDukand Dauphi (公爵和法国皇太子)十一、HeJame亨利詹姆斯作品:TePortitof y 一种女士的画像􀂃 isyMille 黛西密勒Teenaonal thme: the metng of America ndEurope, ian ncence in contactand cotrast wit urpeandecden

31、ce adte morl an psychoogial cplictions singhero.Lke awhorn, James egarded ev as seilly onardausd reeted empaizd manaimity ad hbeautyof odnes.Pycologcal Reism心理现实主义Iithe ealicwrig that probes dely nto the cmpleitis f haracters toughs and mtiins. And HeryJams is cnsidered te funder o chologcl ralis.He

32、ledtatrealty ls in heimression mae b lfeo te spectao, d not in nfcsof hich t secaris unawae. uch realsm s there erely theobigtionthat e atistassus oepeset li as he se it.Ameican aturalis 自然主义-Liing ina ol,indifen, and entialyGdless word, mnwa no longer fee in any sens e wa omeely town upon hmself or

33、 urvval. Lieeae strugle f svivl.-Boh Holl andTain hd itten heir bet wo and had said ha thy hatoa. pparentlyewere to ld an oo st n heir wayto rintehmselesi te nw peod-The ipct ofDarwieolutioar ory达尔文进化论n the Aecan thoughtand the19th cnry Frec literate on the Amerinn of letters gaverset anotheshool of

34、ralm: Americn nauraismTh emerge of naturlidoe ot mr adic reak i relism. It isa newand asher ralism.Thenaturalist emphasize that th orld was amoral与道德无关的, that mn ohd oree will,thatliwer contolle y herdity遗传anenirmnt, thatthe etiny o humanity ws misryin lie andoblivi湮没ineth.代表作家Stephen rane;Thedor Di

35、e;Jack ondon;OHnry十二、Stehen Crane 史蒂芬克莱恩是美国出名的文学家,自然主义手法Natuaism(Humaare cotrlledbylws of envoet 环境anderedity遗传 )。其作品特点:ralit,naturaistic,iprssionisic.同步其作品大多关注社会底层,但比较pssimitic. 海上扁舟中运用了自然主义和印象主义(光的变化)的手法作品:agge:A Girl f thetreets 街头女郎麦姬 ; The Rd ad f Crge 红色英勇勋章; he Bride ome to Yllw ky 新娘来到黄天镇 h

36、leHoel 蓝色旅店 The pnBoa 海上扁舟 ;人物:船长aptn, 注油工Oile(最后死了)厨师Cook, 记者orresndetA ManSait hUivrse n said t nierse: Si, exs! oeer, rle euiverse, The fachasnt creatd in e sense blgtion. -Stphen Craack odon:heCall f thWil;Mart EdeOHn (WilliamydneyPortr):Te Gitof the Mag;heCo nd te anthemodoreDreser:Trigyof Dsie

37、: 1.h Financier 2.he ian 3. Th Stoi; sterCarre; Jnie Grhardt; An merican TgeyTheModern PeridThe oer Peiod :The19201930 ( the cnd renaisnce of ican literatur)又称:-The oaring Tweti(economically) -Th Jazz Age (socialy) -“s” ad “wastelan” (iituall),其中,“ot”来源:Gerrude Stei;“wste ad”来源T.S.EotTehistoicand ul

38、turalbarond-TheUSAs particiption n orldWarrked a ruial sage inthe naons evltin to a wrldpowe.-By thsecod cade f e 2t cetr, tUSA a ecomete most pweul nustalizedntion herld.-The ws decine n moral stadrd a thfirst few decd fth 20 ceturywas bst describda a spiritualsteland.There had ben i flsh of w teri

39、esad ew deasnbth scialand naturl sciencs. Dawiism (Darin), ocas (Kr Marx), Psycoaalsis(imund Frd)Ther ha been igflush fnew theorie a new ideasinboh cial ndntral sciecs. Darinim(arin), cilsm (KarMa),sycoanalsis (SigmF)es neratheterm “Lost ration” came fo GertrueStin,o had a o n r hose forEglis and me

40、ican exptriates in Pari. Theras was mak he mde to mechnc Heminways presnc tat“You r lla lost enertion.”errudeteiuse t terto desribetheposWol W neration ofAmecan writers: mn nd wome huted byaseneof beraya ndeptinesbrougt at the destruteess of thewar The tem is cmmonyapplid trnet Hminway, F. cotFizgrd

41、,Eraund,rwod Aeron, John Dos asos, E.E. Cumngandsme othe.Winners f obel rizr Literatr drng this perodSincir Li(1930) 第一种获奖的美国人(特点:MainStret, Babitt); Euge Oeil (96); Pearl S Buck (198); T. Elit(198); iliam Faulke (194); Ernet Hemay(1954);onSteie (19)十三、erwood Anderson 舍伍德安德森代表作:Winsurg,Ohio 俄亥俄州的温斯堡

42、镇,又称“小镇畸人” Hands; Paper Pillsinesurg, Oh-a short story colletion coanin more a20 conncted srie about somegresque eopl-Each sy s abut ne or mpope with rlingin of passonwhic dit tr prsoalies.-Grotes peope aso psses love, pssonand bauy nobody knows bcause orpeopl in he twonly care or moey. The coletion

43、 s a bter atireon the utilitrianism hat pvaiedinAmerican societ.-Vivi icture f amal town intrionfrom rralo iusria; aeatn, oeliness, wanting f lo and understnding十四、 Sctt itzgerd 弗斯科特菲茨杰拉德merican remI the Uned ttes Dcarion f Inepndene独立宣言,ou founding ates: hel ertan truth to b sefviet, th all Men are

44、ceat qu, th he are enowed be Ceato wcertainualinable Rights, tht aongthese relife, Lbrt nd t ursuit o Hppiss. 作品 :Te Sde of Pais 人间天堂 Th Beutiul andteDaned 美丽的冤家 ap andPhiosophes 姑娘们与哲学家们 al of e JazzAge 爵士乐时代的故事 Ten is th ht 夜色温柔 T Crckup 崩溃 TheLatTycoon(finshd)Te Great GatsbJay Gasby n rivn b reed

45、, mbio ad, mostoal, an unwering esir fr a omanemt bfore het War, whh por ans wa unbtinabl. As Gsby rinents hmself in an attmpt t by his wa nto tocial elite of Long slands Gold Co,heyarnsorekinle hs romace ihte woanho stolei hrt yeas bforeB hethe cance inalyarives, sadowo traey is at over what Gatsby

46、 lon imagineduld e is tiuman oment.重要人物:c Crrawy、Jay Gaby、Dis Bucanan、Tom Buhana Jrdn Baker、Myrtle Wils、Gorge ilsonThe Gret asby 了不起的盖茨比被视为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征,以美国梦America Dream为主线。“迷惘的一代”人物:Gtsb盖茨比,Diy黛西,T汤姆,Nick尼克,Myre(汤姆的情妇),Wilson(汤姆情妇的丈夫)十五、 WlFakner 威廉福克纳 (9-1962) 149 Nobel pric:“forhispwefulad artit

47、icalyuniqueontribution to the modern Aman vel.”-He i particual inersted i sciig he dcay of Deep outh aftr te Cvl Wa.nde his pe,teaistratc familis fal toliv up to their histrial retnes.-Hrits about the iores of a nuber of southrn aristcrifmiiessuh as th Cmpso, the Sartoes, Sutpennd th McCaslin. ee teirnevitablel-aukner s adifficult

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